sheilzy ,

It's okay. I still peruse reddit sometimes because the subs here aren't sufficient enough. Also, reddit has more variety. Lemmy is a bit too political. Like /c/news seems to only post political stuff. And it's mostly liberal leaning (which I am), but too liberal occasionally. People hate nazis here but curiously, they also hate Israel. I'm looking for more communities that are less intense and charged. Stuff about crafting, plant rearing, literature, etc. The other big fediverse site, Mastodon, has a similar prevalence of charged stuff, but I've found a bit more silly things both on my own and with suggestions over there. I suppose I could start some new communities here but I'm doubtful I have the fortitude to make them get increased traction.

Marighost , avatar

I don't mean to start an argument about it, but hating Nazis and hating Israel are not mutually exclusive. Hating Israel is antizionism, not antisemitism.

JargonWagon , (edited )

I feel ya. I tire of the politics here, and it can get extremely left leaning, like pro-communism/pro-socialism/pro-fascism and very anti-American to the point where it's a little sus. I get it, there's always been anti-America sentiment surrounding conversations and in media all my life, but it's a bit extreme here.

I go onto social media to turn my brain off, not do elaborate research on the past 500 years of colonialism so that I can make sure I'm accurately arguing my point cohesively on this one comment. At the very least, I'll engage with conversations about tech when I'm not turning my brain off, but I hate politics/debate. I want a DDR/Stepmania/Etterna community where we can discuss new themes released, new songs on various cabinets, etc.

WanderingVentra , (edited )

Fascism is not even close to left lol. But I agree there's too much politics sometimes. I don't mind arguing about it but it could be good to talk about other stuff.
I suggest subscribing to communities that advertise other communities so we can help them.


Also browsing by scaled sort has helped me discover some new communities that my instance is connected.

And of course:

I know just finding a new community doesn't guarantee it will have people in it, but we have to start posting in those empty communities and filling them with content. It's something I need to do a lot better with, too. I lurk too much.

JargonWagon ,

Not seeing my reply show up, so doing it again in case the previous one got lost in the abyss: Subscribed to all 3 just now and I'm looking forward to enjoying some new communities! Thank you!

WanderingVentra ,

Glad to help! I wish us both luck finding and reviving our favorite niche communities! I don't want to have to go back to Reddit lol. I want this whole fediverse thing to work out.

RIP_Apollo ,

Well said, I agree with you. The politics/debates can be so intense that it can prevent Lemmy from being a place where people go to just relax and switch off. Even the meme communities have so much political content.

And I suppose it’s only going to intensify during the U.S. election later this year.

Harbinger01173430 ,

Besides, there are Ashkenazis in Israel so... /S

ArcaneSlime ,

Just start em, and post what you want to, steal posts from reddit if you like too (but not automated like the annoying ass bots), and if it grows it grows. I'm one of like 4 people posting in c/comicbooks, and if it grows great but if not that's ok too, all we can do is try.

WanderingVentra ,

Same in some of my hobbies. I'm like one of 3 posting in !leagueoflegends but if people like us don't post, it won't grow at all, so got to try! I do need to do it more often.

BonesOfTheMoon ,

I'm delighted by Lemmy. I post all the time and probably am a bit annoying but I'm really having fun.

ano_ba_to ,

There are a lot of Linux talks, but I can't stand all the people who keep saying all this place talks about is Linux. They are the ones who are everywhere here.

By the way, I came back to reddit briefly for a very specific community and ever since the stock sale started getting this:

whoa there, pardner!

Your request has been blocked due to a network policy.

Try logging in or creating an account here to get back to browsing.

If you're running a script or application, please register or sign in with your developer credentials here. Additionally make sure your User-Agent is not empty and is something unique and descriptive and try again. if you're supplying an alternate User-Agent string, try changing back to default as that can sometimes result in a block.

You can read Reddit's Terms of Service here.

if you think that we've incorrectly blocked you or you would like to discuss easier ways to get the data you want, please file a ticket here.

when contacting us, please include your ip address which is: and reddit account

It could just be my VPN since I also see this on my tablet/phone but I gave reddit another chance and they didn't want it.>

ejmin ,

It is also on my VPN service, but when I log in, it works even on the VPN.

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

yeah, they are blocking VPNs; cant get there using Mullvad currently. whatever, i'm using LibRedirect to use privacy friendly frontends for Youtube/Reddit/TikTok/Maps, so i can still read stuff there anyway

oatscoop , avatar still works ... for now. I deleted my account, but there's still a few writers on reddit I follow.


I still use reddit from time to time, but I find the stuff i find here is of higher quality and more thoughtful. I would use Lemmy exclusively if it had all of the communities that i frequent on reddit, many of the things on here are tech-related and most things outside of the tech world don't pop up in my feed. I feel I engage more, use more and actually learn more from Lemmy so overall I am quite impressed!

shapis , avatar

I want to like this place.

People seem too aggressive here though.

And apparently everyone's hobby is using Linux and neurodiverging.

yoyolll , avatar

Sometimes it does seem like everyone’s on a soapbox or cynical crusade about some shit or another and you’re a bad person if you don’t know or care.

Lots of places on Reddit and Twitter also feel that way. I think it’s just an inherent part of mass online interaction.

dislocate_expansion Bot ,




force ,

it was nice while it lasted, which was until loud conservatives and ""libertarians"" started flooding in a few months later

i was even fine with the tankies, but the alt-right kit 'n caboodle is just too much

WanderingVentra ,

Reddit has been crazy aggressive lately, especially on front page posts. I got tempted to look at it, and now I'm not even tempted anymore.

blarth ,

I simply block communities I’ll never engage with. For instance, the “all” view on Lemmy is chock full of trans community content. Nothing against trans folks, I just don’t care about it, and would similarly block a boating community that was all over the default view.

soundimus ,

Still just a lurker. I enjoy not seeing the same thing spread across a bunch of places.

Silentiea , avatar

Some of the more niche communities I had on reddit don't exist on Lemmy yet, and likely won't for the foreseeable future. DPS chasing for a small MMO seems like a thing that could exist here, but for now the majority of the public would just use Reddit or whatever instead.

The custom mtg card community I joined is pretty much just dead. I did a card a day for a while in there, but then I ran out of cards is already made and now it's just sitting again.

Other than that, the general purpose of it is doing exactly what Reddit did for me, so...

RBWells ,

I've written this before but I am comfortable here, it reminds me of the text chat groups in Usenet, the first 'social medium' I was part of. Not mainstream but enough people.

I keep a Lemmy-World cocktails community and in this nine months have had to moderate exactly one post and read exactly one report. Users grow in number, slowly, every day. It is So Nice here. Could there be more engagement? Sure. But high quality overall, a lot of what is missing is the crap.

hanke ,

Link to cocktails community please! Love making them, love sipping them!

RBWells ,
WanderingVentra ,


therealjcdenton , avatar

It made me realize that other people use Linux and gave me hope for the future of technology, then made me disappointed in how narrow sighted they are when it comes to political views

MissJinx , avatar

Haven't really. I'm just like I was before. Lemmy meets my daily social networking needs and I don't miss anything.

feoh ,

It's great!

The single biggest problem i see is the lack of network effect.

We need more people to use Lemmy and create and participate in communities. I know part of that is actually using and participating ourselves. so I will try to be better about seeking out active communities already here and patronizing them regularly :)

dislocate_expansion Bot ,

Maybe T-shirt and local conversations at 3rd places might help?

TGhost , avatar

Come on,
I've seen and discovered (I'm French) the Baltimore accident on Lemmy.

Its efficient 😂😂

nutsack ,

I wish there was more porn

feoh ,

Points for honesty, but how does one find exploitation free porn? I know some smart women who would say there is no such thing.

So being a sexual creature like any other, I get it but also maybe it's OK if that just lives on pornhub or whatever :)

nutsack ,

i dont know how you define exploitation here. reddit had girls and couples posting their own content while driving traffic to their onlyfans accounts. pretty valid if you ask me.

lemmynsfw is great but there's not a lot of users at the moment.

i don't think pornhub or whatever needs to be the only option for sex work on the internet.

feoh ,

I'm all for more options for sex work. And I certainly have no puritanical objections to consenting adults enjoying the idea of others enjoying their bodies!

j4k3 OP , avatar

I would argue that AI is in the process of creating the most exploitation free version of porn. The things you see posted here from AI diffusion are mostly amateur. I can make far far more realistic images but it takes a thorough understanding of AI alignment and why very strong alignment was needed to conform to cultural expectations. I won't go into the ethics of base datasets except to say there are many things that can be generated that had no real world analogue.

feoh , (edited )

What I initially wrote:I'm old and nervous, and while some small part of my brain reads this and says "Cool! Neat!" the larger part IMMEDIATELY leaps to other ... things.

I feel like I need to say the quiet bit out loud here, and will do so in the hope that it will be taken for what it is - collegial discourse around a topic of shared interest.

I'm super concerned about this idea. There are so many ramifications that verge into the negative here that it makes my head spin.

How can we be sure that the training corpi used to create said Porn AI will be free of images drawn from sex trafficking and/or abuse victims? What about images from folks who gave freely when they were 18 and in high school but now are 28 and applying for jobs as school teachers?

Also, how will the AI "understand" things like informed consent? Even more questionable are things like social norms

Anyway, it will certainly be interesting to watch this space evolve.

j4k3 OP , avatar

I think it will take shift to liberalism forcefully, but also real versus digital will shift. It means far less need for workers to have many questionable partners in the analogue world. There are presently biases that try to prevent several behaviors but there are ways around these. Ultimately, it means a shift to a culture where being naked is irrelevant and no petty nonsense stigma associated with an image. People are stupid about this stuff anyways. If you get your rocks off by seeing me naked or doing whatever, that is on you. If you start harassing me with that stuff, that is another issue entirely. If I find something disturbing, I have a right to ask for its removal, but ultimately this is the price of public imagery. If you do not want to have your likeness replicated, do not post publicly. This is the only effective way to regulate the behavior. The technology is already public and open source. That can never be eliminated; only driven underground which is exactly where the few people willing to exploit people are located. Regulation ultimately makes the problem worse. Normalization is democratization, and that is the best result for everyone long term. It sucks for people that have a large public image, but deep fake type images were around long before diffusion. This is simply easier access to the skills required to create such images. It will soon be video as well. Allowing anyone to control this tech is a massive mistake anyways. It is a global academic advancement in math and computer science. Any country stupid enough to attempt conservative regulation simply makes their nation technologically irrelevant because the research will continue external to the Luddite nonsense. The way AI develops in the next decade or two I'd the most important technology of the first half of this century, especially in the military implications. Restricting this space is about the dumbest thing anyone could do right now. You are likely to see the era of AI drones that kill and are effective autonomously at scale. That alone changes everything in the world as we know it. One in 3 FPV drones hits a target in Ukraine right now. They are ~$800 each. A single artillery round is ~$10k and they hit a target far far less often. When the FPV operator is no longer needed and an AI is just as effective...

All of this is relevant and interrelated where innovations in one area of AI get applied to others as they are all similar math problems. How people feel about the tech is irrelevant in the grand scheme. So a massive shift in culture is inevitable, or WW3, maybe both.

nutsack ,

the idea of jerking off to anything that isn't real people does not appeal to me at all

captainlezbian ,

It’s hard to find. I disagree with the anti porn feminist stance, but I respect it. In fact Dworkin is one of the feminists that I respect most despite disagreeing with her on this topic.

So how do you find it? Find exhibitionists or independent purveyors (or worker owned porn cooperatives). One of my exes used to sell nudes and she enjoyed it. But yeah it’s very difficult to be certain.

Personally though, I prefer to stick to the written stuff. Much likely to be exploitative and plot gets me wet.

feoh ,

The answer is these days I mostly don't. No judgement though :)

j4k3 OP , avatar

To import new communities on an instance into the all feed, go to places like LemmyNSFW and look at what is active, any community that says "pending" when you try to subscribe is waiting for the instance synchronization bots to make the community available. Once this happens, everyone will see the community in the All feed for your instance. Indeed there are a lot more porn posts happening, you just have to be a little proactive about finding them.

... I know... Uhhh! Effort?!

but we all have to take some ownership to be here. This is like, the only service reddit ever provided and now, to make this place work, we have to do it. I'm the reason a couple NSFW communities are on .world, so this is not a hypothetical. There are many other instances for NSFW content too.

bradorsomething ,

Have you checked out the ai generated porn?

june ,

I now use my porn account to engage with folks on my niche subs and race threads.

AgentGrimstone ,

I no longer see the same post/topic 5x on my feed so that's an improvement 👍

june ,

Damn, you’re lucky.

UnaSolaEstrellaLibre , (edited )

Deleted my 10y+ account, but I mostly scroll/lurk some communities that aren't prevalent around here still.

It is very apparent how much worse its getting after the API scandal. So many bot posts and karma farming bots. It's depressing what it has become.

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