PanArab ,

Just like how he can't see evidence for genocide in Gaza?

He needs to get his visioned checked.

Cethin ,

This one says "has."

PanArab ,

So he sees things that aren’t there but can’t see things that are there?
Racism is blinding and Blinken is a racist ghoul

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

"The Asian autocrats are taking over!" - local autocrats possibly

Gabu ,

No fucking shit. You mean the same way the US has backed countless coups around the world, and was caught as recently as 2022 meddling with the governance of other countries? Color me surprised /s

summerof69 ,

Whataboutism in replies? Color me surprised.

Gabu ,

"Hurr durr, it's whataboutism when you point out their hypocrisy. You have to lick boot like the rest of us 'muritards"

lennybird , avatar

lol tankies trying so hard to rationalize what China and Russia is wrongly doing now for what US may or may not have wrongly done in the past.

But tu tuoque / two wrongs make a right, amirite gais!?

Gabu ,

Are you braindead, capitalist scum? I'm neither a tankie nor do I side with China or Russia - I'm simply aware that the US is just as bad.

lennybird , avatar

lol who cares. Irrelevant to the conversation. Why fixate on the past when the topic is the wrongdoing happening now and that can be thwarted now?

  • Anti-capitalism
  • No tankie
  • USA bad!
  • Doesn't side with China.

What a unicorn!

Tell me, Mr. Anti-capitalist, how'd you acquire the device you're using right now?

Gabu ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • lennybird , avatar

    Oof, looks like I hit a nerve and won.

    Again: Tell me, Mr. Anti-capitalist, how'd you acquire the device you're using right now?

    I'm not even a liberal, haha! I'm actually left of there. Closer to a Social Democrat.

    careful , avatar
    lennybird , avatar

    Ah! So they're just hypocrites who can't practice what they preach — got it!

    Always makes me chuckle when someone spits out something like "capitalist scum" but guaranteed wallows in the scum on the daily like a pig in feces.

    Zero self-awareness.

    Change begins with you, good sir!

    careful , avatar

    What are you even going on about. Take your meds xD

    MentalGymnastics ,

    Wanna know some of our biggest govt meddling? Remember when we got Adolph Hitler up outta there? How bout Mussolini in Italy? NK when they invaded SK? We actually get shit done while you cry on western made internet about it. Unless you'd prefer to have been governed by Taliban maybe you need to be "just as bad"

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    Manuel Zelaya, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro, Aristide (oops, we fixed it though, all better now see?), a whole generation of North African warlords, Milošević, Afghanistan, Askar Akayev, Ismail Haniyeh...

    After a certain point I started just copying from this article; there are plenty more. I won't say you're 100% wrong but neither is the person you're talking to, either.

    MentalGymnastics ,

    What are you talking about? Those places all shit holes way before we involved ourself. Just because they're still shit holes after we leave doesn't make it our fault. Yea Fidel Castro? What about him? He wanted to hold nukes pointed at my country on behalf of another country which was balancing on a fine line of being called out enemy at the time? So we got him up outta there with that nonsense. What were we suppose to do?

    Tankies just mad they failed at putting nukes right on our border and we made sure not to fail after they tried that bullshit. Look who has military bases stockpiled all around those dumbfucks now.

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    Those places all shit holes way before we involved ourself. Just because they're still shit holes after we leave doesn't make it our fault.

    That's enough Lemmy for the day, I think

    MentalGymnastics ,

    Yea because a place where some guy named "barbecue" who kidnaps people for ransom and is actively trying to kidnap Haiti as a nation is and has never not been a shit hole. And maybe it's like you say. We should definitely not go in there and fix it and make it all better again. Let's just let barbecue take control of the country and see what happens. Let's see what barbecue does next.

    Gabu ,

    I'm not interested in the propaganda of a brainless 'muritard. Your fairytales don't work on people who learned real history.

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    Is this where the hard right and tanky left starts up with the same narratives they had about "Russia hoax" in relation to 2016?

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    That narrative is from a while ago - in this thread they seem to still be stuck on “Biden is bad, genocide, union buster, as a good leftist person I can’t support him and you shouldn’t either,” even in this article that has nothing to do with that. Also there’s someone who’s saying January 6th wasn’t real.

    Someone needs to update their configuration a little, I think.

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    Yeah, I think some of these people are right wingers posing as leftists just being agent provocateurs. Some are probably actually leftists that are spending a lot of time huffing each others' farts and really do believe that they just need to "send a message" to Democrats by letting donnie snake his way into office. This is the same old tired "the people need to be jolted awake" narrative that has been popular among a certain type of personality ever since I can remember. Maybe these people were always among us. I've noticed they are usually people that are extremely rich (and have options to leave the country) and/or are one of the in-group (white xtian cishet) , or hope to be considered one of the "good ones" if they don't tick all the boxes of the in-group...if their little pipe dream of a magical vanguard of enlightened hoi polloi don't bring about their vision of utopia after the actions of a fascist regime has brought about their awakening...

    What they don't seem to realize is that if fascism really comes this time, and when donnie's goons are at their door, telling the goons that these purity ponies didn't vote for Biden will mean sweet fuckall. Also, if they don't get out in time, their money/status and so on won't save them, either.

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    I think the weird arguments are coming from almost all fake accounts. A couple of them behave like people who genuinely believe the things they're saying, but actually the vast majority of them do not. In my opinion.

    I'll never claim to be 100% accurate at telling who is and isn't a faker (and I'm not sure the effort is even a worthwhile thing to spend much energy on), but just consider from this thread the difference of people who are saying things like:

    It's cute when the US accuses countries of interfering with elections like they're protecting their world record or something

    the hypocrisy is astounding. The USA has been interfering in elections for the year dot.

    And people who are saying things like:

    After this dude has been caught in like half a dozen lies on behalf of Israel in the last few months, who believes anything he has to say about anything?

    They are priming the response when Biden loses, so they can blame someone else for their ineptitude and failure to govern.

    To me, it sounds like one grouping read the article / headline, had thoughts occur to them based on the article they read, and typed out those thoughts. It sounds like the other grouping has a little bulleted list in front of them "things we'd like to bring up about the Biden administration" and made a halfhearted attempt at "smooth"ly interjecting them into this topic.

    I've seen them slip and interject a talking point that's a total incongruity for the target audience / forum (as one of them did down below with January 6th being a peaceful protest), and I've seen them apparently fail to register that the talking point they're bringing up relates in some way to the topic of the article -- just sort of blandly repeat it with that same "we all agree" fellow kids type of energy instead of grasping the obvious relationship between what they're saying and what's in the article or whatever.

    CharlesDarwin , avatar

    All very good points. Just today on their latest podcast, I heard driftglass/bluegal commenting on the SCOTUS we have and how the cult members on there seemingly want a POTUS with no accountability (basically a king), while reflecting on all the leftist dipshittery over Hillary about how there is no real difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.

    Some of the leftists clearly believe this ridiculous and absurd claim (Sadly, I personally know a few of them and they really do hold this dumbass belief, even after Nader and after Stein), but then there are certainly a lot of trolls/bots that are taking that up to try to give the impression that this stupid belief is a common one among progressives/leftists.

    morphballganon ,

    Have you ever considered not being a net-negative human?

    Zehzin , (edited ) avatar

    It's cute when the US accuses countries of interfering with elections like they're protecting their world record or something

    andrefsp , avatar

    Oh shit. Such a edgy comment buddy. Now tell me, what elections does China has for the US to be meddling wih?

    Mammothmothman ,

    Proof read your shit bruv.

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    I think the point is that the US wanders the world (apart from China), election-meddling and influencing and coup-ing, and then all of a sudden when it happens to us it's some kind of pearl clutching emergency and crime.

    To be clear, I don't think we should be doing it to other countries, and I don't think they should be doing it to us. And I think the prospect of another Trump presidency would be so catastrophic for people the world over that it's worth resisting election interference on his behalf, even if you have no particular love for the US and its little adventures on the global stage. But certainly the US State Department getting upset that someone's influencing our democracy, even though we don't want them to, can be met with a certain amount of pure derisive laughter.

    mlg , avatar

    They f****** over Pakistan's elections just a few months ago, USA is the king of ruining functioning governments anywhere in the world.

    CIA straight up admitted they failed to gain an operational foothold in China like they did everywhere else which is why they never have a solid grasp on what China's next move will be. Not to mention the CCP makes arrests like monthly on people they believe or accuse of having connections to the CIA.

    Gabu ,

    Are you braindead? The US was caught meddling in foreign affairs all over the world throughout the past 100 years

    Cethin ,

    Yeah, every nation does. I don't see your point. Is it not bad? Your comment seems to try to direct anger away from China, but also seems to imply it's bad the US does it. It's bad though, right? You aren't just making this comment to misdirect, right?

    anticolonialist , (edited )

    They are priming the response when Biden loses, so they can blame someone else for their ineptitude and failure to govern.

    rdyoung ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Bipta ,

    Don't block the rubes. If we will did that, who would downvote and dispute their lies?

    Eldritch , avatar

    While true. Honestly sometimes people don't have the time or energy to do that. We should as much as possible though. It's a good way to touch grass at times. Lest we get too spaced ourselves.

    Not gonna lie. First post I saw above of his I almost up voted. But I read further thankfully, and the looked at their profile. Definite untreated mental illness going on there. Sure would be nice to have comprehensive single payer healthcare. :/

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, civility.

    some_guy ,

    More like failure to stop a genocide, but nice try.

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    Except if you're willfully being ignorant or arguing in bad faith, it's been known that Russia and China have been meddling in elections.

    anticolonialist ,

    Not as much as the RNC and DNC interferes in our elections

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    Lmao, I only see one side actively engaging in coup like behavior. Care to explain your idiotic stance, or will you do us all the favor and not reply?

    anticolonialist ,

    Jan 6 is a dog and pony show for liberals to keep them rallied up. Absolutely nothing will come of it other than charging the low hanging fruit. It's the liberal version of 'lock her up,' red meat for the rabid dogs.

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    You're equating apples and oranges, and the fact that there was an attempt to overthrow the government is a nothingburger to you. it just makes it clear not to take you seriously. You're a joke like your opinions and your sad pathetic existence.

    anticolonialist ,

    The DOJ doesn't see it as an attempt to overthrow the government either. Nearly four years later and they still have no charges against trump.

    Theprogressivist , (edited ) avatar

    So then, what was J6 to you if it wasn't a failed attempt at a coup?

    Edit: Crickets

    Hey, @anticolonialist, this question shouldn't be that hard if you're so sure of yourself.

    anticolonialist ,

    A bunch of guys waving flags is hardly a coup. A coup is an attempt to seize power, running the halls of congress is hardly trying to seize power. It was nothing but a group of people that perceived it as a redress of grievances.

    Some of us have things to do other than wait in continuing conversations with strangers online.

    mozz OP Admin , (edited )
    mozz avatar


    I think you probably wanna restrict the “J6 was a peaceful protest” stuff to some of your other accounts that hold some other ostensible viewpoints (probably fully off Lemmy, instead in some place where people get their news more in short-form-video-with-text-over-it format). It will absolutely not get traction here and it will absolutely cause people to look at your account and its motivations in a WHOLE different light.

    anticolonialist ,

    If you hadn't noticed I don't give a fuck what others think. I'm speaking to the crowd that sees Russians around every corner. And everyone else is responsible for regressive policy other than the DNC

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    Just tryin to help you with your messaging man

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    When presented with facts, you bitched up so stfu about trying to speak to anyone. You're not here for discourse, you're here to stir up bs, and I'm going to hold that over you every time we cross paths.

    anticolonialist ,

    You presented confirmation bias propaganda, not facts

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    Apparently, the co-conspirators being indicted for their involvement is confirmation bias, right? or how about the gallows? That's confirmation bias, too?. You wave anything you can't defend as confirmation bias. Your bs isn't gonna work on me. Once again, you're a fucking joke.

    anticolonialist ,

    Low hanging fruit to appear they are serious.

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    Does the cognitive dissonance make you uncomfortable?

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, civility.

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    Wow, I guess attempting to overturn the presidential election and the will of the people doesn't constitute as an attempt to overthrow the government. The fact they made plans and conspired to do all of this doesn't ring any alarms to you? As I said before, you're a joke.

    Oh, and bringing gallows to this so-called "addressing of grievances" to hang the vice president is totally normal, too, right?

    anticolonialist ,

    Still dont give a fuck

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    And there it is, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad you just outright outed yourself rather than continuing your poor attempt at a facade. You're a fucking joke.

    homesweethomeMrL ,


    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    failure to govern

    I have a new one for the bulleted list that usually just goes over reductions in CO2 emissions, growth in wages for working people even outpacing historic inflation that wasn’t Biden’s doing, etc etc the normal stuff that represents a big upward departure from the norm for US presidents.

    NoIWontPickAName ,

    That’s great and all, but is he still sending weapons that will be used to kill innocents?

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    Yes, and quite a bit more of them than US presidents usually send. And in my mind, the little fragments of resistance he’s been giving to Netanyahu’s genocidal plan don’t even come close to excusing that.

    anticolonialist ,

    How much climate damage is US weapons contributing to in the ME? Can't claim wages are up when homelessness is growing and 50% of renters can't afford rent. The elderly are being priced out of their homes and into the streets. Union support is growing because of labor support, not the government. And union support is growing because of stagnant wages.

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    Just gonna pretend I didn’t send you some links you could read about Biden’s NLRB, and keep repeating the “I’m so left that I can’t support Biden” false narrative piece by piece as if it was true, I guess?

    anticolonialist ,

    If you believe the bullshit about mitigating climate change and wages from the DNC I'm gonna assume everything else you believe is also bullshit confirmation bias. Leftists would no more support Biden than you would trump.

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    You invented a whole new type of logical fallacy 😃

    “You’re wrong, therefore that thing you said must be wrong, so I don’t have to respond or even read it, because I know it’s wrong because you were the one that said it”

    It’s genius. Get the patent; if it takes off you could make a mint.

    Theprogressivist , avatar

    He's gonna be the next guest speaker at the next International Troll Farm Seminar.

    billiam0202 ,

    He's gonna be the next guest speaker at the next International Troll Farm Seminar.

    Otherwise known as The Daily Wire.

    Gabu ,

    That's just circular reasoning, the oldest fallacy

    djsoren19 ,

    Yeah no shit. Every major power is trying to influence their rivals' elections, it's the most cost effective way to try and destabilize a country like the U.S. or China. What's more interesting is which side they're interfering for. We know the Republicans are firmly in Moscow's pocket, we know that Trump considers China an enemy, but that doesn't necessarily mean China wants a Democrat either. It could be that the geopolitical gains China made during Trump's administration outweighed all the trade war tariff nonsense, and they want the idiot to drag us further backwards so they can expand their hegemony.

    homesweethomeMrL ,
    djsoren19 ,

    This article basically just repeats my speculation in significantly more detail. Sure Trump said the words "I love China," but the man is a pathological liar who started a trade war with China after saying that and plans to start another one if elected. In his own special way, he even recognizes that the Chinese hegemony is slowly replacing the American one with his rambling on the yuan. They're certainly not friends, and the article's conclusion just indicates that the author thinks Beijing wants a useful idiot.

    thatKamGuy ,

    Trump’s anti-China stance is largely performative, and mostly self-defeating; think domestic tariffs etc.

    Sure, that may hurt China’s export potential to the US - but it’s a price the CCP is gambling would pay off in the long-term as Trump’s isolationist stance would weaken regional allies spheres of influence, and provide China the ability to step in and fill the vacuum (best case) or further invade territories they deem theirs (Taiwan, islands within the 9 dashes - worst case).

    In situations like this, it’s very much better to side with the devil you know.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    The CCP just hasn’t offered Trump a large enough quantity of money yet.

    dudinax ,

    China's funneled almost as much money into Donnie's pockets as Russia.
    He's also not keen on maintaining alliances with Japan and South Korea. It's an easy choice for them.

    djsoren19 ,

    I think this might be the answer. An isolationist US won't mind an attack on Taiwan. Very clever.

    APassenger ,

    I think they're pro-delegitimizing. After that... I'm curious too.

    dumbass , avatar
    NoIWontPickAName ,

    But hasn’t seen anything wrong with Israel, hmmm

    jonne ,

    They're still asking Israel to investigate themselves.

    DAMunzy ,

    They only do this on days that end in y. Oh, and we already knew this. We're just here to let you know we've always been at war with Eastasia.

    MehBlah ,
    Lassielmr , avatar

    @mozz the hypocrisy is astounding. The USA has been interfering in elections for the year dot.

    mozz OP Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    He has to pay a price. Washington should embolden Turkish opposition leaders to be able to take on and defeat Erdogan.

    Oh shit that was an inside thought, not a lay out to the press what we’re planning to do type thought.

    Not by a coup, not by a coup, but by the electoral process.

    Whew. Saved it. That was a close one.

    mlg , avatar

    Sounds awfully similar to "devote Imran Khan from PM and arrest his party, but uh don't kill him because that would be a coup"

    gAlienLifeform , avatar

    After this dude has been caught in like half a dozen lies on behalf of Israel in the last few months, who believes anything he has to say about anything?

    That said, apparently independent researchers generally back up what he's saying here

    Washington DC and Beijing can both fuck off, imo

    Rentlar ,

    I don't doubt it there are influence attempts on the US election by China.

    an aside

    Still, the selective blindness of the "US" on the Gaza issue has me disappointed in what the Pentagon and Blinken's Department of State overall can and can't see.

    HuntressHimbo ,

    I'm sure the same government that uncritically swallows every lie Israel has pushed to further their genocide is exactly who we should trust to vet this intel

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