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MeetInPotatoes ,

Religion itself? Or man using religious dogma to justify the uglier natures of their internal belief systems and cherry-picking religious quotes to shoehorn their false righteousness into moral discussion? Religion is a powerful tool and it can be used to drum up donations for an orphanage, or leveraged and wielded by people who aren't seeking to enlighten themselves at all apart from learning how to use religion to control people.

MeetInPotatoes ,

On the one hand that's good and on the other it makes misinformation extremely easy. Misinformation spreads like wildfire on Twitter and the corrections don't. The corrections get buried in "nuh uh, YOU lie" bot spam unless it gets the community notes treatment.

MeetInPotatoes ,

False equivalence between Twitter news and mainstream news. Mainstream news has to verify their sources and have a reputation to protect. They retract stories that turn out to be false. As you saw with Dominion, mainstream news has money to protect from slander lawsuits too. It's not perfect and there is certainly bias, but on Twitter there are no guardrails for misinformation besides community notes.

MeetInPotatoes ,

You call my claim wildly wrong and have only this to say?

You fundamentally misunderstand the nature of newsrooms. That you can point to the instances in which they were wrong does nothing to argue that they don't do their best to verify sources, you're missing the fact that it's hard sometimes, missing the fact that mainstream outlets retract statements that turn out to be false later and hedge their bets with wording. Dan Rather lost his career over an unverified source. The NBC headline about the beheaded babies literally says "Unverified reports" in the title.

I think you should read this article about the difficulties of getting the news right in the 24 hour news cycle and educate yourself instead of spewing knee-jerk nonsense which your argument fails to prove.

MeetInPotatoes ,

"You oppose Russia yet you don't want to go fight them yourself, why?" is a ridiculous question that you're pretending is a rational one. You're intellectually dishonest af here, and you say you're "not arguing" simply because you're putting your absolute bullshit in the form of a question.

MeetInPotatoes ,

What a dumbfuck line of reasoning. "If you're not willing to die for it yourself, I guess you should just accept it, hmm?"

MeetInPotatoes ,

There were other people in that movie?

MeetInPotatoes ,

One of the best superhero movies by far. You take that back sir, and have at thee.

(I can't find a gauntlet so I'm throwing down a dishwashing glove)

MeetInPotatoes ,

It's probably my most entertaining series by far.

Feeling lost and with no direction, what skill should I learn?

Hi everyone. I am feeling like I've lost any direction after getting laid off earlier this year (was working as an analyst in telecom and very recently landed a much lower position in healthcare data entry due to necessity). I already have several hobbies but I am either burnt out on them or they have lost their luster (similar...

MeetInPotatoes ,

Skill #1: You're fine just the way you are. You aren't lost, you're still deciding where to go.

My advice is to take an SDS test (career interest) to get your Holland code and learn about all the jobs that would excite you.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Sure thing! I think there's a fee for the real one but you might find a free version or see if a local community vocational center type thing wouldn't let you take it for free. If it sets you in the right direction though, it's worth the cost.

And just if you could benefit from some proof, people change careers an average of 5-7 times in their lives. If you haven't decided where to go next, how could you possibly be lost?

Take care, friend. I promise that you know all the answers to the questions you haven't asked yourself yet.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Yeah, I don't see OpenAI losing that case, there are plenty of others developing AI, including much bigger companies like Google. It's hard to argue with a straight face that they'll prevent anyone else from entering the market.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Sometimes you don't get a chance to say what you wish you had.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Yeah, that hits in the feels too. In my case there have been two big ones. I wish I would've told the girl that got away that I just got jealous and it was my fault I pushed her away...that I forgave her or more realistically that she did nothing wrong. I was young and dumb. The other was what I didn't say to my stepson, that I wasn't ever going to try to be the "new sheriff in town" and that life is hard and he was fine just the way he was. Maybe that yesterday's painful lessons become tomorrow's triumphs. He was an angsty, antisocial teen and I always figured he'd be cooler towards me when he grew up a bit. He killed himself, so growing up never happened.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Thanks friend, I appreciate it.

MeetInPotatoes ,

My immediate suspicion of the cause of this was that Ticketmaster wasn't donating enough money to the right people's campaigns.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Agreed. Ticketmaster probably missed the introductory pricing rate for brib-...I mean campaign donations.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Is Ticketmaster telling the truth?

In a word, no. They are second only to the US Treasury in "printing money."

MeetInPotatoes ,

Preliminary testes have suggested it will be an issue, but we need another few rounds of testes to be sure.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I tried but the post office sent some nasty email about some dude they called Inspector General. I think it got autocorrected from Inspector Gadget but whatever, apparently they frown on the unfrozen body parts thing.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I wasn't sure what the right answer to this question would be until I saw it.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I encourage you not to view him as an author but as an imaginative creator confined by language.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I welcome the controversy, but World of Warcraft.

MeetInPotatoes ,

The sequel to Trump screwing Stormy Daniels...Stormy Daniels screwing Trump.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I hear ya. In its heyday it was something else. It's been bastardized, dumbed down, littered with microtransactions and mass marketed to hell now by a company that bears only the name Blizzard...a rotten husk of its former self that deserves all the hate it gets...but before all that, it brought some great memories and feelings of group achievement that are still irreplaceable to me.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Big time, it's gotten staler than moldy bread.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Crazy how I can tell we'd get along just from this :D

MeetInPotatoes ,
  1. Hades.
  2. Rocket League
  3. Deep Rock Galactic
  4. Warframe
  5. Heroes of the Storm
  6. DotA. (I'm talking original WC3 mod here)
  7. Street Fighter 2
  8. Starcraft 2
  9. Tropico 4
  10. World of Warcraft (pre fuck-you-Blizzard days)

Honorable mention for all of the Diablo's really, been playing them since the first one, and all of the Fallouts, playing since the 2nd. Shoutout to my X-Com homies.

MeetInPotatoes ,

You know that part in 12 monkeys where plant life has overgrown all the buildings and animals are free to roam our cities? That one.

Looking for emotional support: I lost all my WhatsApp chats

I was so confident that WhatsApp was backing itself up to Google ever since I got my new pixel but I just wasn't. Then yesterday I factory reset my phone to fix something else and I lost it all. Years worth of chats from so many times in my past just aren't there, all my texts with my mom and my family, group chats with old...

MeetInPotatoes ,

I'm sorry that happened to you. I set my iPhone to save one year's worth of texts now and then auto-delete. Impermanence is a feature of life, not a bug. Think of the Buddhist monks that have their hundreds of hours of sand drawings erased by a kid stomping through it. It teaches them not to hold on too tightly to what was, but instead live in the moment. It's tempting to save every last interaction with loved ones, but rewinding will never beat reaching out or reliving your favorite memories instead. Maybe life is telling you to let go.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Do we have problems with pineapple on pizza? Cause I sure don't.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Besides missing the extremely obvious joke, the question wasn't even about personality traits, it was about compatibility.

Maybe we can make an extension that puts "/s" after everything for you

MeetInPotatoes ,

A fine cuisine. Pairs well with a nice Riesling.

In Buddhist view: If all misfortune/suffering is deserved due to bad karma of past actions in a prior life, why advocate ahimsa/nonviolence?

A Buddhist was saying to me that anything bad that happens to someone is deserved because they must have had bad karma as a result of having done something bad, either in this life or a previous incarnation. I don't believe in any of this personally, but I think it would be helpful to understand the idea of karma a bit better,...

Is there any evidence of a difference in healthfulness between having fruit vs having added sugar along with fibre foods?

All of the info about why added sugar is unhealthy compared to fruits seems to be that the sugar in fruit comes with fibre and nutrients that offset the negative health impacts of sugar to a degree by delaying its absorption and preventing a blood sugar spike....

MeetInPotatoes ,

I know this, but:

0.05(multivitamin) > jack shit

MeetInPotatoes ,

I'm sure you've noticed this before, but every convenience store in America sells addiction: Sugary candy/donuts/soda, diet soda, salty snacks, tobacco, gambling, caffeine, alcohol, energy drinks. I think the only thing nobody's addicted to in a convenience store is...beef jerky. But hey, to each their own, snap into that Slim Jim if you crave it.

Literally everything they sell though is someone's serious addiction. Hell, you could even frame gasoline as an addiction since most of us rely on it completely to get to work.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Psyllium husks sounds like something I would pick up in Helldivers and I was about to invite you to spread some Democracy while we give them a taste of freedom.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Okay Cocaine Bear, let's get you to bed, hon.

MeetInPotatoes ,

Totally, I'm just admitting that I'm someone that eats like shit lol.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I've been telling people for years to stop and think about a convenience store as only selling things that people are addicted to: salty snacks, cigarettes, alcohol, sugary soda, chocolate, donuts, gambling through lottery tickets, hell even gasoline since we are all addicted to driving.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I've verified throughout our fox network that there are no foxes in any henhouses at the moment. They've been instructed to take steps to ensure that no foxes end up in any henhouses accidentally going forward and the foxes tell me that they are truly sorry this time. Despite past reassurances of not being evil, they were in fact..evil. We are rolling out an internal audit system with the help of a 3rd party partner who owes us lots of stuff. We plan on letting the advocacy groups check out our henhouses as long as they agree to be bound by an NDA.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I for one would much rather see the screenshot.

MeetInPotatoes ,

The sad part is while this validates everything sane people have been saying about January 6th, Trump and his minions will just say this proves that the system is broken because they're going after a good man who was just doing his job etc.

When you have zero morals, the bullshit writes itself.

MeetInPotatoes ,

I think we need to separate giving a fuck from morally wrong. I know that even stealing from Walmart is morally wrong because two wrongs don't make a right as the old saying goes, but more importantly, by living in this society and reaping its benefits, we agree to abide by its rules too. Justification is way too easy of an exercise to have any bearing on what's acceptable.

That being said...I also don't even give a fraction of a fuck about someone stealing from Walmart.

We can admit that something is wrong without caring if it's enforced or not. Kind of like solo drivers being in the carpool lane. Wrong? Yes. Care? Not a chance. They've made their own risk/reward calculations in each case.

MeetInPotatoes ,

There was a kid I worked with who was super into spiders and would want to watch spider videos on all of our breaks...

There were some things I absolutely did not need to know, let alone see.

MeetInPotatoes ,

"A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo" to Mike Pence.

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