jotbe , to random avatar
josh , to random

I think you all know where I stand in the next election. But let me take the alternative viewpoint for a moment.

Let's say you are a Republican and consider yourself a conservative. Let's say you believe that Trump wasn't good, but for Biden is worse. Or, perhaps you are just flat-out pro-Trump.

Consider that Trump, today, Tuesday 9 January 2024, sat in a court room where his attorney, operating on his behalf, at first gymnastically and then semi-directly, said that yes, Donald Trump can shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it. That yes, if the President does it it's not illegal. That the execution of law and justice actually has to be held to a "higher" standard -- that of the composure of the politics of the Senate.

This is the guy you're voting for. You're voting for someone that just made an argument that not just he himself, but his former and currently sought-after office, SHOULD have this right and ability. To do anything as long as the Senate doesn't remove him. Anything.

If you think I'm being hyperbolic, consider that the questions asked were "can he order Seal Team 6 to murder an opponent," "can he sell state secrets" and "pardons," and similar tyrannical, fascist, completely illegal, unethical, and immoral acts? And the John Sauer's answer, albeit with many hastily-spat words, was yes.

Don't vote for this. And don't throw your vote away by voting for a write-in or third party.

Yes, I'm making this election a "single-issue" election, because this issue is literally every issue forever for the United States.

Democracy. Where America stands in the world. Abortion. Women's rights. Trans rights. Gay rights. Human rights. The concept of rights in general. Fossil fuels. Climate change. Tax breaks for the wealthy.


TJ1001 , to random avatar
TJ1001 , to random avatar
ChrisMayLA6 , to random avatar

Rebecca Hendin (Guardian) sums up the chaos brought to you by the ... declaratory & material reality diverged some time ago!

breadandcircuses , to random avatar

Our Mastodon friend Steve Genco (@sjgenco) offers some excellent ideas on how we might move forward into a better world. ...

Here are the assumptions to start from. If you don’t agree, there is no point in reading any further. You are not operating in the same universe of evidence and facts that I am.

⚠️ It’s going to get hotter, at least 2.0°C above preindustrial temps, possibly 3.0°C or more.
⚠️ The weather is going to get more unpredictable and extreme.
⚠️ Natural disasters are going to arrive at greater and greater frequency.
⚠️ Economic inequality (income and wealth) is going to get worse.
⚠️ We will continue depleting the natural world.
⚠️ The effects of climate change will be unevenly distributed around the planet.
⚠️ Fossil fuels will become financially and energetically unprofitable, ending our temporary Age of Oil sometime in the middle of this century.

What our leaders’ current vision of the future does not include — indeed, what it loudly denies — is the reality of over-consumption and overshoot in the wealthy Global North. In other words, the dominant mental model that rules our imaginations today denies that our rapacious capitalist appropriation of the planet’s natural resources is unsustainable. It denies that overshoot is real, and that it can only end in resource depletion, product and food shortages, out-of-control inflation, rationing, and eventually, a total collapse of our carbon-powered consumption and waste-driven world economy.

Clearly, a vision/mental model that denies the reality of the damage it inflicts on our planet can provide no viable first steps for how to move beyond the pain it produces. Indeed, it denies that any such steps are necessary. Instead, it offers Business As Usual with some tinkering around the edges — a few EVs here, a wind farm there, “green growth”, and promises to clean it all up with magical carbon capture technologies sometime later in the century.

Most politicians operating in the Global North today could never embrace an alternative to economic growth. Even the most passionate climate-focused politicians, like Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington State, are still wedded to the idea that any pro-environmental policies must allow for — indeed, stimulate — the continuation of economic growth.

This is a fundamental assumption underlying the “Green New Deal” concept promoted by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others. It also underlies every other “Green Growth” initiative. “Growth” is even in the name.

That's just a short excerpt from Part 1, the first of two long articles laying out Steve's proposals. I'll provide excerpts from Part 2 in my next post (

I really hope you will take the time to read and think about what Steve is suggesting. Those of us who can see that our modern industrial society is in danger of collapse are often criticized for not offering any solutions. That's not true, of course. We have many important and constructive ideas. Let's spread the word.


parismarx , to random avatar

It’s incredibly dangerous how the richest man in the world — deluded by paranoia, narcissism, and far-right conspiracies — can get arms of the state to go after his perceived enemies instead of holding him to account as they should be doing.


estelle , to random avatar

"As conflation and confusion abound after 7 October, we need clear thinking about antisemitism"
David Feldman, director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism,
Brendan McGeever, senior lecturer at the Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism.

estelle OP , avatar

Colonial Convergence

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, who teaches at the University of , , explained the paradox: “One can detest Jews and love Israelis, because Israelis somehow are not Jews. Israelis are colonial fighters and settlers, just like Afrikaners. They are tough and resilient. They know how to dominate. Jews are different. They are, among other qualities, gentle, non-physical, often passive, intellectual. So one can go on disliking Jews while admiring the Israelis.”

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, "The Israeli Connection. Who Israel Arms and Why", Pantheon Books, New York, 1987; cited by Alain Gresh: @israel

breton , to random avatar
mnutty , to random avatar
  1. How much legal jeopardy is in?

The classified documents case will make use of a recording which indicates that had a highly sensitive document which he knew was NOT declassified.

The chain of evidence looks strong and while there is much news media spinning, a court of law is more rigorous environment where focus on fact is primary

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. And just like that, 's candidacy ends as he is branded a by .

The chaos will continue, much to the delight of the of the who are uninterested in governing and more engaged by theatrical media appearence.

This is what it means to support 's Party. It has been remade in his image, increasing populated with chaos monkies

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. The news flow appears to be quickening on multiple fronts, If is now testifying against , there will be little place for the former president to hide

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. One drama has ended with the election of Mike Johnson. The question is whether he will be able to manage his fractious caucus and legislate

Where will Johnson stand on the War funding effort? Initially he was supportive of the war, now like make of his party, he is making reluctance noises. Will things change now that he has the 's gavel?

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Much has been made of ’s verbal gaffes and supposed age related confusion in the

Given ’s rambling, non sequitor style of speaking, he appears to have been given a free pass

Today, the decided to call attention to Trump’s recent confusions


mnutty OP , avatar
  1. One year from today, Americans will vote for the next President in .

It’s virtually certain that and will go face off again.

Today, the and published a battleground state poll containing sobering cross tabs for the campaign

A lot can happen in a year, but will Americans opt for the return of despite the multiple indictments faced by the former president?

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Yesterday's polling results for the provided a relieving counterweight to the recent polling of next year's expected - showdown

Clearly it was a good night for the Democrats, but will the results of an off-year election carry forward to ?

Is polling conducted primarily by phone still a reliable indicator of public sentiment? In an age of caller id, who is answering these polling phone calls?

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. What will the impact be of 's ?

It seems to me that will be a campaign of thirds. One third of the country loves and another third loathes him.If both of these voting blocks turn out in force, they will cancel each other out.

That leaves the middle third who can swing either way. Will they be encouraged to fall in line on the back of increased hatre speech?

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Lets be clear here. the GOP congressional concern on the security of the is simply a convenient blocking deflection

Congressional are busy tugging their forelocks before . Republican Senators don't care about geopolitical stability, they just want to keep happy who in turn wants to keep his friend happy, so no funding from the US for the

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Oh dear, file this one under when bad things happen to bad people.

Naturally this will be appealed and recent news articles indicate the ’s personal finances are in poor shape. Bankruptcy looms as part of the final humiliation for ’s former mayor

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Feb 8 is now a big date on the calendar

has decided to hear the ballot exclusion case and whether the 14th ammendment excludes from running for President

The Colorado primary is scheduled for Mar 5

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Good speech from yesterday. Delivered with plenty of passion.

Great idea to launch his re-election campaign on the day before this ugly anniversary that is .

It framed the stakes effectively for the election and dominated the news media yesterday and this morning

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. This should not be a surprise to any casual observer of .

Cruelty is a feature of his personna and a function of unresolved childhood development difficulties.

Mocking the challenges, limitations and difficulties of others, soothes Trumps deeply unacknowledged psychological problems

Clearly ’s Valley Forge speech hit hard, the Pavlovian response was predictable from Trump’s stunted psyche

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Good piece on and his drive to retain electoral success in the PA, MI and WI

Article makes the point that has crafted a populist industrial policy which diverges from that of his Democratic predecessors

What say you, do you agree?


mnutty OP , avatar
  1. What does it mean to be an Christian in America today?

Church attendance is declining. Does that mean that cultural identity as an EC has become more important than doctrinal matters?

How has and his dubious adherence to Christianity persuaded ECs to support his candidacy?

Is a sense of persecution more important than ?

Good profile piece at ⬇️

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. A big moment in ’s legal travails

At stake is whether has presidential immunity. Should the court rule against the former President, he will likely request a ruling from a full panel of the DC Circuit Court

Trump’s strategy is to slow down the legal process hoping that electoral victory will enable him to avoid prosecution

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