I still use reddit from time to time, but I find the stuff i find here is of higher quality and more thoughtful. I would use Lemmy exclusively if it had all of the communities that i frequent on reddit, many of the things on here are tech-related and most things outside of the tech world don't pop up in my feed. I feel I engage more, use more and actually learn more from Lemmy so overall I am quite impressed!

soundimus ,

Still just a lurker. I enjoy not seeing the same thing spread across a bunch of places.

Silentiea , avatar

Some of the more niche communities I had on reddit don't exist on Lemmy yet, and likely won't for the foreseeable future. DPS chasing for a small MMO seems like a thing that could exist here, but for now the majority of the public would just use Reddit or whatever instead.

The custom mtg card community I joined is pretty much just dead. I did a card a day for a while in there, but then I ran out of cards is already made and now it's just sitting again.

Other than that, the general purpose of it is doing exactly what Reddit did for me, so...

therealjcdenton , avatar

It made me realize that other people use Linux and gave me hope for the future of technology, then made me disappointed in how narrow sighted they are when it comes to political views

MissJinx , avatar

Haven't really. I'm just like I was before. Lemmy meets my daily social networking needs and I don't miss anything.

Interstellar_1 , avatar


Back when I was like 13 and on reddit, I posted what I thought was a good open question to askreddit, and it immediately got deleted with no stated reason. Now, I can ask any interesting question I have, and receive tons of interesting responses from people!

soggy_kitty ,

A lot of the same Reddit mods have transferred to other major communities. Unfortunately you'll likely still hit the same issue over here, I've already been banned by one outrageous mod for disagreeing with him.

Best part about lemmy, ban that user/community/instance and move on.

Interstellar_1 , avatar

I've been posting regularily on for the past eight months, so I see no malicious intent in whoever is a mod.

soggy_kitty ,

Yeah I'm not specifically talking about asklemmy. It's probably one of the good ones

BolexForSoup , (edited ) avatar

I’ve already been banned by one outrageous mod for disagreeing with him.

I rarely find it is as simple as this. There’s a remarkable number who had their post removed or that been banned from communities that “literally did nothing wrong.”
I’d be very curious to see what exactly led your being banned.

Edit: Comments like this signal you’re a pot stirrer and I’m afraid to ask you to expand this comment further.

soggy_kitty , (edited )

I have a new fan, which is nice I guess. Welcome

I banned blocked the community and admin which abused their powers, whether you believe me or not it makes no difference to what happened.

No rules were broken, and I am happy I am not part of that community

BolexForSoup , avatar

I’m confused. Who banned who lol

soggy_kitty ,

I meant blocked, I'm dumb

frostmore ,

i am curious as to your experience.

not too long ago i am having exchanges with people who wouldn't hesitate to use derogatory term to label me because i held a differing view on certain issues.

i thought it was reminiscent of earlier reddit days where overly woke individuals would abuse you on reddit and then abuse the report system to perma ban your account.

don't get me started on the mods who were power tripping and dishing out bans because they got offended over simple facts.

soggy_kitty ,

Ah yes the classic online insult to someone who has a slight difference of opinion from you.

A hefty amount of people don't understand that it's ok to not all agree, unfortunately those people are also mods.

BolexForSoup , avatar

Man that is quite the series of dog whistles/red flags.

Edit: scanned your comments. Yikes. A lot of things make sense now.

AgentGrimstone ,

I no longer see the same post/topic 5x on my feed so that's an improvement 👍

june ,

Damn, you’re lucky.

june ,

I now use my porn account to engage with folks on my niche subs and race threads.

kromem ,

I dunno - at first it was promising, but today I was actually thinking of leaving Lemmy and trying to find a larger site.

I'm not sure if the entire Internet has somehow become addicted to groupthink or if this is just a symptom of Lemmy's smaller size and a selection bias, but it's been getting worse and worse over the past nine months and it's definitely turning me off to the community here.

What I loved about Reddit was that on any given story you saw a number of well informed opinions debating the nuances of those opinions. You'd learn so much more by engaging with the comments than just reading the article itself.

But here it seems more and more to be turning into a confirmation bias machine, where discourse and nuance takes a back seat to conformity to locally populist narratives. I can't tell you the number of times I've been downvoted for linking to multiple recent research papers (from places like Harvard and MIT) because the implication of those papers was contrary to popularly held beliefs here.

While I've had a few good interactions, it's become less and less of a signal to noise ratio on those interactions.

It's possible this is a larger trend, but I haven't noticed it to nearly the same degree on other less generalized forums I spend my time, so I suspect it's just a Lemmy thing.

A shame, as I think the tech is outstanding. But as is often the case, good tech is only part of a product, and in the case of social media it's the community too, and I've been growing increasingly disappointed in Lemmy's community who likes to pat themselves on the back for a welcoming spirit with the apparent unmentioned footnote in small print that it's a welcoming spirit that only extends to people regurgitating their own opinions back to them.

Omega_Haxors , (edited )

Redditors aren't used to communists not being actively suppressed while fascists get passively protected and it shows. All you're saying here is that you prefer the one narrative reddit forced onto everyone with their moderating and astrotruf, and being exposed to different ideas makes you feel uncomfortable. You're always welcome to go back to the race-baiting and fascist propaganda, sounds like you'd be happier there.

Lemmy is a collection of differing voices from all over the federation, so your "there's no diversity of thought" sounds like when conservatives mald that their terrible ideas aren't well received the moment they step out of their racist circlejerk. To the white, equality feels like oppression.

communism , avatar

It's strange because that person's from That seems like a pretty liberal/reddity instance from what I've seen. I was gonna tell them to go to another instance if they don't like .ml's politics but then I saw theyre not even from .ml lol

Omega_Haxors , (edited )

Yeah that's why I went as hard as I did. LW's somewhat of a nazi bar so that paints a picture of the kind of person we're dealing with here. I could just imagine their head popping like a gasket if they ever ran into a hexbear or lemmygrad user who could hard counter their shit.

EDIT: I looked into them and honestly not the worst i've seen. They're very reddit-poisoned but I bet a year or two off and they'll be fine.

Marin_Rider ,

the problem with lemmy is your either a communist or fascist, with no in-between. it's this rediculius polarisation that makes it not very fruitful to have actual conversations around here

Omega_Haxors , (edited )

It's the main reason I gravitate so much towards lemmygrad. Their zero-tolerance stance on fash shit (plus being defederated from literally every problem instance by dint of being openly communist) allows you to have actual conversations with people without having to explain basic morality every three seconds. They're pretty tolerant of differing ideas as long as you're not parroting fascist talking points and even then they'll usually put in a good faith attempt to explain why what you're saying is fucked up and give you a chance to self-correct.

Sadly a lot of the federation is a lot less good about this, where anything even remotely political turns into a debate/slapfight where nobody feels good at the end of it and nothing really gets done. Some people are just useless trolls who shouldn't be engaged; not to mention the groups actively trying to balkanize the federation.

Plus if you think this place is bad. Mastodon... I made a post about them earlier but if you respond to any post without heaping praise you just get instantly blocked. They're a great platform but good god is the culture there just obscenely toxic to conversation.

frostmore ,

tell me about it.

my exchanges so far has led me to think the left leaning extremists are populating lemmy because they are still angry at spaz for his dumbfuckery.

else it's beginning feel like reddit all over again.

brain_in_a_box ,

What I loved about Reddit was that on any given story you saw a number of well informed opinions debating the nuances of those opinions. You’d learn so much more by engaging with the comments than just reading the article itself.

Is there some other Reddit that I don't know about? Because the Reddit I know is about as far from this as it's possible to be.

UnaSolaEstrellaLibre , (edited )

Deleted my 10y+ account, but I mostly scroll/lurk some communities that aren't prevalent around here still.

It is very apparent how much worse its getting after the API scandal. So many bot posts and karma farming bots. It's depressing what it has become.

otp ,

It's like Reddit before the "protests". But smaller, with fewer niche communities and less porn, but also fewer OF promoters.

I still use old.reddit to read some of the niche communities, but I'm not even logged in.

When old.reddit dies, I'll probably try to revive some of those communities I'm reading over here in Lemmy. It probably won't work, lol

saltesc ,

Jesus. I've left 1,124 comments already.

My wife's right; I am that guy.

thorbot ,

I’m at 2.1k and I feel like I rarely contribute. We are those guys

Vladkar ,

I have mixed feelings. On one hand, Lemmy seems to be finding its groove, and I genuinely feel like I'm part of a growing community. But there's definitely something missing, and it's difficult to put into words.

On Reddit, I tended to frequent specific subs, and rarely doomscrolled the front page. But that's all I find myself doing on Lemmy. Most of my feed is either politics or memes, and nuanced discussion seems rare. New communities apparently have a hard time getting off the ground, and I think it's mostly because decentralization makes discovery a hastle.

Reddit's whole purpose is to aggregate content from other websites, whilst providing a central access point. This is antithetical to the very concept of the Fediverse, which is all about decentralization. I find myself wishing for an easy way to aggregate Fediverse content, so that I could access Lemmy, Beehaw, Kbin, etc. all in one place, regardless of whether they're federated. Really, all the drama surrounding instances federating/defederating is obnoxious as an end user.

The apps are certainly better, though, and in general I'm enjoying myself.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Really, all the drama surrounding instances federating/defederating is obnoxious as an end user.


bilb , avatar

I try to do an "end-run" around federation drama by using my own instance, especially since I prefer to be as openly federated as possible. This is not without drawbacks, but it's really not bad.

My fear is that one day the biggest instances will switch from using block lists to instead only federate with an allow-list. That would basically make this use non-viable.

SkyNTP ,

Lemmy lacks niche interest communities, beyond stuff like Linux.

SuddenDownpour ,

Really, all the drama surrounding instances federating/defederating is obnoxious as an end user.

On the other hand, subreddit dramas where a good portion of the userbase got alienated usually ended up with the users getting beaten into submission, and either shutting up or getting banned. It's a bit annoying, but it's still better than the other alternative we know.

Kedly ,

I still use reddit for Rimworld and Kenshi, but now that I've blocked most Tankie Instances and Users, Lemmy is where I spend most of my time wasting/reading. And I actually comment here far more than I ever did reddit

demesisx , (edited ) avatar
  • switched to a split ergonomic mechanical keyboard
  • working on a fork of Lemmy geared toward inventory called “Lemventory”
  • moderating multiple Lemmy communities that are basically ghost towns (and I don’t care)
  • got rid of my Instagram (and all centralized forms of social media except YouTube) and replaced it with Pixelfed and others
  • letting my NixOS flag fly much more regularly now
  • hexbear defederation only created a Streisand Effect and piqued my curiosity about Marxism. I’m now much better educated about it and have come to conclude that is basically filled with smug, tech-bro, hive-mind, blue maga, chuds that support censorship of simple ideas and subscribe to blind, disingenuous American exceptionalism that wouldn’t even stand up to the most generous critical analysis.
frauddogg , avatar
mamotromico ,

I’m both curious and clueless about what “geared towards inventory” could possibly mean

demesisx , (edited ) avatar

Here’s the gist of my idea so far:

stores (or alliances of stores in similar industries) :: instances

inventory items :: posts

counts :: votes

item categories (or entire stores depend on implementation) :: communities

moderators are only allowed to post items to their own community or instance.

comments can still exist (perhaps as item reviews with the same upvote/downvote mechanic).

No actual transactions would be processed over this protocol. It would be solely for inventory broadcast/aggregation (like Shopify in that it houses the inventory of many vendors except without the transaction ability built-in since pub-sub is horrible for that kind of thing).

Edit: if you have any opinions (even “what a stupid idea!”) I’d be open to them. I haven’t even written a single line of code yet and it’s a fresh idea in my head waiting to be shot down by someone less idealistic than myself.

Gorgritch_umie_killa , avatar

I don't really get the idea you've explained, but i'm sure its good. I'm generally excited at the prospects of less centralised internet, and so can't wait to see projects like yours grow.

Flibboard is a social magazine thats jumping into federation. They're doing a really uplifting podcast. Their conversations might help you clarify your idea. Or even just pump you up when your feeling less motivated.

I like it, i always leave it feeling excited and hopeful about the fediverse. Anyway heres a link,

0_0j , avatar

Congrats, how good is the lua-language-server in neovim?

demesisx , avatar

I'm not sure since I don't write any lua. But, I'd recommend tree-sitter if you haven't used it yet.

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