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"You know, you can't have sex with animals. You can own them. You can kill them. You can eat them. But you can't fuck them." -Bobby Fingers

hrefna , to random avatar

"What happens to developers when AI can write code?"

I feel like I'm in a constant back-and-forth of "how-much-wood-could-a-woodchuck-chuck" every. single. time. this comes up.

Like… just…

No. Stop it.

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  • mozz Admin ,
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    @hrefna I think there is a case to be made that pure mental work like software dev is clearly open to automation by some future AI technology, although the claims that the current generation of LLMs can do it or even get close are clearly hogwash.

    I think that the thing that's missing when people talk about that, is that software dev is one of the most challenging types of pure-mental work there is, like to an absolutely extraordinary degree. And therefore, that by the time it can be done by an AI, almost all the other types of white-collar work will have been automatable for quite a while -- including e.g. all of law, finance and accounting, business management (the quant side of it, not the interpersonal side necessarily). And, there's a pretty good argument that by that point AI strategists will be able to "outcompete" human strategists in a ton of different areas, including but not limited to business, political strategy, and war. And at that point, all bets are pretty much off as far as how the world is going to change and what it'll look like.

    So, the idea that AI can write and maintain a big software system in the future isn't pure fantasy. But the idea that it would even be a highly pressing problem "well, what will I do for my job in the otherwise-unchanged-outside-that-one-career world we will inhabit at that point" is not, to me, well demonstrated.

    philip_cardella , to random avatar

    Things people say when they don't understand what fascism is. And this one I believe is actually honestly against fascism. They just don't know anything they didn't "learn" on social media or YouTube.

    These people are the same ones that allowed the Brown Shirts and the Nazis to win in 1922 and 1932.

    I cannot emphasize this enough.

    mozz Admin ,
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    @philip_cardella @Nonya_Bidniss

    There's a massive influx on Lemmy of fake accounts that are spreading the idea that as good leftists we shouldn't vote for Biden because he's terrible, and nothing bad can possibly happen from that, and they're pretty consistent and pretty obnoxious about spreading that message

    I'm very sure that reasoning with them is a stressful and useless endeavor, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure they're not actual humans; I think the real human population on Lemmy is mostly sensible and I would bet Masto is the same

    mozz Admin ,
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    many people will be fine. Joe Biden will be fine.

    Have you read "On Tyranny" and about Project 2025? It might be that most well-off people will be fine, and it'll only be the vulnerable that suffer, but I definitely don't think that that's certain.

    faab64 , to random

    "The West's position on the conflict is absurd, they do not want either Russia nor Ukraine to lose," – Ukrainian President, Volodymyr .

    The idiot just realized that the war has nothing to do with Ukraine, it's freedom or safety, they are just tools in the game to weaken and destroy Russia to the last Ukrainian alive.
    PS. Cartoon from 2022

    mozz Admin ,
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    What is the quote in Russian?

    kastark , to random avatar

    Whiny manchildren getting so fucking mad about being asked to choose between playing a black man or a woman would be deeply entertaining if it weren't so tiresome. Racism vs misogyny: WHO WILL WIN

    mozz Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    @kastark There's a wonderful game called Class Struggle which is somewhat the opposite of Monopoly. At the start, all the players hold out their arms to compare to each other, and the whitest and malest of them get to go first. The rules say that if that doesn't yield a clear ordering of the players (if there's a dramatically lighter-skinned woman and darker-skinned man and it's not clear which of them should be on top) the players argue it out at the table to decide.

    Also, if one of the capitalist team lands on square 81, there's a nuclear war and the game immediately ends and everyone loses.

    It's a wonderful game.

    maxkennerly , to random avatar

    Here's all you need to know about Mark Penn's column: it does not use the word "abortion."

    There's no point listening to any electoral advice that doesn't suggest Dems lean into their best issue in 50 years, one proven in 2022 & 2023 to work nationwide.

    mozz Admin ,
    mozz avatar


    The NYT has for some reason (maybe since the new head editor in 2022? IDK, that's only a guess) become explicitly anti-Biden. I suspect that this article is their concern-trolling way of criticizing Biden, and doesn't at all represent actual constructive advice from someone who wants him to win.

    Citation 1

    Citation 2

    futurebird , to random avatar

    Has anyone read any good math and science history nonfiction books recently? (pop nonfiction please) Are there any really good ones out?

    mozz Admin ,
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    Not sure if it counts, but "Most Secret War" / "The Wizard War" is an absolute classic.

    StrepsipZerg , to random French avatar
    mozz Admin ,
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    @StrepsipZerg It's so woolly

    wolfgangcramer , to random avatar

    "An exclusive Guardian survey of hundreds of the world’s leading climate experts has found that:

    mozz Admin ,
    mozz avatar


    What the heck is up with the 6%

    Did they go back in time and poll a bunch of people who live before the 12-month moving average which is increasing linearly upward passed 1.5 a few months ago

    kevinrothrock , to random avatar

    'bout that time for me to post this meme once again

    mozz Admin ,
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    As wonderful as this meme is, the US needs to be standing in the back throwing heavy rocks made of minerals and money

    mozz Admin ,
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    @kevinrothrock The Ruhr and city of Dresden would definitely disagree

    ErikUden , to random avatar

    The perfect Mastodon moderation principle

    mozz Admin ,
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    @ErikUden Speaking as the rational debate guy I think this comic is wonderful

    catsalad , to random avatar

    apt install "*" --force-yes

    mozz Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    @catsalad It won't actually do this because of conflicts.

    I'm not 100% sure this syntax is right, but I tried:

    apt install --force-yes `apt-cache search . | awk '{print "+"$1}'`

    ... and it's been sitting and thinking about it for quite a long time now.

    mos_8502 , to random avatar

    That feeling when you force someone to learn about the actual public history of Richard Stallman and Eric Raymond and Hans Reiser

    mozz Admin ,
    mozz avatar

    @mos_8502 What did Stallman do?

    Eric Raymond is weird and violence-adjacent and Reiser killed his wife (Ars published a rather sad letter from him from prison not that long ago). I thought Stallman was fine though, did I miss something?

    CarbonBubble , to random avatar

    Climate scientists: "expect a semi-dystopian future with substantial pain & suffering for the people of the global south. The world’s response to the [] to date is reprehensible – we live in an age of fools”

    mozz Admin ,
    mozz avatar


    Of the global south?

    The suffering has come now to the people of the global south; the future holds death and suffering for everyone, even if we started right now to do what we should be doing to control the damage

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