GottaLaff , avatar

Via Angry Staffer:

This is happening again and a lot of you are falling for it again.

nmn , avatar

@GottaLaff @anildash There is equivalence. The Hillary event was manufactured. We all saw Biden with our own and ears.

He should drop out for the good of the country. Because even if I’m wrong and you’re right, the people are falling for it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@nmn No, it wasn’t. She fainted/nearly fainted and had to be helped to the car. It’s on video.

But the point is that disinformation can sink someone. There’s so much out there rather than, oh I don’t know, concentrating on SCOTUS and Trump destroying democracy.

As for Biden dropping:


pcbeard , avatar

@GottaLaff I voted for Ms. Clinton and will gladly vote for Mr. Biden.

ddl , avatar

@GottaLaff How is any of this remotely comparable

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ddl Disinformation campaigns affect elections.

ddl , avatar

@GottaLaff Running bad candidates affects them too!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ddl You asked about the post. I answered in a way that must have flummoxed you, based on what I'm reading in your feed.

Now you're getting nasty about Biden.

OldAndCranky , avatar

@GottaLaff Having a block kind o' Thursday?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@OldAndCranky EVERY day, for me.

Callalily , avatar

@GottaLaff @OldAndCranky
I'm following your lead on those blocks.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Callalily I use those hashtags for that very reason @OldAndCranky

Callalily , avatar

@GottaLaff @OldAndCranky
I really appreciate that.

j258853 , avatar

@GottaLaff @ddl That person has never lived anywhere but in her own head.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@j258853 Clearly!

otownKim , avatar

@GottaLaff @ddl I blocked that person last week. A total disinformation loser!!

jacklaridian , avatar

'“Who ya gonna believe? Me or your OWN eyes?”

luv_wins , avatar

@GottaLaff Fool you once but fool you twice and YOU'RE the fool!!

Drybird227 , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Drybird227 How? By not running from the criticism? By admitting he messed up and also pointing out his strengths?

He's been doing this since the debate, this is what he should do. Admit he messed up and then move forward.

Drybird227 , avatar

@GottaLaff But he didn't mess up. To say he messed up would mean he got facts and figures, history, etc wrong during the debate. Now i'm not sure if he did or not. But i would imagine he did not. I mean aside from the usual america is the greatest country on earth lies.

Speaking softly. Correcting yourself. Having to stop talking when your time is up? Those aren't signs of having screwed anything up. I mean i even heard he had a cold or had a sore throat.

Basically. He's admitting he messed up when he didn't actually mess up. It's like saying you screwed up a presentation because you got hit by a car and couldn't show up to it on account of being in traction. lol

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Drybird227 I used that as a catch-all and you know it.

Guess what?

argv_minus_one , avatar

@GottaLaff @Drybird227

Only fascists pretend to be flawless demigods (and of course they're lying). Not sure why people are expecting Democrats to be horrified by Biden copping to his screw-up.

PJ_Evans , avatar

@GottaLaff @Drybird227
I respect people who can admit they were wrong. Donnie can't ever do that.

goodreedAJ , avatar

@GottaLaff @georgetakei
Also of note is that the media has been harping on his age since before the 2020 election. They don't have anything else to criticize. That in itself speaks volumes as does President Biden's record.

buck , avatar

@GottaLaff Obvious cognitive decline is a different deal altogether. Anyone with aging relatives experience knows what they saw. I'd vote for anyone but Trump anyhow, but we should not pretend this is the same situation as the Hillary nonsense was.

TrumpsStubbyChubby , avatar

@GottaLaff LOL! Please continue to fight over Slow Biden's unfitness for office. This is hilarious because doesn't care about my age or criminal convictions. All we do is win. Are you ready for me to ?

This time there is no apple pie or flutes.

Twitter_expat , avatar


The same way the media have fact checking services there should be a service for short memory and how media exploits that.

Twitter_expat , avatar

What angers me is that all these coup attempts at Biden re-election dont stem from empathy at all. I do worry about Biden and I really would not want a guy who worked all his life for America to be in that position. But all the coup attempts never mention any of that and they all exhibit a bloodthirsty desire to gain something for themselves and not for the country. That is why they all can eff off.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
czarbucks , avatar


For FS....

What is the matter with us?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@czarbucks I ask myself that every day

xs4me2 , avatar


With such friends, who needs enemies?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@xs4me2 We’re surrounded by enemies, sigh.

davidpnice , avatar

@GottaLaff This time, though, there ARE genuine health worries about an 81 year old man, and polls show Kamala Harris comes closer to beating Trump percentage wise.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@davidpnice Watch Lawrence’s vid. I’ve posted it a couple of times.

I’m no longer debating this.

davidpnice , avatar

@GottaLaff Who's Lawrence?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@davidpnice Oh, sorry. Lawrence O'Donnell

davidpnice , avatar

@GottaLaff Send link, please. I don't see it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@davidpnice As I keep reminding people, start at about 6:30. The first part didn't make much sense to me.

eliasp , avatar

@GottaLaff they could nominate the most recent Ironman champion and we'd read about potential health problems at some point...
It's always the same game.

mayadev , avatar

@GottaLaff cool but they are two different people 8 years apart

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mayadev You apparently didn’t get the point.

ErikJonker , avatar

@GottaLaff I am a fan of Joe Biden but this is very different, an 80+ presidential candidate at the start of his term is simply a bad idea, not a country in the world would think it's smart to make such an old person presidential candidate, even if he was the most fit 80+ year old ever.

hoare_spitall , avatar

@ErikJonker @GottaLaff
At this stage there is no other viable candidate, and the alternative 'president' is unthinkable. Additionally, a Vice President isn't only for decoration.

ErikJonker , avatar

@hoare_spitall @GottaLaff That's the perception but the reality is there are always alternatives, there should be, also because Biden could also die before the election, he is already 81. Democrats should get out of their "tunnel vision" that Biden is the one and only possible candidate to beat Trump.

hoare_spitall , avatar

@ErikJonker @GottaLaff
I would have also preferred another candidate selected at an earlier stage, but at this late stage I was referring to a 'viable' candidate, for whom there is a huge mass of problems to be resolved, to which I know of no guaranteed answers.

Age ? Konrad Adenauer became W. German Chancellor at age 73 and remained in office until 1963, his 87th year.

ErikJonker , avatar

@hoare_spitall @GottaLaff But that's really an exception (Audenaer) and a role with smaller responsibility, for example with regard to nuclear weapons

GreenFire , avatar

@ErikJonker @hoare_spitall @GottaLaff
Hi Erik, from someone celebrating I'd like to know if you'd like for Americans to start interfering in Dutch elections like you are doing to the one here in the USA?

GottaLaff OP , avatar
otownKim , avatar
ericschutte , avatar

@GreenFire @GottaLaff @ErikJonker @hoare_spitall The American elections concern us ALL, and yes, I am very worried.
And the Russians are interfering the Dutch elections, so please join us !

xvf17 , avatar

@ericschutte @GreenFire @GottaLaff @ErikJonker @hoare_spitall Informed opinions are always welcome. What’s at debate here are contributions that are neither informed nor well thought out.

GreenFire , avatar

@xvf17 @ericschutte @GottaLaff @ErikJonker @hoare_spitall
Plus, it's quite ironic that Eric would bring up concern about what the Kremlin is doing in relation to Dutch public opinion. I'm sure they too have political technologists messing around with their electorate the same as here.

The thing is though that Eric is pushing Kremlin propaganda intended to undermine Putin's most powerful adversary, Joe Biden.

PJ_Evans , avatar

@ErikJonker @hoare_spitall @GottaLaff
Blocking because you're a doomer.

VirginiaMurr , avatar

@PJ_Evans @ErikJonker @hoare_spitall @GottaLaff

FWIW ... the dude you blocked is from the Netherlands (according to his bio). I always find it interesting when non-American accounts persistently drive harmful narratives.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
PJ_Evans , avatar

@ErikJonker @hoare_spitall @GottaLaff

Where were you LAST YEAR, when it mattered?

VirginiaMurr , avatar

@ErikJonker @hoare_spitall @GottaLaff

According to your bio - you live in the NETHERLANDS.

Do us non-fascist Americans a favor and STFU. By driving this narrative, you and people like you are making it much more likely that Trump will be elected.

ErikJonker , avatar

@VirginiaMurr @hoare_spitall @GottaLaff I hate Trump more then anything else, he must not win but for that we need another democratic candidate

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ErikJonker We? Do you vote in American elections from the Netherlands?

It doesn't matter.

I sent you my response:

What you say doesn't matter at all. What Biden says is the final word.

Stop trying to convince people in my feed of whatever it is you think you know.

@VirginiaMurr @hoare_spitall

piratero ,
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@piratero What is it? I won't watch if it's heartbreaking.

piratero ,

@GottaLaff an interview with Richardson on the recent court decision and the broader meaning for the country. She states we have five months to the election to change hearts and minds.

It’s heartbreaking for me because I already lost one country. I never thought I’d be living through this again in this one.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@piratero Aw, yeah, I feel it.

VirginiaMurr , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker @hoare_spitall

Yep - he earned my block as well.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@VirginiaMurr I thought I'd already blocked him. Glad he's gone now. @hoare_spitall

GottaLaff OP , avatar

Hi @ErikJonker. I posted a video of Lawrence O’Donnell explaining why dropping NOW (key word) will lead to big problems.

I will not debate you or anyone else anymore.

Your (and others’) compulsion to convince people he should drop falls on deaf ears bc the person making the ultimate decision is Biden, nobody else.

I’m so over people trying to convince me, others why he should drop. WE don’t decide, HE does.

If he drops, we vote for the Dem.

If he doesn’t, we vote for him.

End of story.

flyhigh , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker Beautiful.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
emconkster , avatar

@GottaLaff Right there with you! The more I’m hearing this ridiculous nonsense, the more I believe that this is the propaganda angle Russian agents are exploiting.

textualdeviance , avatar

@emconkster @GottaLaff It is. I've seen it in a lot of obvious troll accounts on various platforms. They're trying to do the Dems in Disarray thing because there's no way they can magically make their dude not a felon.

otownKim , avatar
outofosthofen , avatar

@emconkster @GottaLaff

These are though times for everyone.

People are scared out of their wits and righteously so.

Pleas try to find things, that you have in common in order to work together, and try to look over the difference.

Democracy needs everyone willing to fend for it.

Greetings and solidarity from afar ✊

Crowjane , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker

Cutting to the chase, it’s a good thing.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Crowjane What’s a good thing… that I cut to the chase?

Sorry, it’s early here

Crowjane , avatar


Yes that your statement was factual and you cutting to the chase is a good thing.
Our choice is felon facist or Democracy, it’s really so very simple and yet there are those debating it. Which is cuckoo in the first degree.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Crowjane Thanks for elaborating and for the kind words.

fmhilton , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker I'm wondering though is there someone named Roger Stone somewhere in the mix? I ask because he's famous for dirty tricks and I would put it past him to put in stories or plant them for opposition poisoning. It might be the Russians or the Chinese but it helps only one person: Trump. And that's why it's so suspect.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
kshapar , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker Hear, hear! President Biden deserves to make this decision without being stampeded by this feckless media

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@kshapar It’s INSANE. They never fail to disappoint us. @ErikJonker

kshapar , avatar

@ErikJonker @GottaLaff And the stakes keep getting higher

kynyc , avatar

@kshapar @GottaLaff @ErikJonker ok so you guys don’t care that Biden was polling terrible in swing states months and months before the debate. And polling worse now.
Building a personality cult around Biden is a choice.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

Hi @kynyc Aren't you adorable to ignore everything I've posted about this and then further insult us with your little gratuitous "cult" BS.

@kynyc and thank your for playing


otownKim , avatar

@kynyc @kshapar @GottaLaff @ErikJonker You consider saving Democracy a Cult?!?! What a Maroon!!

ErikJonker , avatar

@otownKim @kynyc @kshapar @GottaLaff It's also important that when Biden is on the phone with Xi or Putin, he is sharp enough (that can also be at night, in time of war/crisis), I highly doubt that

otownKim , avatar

@ErikJonker @kynyc @kshapar @GottaLaff It's also important to remember they are Dictators and against the US. So, your point is irrelevant to this thread! You sound like a BOT at this point. So kindly F off. I am blocking you. You are useless

kynyc , avatar

@otownKim @kshapar @GottaLaff @ErikJonker maroon is a super racist term, boomer. And a Biden decree=doesn’t actually have much to do with democracy.
Also your guy can talk without a teleprompter for 10 min.

Ultraverified , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar
maddad , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker

Well said Laffy 👍 ✊ 💯

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@maddad Thank you! @ErikJonker

RuamiGrey , avatar


Well said!

I'm an IND. I voted for Biden in my state primary. I'm in one of those "critical" swing states. All my immediate voting-age family members (8) voted for Biden. We're all IND.

It is bizarre to me that people seem to think we didn't already factor in his age when we voted for him.

But we didn't have to worry because it's not like his running mate was going to be freaking RFKJr!

Furthermore, if he were 45 years old, I'd still want to know he was backed up by a competent and capable VP and team, because none us is promised tomorrow.

I'm also not currently worried that he is incompetent. Where is the evidence? Failing to "win" a "debate" that wasn't even a debate, against an unconstrained liar is evidence of nothing.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@RuamiGrey I loved all of that except the very last part.

He did win the debate on substance. That's not why people are panicked. It was the optics.

RuamiGrey , avatar


I take your point and I see why my phrasing would lead to the conclusion that I am affirming that he lost the debate.

If I were a better writer I would have been able to convey that, when I say "failing to 'win' the debate," in my mind I'm citing what the media and various pundits are accusing him of. And not what I think.

I agree with Heather Cox Richardson and Ruth Ben-Ghiat who both said that wasn't even a debate. And in that sense I feel like if I say he "won" then I'm condoning it being called a "debate."

My fantasy wish is that the majority of the American people would have been able to come together and say to CNN "we reject your calling that a debate."

These are frustrating times, indeed!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@RuamiGrey Yes, thanks for clarifying. Yes yes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker The people calling for Biden to drop out aren't doing so because they think it would be better for Democrats. They're intentionally doing it because they know it would cause chaos and problems and almost guarantee Trump wins and takes power over the US. They also know that by continuing to spread BS that implies he's flailing or etc it generally hurts him if they can keep it going.

It is intentionally disingenuous and specifically designed to cause harm to this country.

palin , avatar

Awesome ...
That's what we need 💪💪

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@palin ❤️

TheNovemberMan , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker 👍💯👍 Thanks Laffy

HistoPol , avatar


"If he drops, we vote for the Dem.

If he doesn’t, we vote for him. "

I agree with this part.
However, even a president cannot withstand internal and external pressure indefinitely.

I am not an evangelist I don't preach, I do discuss and debate, though, because it furthers my own reflection...and might help others likewise.


xs4me2 , avatar

@GottaLaff @ErikJonker

And I think you are right.

jztusk , avatar

@ErikJonker @GottaLaff

You did not compare compare him to the only other option. Your analysis is useless.

otownKim , avatar

@jztusk @ErikJonker @GottaLaff Also, there are still people that want Bernie Sanders!! He's 82!! Seriously. Drumpf is LITERALLY a convicted felon and convicted Rapist!!!

hu_logic , avatar

@otownKim @jztusk @ErikJonker @GottaLaff didn't Bernie have a heart attack too?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@hu_logic Yes he did. I say this as a Bernie fan: Ignore the noise. @otownKim @jztusk @ErikJonker

TCatInReality , avatar

@otownKim @jztusk @ErikJonker @GottaLaff

Murdoch and Buffet running their massive companies well into their 90s. leads a team - we know exactly who takes over if he drops out

Trump runs a crime syndicate. If he goes, who knows how the power vacuum shakes out.

Ultraverified , avatar

@otownKim @jztusk @ErikJonker

Bernie, who is out there busting his ass working to help elect Joe, just as he did in 2016 for Hillary after the convention.

Bernie, who is at the tip of the spear in Congress, is fighting for us everyday.

Bernie, who has had cardiac issues.

Damn, people.
82 is just a number, too.

otownKim , avatar

@Ultraverified @jztusk @ErikJonker I like Bernie but some people were calling for him to replace Biden.....

jmelesky , avatar

@ErikJonker @GottaLaff "I am a fan of Biden but..." is a phrase I'm seeing all too often right now, and is entering the "not to criticize but" collection of dishonest openers.

If his age is an issue right now, then it was an issue during primary season, and during the runup. Age is predictable like that. That's when this conversation should have happened, during the "selecting candidates" phase of the election.

We're well beyond that phase. The RNC is a week and a half away. The DNC is further off, but that doesn't change the fact that the Dem primaries ended almost a month ago.

Maybe you felt the same way back in December, before the primaries began. Or maybe you thought Biden was a great candidate at that point. Or maybe you weren't thinking about it at all. But now, you care enough to explain, unprompted, why it's really been a problem the whole time.

Why? Why now? Are you sure you're not doing exactly what the first post suggests?

tdwllms1 , avatar


It's not just a vote for Pres. Biden... it's a vote for valued ideals, its a vote for a constitutional republic and not a king. It's a vote for 59 year old VP Harris, it's a vote for the many highly intelligent, loyal to the constitution and diverse people on Bidens staff. It's a vote for the continuation of the "More Perfect Union"... IMO, literally, Joe is the least portion of my vote, as the prospect of losing all of the 248 years prior is far far bigger than Joe.


SDParris , avatar

@ErikJonker @GottaLaff you seem to think the man is at death’s door. He’s not and as his opponent (who will not been named) is almost as old, it’s ridiculous to not consider the unarmed one equally untenable. But we don’t see that happening, Do we?

GottaLaff OP , avatar
cwh , avatar

@GottaLaff I noticed the same regarding drug use at debates. Also, "stop the steal" was a slogan and plan premeditated in the 2016 campaign but he got lucky, won, and saved the plan for next time....

HowardWill ,

@GottaLaff If Biden did much better during the debate, they would have said "They had him jacked-up on drugs".

Looked at the transcript and he did pretty well after first 5 minutes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@HowardWill i know

fivetonsflax , avatar

@GottaLaff @Cdespinosa Are you saying you saw someone on that debate stage capable of winning this election and then being President for the next four years? Honest?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@fivetonsflax Not the point of my post at all.

But you knew that.


ang6666 , avatar

@GottaLaff Unsure who is falling for it, but Biden could be on his death bed, and I would still vote for him over trump. Why? Kamala. So people need to chill. He's got a great VP should anything happen.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ang6666 💯

sj , avatar

@GottaLaff @iagox86 I'm going to be honest, the fact that none of those screenshots show a major US publication calling for HRC to withdraw is convincing me of, well let's just say probably the opposite of what the OP wanted to convey

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@sj Then you missed the point. @iagox86

SearingTruth , avatar


Sadly it's not the same this time my friend Laffy.

Usually the fascists are just spouting ridiculous conspiracies and lies, but this time the globe watched our beloved President Biden struggle with the ravages of advanced age at one of the most critical times for humanity in our lifetime.

And witnessed a compassionate soul who had accomplished more than most any would hope, suffered more than many could withstand, but whose age had finally begun to consume him.

His core supporters, like me, will never abandon him.

But too many of those who were undecided have already decided not to vote, or vote for Trump.

And Trump and his henchmen and media outlets are going to keep replaying the many heartbreaking debate moments, and will win unless President Biden passes his spirit to the next generation.

So that Trump becomes America's first dictator.

Defeating everything President Biden, and generations of uncounted millions of Americans, fought and died for.

"And so together we shared the fate of all the failed democracies before us, joining those pitiful beings who had held the light of freedom in one hand, and put it out with the other."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@SearingTruth Disagree. She nearly fainted. She was fine afterward.

Biden is fine, has somehow accomplished so much, traveled, met with others, etc. just fine.

Despite his age.

I will not debate you.

SearingTruth , avatar


I understand fellow citizen Laffy.

And we need not debate that all who share American ideology, and despise and reject autocratic ideology, must vote Democratic down the line no matter minor difference, in what could be the last election Americans ever hold.

Our common goal is to defeat Donald Trump and his henchmen and the horror they would unleash upon America and humanity.


"We still have a great hope.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@SearingTruth That's a great reply

SearingTruth , avatar


"Together my friend.

That's how humanity will win."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@SearingTruth Amen, my pal.

cascarita , avatar

@GottaLaff yeah, thank God we didn’t fall for it then and kept Hillary as the nominee so that she could win in the General election, oh wait…

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@cascarita And thank you for playing Missing the Point Entirely!


anarchic_teapot , avatar

@GottaLaff Just for info, the @cascarita account suddenly started replying to people 13 hours ago. Previously it did nothing but post links and RT. I call fake.

binaryequation , avatar

@GottaLaff Every day they talk about Biden is a day they aren't talking about Trump. They are playing the media like a fiddle.

punissuer , avatar

@GottaLaff It's the Hollywood Principle – if it worked once, do it again…

punissuer , avatar

a collage of news article screenshots of 2016, mostly headlines:
[CNN Politics] Hillary Clinton stumbles -- will her campaign follow?
Hillary Clinton's diagnosis highlights uncertainty on how to replace a candidate
Cough-Ghazi – Even Clinton's Allies Are Hysterical over Her Health
What happens if Hillary Clinton's health problems force her out of the race for the White House?
[The Telegraph] What would happen if Hillary Clinton dropped out of US election race after being dianosed with [truncated]
[The Washington Post] The Fix –Conservative media - and NPR - entertain the possibility of a Hillary Clinton replacement

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