ariadne , to random avatar

"UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet"
"It has driven me crazy in the past six years that governments are just oblivious to history" - Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’"
"The race to save the is being impeded by a global that is contingent on the of and , according to the UN’s outgoing leading environment and expert.

David Boyd, who served as special rapporteur on human rights and the from 2018 to April 2024, told the that states failing to take meaningful and regulating polluting industries could soon face a slew of lawsuits.

Boyd said: “I started out six years ago talking about the right to a healthy environment having the capacity to bring about systemic and transformative changes. But this powerful human right is up against an even more powerful force in the global economy, a system that is absolutely based on the exploitation of people and nature. And unless we change that fundamental system, then we’re just re-shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.”
Boyd said: “The failure to take a human rights based approach to the – and the crisis and the air crisis – has absolutely been the achilles heel of those efforts for decades.

@breadandcircuses @pvonhellermannn

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar
ArenaCops , avatar

@DemocracyMattersALot Instead of openly withdrawing their mandated ratification of the Reconstruction Amendments, the neo-Confederate subverters of Lincoln's Republican party obviously think it smarter to just torpedo any officially granted right based on a SCOTUS decision referring to any of the Reconstruction Amendments.

Which amounts to rebellious attacks on the Constitution, too.

#RuleOfLaw #FourteenthAmendment #EqualProtectionClause #LGBTQ #ReconstructionAmendments #GOPInquisition #Persecution #Scapegoating #Discrimination #HumanRights #BanTheGOP #Insurrection #Rebellion

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

Are 'Ripe' And 'Fertile' Words You Want To Hear From A Guy Defending Child Marriage?

ArenaCops , avatar

@DemocracyMattersALot One thing seems to be pretty clear:

Today's "GOP" seems to be committed to beam the nation back into times before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, then-advocated for by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #HumanRights #WomensRights #ChildrensRights #UDHR #UnitedNations

PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

In Defense of : The Case of and

, author of : How Deny Palestinian Freedom
, Chicana-Palestinian anthropologist, founding member of the Palestinian Feminist Collective
, lawyer

moderated by and

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar
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  • ml , to israel group avatar

    The moment a house was bombed in the north of Beit Lahia.

    Imagine this in the United States of Israel.

    @palestine @israel


    A house being bombed.

    ml , to israel group avatar

    Militarized police officers assaulting, on camera, an unarmed 65-year-old woman, Annalise Orleck, who also happens to be Chair of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth, is ensuring Jewish safety on campus.


    @palestine @israel

    Annalise Orleck being dragged to the ground by police and handcuffed following a harsh exchange of words.

    mreader , to random avatar

    If you're an American born after 1969, you've never lived under a liberal-leaning U.S. Supreme Court.

    If Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016, that could have changed.

    The U.S. could be much different.

    Roe would still be the law of the land.

    Justice and equality could move forward, not backward.

    The Supreme Court, and federal courts, are reason enough to vote for Democrats.

    #VoteBlue #HumanRights #WomensRights #VotingRights

    #CitizensUnited #Gerrymandering #Politics #SCOTUS

    faab64 , to random

    Campaign in to silence, intimidate voices critical of must be stopped

    Geneva - The escalating campaign in France of gagging, repressing, and intimidating pro-Palestinian voices and those critical of Israel entails a flagrant violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the right to peaceful assembly.

    Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has monitored the intensification, over the past few days, of official and institutional repression against university students in France who are peacefully protesting against Israel’s genocidal war in the Gaza Strip. The French government has used various forms of intimidation to silence activists speaking out against the genocide, including the targeting of pro-Palestine political figures.

    Press release:

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

    Today In Labor History May 1, 1946: The three-year Pilbara strike began in Australia. In this strike, indigenous Australian pastoral workers demanded recognition of their human rights. They were also fighting for better wages and working conditions. The bosses often treated indigenous workers like slaves. Many didn’t even pay them in cash. Rather, they paid them in tobacco and food. And if indigenous workers tried to quit or leave, the police forced them back. Sometimes they massacred entire families. The strike was one of the longest in Australian history. And it was a major event in the struggle for indigenous rights.

    RTP , to random avatar

    "Federal Grants (to local LE) Send Warzone Tech To USA Streets" To Tracking Wireless / Bluetooth Signals & More

    (self driving tech also carries plenty to offer)

    Yet another reminder: the very tech developed & many support for overseas use, eventually makes its way back home

    No company calls it quits after war - they localize, lobby PD

    DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar
    ml , to israel group avatar

    Documentary: Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Directed by Abby Martin

    ( It's for those of you don't want to watch the documentary on YouTube. Although it's gonna cost me lots of Bandwidth 🤔. )

    @palestine @israel

    #gaza #savegaza #freepalestine #usa #politics #documentary #journalism #fediverse #video #humanity #humanrights #hamas #genocide #ceasefirenow

    Documentary showing the true life of Palestinians.

    faab64 , to random

    Gaza detainees subject to enforced disappearance... 8,495 detainees from the West Bank and more than 5,328 administrative detention orders since October 7

    News in Arabic,, your can use the translator to read it.

    faab64 , to random

    Isfahan Revolutionary Court sentenced Tomaj Salehi to death

    Raisian, a lawyer, in a conversation with "Shabeke Sharq" announced that "in an unprecedented action, the Revolutionary Court did not implement the ruling of the Supreme Court regarding the case of Tomaj Salehi in 1401, and by reading this ruling as a guideline and emphasizing the independence of the lower court, Salehi He was sentenced to the worst punishment, death, on the charge of corruption in the land.

    • According to Raisian, "Isfahan Revolutionary Court has considered the accusations of aiding in sedition, assembly and collusion, propaganda against the system and calling for chaos to be examples of corruption in the world." This is despite the fact that earlier the same branch had not confirmed the extent of the accusation of corruption in the land.

    Raisian emphasized: "We will certainly protest against the sentence issued for Tomaj Salehi."

    (Auto translated without correction).

    دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان توماج صالحی را به اعدام محکوم کرد

    رئیسیان وکیل دادگستری در گفتگو با «شبکه شرق» اعلام کرد که «دادگاه انقلاب در اقدامی بی‌سابقه، حکم دیوان عالی کشور درباره پرونده سال ۱۴۰۱ توماج صالحی را اجرایی نکرد و با ارشادی خواندن این حکم و تاکید بر استقلال دادگاه بدوی، صالحی را به اتهام افساد فی‌الارض، به اشد مجازات یعنی اعدام محکوم شد.»

    •به گفته رئیسیان، «دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان، اتهامات معاونت در بغی، اجتماع و تبانی، تبلیغ علیه نظام و دعوت به آشوب را از مصادیق افساد فی‌الارض دانسته است. این در حالی است که پیش‌تر همین شعبه گستردگی اتهام افساد فی‌الارض را احراز نکرده بود.»

    رئیسیان تاکید کرد: «حتما به حکم صادره برای توماج صالحی اعتراض خواهیم کرد.»

    susurros , to palestine group avatar

    "Mass graves found in two hospitals in the Gaza Strip containing 392 bodies, including those of women, children and the elderly, showed signs of torture and executions, officials in the enclave have said."


    miki_lou , avatar

    @susurros @palestine This is what , , , and almost every other so-called and defender has been funding and providing weapons to to do. The world is complicit in , , and .

    DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar
    mondoweiss , to israel group avatar

    We are students from universities across Atlanta who are organizing against Cop City and the genocide of Palestinians. We demand total institutional divestment from Israeli apartheid and Cop City at all Atlanta colleges and universities.

    @palestine @israel

    JizzelEtBass , avatar
    ariadne , to random avatar

    "We need an exodus from Zionism" - Excellent opinion piece by Naomi Klein in today's (actually a transcript from her speech at the 'Emergency Seder' held in front of Chuck Schumer's house a couple evening's ago).

    "This Passover, we don’t need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our name."

    The full text (well worth a read) is here -


    Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

    U.S. cites a litany of rights violations in Israel, Gaza and West Bank - The Washington Post


    openrightsgroup , to random avatar

    The Rwanda Bill (UK) "is a shameful and performatively cruel law that will risk people's lives and betray who we are as a society."

    We've signed an open letter alongside 250 other civil society organisations to oppose this attack on human rights and the rule of law by an increasingly dangerous, authoritarian government in the UK.

    Read in full here ➡️

    commissionerHR , to random avatar

    I have serious concerns about United Kingdom’s . Its adoption by the UK Parliament raises major issues about the rights of seekers and the .

    junesim63 , to random avatar

    Even the BBC is increasing its pejorative reports on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Israel currently holds more than 9,300 security prisoners, the vast majority of whom are Palestinians according to the Israeli rights group HaMoked, including more than 3,600 people in administrative detention. The headline belies the severe beatings and torture.

    Bruises and broken ribs - Israel's unexplained prison deaths - BBC News

    appassionato , (edited ) to palestine group avatar
    gee8sh , to random avatar

    Given 's unwavering support for and its genocidal apparatus, I am thinking of starting to transition out of its ecosystem.

    It's gonna be challenging, primarily because I use an Android smartphone, and because I have been using a Gmail account for ages.

    I welcome your tips!

    sammi , avatar

    @ThinkIsrael @fmors

    Who assaults Palestinians on daily basis violating everyday? NNiMF neo Nazi israel murder force.

    Who deliberately targets non combatants men, women, children, toddlers, humanitarian aid workers, UN staff, journalists, food convoys then calls all those killed terrorists? NNiMF neo Nazi israel murder force ordered by neo Nazi copycat war criminal pedophile netanyahu.

    Educate yourself with the Palestinian struggle of apartheid and the conditions they are surviving in the world's largest open air concentration camp.……

    if the links don't resolve, change to……

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