pseudo , avatar

I'm glad that Reddit gave me the push I needed to finally join the fediverse. I absolutely love the technology to the point I don't care so much about the content.

redempt ,

I use it less, which is better for my mental health. I still find there are similarly depressing posts and attitudes here. People are nicer, but the breadth of topics is far more limited. I won't go back to reddit, but lemmy definitely doesn't hold a candle to the number of communities they have. I've been using Tumblr as well and quite enjoying that.

ano_ba_to ,

There are a lot of Linux talks, but I can't stand all the people who keep saying all this place talks about is Linux. They are the ones who are everywhere here.

By the way, I came back to reddit briefly for a very specific community and ever since the stock sale started getting this:

whoa there, pardner!

Your request has been blocked due to a network policy.

Try logging in or creating an account here to get back to browsing.

If you're running a script or application, please register or sign in with your developer credentials here. Additionally make sure your User-Agent is not empty and is something unique and descriptive and try again. if you're supplying an alternate User-Agent string, try changing back to default as that can sometimes result in a block.

You can read Reddit's Terms of Service here.

if you think that we've incorrectly blocked you or you would like to discuss easier ways to get the data you want, please file a ticket here.

when contacting us, please include your ip address which is: and reddit account

It could just be my VPN since I also see this on my tablet/phone but I gave reddit another chance and they didn't want it.>

ejmin ,

It is also on my VPN service, but when I log in, it works even on the VPN.

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

yeah, they are blocking VPNs; cant get there using Mullvad currently. whatever, i'm using LibRedirect to use privacy friendly frontends for Youtube/Reddit/TikTok/Maps, so i can still read stuff there anyway

oatscoop , avatar still works ... for now. I deleted my account, but there's still a few writers on reddit I follow.

dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

Lemmy is hyper Reddit without all the bloat. And not the good aspects of Reddit either

Pantherina ,

And not the good aspects of Reddit either


AchtungDrempels ,

For me the best thing about reddit was the niche subs. I was there only for niche content, on lemmy there's hardly anything happening yet, so i end up either looking at memes, which don't really interest me (i blocked most politics talk), or look at nothing at all.

root_beer ,

I deleted my Reddit account and have not gone back. That said, I’m not particularly fond of Lemmy either. I’ve found… maybe? two communities here of interest that may have migrated from Reddit and they aren’t even active; and even as a socialist, the politics are tiresome and pervasive.

Aside from fascists getting the smacking around that they deserve, the one thing that’s nice is that there are far fewer cringey “yay lemmy is the best isn’t it guys” circlejerk posts now than there were back then. I don’t spend nearly as much time on here as I did on Reddit, so that’s a plus.

  1. I haven't gone back to Reddit since the rapture. The only time I use it is for Google results.

  2. I use Lemmy A LOT less than Reddit. This is a good thing imo.

  3. Since it's a smaller community I find that my posts and comments get a lot more traction.

  4. I miss the smaller niche subs. Yes I know that I should contribute and make it a thing on Lemmy. No I won't because I'm mostly a lurker and would rather just close the app than do any work.

  5. I like how the platform is full of socialist/communist but it can become a bit of an echo chamber.

Overall I am happy with the change. Fuck Spez.

JackFrostNCola ,

Are you me? Every point you made mirrors my own Lemmy experience.

The only thing i would add is that i really miss the quality of some of the content, which i would just attribute to the difference between userbase size and by sheer numbers meaning more high quality content to rise up to the top.
I would say on reddit that i would almost never get through the days 'top content' for me before i started losing interest in posts, whereas here i can run out within 15-30 mins and then im among duplicate posts, yesterday's posts or just things that dont interest me much.
But i also put this down to the wider range of subreddits providing more variation and extra content, so perhaps i just have to spend more time finding more lemmy communities to draw from on other instances.

objectionist ,

i’m still a lurker, i post less, and im practically a ghost on here. i’m winning and loving it. reddit w/o the problems

Aggravationstation ,

I still have my Reddit account but haven't logged in since the Rexodus began and the only reason I haven't deleted it yet is laziness.

Lemmy provides me with links to news I'm interested in, Linux information and memes whilst satisfying my scrolling itch.

Most of the political stuff that pops up isn't really my bag and some communities are too US centric for me but the beauty is you can just block the communities you don't like. Also, there isn't as much new content posted daily but it's much smaller and niche than Reddit so I'm happy for that trade off.

Harbinger01173430 ,

I now use the /S all the time just in case

Schlemmy ,

I'm still a bit confused about the instances and the political alignment of people on certain instances. I'm on but apparently people can be quite toxic on that instance.

Having to subscribe to the same subject on different instances feels a bit weird. I always wonder what I'm missing out on.

It also seems like we're missing some critical mass but I'm over Reddit, that's the bottom line.

TassieTosser ,

Lost a lot of my hobby subs and spend more time posting political crap now.

TheSlad ,

Same. My reddit feed was well curated with small hobby and humor subs specific to my interests. Without the cesspool of "default" subs it was actually a nice place, and if the official mobile app wasnt a pile of shit I'd still be there despite all the other fuckery going on with it.

TheControlled ,

Without my highly curated subs list I made to avoid propaganda, outrage, and cringebait (subs devoted to make you cringe or laugh at people, idk what to call it) I'm kinda stuck with /196 and a bunch of stuff I don't care about. Anyway, I too have been sucked into political crap and I'm over it.

Tonight I put in a some keyword filters to cut out the Israel-Palestine War, and stuff. So there's that.

I miss all my cool art subs, mental health subs, and media subs so much.

hakstc ,

I'm with you. I had reddit tuned to make me feel better. I saw cute animals and silly memes, cool niche hobbies, active small communities. Here it's almost entirely doom and gloom. Fighting and arguing. Unfunny, serious memes.

Makes me very glad I found a friendly discord community to be in.

dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

Yeah that's what i discovered too (atleast on lemmy world). Its gotten to the point where i moved back to reddit because im too old to engross myself with politics and hate 24/7. After the constant DDOS attacks all my niche subs i followed died and the rest are just posts ripped from Reddit.

Plasma , avatar

I've moved on, I only use reddit when I want to find already existing stuff.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I'm delighted by Lemmy. I post all the time and probably am a bit annoying but I'm really having fun.

paultimate14 ,

Lemmy simply hasn't been enough content. I still use Lemmy (obviously, I'm here) but I also supplement with other places.

For example, I used to enjoy the sub for one of my favorite sports teams. A lot of posts tended to be articles from the same handful of news outlets. Now instead of reading through Reddit I just have that website up and routinely check for new articles.

I use the Google News app occasionally. It usually sucks.

I also use Instagram a lot more. I only reluctantly downloaded it and created an account because my wife and a few friends wanted to send me things. Then I used it more when my band released an EP as a way to promote that. For pure entertainment rather than informational purposes, I usually go to Lemmy first and exhaust what is good quickly, then go to Instagram after.

I know it sucks. I don't like having an app from Meta on my phone. I know it can become an unhealthy habit. But I also drink and eat junk food, so there you go.

dislocate_expansion Bot ,

How much time do you estimate (or know) you spend on these other apps?

lemmy_nightmare , avatar

[Insert witty comment here]

dislocate_expansion Bot ,

[Quip that adds to your comment, but also shows some personality on my end]

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