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KillingTimeItself ,

this one is actually really funny, i like this one.

Good shit.

KillingTimeItself ,

the joke is that you are actively removing yourself from the situation by making a decision to do nothing. In essence, that track has no trolley on it, and no people on it, meaning nobody dies.... As long as you don't look over your shoulder.

KillingTimeItself ,

it's not explicitly nonsense, one of the decisions that you can make in the trolley problem is doing nothing, this is the equivalent of doing nothing in a comedic fashion.

KillingTimeItself ,

plug your ears, close your eyes, and yell "I CANT HEAR YOU" repeatedly over and over again.

KillingTimeItself ,

wouldnt be a joke otherwise.

KillingTimeItself ,

In the same way ‘would you rather’ is meant to force a decision between two unacceptable choices, the trolly problem is meant to highlight the morality of refusing to choose (and ensuring the worse decision).

in a really reductive sense, yes. The trolley problem is at it's heart, a question of whether being involved in an atrocity is better than being uninvolved in an atrocity.

KillingTimeItself ,

idk man sounds to me like the "educated elites" are the one causing the inequality.

kind of weird that woke is quoted. But whatever.

KillingTimeItself ,

not gonna lie, i kinda just straight up forgot about his ass.

Unfortunately now i have to remember that he's alive. Maybe that stroke should've taken him out of service...

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, unfortunately he's a senator so 6 year terms, but you can oust the fucker as soon as that happens, thankfully.

KillingTimeItself ,

there's no way. Someone will capitalize on it.

KillingTimeItself ,

damn this is crazy outrage bait.

I'll report back when mainland USA is flooded and nobody can grow food anymore and we're all starving, you have my word.

KillingTimeItself ,

it'll certainly be interesting, once florida goes under, it's only a matter of time before cali does, and once cali does, that's a significant impact to agricultural production in the US.

KillingTimeItself ,

do it pussy, i don't have a ceiling light. Get fucked.

KillingTimeItself ,

most based republican.

Fucking hate her, but at least she has some self awareness.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, though considering it sows division, which is actually practically helpful in this scenario. I think it's probably going to be more productive than one thinks.

KillingTimeItself ,

and eventually, the bolt must break.

Thoughts on understanding your body in order to improve your life

hi hello, rather ironic title, considering i spent the last day and a half on my feet continuously (i'm a chronic chair sitter, as of the last year or so) and so my physical body is kinda fucking through the wringer right now. Plus i'm feeling kinda shitty right now for one reason or another. And also i've got an operation...

Regarding sleep quality, why did humans evolve to require full darkness?

I know evolution is governed by chance and it is random but does it make sense to "ruin" sleep if there's light? I mean normally, outside, you never have pure darkness, there are the moon and stars even at night. In certain zones of the Earth we also have long periods of no sunshine and long periods of only sunshine....

KillingTimeItself ,

Keep in mind modern "nighttime" is very light polluted, so it's likely a lot darker most of the time, than you would think.

Also I think it's less about darkness, and more about the transition from light to dark.

Also yes the poles are weird, keep in mind that the poles are basically inhabitable, and northern Alaska is barely habitable.

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean yeah, but even then starlight is basically fuck all. The moon overpowers those, it just makes the sky look pretty. That's it.

Cloud cover would be primarily lit by moonlit. And even then, moon light is very dim. Just look at early moon light towers used to light up residential areas early in the electrification period.

It's literally the difference between being in your home, at night, and you can't see shit. Vs you can just barely make out where things are, and navigate properly.

Also semantic point, light pollution is not "dark" that's why you can't see any stars. Ever looked at a highway lit with LEDs recently? They have tons of light pollution that can be seen as what's referred to as "sky glow" My point here being, when you go outside in a light polluted area at night, it's literally not dark.

KillingTimeItself ,

stars would only be good for guidance, until you run into a tree or something.

KillingTimeItself ,

i quite like queerphobes, very funny.

Makes it sound like you hate fairies or some shit.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, i could back that.

KillingTimeItself ,

Just dont, and it wont, ez pz

KillingTimeItself ,

Tru, although I think at this point we're shitposting, so

KillingTimeItself ,

considering that this is a bsd user, yeah makes sense.

Coming from a self hoster, shits up when it's up. Otherwise it's down.

I charge nothing and you expect no guarantees of service :)

KillingTimeItself ,

Now the vast majority of phones run open source Android.

to be fair, this was almost certainly a reaction to the iphone. Still open, so there's that.

Seems like the cycle is either:

  • someone has a good idea, it's open source.
  • someone has a good idea, it's closed source, someone else makes something similar, but open source.
KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, the general rule of thumb seems to be that if it's universal, it needs to be open. The farther niche it goes, the less open it has to be, on principle of utility. Open standards are only good people it's so easy for them to get accepted. That's why closed standards often just don't go very far.

KillingTimeItself ,

it's a rather weird concept, but it makes sense. If you want to standardize, let's say, threaded hardware across the continental US that you would inherently need to do away with any closed standards, assuming you want it to actually work, and along with that, whatever you settle on, needs to be open.

You could theoretically do this with closed source, but the problem here is that there will be someone that comes along and does it with open source, and if it's better, you're fucked. And if it's equal, and cheaper, you're fucked. And if it's marginally worse, but trivial to adopt, you're fucked.

KillingTimeItself ,

i like this post, this is a good post.

Rule of thumb for anybody picking up politics. If you're picking sides you've already fucked up.

there are no sides, merely degrees of varying and dynamic inaccuracy.

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean, technically a home lab is just something you mess with. So if you're setting up a home server to get into learning about this shit.

It would technically be a homelab.

KillingTimeItself ,

genuine advice, i recommend you get into the nitty gritty of linux someday.

Guis, especially complex guis are just hell on earth. Actually sitting down and learning about what you're doing, and familiarizing yourself with the underlying tools, is an incredibly good way to get around that problem.

It's really hard to fuck up a CLI, and it's really easy with a certain level of knowledge, to navigate more complex topics and concepts. It's very worthwhile.

KillingTimeItself ,

was this article even written when the pi5 was out? The pi4 was out, and pretty good for quite a while, but really expensive in the last four years. The pi 5 is up there, but the price almost makes sense, so.

you can do quite a bit on these machines, but they are inherently limited, running a proper nas is going to be rather goofy, and probably just justifies getting proper hardware at the end of the day.

KillingTimeItself ,

It has to have good wizards that walk you through everything including setting up a domain and email.

i disagree honestly.

Part of the point behind self hosting is to empower people with the knowledge and capability that they can do this shit, and fix any problems that result.

You aren't really getting people into right to repair, if they aren't at least espousing it, and trying to engage in it themselves. Sure you can always go to a third party to do something at the end of the day, but with how broad right to repair is, there is almost certainly something in your life that you can fix and repair.

Like it'd be good that people are doing that, but you also need to remember that this is literally a turn key product, that literally every cloud provider sells, and every company ever who will try to force proprietary buggy garbage on you, will pretend is good, and functional. Will try to sell you, because you don't know any better. I think it's just a cultural difference. Car guys that spend time working on their car simply wouldn't understand the average persons conceptual understanding of repairing vehicles, and vice versa. It's the same here.

What you are suggesting here, is a sold, turn key solution, except fully open source, no bugs, no issues, and wide reaching community support. I don't think that's reasonably possible.

I think ultimately, we need to make learning, and accessing learning materials easy (we already do a great job at it) and we just need to get people interested in this shit, some people won't. That's fine, they probably know someone that is though. And at the end of the day, that's probably good enough.

KillingTimeItself ,

And here’s the reason why layman should not: they’re much more likely to make that one wrong move and suffer irrecoverable data loss than some faceless corporation selling their data.

and yet americans still drive cars.

I don't disagree, but you just have to be aware that you can fuck shit up. And if you do, that's not my problem, or anybody elses at the end of the day.

KillingTimeItself ,

That first leap into self-hosted is daunting.

the first leap you take into anything is daunting.

This is just called complacency. You can literally just pick up whatever the fuck you want, and start learning it.

KillingTimeItself ,

so, what do i do when my security theater is simply, not being on the internet.

Now what?

KillingTimeItself ,

im not saying they do exist, i'm saying that what you're talking about, is something that doesn't exist, for good reason. Because this is literally already a market place that has done it's job.

XMPP? Discord, it's literally discord. Storage and streaming? The cloud, netflix, etc. It's already a thing.

There aren’t enough people with the time and curiosity to figure out the current state of self-hosting and make a dent in the three website problem.

and yet, here we are, on lemmy. Funny how that works. You simply have to be willing to put in time and effort if you want to reap the benefits. You simply can't wish for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter.

KillingTimeItself ,

i don't know if i really like that definition. Going by the definition of a laboratory, it doesn't really make much sense. I mean sure they're a sterile environment, but it's incredibly unlikely that a lab is wiped clean and built from scratch, unless you get millions of dollars, and a lot of free time, i guess.

A lab is merely a place to do work with regard to studying, learning, or improving something.

People often refer to their "homelab" as an entire server rack, you want me to believe that people are willing to wheel out their entire server rack and discard the entire fucking thing? I doubt it. A homelab is just a collection of gear, (usually commercial networking gear) intended for providing an environment for you to mess around with things and learn about stuff.

In some capacity a homelab has to be semi permanent, if not for anything other than actually testing reliability and functionality of services and hardware, for the actual services themselves, because a part of the lab, is the service itself.

KillingTimeItself ,

you didn't suggest that at all

KillingTimeItself ,

the problem is, pf/opnsense aren’t based on Linux…

oh, well in that case you should fuck around with BSD someday, i've been meaning to do so, just haven't gotten around to it. the various BSDs are the siblings of linux.

as for all of the networking side of things, networking is just a nightmare, that's just something you have to learn about. Setting up your own local network to figure out how things work in a sterile controlled environment would be good.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, pretty much the same for me, just a little more primitive by nature.

I hear BSD is pretty nice since it's one system, instead of a modular system, it makes the actual functionality of the system a little nicer, as well a improving security quite a bit.

I can't imagine it's much different than linux, they're both unix related, and unix shares heavy ties with most unix related OSs these days.

KillingTimeItself ,

That’s what the definition is, nobody said you have to like it. Home labs have been a thing for a long time now. Long before laymen starting confusing the term with something it’s not, muddying up its meaning.

i'm just going by the commonly used term, at least how i've seen it. You seem rather defensive over this.

going by the reddit homelab sub details, "The answer is easy: to learn. IT professionals, amateurs, and people who just really like computers use homelabs to experiment in. It's a sandbox environment where if you break it, you fix it, and more importantly it isn't costing money while it's down." it's somewhat fast and loose.

What the? No you doughnut, the data is wiped. As in you can erase all the data off the drives, install a different OS, spin up a new cluster on some different hypervisor. It’s not a lab as in “physically sterile” it’s a lab as in a place meant for experimentation.

baffling concept for your 2 iq brain, i wasn't talking about a homelab, as evidenced by the fact that i said the most broad, least specific form of lab, laboratory.

"A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed." The definition, for your reading comprehension abilities. This is what i was referring to there.

What are you talking about guy? You don’t wheel anything out. You don’t discard the hardware. You ‘d discard any and all data or services on it. It’s for experimenting with things. Often for configuring things from scratch. Thats what you’re experimenting with and studying. Your home lab is the entire rack. Everything that’s running on it is what is ephemeral.

yeah, that's my point, i was playing by your rules of the definition, which are very explicitly strict.

in an environment outside of production. It’s the non-business version of “pre-production” or a testing environment.

I.E. literally anything you don't have strong attachment to, because unlike the corpo world, you can simply do whatever the fuck you want with your hardware, you don't even have to test shit in a testing environment if you want to.

You can run it explicitly inside of a homelab if you please, nothing is going to stop you.

KillingTimeItself ,

I just think more progress can be made in that direction.

I don't disagree, but a big problem with jellyfin specifically, is that it's just kind of a mess, don't get me wrong, great piece of software, super functional, and works really well. but it's also kind of fucking messy client side transcoding is still rather confusing, and some would be pretty nice UI and user elements simply don't exist right now.

I think i would prefer a more featured rather bare bones system that requires a higher level of configuration, than something with less features, that ships what is ostensibly the minimum viable product, while being plug and play. Having good features is often going to make software better, even if it's harder to use.

As far as I can tell, you are not self-hosting the Divisions by Zero Lemmy instance, so I’m not sure what your point is there. I am actually self-hosting my instance with the help of Yunohost.

i am not, no, and that's kind of my point. Not everybody has to self host their own individual instance, one person can host an instance of something for hundreds, maybe thousands of people. I simply do not think that you need that many people actively interested in this.

The entire world runs on software programming, yet the entire population is not programmers, it must follow that we will be fine without everybody liking this stuff.

KillingTimeItself ,

damn that's crazy.

i aint readin all that.

KillingTimeItself ,

Nah I read the first ones, this one just doesnt say anything worth reading.

KillingTimeItself ,

And this thread is how you wind up being a pretentious cunt :)

I can play this game too!

KillingTimeItself ,

I fully believe you (and I can’t believe I’m asking for this) but do you have a source

wait so, why would you believe someone and then ask for a source?

Why not just like, ask for a source? You can ask someone for a source while still believing them, you might just want more information for example.

KillingTimeItself ,

man, it's almost like hyper politicized, hyper-narrative stories. Don't actually do much, or something.

Wondering how long it's going to take the media, and people to realize that war is just, bad. Wait until you guys find out what russia has done to their domestic population, as well as ethnic minority groups, and prisoners. Remember the sledge hammer video? Yeah, me too.

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