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"You know, you can't have sex with animals. You can own them. You can kill them. You can eat them. But you can't fuck them." -Bobby Fingers

mozz Admin ,
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I see “blue MAGA” is making another appearance

mozz Admin ,
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I have noticed a lot of accounts absolutely love autocratic regimes regardless of what high or low level of economic socialism is involved in them, so I think maybe yes you broke the code.

Why they think that, I for real have not the slightest idea. There’s definitely a very particular type of thinking there that honestly is just baffling to me.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

If you want some entertainment check out this person’s profile. I thought these were some pretty bad takes, and then I found the other thread where she’s angry that it’s Biden’s fault that Covid still exists.

(Edit: gender)

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

How did the police go insane?

They shut down traffic to work a fatal accident, he ignored a detective who told him to stop, something happened that led to the guy getting dragged for 30 feet and sent to the hospital with minor injuries, so they arrested him and from the only video I was able to see they were walking pretty calmly with him during the arrest. Once they realized who he was, they let him out of jail in time to play golf, but he's still facing some charges.

Am I missing context where something crazy happened? That all sounds pretty straightforward.

(Aside from the conservative person being shocked and appalled that a wealthy golf player with a little white-person smirk on his face is being subjected to the rule of law as if he was one of the poors, that part I can agree is pretty funny.)

mozz Admin ,
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IDK man. I'm having trouble coming up with a scenario where the police just decided out of nowhere "Fuck this PGA vehicle, I hate it now! And will arrest the driver for no reason" when the driver was just following all their instructions exactly and all of a sudden the cops all got angry and it was all very confusing (which was more or less Scheffler's version.)

I also note that Scheffler and his attorney didn't say anything that sounded like "nobody got dragged by his vehicle, that part didn't happen" or anything that directly contradicted what the cops said. He just said that when it happened it was confusing and scary.

I'm happy to wait for the bodycam footage too, though. Presumably we'll be able to see exactly what happened during the critical events.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

See this is why I don't like ACAB. Once you start taking this cartoonish version of any given type of people, you start looking at things in this really skewed perspective. People could be good or bad or a mix of both or whatever, sure, but once they're "the enemy" and everything they do is stupid and evil and wrong, the kinds of things you start thinking are plausible start to become off kilter.

I think there is about a 0% chance that the cop just didn't say a word and ran up to the car with his gun out and started trying to break in like a crazy person, and that was the first thing that happened. Maybe it's 100% true that the cops miscommunicated and one guy had told Scheffler to go, and another then told him to stop, or something like that, but I'm still real curious about this blank space between "He was proceeding as directed by another traffic officer" and then there being a cop attached to the outside of the car and Scheffler still moving the car forward and it being a "chaotic scene."

I mean, he stopped after 30 feet, instead of continuing on his merry way through their accident scene or whatever. Sounds like if what happened was the cop grabbing the car and not letting go, then his strategy worked. My bet would be that the bodycam video will show some other less chaotic things they tried to do to get him to stop, as a first step, and the majority of the chaos stemming directly from Scheffler's actions. IDK, maybe not and maybe it's silly to talk about what the video will show before seeing it, but that is my feeling.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Part of the point is that they were working a fatal accident. There could have been medical people walking around in unexpected places, or still a body in the road he could run over, or who knows what. If he was driving towards the road that was closed for that reason, then absolutely yes; physically stopping the car if the guy isn't responding to verbally stopping the car is part of the cop's job, not just letting him go and good luck to anyone walking around in the accident scene. (I don't really know, so maybe it wasn't that, but also as far as I know maybe it was.)

It's actually really common that cops have trouble getting people to understand that there's some urgent physical reality that overrides their "but my house is right there" or "but I have to get to work" or "I'm too important to have to stop" argument that in their mind is way more important, and so they need to be able to drive right through the place with the gun battle or the dead body or the downed electrical wires, or whatever.

mozz Admin ,
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IDK what's up with Jared Bernstein or why he apparently fucked up trying to answer a question from Stephanie Kelton's documentary.

But the other half of the claim this story is making is that Janet Yellen "gets basic econ wrong" because she doesn't like supply side economics.

Yellen also claims that “trickle down tax cuts” don’t fuel economic growth and only benefit the wealthy. Yellen is attacking Supply Side Economics, which economists have embraced for centuries. Statistics prove the economists’ version of Supply Side Economics.

Secretary Yellen gave a speech in Kentucky recently. Yellen announced that the Biden administration will implement what she refers to as Modern Supply Side Economics. This so called modern theory is really just a rehash of what economists refer to as “industrial policy”, mixed with investment in infrastructure. The traditional industrial policy favored by the Biden administration has a dismal track record globally.

Does it, though?

The big complaint that according to them goes against what economists have embraced for centuries, is that Janet Yellen wants to invest in infrastructure, instead of giving more money to the wealthiest people and then it'll trickle down?

All economists know that supply side effects of tax cuts really exist, we just disagree over the strength of these effects. Yellen is playing like a trick here. Some Republican politicians have exaggerated supply side effects of tax cuts, by claiming that their tax cuts will produce overnight miracles. Harvard economist Martin Feldstein pointed out the difference between statistically proven Supply Side Economics and the disproven politicized version of Supply Side Economics decades ago. Yellen surely knows all of this. Yellen is guilty of using the Strawman Fallacy to dismiss a sound alternative to Biden’s absurd industrial policies.

I don't have time to dig up the chart decade by decade of every single economic metric affecting both macro-scale economic well being, and individual well being for working people, and showing that during times of tax cuts for the wealthy every single one of them gets worse and during times of taxing the wealthy to fund doing other things with the money they all tend to get better, but that's what happens. It's almost comical how strong the correlation is and how universally it impacts every single metric.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Dude what the HECK lol. You gotta subtle it up my man.

You gotta say something along the lines of, no I'm just a good concerned native English speaker citizen of the United States and I feel like both sides are sliding into fascism and just, Biden's so old, and anyway what about Gaza, and I'm so concerned and turned off from politics in general, I mean I don't feel like it matters, blue MAGA, amirite, etc etc and so on stuff like that.

If you lead off right away with kakistocracy democratic Marxism social justice you're gonna get all these Lemmy people saying fuck yeah Marxism let's get some Marxism and social justice up in here, but you're wrong tho Biden WISHES he was a Marxist, anyway viva la revolución

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Dude, just don't say anything

Bringing your wife (or for some reason your neighbor apparently) into it is going to be good for no one

I have no idea whether Alito actually wants to overthrow our democracy and affirmatively decided to promote a symbol of his desire to do so. But I just know tactically that unless the explanation is simple and straightforward, which in this case it isn't, him trying to explain any of the details is a mistake

(Side note: I absolutely love that the US still is set up so that even if your neighbor is a Supreme Court justice you can walk over and call them a cunt and it's okay. Rand Paul's neighbor punched him in the face and apparently that was okay, too. You don't have to treat them special just because they've got this special job. I'm not kidding; I think that's awesome.)

Edit: I am wrong, Rand Paul's neighbor got a felony and is facing maybe 10 years. I'm assuming that calling Alito a cunt was still allowed.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

I love that some of these politicians are assholes on a personal level about things like the leaves on the street or whatever the Rand Paul issue was, and that their neighbors feel empowered to deal with it on a purely interpersonal level. I'm not kidding. I can't stop talking about how much I like that the political system in the US is that way.

I think -- I'm being dead serious -- that in the vast majority of countries, if you punched a politician for a reason of pure interpersonal conflict and nothing related to politics, the police and courts would make it a huge deal, because that is a special type of person you're supposed to honor the better-than-you-ness of.

Edit: I am wrong, dude got a felony and is facing maybe 10 years

mozz Admin ,
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God damn it

mozz Admin ,
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So, I saw this story and I typed a comment about how it was pretty much guaranteed (given Musk's cutting of the engineering department and the scale of Twitter's operation) that this would cause some slight amount of breakage for the forseeable future, and the unfixable and unflattering nature of the ensuing jank would be the nail in the coffin for Twitter (which for some reason still is home to a lot of journalists and primary sources and etc even to this day in its wrecked-up form).

Then I thought, you know what, I don't actually know that that's how it'll happen, and deleted the comment and moved on with my day.

And then just now I just tried to click on a Twitter link, and saw a black page with this:

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

(Button: "Try Again")

⚠️ Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on

Oh shit, it must be Firefox's fault! Yeah, must be causing issues. My bad man, you're right; I guess I will need to switch browsers now so I can have the privilege of using Twitter.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Six times and 12% is a massive understatement of what's going to happen

Absolutely massive

mozz Admin ,
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The gambit left him little choice but to immediately accept when the Biden campaign offered debate dates in June and September

I think this is vastly understating how prominently placed is total transparent bullshit, in the Trump mental model, and how willing his followers are to it

He can simply pretend that October 2nd is the real debate, and Biden is the one trying to back out because he’s too old and scared to debate Trump. If his followers also watched news with some connection to reality, and cross checked Trump’s pretenses against it, then they’d see the lie, but they don’t and they won’t.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

If he doesn't show up, Biden should call Trump direct on his cell phone with a spoofed number from one of Trump's associates, and then ask him live on air why he's not at the debate, and offer to have the debate right then and there with Trump on speaker.

If you're gonna be in charge of the USA's intelligence apparatus, and your opponent is okay with weaponizing the power of that exact same apparatus against you when they feel like it, I think you should be allowed to flex with it just a little bit from time to time.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Every airline I have purchased even nonrefundable tickets from has been willing to refund it no questions asked within 24 hours.

VITAL caveat: This DOESN’T APPLY if you’re going through Kayak or whatever. Just buy direct from the airline. I learned this the hard way.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Not even that complicated; just invite a religious scholar to explain what Jesus said, starting with caring for hungry people and immigrants and in general literally just what he taught and what he cared about

They'll shut that shit down like a female student with unpermitted clothing

mozz Admin ,
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I mean

Remembering old friendships and times we were suffering and struggling together, even if the present day is death and mistrust and we’re enemies, doesn’t seem like the worst thing in the world

To a lot of people the US and the EU have often been the devil man that Russia is today. We can let it go for short periods of time, I think, sometimes.

Just my opinion

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Yeah, maybe so. I'm sorta just playing devil's advocate. My point wasn't that Russia isn't a terrorist state which is visiting pointless destruction on the world at large in a stupid and dangerous way, more that the US has also roamed around the world killing innocent people for a variety of reasons, and we still get to go the Olympics and everything.

(I mean I'm not saying they're the same, and I kind of like that Russia got excluded from some of the friendly people's clubs when they started behaving like a rabid dog. Just, I'm saying maybe extending an olive branch every now and then is okay.)

mozz Admin ,
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Russia invades Ukraine and bombs apartment buildings, it's like hey WTF those are perfectly innocent people

Israel turns the whole of Gaza into a wasteland of corpses and famine and it's like well of course, they're seeing to their security situation, as any country would, here's some bombs my loving brother

I don't think Israel should be allowed at the Olympics either, FWIW

Seeking Reliable Port Forwarding Solutions for TCP and UDP Ports via UPnP

I'm using an old program that doesn't automatically forward ports. I've experimented with using the same ports as another program, but it didn't yield the desired results. Manually opening the ports directly in the router did not resolve the issue. I also tried a port forwarder, and it works but only intermittently....

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Linux router + iptables + wireshark for debugging maybe? Esp if things are "just not working” sometimes, using simpler and more transparent tools so you can dig into what exactly isn’t working seems like it’d help

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Boss makes a million, I make a buck

Let’s steal the catalytic converter off the company truck

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Boss makes six figures, I can’t pay rent

It’s either get a union or start living in a tent

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

But the fire will also incinerate my tent

I don't think that's the answer, although I get the sentiment

mozz Admin ,
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Haha all good

And a moderately sized fire every now and then is ok, I think

mozz Admin ,
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Working in tech support be like

mozz Admin ,
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Yeah. You would have had to triangulate your way around to getting the information that is exactly the information that you knew already that it was.

"Sir, I need you to go to the oil that you used and check if it is non-hydrogenated or hydrogenated. It should be printed on the back of the label."

"What do you mean, I never had this problem before"

"Yes, I'm aware, they have changed the oil constitution recently. I'll be able to resolve this problem for you, I just need to know if the oil is hydrogenated or not."

"I don't see what that has to do with anything"

"Can you just check the back of the bottle, please? Then I'm sure we'll be able to get your recipe working again"

"Okay, well I didn't actually use oil, I used toothpaste because it was expired and I wanted to get rid of it"

"Aha! Okay, I understand sir. I'm glad we were able to get to the bottom of the issue you're having. So, if you make the recipe with toothpaste, it definitely won't taste the same or have a good consistency. I think if you switch back to using oil you'll find that the pancakes still taste the same as they used to"

"But I think I should be able to use toothpaste."

"Absolutely. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

mozz Admin ,
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Some YouTube channel said that it would take about 300,000 troops to realistically take Kharkiv, and they'd committed something like 30,000. It said without further explanation that "analysts" had guessed that it might be a feint to draw forces away from the real attack, in the east, but who knows. It might just be a doomed and pointless endeavor which was fated to penetrate a little into Ukraine and then get pushed back to the border without accomplishing anything, other than creating some corpses.

mozz Admin ,
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Text polling, with a simple one-option-or-the-other answer, would actually be a lot more accurate than the way they do the polls in reality, I think.

I'm not saying that the polls are necessarily biased either for or against Biden, just that the methodology is so laughably poor that the polls don't particularly mean anything. I dug into this at some length a few days ago and found that for a handful of recent randomly selected elections, the polls were off by an average of 16 percentage points.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

And the name is specifically designed to resonate in a particular way with the lizard-brain in a way that paints the message "These are the BAD group of people, everyone doesn't like them and shits on them with little nicknames, don't you want to be like everyone, and join us in hating on them too." It's inventive and creative (I mean, sort of) in a memorable way, and carelessly insulting, even though when you look at it, it doesn't make any fucking sense.

It just kinda stuck out to me. Like the post title wasn't "DNC is getting weird again" or "Oh God we're screwed in the fall aren't we" or "Didn't I just GIVE you some money" or anything like that, it was specifically inventing a new little mini-slur to pass around and for everyone to use, free of charge.

Like I say, it just kind of stuck out to me a little.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Interesting. I think it goes without saying that I don't think this text message is an example of defending any and all criticism of the Democratic Party.

I did a search through comments for the term "Blue MAGA." Most people aren't using it like you said. Most people are using it to refer to the Democrats in general; e.g.:

  • "Or ask any Blue Maga what specific immigration reforms they want. They want the same thing, they just have minor disagreements on how to get there or even just aesthetics."
  • "Democrats are just blue MAGA and the only option to fix this country is to burn it down."
  • "lol blue maga is using red maga's scare tactics to get their favorite pants shitting geriatric to win a popularity contest."

... and so on. I was just curious, though. Carry on.

mozz Admin ,
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As far as I can tell, Ozma is redefining it here. The other Perfectly Legitimate Leftists aren't trying to make any distinction of a particular segment of the Democrats who are "blue MAGA"; they're just using the term to mean the Democrats are exactly the same as the Trump party and so there's no point voting for either of them.

That is, of course, insane. I think they're hoping it'll produce their desired result on the election through sheer repetition and weight of "emperor definitely has clothes" peer pressure, but who knows. Also, why Ozma is using it in his different way, who knows, although I have a theory.

mozz Admin ,
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How many text messages do you get from them, and how many posts have you made on evangelizing for your chosen viewpoint on the exact same issue in various ways, to try to spread it to others, and to disparage people who disagree with you?

Let's say the count of each one over the span of the last three days.

mozz Admin ,
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I think he just independently arrived at it on his own, with this very specific definition as applied to this one particular establishment segment of the Democratic Party, because he had really strong feelings created because all his pro-Democrats-winning-elections productive feedback was being short sightedly ignored. He's just trying to get through to them how important it is for them to start using more successful tactics to win the election and defeat Trump, because he totally thinks that's important and he's working hard to try to make it happen.

But then, independently, a whole different group of perfectly legitimate leftists invented the same term and started applying it (in front of a different audience with a somewhat different receptiveness level to transparent bullshit and groupthink), but using a different meaning and framing, which they also independently came up with, to encourage people to the totally different but still organically arrived at result of not wanting to vote for Joe Biden.

Or, wait, I'm not sure I think that. Now that I type it out it seems a little farfetched all put together. There must be some explanation, though.

mozz Admin ,
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How many blue MAGA ones, though, over the last three days? I can total up the posts of yours that I'd describe as clearly evangelical to your viewpoint, if you don't want to. IDK, maybe you should do it, since you might not agree with how I would categorize the evangelical ones.

mozz Admin ,
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MAGA tactics at this point means trying to destroy the machinery of democracy and use explicit violence to threaten with death or imprisonment judges, election workers, congresspeople, and anyone else who stands in their way of seizing power. Then, if they are able to regain power, going after any minority or vulnerable person at home or abroad that they can find, simply for the fun and pleasure of exercising cruelty.

The Republicans do send weird fundraising texts sometimes. But, that's not a new thing in American politics or what I would consider anywhere even in the neighborhood of a defining characteristics of MAGA. I think actually turning away from this kind of dogshit DC-consultancy politicking and fundraising and towards more effective and insidious news-media and social-media secret influence campaigns, and simple transfusions of vast infusions of dirty money from billionaires and foreign oligarchs, is more MAGA's style than this type of text message. Although, again, they do still send text messages, I'm sure.

I would define assigning insulting nicknames to your opponents, and repeating them even though they don't really correspond to reality even a little bit, to try this sort of middle-school level of influence to turn people away from your opponents (and apply a tag of "the enemy" in the eyes of your groupthinking followers) to be MAGA tactics, though.

mozz Admin ,
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I'm not talking about single polls, I'm talking about the aggregate of all the polling for the election (although there was one election with only one poll existing for it, the ones that were aggregates of multiple polls were just as bad). It's not like one poll said +26 and one said +4. They're usually within a few percentage points of each other.

And these were polls from much much closer to the election than all these polls the media is treating as a big deal for the November election.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Yeah. This year is go time. It's like the Fifth Element; it'll either take over, or else get sent away until the next thousand years, when it returns.

mozz Admin ,
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Absolutely false. You have apparently never heard of the exact aspects of quantum mechanics which so surprised physicists when they were first discovered? (which are pretty much its defining feature) IDK, it kind of sounds that way.

I’m honestly not saying it’s as simple as the pop science oversimplification of QM, even though my comment was kind of invoking exactly that oversimplification. But yes, things like having the detector erase its measurements without recording them were exactly the types of experiments which started to point to something much stranger going on than just one object’s state depending on another.


Wheeler's delayed-choice experiments demonstrate that extracting "which path" information after a particle passes through the slits can seem to retroactively alter its previous behavior at the slits.

Quantum eraser experiments demonstrate that wave behavior can be restored by erasing or otherwise making permanently unavailable the "which path" information.

Emphasis is mine. If I’ve misunderstood something then fill me in, sure.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

I'll say it again:

  • Someone ostensibly on the left criticizes Biden
  • Someone then argues that that criticism is unfair or disagrees with it

... is not punching left.

Someone from the pro-Biden camp directing some kind of "punching" at someone who hadn't already brought Biden into the argument themselves, from an anti perspective, would be punching left. Someone "punching" at Biden (which terminology I don't even really agree with), and then there's a response "actually here's why I don't think that's true," is not punching.

Surely that makes sense?

Or, like I said, someone from the establishment-Democrat camp who directs condemnation at someone who's literally just trying to stick up for the Palestinians, because it makes Biden look bad. That would be punching left, and that definitely happens from Democratic politicians and in the MSM. I'm saying I haven't seen any of that on Lemmy.

Surely that makes sense? IDK, maybe not. But that what I said up there is my viewpoint on it. Hope it's helpful.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.

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