Less niche content from the subs that I couldn’t find an equivalent for here. Also less random bullshit from all the reposted recycled memes that were often somehow just perpetually in my face. It would be nice if there were more people here on Lemmy commenting to link over to relevant related communities (sublemmys??) to a post that they think others would like. Sometimes that’s a good way to find more subs. Don’t really see that happening round these parts.
TL;DR Wasting less time on interwebs

governorkeagan ,

I've noticed two things.

  1. I am a lot more active. On Reddit I was mostly just a lurker. On Lemmy I want to comment and post.
  2. Following on from 1. It feels more like a community here, on Reddit after a post had a certain number of comments/upvotes, I knew that mine would never be seen. I don't have that feeling on Lemmy.
Rentlar ,

I'm glad you are here and having a great time participating in the Fediverse!

ceo_of_monoeye_dating , avatar

@governorkeagan @j4k3 >on Reddit after a post had a certain number of comments/upvotes, I knew that mine would never be seen. I don’t have that feeling on Lemmy.

Posts federate to other instances - even off Lemmy - at different speeds. Those of us on Pleroma/Mastodon who browse TWKN will just see random posts from wherever, and how popular the post is ends up being irrelevant.

Enjoy your first tiny taste of what the internet is like out there lemmybro.

SwearingRobin , (edited )

I feel the same, but one big thing I miss from reddit are the more niche hobby communities. Back when I spent time on reddit I'd interact more with those kinds of communities because they were smaller and I actually had some good information to give to other people with the same interest. In lemmy getting those kinds of communities is practically impossible, there is not enough people here to make more niche stuff more than a few individuals, and thats not enough to keep a community alive.

governorkeagan ,

Completely agree! For myself, I really miss the film/videography subreddits. There are two or three here but there’s only a handful of people and they seem dead.

Vladkar ,

I have mixed feelings. On one hand, Lemmy seems to be finding its groove, and I genuinely feel like I'm part of a growing community. But there's definitely something missing, and it's difficult to put into words.

On Reddit, I tended to frequent specific subs, and rarely doomscrolled the front page. But that's all I find myself doing on Lemmy. Most of my feed is either politics or memes, and nuanced discussion seems rare. New communities apparently have a hard time getting off the ground, and I think it's mostly because decentralization makes discovery a hastle.

Reddit's whole purpose is to aggregate content from other websites, whilst providing a central access point. This is antithetical to the very concept of the Fediverse, which is all about decentralization. I find myself wishing for an easy way to aggregate Fediverse content, so that I could access Lemmy, Beehaw, Kbin, etc. all in one place, regardless of whether they're federated. Really, all the drama surrounding instances federating/defederating is obnoxious as an end user.

The apps are certainly better, though, and in general I'm enjoying myself.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Really, all the drama surrounding instances federating/defederating is obnoxious as an end user.


bilb , avatar

I try to do an "end-run" around federation drama by using my own instance, especially since I prefer to be as openly federated as possible. This is not without drawbacks, but it's really not bad.

My fear is that one day the biggest instances will switch from using block lists to instead only federate with an allow-list. That would basically make this use non-viable.

SkyNTP ,

Lemmy lacks niche interest communities, beyond stuff like Linux.

SuddenDownpour ,

Really, all the drama surrounding instances federating/defederating is obnoxious as an end user.

On the other hand, subreddit dramas where a good portion of the userbase got alienated usually ended up with the users getting beaten into submission, and either shutting up or getting banned. It's a bit annoying, but it's still better than the other alternative we know.

paultimate14 ,

Lemmy simply hasn't been enough content. I still use Lemmy (obviously, I'm here) but I also supplement with other places.

For example, I used to enjoy the sub for one of my favorite sports teams. A lot of posts tended to be articles from the same handful of news outlets. Now instead of reading through Reddit I just have that website up and routinely check for new articles.

I use the Google News app occasionally. It usually sucks.

I also use Instagram a lot more. I only reluctantly downloaded it and created an account because my wife and a few friends wanted to send me things. Then I used it more when my band released an EP as a way to promote that. For pure entertainment rather than informational purposes, I usually go to Lemmy first and exhaust what is good quickly, then go to Instagram after.

I know it sucks. I don't like having an app from Meta on my phone. I know it can become an unhealthy habit. But I also drink and eat junk food, so there you go.

dislocate_expansion Bot ,

How much time do you estimate (or know) you spend on these other apps?

Ashtear , avatar

I contribute far more now. I already have more posts on Lemmy in nine months than I did in all of the 10-ish years I was on Reddit. My rate of commenting is about the same.

I've also changed the way I get my news; I went retro and use RSS feeds now. I do fear there's a risk of over-curation with a minimum of sources leading to narrow viewpoints. Even Reddit's news bubble was more expansive than what I've got coming in. But my feeds and Lemmy's bubble are what I've got for now.

stepanzak ,

My fear of going outside is stronger than ever before. That, and I started using tiling window manager.

shortwavesurfer ,

I was ready for a fediverse reddit since i had been on mastodon since 2019. The threads here just work better for me than the microblogging style. I used mastodon sometimes and reddit every day. Now i use lemmy every day, mastodon sometimes, and reddit only when i absolutely must.

sunbeam60 ,

It’s made me realise there are a lot of honest-to-Darwin communists and people who believe the West is pure evil and China & Russia is a better alternative. They didn’t frequent Reddit (they were either blocked or didn’t show up, I’m not actually sure).

For a while I tried to debate them. Then I realised it’s a waste of time - we are too far apart and both are each others trigger so I’ve blocked them. There’s probably some hexbear basement dweller responding to this comment and I’ll live in blissful ignorance.

TassieTosser ,

Oh they were on Reddit. Before I left, you could find them on ChapoTrapHouse. After the Ukraine War kicked off, you could see them all over world news, Ukraine, noncredibledefense, credibledefence, and the various war update subs.

umbrella , avatar

i mean the west combined has invaded and fucked over every other place out there.

there are bound to be people who dislike it.

airbussy ,

No more reddit on my phone to doomscroll. I do still check it occasionally on desktop, for some niche subreddits, but not really beyond that.

Only negative is that I added Instagram reels to my doomscrolling routine. I feel like reels are more brainrot than reddit was...
Should definitely work on getting insta out of my routine!

Other than that no major changes from Lemmy i think.

deadbeef ,

I learned what a tankie is, which is fun.

I've been commenting a bit, whereas on reddit I would only post a comment a few times a year when I could be bothered dealing with the likely burst of negativity that would come as a response to it.

Kind of feels a bit more like Web 1.9 or so from about 2003 which I think was about the sweet spot for minimal rage bait and crazy and still a decent bit of user interaction and scale.

It would be about perfect if you could chop out a few of the folks trying to shoehorn in politics to every little thing.

umbrella , avatar

glad you liked us

eighty ,

Made me have a healthier relationship with social media, my smartphone usage, and overall thinking. I almost exclusively used RiF and curated it enough that I could readily get lost in it for hours in threads and/or following drama.

I knew what I liked about reddit was the mods, the 3rd party apps, and the communities, and the company behind the website was the least appealing ineffectual part of the experience. They were slow in every sense of the word and consistently made out-of-touch decisions.

Lemmy was a great transition point for me. At first I was trying to treat it as a clone. Instead, I found a place (and the fediverse in general) where there wasn't a mass amount of resources spent to keeping me engaged - it's just content of the day, no strings attached.

I found a space that was indifferent to the amount of time I spent on it, passionate communities that were more responsive and literate, and just felt more respected as a person.

andrew , avatar

My time perception is so screwed these days. I could have sworn I've been here a few years at this point.

IvanOverdrive ,

Lemmy is home.

demesisx , (edited ) avatar
  • switched to a split ergonomic mechanical keyboard
  • working on a fork of Lemmy geared toward inventory called “Lemventory”
  • moderating multiple Lemmy communities that are basically ghost towns (and I don’t care)
  • got rid of my Instagram (and all centralized forms of social media except YouTube) and replaced it with Pixelfed and others
  • letting my NixOS flag fly much more regularly now
  • hexbear defederation only created a Streisand Effect and piqued my curiosity about Marxism. I’m now much better educated about it and have come to conclude that is basically filled with smug, tech-bro, hive-mind, blue maga, chuds that support censorship of simple ideas and subscribe to blind, disingenuous American exceptionalism that wouldn’t even stand up to the most generous critical analysis.
frauddogg , avatar
mamotromico ,

I’m both curious and clueless about what “geared towards inventory” could possibly mean

demesisx , (edited ) avatar

Here’s the gist of my idea so far:

stores (or alliances of stores in similar industries) :: instances

inventory items :: posts

counts :: votes

item categories (or entire stores depend on implementation) :: communities

moderators are only allowed to post items to their own community or instance.

comments can still exist (perhaps as item reviews with the same upvote/downvote mechanic).

No actual transactions would be processed over this protocol. It would be solely for inventory broadcast/aggregation (like Shopify in that it houses the inventory of many vendors except without the transaction ability built-in since pub-sub is horrible for that kind of thing).

Edit: if you have any opinions (even “what a stupid idea!”) I’d be open to them. I haven’t even written a single line of code yet and it’s a fresh idea in my head waiting to be shot down by someone less idealistic than myself.

Gorgritch_umie_killa , avatar

I don't really get the idea you've explained, but i'm sure its good. I'm generally excited at the prospects of less centralised internet, and so can't wait to see projects like yours grow.

Flibboard is a social magazine thats jumping into federation. They're doing a really uplifting podcast. Their conversations might help you clarify your idea. Or even just pump you up when your feeling less motivated.

I like it, i always leave it feeling excited and hopeful about the fediverse. Anyway heres a link,

0_0j , avatar

Congrats, how good is the lua-language-server in neovim?

demesisx , avatar

I'm not sure since I don't write any lua. But, I'd recommend tree-sitter if you haven't used it yet.

HarbingerOfTomb ,

Not sure I have.

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