Nonilex , avatar

is supposed to rule this morning on ’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election.
The decision will determine whether & how special counsel ’s case against Trump can proceed — although it’s unlikely a trial would happen before Day. But the ruling could also set an important for how to prosecute presidents for their actions in office.

TAI , avatar

@Nonilex definitely a need for a new party, democrats just roll with the punches turns into being a punching bag ain't worth consideration. For once historically speaking, get out in front planning the revolt against the kingdom disguised as a democracy, push aside anything the kings courts calls law, they are implementing lawlessness for the privileged

WhiteCatTamer , avatar

@Nonilex Ah yes, precedent, that thing that this SCOTUS treats with the utmost respect.

Piousunyn , avatar

@Nonilex Apparently it is clear, SCOTUS does not have an affinity with accountability or ethics.

nek , avatar

@Nonilex Don't worry; the Roberts Court is certain to hold Don Trump accountable, along with any other future figureheads appointed by our Leaders as their blathering spokespuppets for the demolition of the Public, when they too commit self-serving atrocities. There's precedent!

citizencat , avatar

It is ridiculous that scotus should have any say at all on something like this. The supreme court has become an illegitamate body. Their legal opinions are worthless and should be ignored.

Bahnya , avatar

I’m betting on SCOTUS taking sole rights to judgement of a President.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Some justices suggested during oral arguments that they were taking a sweeping approach to the case. “We are writing a rule for the ages,” Justice said.
is facing 4 charges stemming from his attempts to overturn ’s victory in the , the most serious of which carries a max of 20 yrs in . The case has been on hold while considers Trump’s argument that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts they take while in office.

koree , avatar

@Nonilex today is gonna be dumb as shit.

LaNaehForaday , avatar

Im holding my breath this morning

Nonilex OP , avatar

seems unlikely to side either w/ or , which argued that presidents are not from prosecution. (A 3-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals DC Circuit ruled unanimously in Feb in favor of the Dept.)
Instead, the justices will likely split the difference.
They could rule that Trump can be prosecuted for some charges & not others — or they could outline a test to determine what conduct Trump & other former presidents can be prosecuted for & what they can’t.

randy , avatar

@Nonilex were (hopefully) going to find out in the next couple hours. My guess would be the very last case of the last day of the session.

I hope I'm wrong.

Nonilex OP , avatar

If devises a test: Do they apply it themselves? (Doubtful) Or do they return the case to District Court Judge Tanya & instruct her to apply it? (More likely) If the justices apply the test themselves & allow some of the charges against to stand, the case could proceed. But if the court asks Chutkan to apply a test & she finds Trump is not from prosecution, then Trump would undoubtedly appeal which would further delay a trial.

Nonilex OP , avatar

might also decide to revise the charges against to move the case forward — a possibility that Justice raised during oral argument.
If the court rules that Trump cannot be prosecuted for official conduct as president but his private conduct is fair game, Barrett asked, “Is another option for the special counsel to just proceed based on the private conduct & drop the official conduct?”

Nonilex OP , avatar

Michael Waldman, a fmr speechwriter in Pres Bill Clinton’s WH who is president & chief exec of the @BrennanCenter for #Justice, said the timing of the ruling might be more important than the decision.
“The court has already given #Trump what he craved, which is de facto #immunity before the #election,” Waldman said. By deciding the case on the final day of the term, the court has made it “very, very, very, very, very unlikely” it will go to trial before Election Day.

#SCOTUS #law

Nonilex OP , avatar

If the trial doesn’t start by Election Day, the fate of Smith’s case might depend on the election’s outcome. could tell his AG to drop the case if he wins. Waldman is watching whether rules unanimously — as it did in 1974 when it ordered President Richard to hand over the tapes, another important case on the limits of presidential — or the ruling is divided along ideological lines.

Nonilex OP , avatar

“The of the court is on the line, & they risk looking very , depending on not just what they do but how they do it,” Waldman said.
“What made the Court’s 1974 ruling in the …case so profound was not its reasoning, but the fact that it was an 8-0 repudiation of Nixon by a Chief Justice he had appointed. I certainly hope that the Court finds a way to present a united front in whatever it decides in ’s case. But…I’m not optimistic,” Vladeck wrote.

Kencf618033 , avatar

As a Kid, I greatly appreciate this historical perspective.

Yoshi , avatar

@Nonilex I've come to the conclusion the best path forward is for to rule presidents have absolute immunity. can use that to order to arrest and terminate with extreme prejudice. Preferably from a chopper at 6000 feet over a shark feeding frenzy.

Nonilex OP , (edited ) avatar

there are two boxes of opinions this morning holding the final three decisions of the term.

The first of three final rulings to be released is about the statute of limitations to challenge fees that retailers can be charged by banks for debit card transactions. The case is Corner Post v. Federal Reserve.

dbc3 , avatar

@Nonilex betting immunity is in separate box and will be last

Nonilex OP , avatar

The court has issued its ruling in v. & V. NetChoice, blocking both the Florida and Texas social media laws while litigation continues in lower courts. Here is the ruling.

Nonilex OP , avatar

ruling 6-3 liberals in dissent.

“entitled to presumptive immunity for official acts”

“A former president is entitled to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his ‘conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority,’ the ruling says. “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”

unabogie , avatar

@Nonilex so unofficial acts are...staging a coup?

FinchHaven , avatar


From Webster:

"Preclude Uses Within and Outside Law

Preclude is often used in legal writing, where it usually refers to making something legally impossible.

A new law may be passed by Congress to preclude any suits of a certain kind against a federal agency, for example.

Some judges have found that the warnings on cigarette packs preclude any suits against the tobacco companies by lung-cancer sufferers. ..."

LinuxAndYarn , avatar

@Nonilex Neal Katyal says on MSNBC that Trump's therefore immune for pressuring the Justice Department but kicked the question of leaning on Mike Pence, state Secretaries of State and other non-federal officials back to the lower courts.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Here is the 119 page on

The has remanded the case to the Federal District Court judge overseeing the matter, Tanya , to determine the nature of the acts for which Trump has been charged — which are unofficial ones he undertook in his personal capacity & which are official ones he undertook as president.

Nonilex OP , avatar

“The president is not above the , but Congress may not criminalize the president’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the executive branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by the Framers has always demanded an energetic, independent executive. The president therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, & he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his ofcl acts.”

Nonilex OP , avatar

Justice dissent:

“Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be from prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal . Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such .
…if the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop. With fear for our , I dissent."

jenzi , avatar


Write Biden and let him know you support him shooting Trump at the next debate.

LALegault , avatar


Keep Sotomayor, throw the rest into the sea.

Probertd8 , avatar

@Nonilex It would seem to mean Nixon was actually correct?

Nonilex OP , avatar

A key quote from the ruling:

is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.”

powersoffour , avatar

@Nonilex the implications here are beyond belief

Nonilex OP , avatar

Chief Justice says ’s pressuring of was certainly official conduct, but leaves open the question of whether it counts as the core kind that Trump is absolutely for, or a lessor kind where he has only a presumption of that can be overcome.

DrGeof , avatar


This decision is "one for the ages" alright. A supreme lesson in carving a decision designed to protect Trump yet smother the democracy in bullsh!t..

Given Chump is a clear and present danger to the USA, Biden may have to "destroy the village to save it" and put Chump (& his conspirators) in prison, now.

Nonilex OP , avatar

grants fmr presidents an expansive amount of protection against prosecution by ruling that there is “presumption of ” for acts that fall within “the outer perimeter” of a president’s official duties. That’s the same broad standard that protects presidents & fmr presidents against lawsuits. Whether the “outer perimeter” test holds up in ’s case remains to be seen.

Nonilex OP , avatar

’ decision finds not only that a president can’t be charged for any official acts, but also that evidence involving officials can’t be introduced to bolster accusations made about unofficial acts. If I’m reading this right, Chief has reversed himself from his position during oral arguments.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Chief 's ruling expresses skepticism that could be prosecuted for the speech he gave on or any of his tweets that day. Roberts notes that “most of a president’s public communications are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities.” But he leaves open the possibility that Trump could face charges for his words if they were delivered as “a candidate for office.”

Bam , avatar

@Nonilex Yup. “We love you” to the insurrectionists was just “comforting the country” as Head of State. So can’t even bring it up to offer context or show intent.

Totally different than any other prosecution of a public official. And totally insane.

Nonilex OP , avatar

More from #Sotomayor's dissent, this ruling dramatically expands presidential #power — not just for #Trump but for all presidents.

“The Court effectively creates a law-free zone around the President, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the Founding. This new official-acts #immunity now 'lies about like a loaded weapon' for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation.”

#SCOTUS #law

Loucovey , avatar

@Nonilex I would say it would be prudent for PResident Biden to exercise his core power to defend and protect the Constitution by removing, by any means necessary, 6 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices, as well as Donald Trump.

Nonilex OP , avatar

More from Justice #Sotomayor:

“The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, & possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

#SCOTUS #law #Trump #immunity

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  • alexproe , avatar

    @Nonilex Well, let's hope Biden uses his new found power wisely.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    In a footnote to its #immunity decision, #SCOTUS appeared to say that the federal cases against #Trump cannot continue if he returns to the White House.
    “In the criminal context … the Justice Department ‘has long recognized’ that ‘the separation of powers precludes the criminal prosecution of a sitting President,’” Chief Justice #JohnRoberts wrote.


    starlily , avatar

    @Nonilex Yes well, if the SCOTUS can ignore literally decades of precedent and settled law, I am pretty sure the DOJ can too.
    Because clearly none of it matters anymore.

    binaryphile , avatar

    @Nonilex Wtf

    SDParris , avatar

    @Nonilex has long recognized? He seriously said that?

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    ’ majority said could not be prosecuted over ANY conversations w/ leaders. This would include & the almost mass DOJ resignations over Trump’s pressure on Dept to overturn the election results.

    dannotdaniel , avatar

    @Nonilex this is insanity

    make it stop

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    #SCOTUS#immunity ruling will also reverberate in #FultonCounty, #Georgia where #Trump & 14 of his allies have been criminally charged in a sprawling #racketeering [#RICO] indictment. In Jan, Trump’s GA lawyers filed a motion arguing that the case should be dismissed on immunity grounds. But prosecutors have been waiting on the #SupremeCourt, & have said they will file a response to Trump within 2 weeks of the issuance of the immunity ruling.


    SpookieRobieTheCat , avatar

    @Nonilex IMHO, I'm not a lawyer but Trump asking them to find votes for him to win is still a crime. Fake electors is still a crime. You can't break the law and overturn an election that you lost. He filed 60+ lawsuits and lost all but one. He committed crimes to try to stay in office illegally. Jack Smith and the Georgia prosecutors need to stay on the case and prosecute Trump.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    held not only that could not be prosecuted for official acts but that those acts could not be used as of a . “That proposal threatens to eviscerate the we have recognized,” Chief Justice wrote. “It would permit a prosecutor to do indirectly what he cannot do directly—invite the jury to examine acts for which a President is immune from prosecution to nonetheless prove his liability on any charge.”

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    #JohnRoberts added that getting into ofcl acts at all in the trial of a fmr president would “raise a unique risk that the jurors’ deliberations will be prejudiced by their views of the President’s policies & performance while in office.”

    Justice #AmyConeyBarrett dissented from that part of the majority opinion, saying it would make it impossible to prosecute a fmr president for bribery, for example, because a prosecutor couldn’t explain what ofcl act was taken in exchange for the bribe.


    Nonilex OP , avatar

    In his opinion, said that “the prosecutor may point to the public record to show the fact that the President performed the official act” & “admit evidence of what the President allegedly demanded, received, accepted, or agreed to receive or accept in return.” But a prosecutor can’t “admit testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing the official act itself” or allow the jury to “inspect the motivations” behind the act.

    DoesntExist , avatar

    In other words, reasonable doubt is now guaranteed.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    In dissent, Justice #Sotomayor said that rule effectively makes any prosecution of a fmr president impossible bc w/so much #evidence off-limits, #intent would be extremely difficult to prove. “The majority’s extraordinary rule has no basis in #law,” she said. She noted that other acts protected by the #Constitution can still be used in a #criminal prosecution — e.g., most speech. Jurors are often instructed that speech alone can’t be the basis for conviction but can be used to establish #motive.

    PJ_Evans , avatar

    The constitution says that bribery is an impeachable offense. SCCOTUS has no business saying otherwise.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    Justice :

    “The Court has now declared for the first time in history that the most powerful ofcl in the can … become a unto himself. As we enter this uncharted territory, the People, in their wisdom, will need to remain ever attentive, consistently fulfilling their established role in our constitutional , & thus collectively serving as the ultimate safeguard against any chaos spawned by this Court's decision.”

    Evan_L , avatar

    @Nonilex after their rule on bump stocks, homeless being a crime, the chevron ruling, others, and now this, I think the only option is to fix the SC somehow either by impeaching, flat out removing and convicting them of treason, or filling it. Sad it's come to this and also very sad we have to consider we may need to wait possibly till after the election to try any one of those bc it might hurt Biden's chances somehow. Curious your thoughts on the best course of action on SCOTUS.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    The only legal method is Congress.

    Article I §8 of the Constitution, clause 18, the “Necessary & Proper Clause” authorizes Congress “to make all Laws which shall be necessary & proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, & all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Govt of the United States”

    It implicitly grants Congress the authority to enact a wide range of legislation to facilitate judicial power, including the authority to impeach & remove justices.

    Nonilex OP , avatar


    So, we need a Democrat majority in the House & Senate to get anything done. Which cannot happen until after the November election. Once we have that, we should do it all, term limits, ethics rules, recusal rules, etc.

    Which means ALL Democrats including Biden, should be running on this.

    dogzilla , avatar

    @Nonilex @Evan_L Minor edit - we need a 2/3 majority in both the house and senate and the presidency and every statewide office we can get

    WildlifeWorld , avatar

    @Nonilex @Evan_L and we better not have any bad Democrats like Manchin and Sinema, throwing a wrench in these things.

    mmalc ,

    @Nonilex @Evan_L

    What about illegal methods — as might be employed, say, by someone with immunity?

    (Asking for a friend.)

    janamg , avatar

    @Nonilex @Evan_L Congress has not done their job for at least the six decades I have been alive…the grifting and corruption is off the charts

    dingodog19 , avatar

    @Nonilex @Evan_L
    As of today, it seems that the President could have 6 justices arrested because they represent a clear and present danger, and hold them indefinitely.

    Then the remaining justices could reconsider precedents.

    While it would not be legal, it would be immune from prosecution, which is effectively the same thing.

    rberger , avatar
    gparenti , avatar

    @Nonilex This part here is just insane.

    GlennMG , avatar

    We have Moscow Roberts to party with Moscow Mitch and company.

    PJ_Evans , avatar

    I think he's afraid of presidents. Donnie, because no ethics or morals and dementia; Joe because he's ethical and moral.

    gooba42 , avatar

    @Nonilex Then there's no reason for the evidence to be secret anymore. Release everything we've got.

    musictraveler , avatar


    Biden now has immunity according the Supreme Court so it means Biden should immediately arrest those Supreme Court members and put them in front of the firing squad including Trump 🤷🏻‍♀️

    These people have proven to be a extreme danger to democracy

    If Biden does not take action now the floodgates will open if Trump wins 🤦🏻‍♀️

    #SupremeCourt #LockTrumpUp #DeadRowForTrump #Biden #BidenHasImmunityNow #USA #US

    KathyLK , avatar


    Well, we have a president who could now use a Seal Team to take out threats to our democracy.

    xstian , avatar

    @Nonilex With this verdict, Biden should send the National Guard to SCOTUS and replace the six Putschists with real judges in order to save the constitution - immunity was granted today.

    America is fucked, a president was crowned as the new king.

    George Washington dreht sich gerade im Grab um und schreit - WHAT THE FUCK?!

    Andii , avatar

    So right now, Biden could order Trump to be 'neutralised'?
    In that the upshot?

    wrosecrans , avatar

    @Nonilex Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see her pop off that bluntly. I dunno how useful it is, but I'm glad there's not some idea that "collegiality" within the court still matters more than speaking plainly about attacking democracy.

    JoeBeam , avatar

    Biden should have Trump assassinated, along with the majority conservative justices. All in the name of saving democracy and the constitution. The president did take an oath to protect and defend and uphold the constitution. It’s for the good of the United States and its people.

    JoeBeam , avatar

    The conservative is shitting on the constitution like the January 6th insurrectionists shat on the floor of the capital.

    vick21 , avatar

    @Nonilex @ChanceyFleet I need to find a summary somewhere on the internet that would demonstrate how the judges argued in favor of immunity. There has to be some logic and/or adherence to the constitution?

    ccdudley85 , avatar

    @Nonilex Yes, military officers can no longer refuse illegal orders because all orders are legal now.

    TonyBurbank , avatar

    @Nonilex the closest thing to a magic wand, IMO, is Pootin’s puppet needs to be defeated in November, in a land slide, and the dems need to take the majority in the house and senate and then expand the court ASAP.

    xstian , avatar

    @Nonilex With this verdict, Biden should send the National Guard to SCOTUS and replace the six Putschists with real judges in order to save the constitution - immunity was granted today.

    America is fucked, a president was crowned as the new king.

    George Washington dreht sich gerade im Grab um und schreit - WHAT THE FUCK?!

    #trump #scotus #immunity #verdict #biden #putsch

    kbg , avatar

    @Nonilex an absolutely absurdist, dystopic opinion, from start to finish.

    PJ_Evans , avatar

    Roberts is a coward. And a fool.

    Setok , avatar

    @Nonilex isn’t the key question here what constitutes official duty? I understand some level of immunity in the sense that a President may, as part of their responsibilities, have to act in ways that would otherwise be criminal (commanding troops to war, ordering imprisonment). Prosecuting for acts that are part of their duties would seem unfair.

    I could see it argued that comms and actions related to an election campaign are not duties of a President, but as a candidate.

    vaughnsc , avatar

    @Nonilex So, ‘encouraging’ someone else to break the law (12th Amendment) is somehow within the ‘scope’ of an elected official sworn to uphold and defend the same Constitution?

    FinchHaven , avatar



    The elected of the may attempt to coerce the elected of the United States to overthrow an election at the and that is now considered an official act of the

    Got it

    TheDarcBird , avatar

    Does this mean that #Biden could send the #CIA or #SealTeam6 after the Conservative Justices with impunity?

    timo21 , avatar

    @Nonilex Is this ruling retroactive to John Mitchell and Richard Nixon?

    TheNovemberMan , avatar

    @Nonilex 🙄 FFS

    gooba42 , avatar

    @Nonilex There's no excuse for Biden not just going absolutely HAM on packing the courts and purging traitors now that his official acts are all 100% legal.

    At some point, the existential threat to the USA needs to be answered definitively and patience is no longer a virtue.

    gfjacobs , avatar


    "With fear for our democracy, I DISSENT"

    Are now the watchwords with which the final battle will be waged.

    Rendition the maga scotus

    TAI , avatar

    @Nonilex so we've lost the supreme court and established the king's court instead

    Bon_Jardin , avatar

    @Nonilex It is at least heartening to read an example of good judgment and sage wisdom from a member of this court.

    Nazani , avatar

    Is sitting on his ass for 187 minutes "carrying out the responsibilities ?"

    Probertd8 , avatar

    @Nonilex Sophistry???
    It means if a president thinks it's ok it is ok.

    havvyhh2 , avatar

    @Nonilex simply reads as the opposite of what the standard must be....impossible to understand how they reasoned themselves into such a dire, dangerous position, esp after having watch the past 8 years of trump. If it was done only to protect trump, it is a vile, despicable move that further weakens, cripples actually, a key to the country's foundation...a King & no administrative power to the agencies of governance, pretty clear message. It is unAmerican in the extreme.

    Blinxeto , avatar


    So the six experts at everything are not experts on their own ruling.

    havvyhh2 , avatar

    @Nonilex ...a must read today...the pact with the Devil by people who should know better. Now they may be called traitors to America, in my view. Simply beyond contenance in any way.

    Evo2Me , avatar

    @Nonilex Does that mean, Biden can now order executively a Black Ops to have Trump killed and everything is legally alright?

    tersenurse , avatar

    @Nonilex Nonilex, I don't make political predictions, especially for SCOTUS, but I'll make an exception right now: however the Trump immunity decision reads, it will NOT be unanimous.

    cynblogger , avatar

    I guess I’m just not smart enough to understand how inciting a violent insurrection to prevent the transfer of power could EVER be considered an official act, when insurrection itself is criminal.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    @cynblogger you’re smart enough. Just not corrupt enough.

    cynblogger , avatar


    Doreen32128 , avatar

    @Nonilex I’m worried.

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