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HowManyNimons ,

Noo! OP tell me the green stuff is cilantro.

HowManyNimons ,

Because Tories out. Then we can start fixing things.

HowManyNimons ,

I'm glad that my last name starts with a letter that's late in the alphabet.

HowManyNimons ,

Pika pikaa??

HowManyNimons ,

And that helps them how?

HowManyNimons ,

Here's the thing: the UK needs trade agreements in order to thrive. The EU may be only minimally democratic, but the fact that the people get any say at all in the terms of that set of trade agreements is considerably better than the say we'd get in any other trade agreement. Especially given that we would be the minor partner an any trade agreement we made with powerful partners: we'd be letting the USA, for example, dictate to our government. If we ever do an agreement with the USA, you can bet that it would come with rules about generic drugs, and allowing them to buy up our schools, hospitals and prisons -- and the people would get no say at all.

Meanwhile the EU, for all its faults, has rules based around human rights, environmental protection, animal welfare and mutual prosperity. That's the type of trade agreement that we want. Nothing on offer outside the EU will be as kind to us. Nothing.

Not only that: being out of the EU has cost us 5% growth per annum. Our exposure to global catastrophes has been worse, and our recoveries slower, than EU countries and comparable economies. Our labour market is a mess, our exporters are inundated with paperwork, and our governments, without the leavening influence of the "undemocratic" EU, have been more corrupt, more cruel and less respectful of human rights.

HowManyNimons , (edited )

Please try to understand; it's very important. Every trade agreement we make costs us sovereignty. You want a publicly owned NHS? Too bad. It's on the negotiating table when we deal with the Americans. In secret.

EU directives around human rights, environmental protection or animal welfare are not trade agreements.

They are effectively terms of a trade agreement. Goods traded in the EU have to meet standards.

The cost of leaving the EU is money well spent.

To what end? Nothing is better. Many things are worse. Is there any payoff at all?

This just seems absurd to me. I see no such increases.

Exhibit A: The Rwanda scheme.

you want less corruption, less cruelty, more respect for human rights, and you're happy to give up degrees of democracy in order to have that.

I simply don't believe we will have "more democracy" outside the EU. We elected our MEPs. We do not elect our trade negotiators, nor those with whom they negotiate. In terms of democracy, we're swapping a pittance for nothing. So I'll take the reduced cruelty and corruption, the human rights, and the pittance of democracy please.

HowManyNimons ,

You realise that LOL isn't a convincing reply?

Anyway, to address the points you bothered to make:

No monetary payoff, no. I see now that money is what's detaining you.

Any payoff at all? I'll take anything.

The Rwanda scheme isn't an increase in the reprehensible behaviour of government, it's the same amount of reprehensible behaviour as has always been displayed, before and after Brexit.

I see it as a new low, though YMMV. My opinion is that in general, the last few years of government have been the most destructive in living memory.

HowManyNimons ,

She has a very good aim. Was that one of her miracles?

HowManyNimons , (edited )

The final action of this atrocious government. What type of person uses their power for this? I hate them, I hate them.

Edit: Please vote tactically and spread the word. Follow Carol Vordeman: she and her gang at BestForBritain have a plan to push the Conservatives into third place this election.

HowManyNimons ,

Even Doctor Who doesn't like it, and he wore celery as a brooch for years.

HowManyNimons ,

It never isn't projection. Of course. They assume we think like they do.

HowManyNimons ,

I really liked this episode, which feels nice because I haven't been able to be honestly positive about an episode of Doctor Who for quite a long time. Maybe since Resolution? And in that one I had to ignore the fact that the Doctor could sonic a Dalek's gun. So a swing and a hit is refreshing. Here's to more.

HowManyNimons ,

The best way to avoid having your words used by an LLM is to mash your fingers with a mallet before typing. The resulting typographical errors will ensure that the AI rejects your text before using it for training.

HowManyNimons ,

Those outliers in the golden era seasons are all clip shows.

HowManyNimons ,

Basically everywhere there's water except in space now.

HowManyNimons ,

My sister left Texas when she decided to start having children

Those forced childbirth laws aren't working as intended.

HowManyNimons ,

Bandit has unlimited energy and a team of well-slept writers. He's a good role model as long as you realise he is as unrealistic as any other cartoon animal.

HowManyNimons ,

Are you saying they hang to the right?

HowManyNimons ,

The BBC reports on a lot of non-UK matters. And American righties tend to moan about it.

HowManyNimons ,

It's pretty clear what they meant. Righties claim the BBC is a left-biased institution when the evidence is that it gives right wing opinions more airtime than left. It's just not as mad as the Daily Mail, so the readers of that esteemed periodical think the BBC for pinkos.

The countries with the most Fediverse servers are rich and former/current colonial powers. One of the best true barometers of the success of the Fediverse is how quickly we can turn that on its head. ( )

In the end I don’t think internet users in rich powerful countries are the users most likely to benefit and invest their time into in the fediverse. They might be the ones with the most free time, money and privilege around computers which makes being on the leading edge of niche technologies far easier, but I don’t think...

HowManyNimons ,

You don't have to use a local server though.

HowManyNimons ,

Do the caffienated ants have shorter lives?

HowManyNimons ,

Maybe there isn't an English word for Palestine?

HowManyNimons ,

Space Babies was OK. I liked the bit where the Doctor stared dead into the camera and explained the allegory. That was funny.

The rest have been a load of wank. I had hoped that a bit of time off might have curbed some of RTD's excesses, but alas.

And Moff's script just seemed ... tired. Like he just couldn't do it any more. Blah blah, arms suppliers are bad, fish fingers and custard, love will save the day, something something atheism, ... .

HowManyNimons ,

I mean, you could blame a wasp for stinging you, but what's it going to do? It's a wasp.

HowManyNimons ,

Given they're lying about casualty rates and killing reporters I'd say that's a easy ten.

HowManyNimons ,

When your problem isn't the responsibility of the person in front of you, but it is the manager's responsibility.

HowManyNimons ,

It seems other people have different experiences. I find the caps mildly annoying as they do seem to get in the way when pouring and refilling, and they are slightly more difficult to screw back on to the bottle.

HowManyNimons ,

I understand the sentiment, but I think it distracts from the urgent issue. Right now, surely the important thing is for Israel to stop massacring civilians is Gaza. People on either side are more likely to sign on to that. If you make it contingent on any particular solution to the greater conflict then you'll just make people dig in to their held opinions.

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