@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works cover
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar



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themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Legally, YouTube has to tell you you're watching an ad. This means that at least visually somewhere (it could be baked into the video stream, for example), there should be a distinctive pattern that extensions should be able to grab and make the video fast-forward.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Jordan bardella s'est chié dessus dans l'amphi N a Tolbiac (la merde a coulé sur ses chaussures)

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

How so? A Samsung or pixel with default settings would also behave that way, possibly even more securely because it wouldn't show the thieves your number.

Lemmy.ml tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on lemmy.ml. It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

A hexbear in that thread is literally claiming that "the soldiers did everything they could to avoid hurting him" when there's a photo of him lying dead on the street after the tanks have gone through. They don't think it's fine, they're saying it didn't happen (curious)

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Most supercars are AWD, find one with a mid engine and yeah

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not possible really. The protocol Lemmy uses requires accounts, not only as a soft requirement, but the software your instance would be interacting with requires it to function.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Kagi works fine.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I was there too. Do try the freebies and see how you like it, there's nothing to lose. Personally, that convinced me and I switched to 300 searches, then I got a new job for which I was making lots of searches and outgrew it so now I'm on the unlimited. IMO ultimate is useless unless you really like the vision or something, I just pay for a working product.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

The point is not over your tractor, individually. If you were living under marxism, society would have decided "all [farming equipment, factories, whatever] are the property of the community and you cannot own them individually". You couldn't lease your tractor, because you couldn't own the tractor to begin with.

Markets largely still exist in socialism we see today because capitalism is extremely pervasive. A socialist state currently is forced to behave like a capitalist entity to at least the outside world, or they will be taken advantage of by capitalists. Because of this, all socialists states today are internally capitalist with some social programs, as opposed to fully Marxists.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Indeed. Marx is actually very careful in distinguishing personal property (your toothbrush, your bed) from the means of production (a tractor, a lathe, a factory). If it were a society where it's needed to have a car then it would probably be your own, but it'd be better for everyone if the public infrastructure (that belongs to the community) made it so cars aren't a requirement.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean, this makes sense and is what a non-compete is for in the first place.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not that they wouldn't have the funds for it, but building rain infrastructure in Dubaï is pretty much useless. There is simply no water there. Up until now (we'll see where climate change takes them) it was a literal waste of money to build Rian infrastructure there.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Then again planning and good ideas doesn't sound like the type of thing that's happening in poop truck city.

Has anyone here encountered a problem with Fitgirl repacks where it keeps going until it fills your drive?

I was trying to install a repack of The Sims 3 with all of the expansions, full size about 31 GB, onto a drive that had about 300 GB of free space. Left it running overnight, woke up to my computer completely locked up because the repack had filled every single bit on my SSD....

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nope. Just commenting to let you know that on Linux, you should check the 2Gb of ram box because the installer behaves in a way that can make it crash on Linux if you don't and well, clicking the box is a simple fix.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Me neither. But it's worth saying anyway.

How do you deal with the situation where you are invited to play a game, only to find it's wildly complex and takes 4 hours to finish, and you find yourself not wanting to play it within minute 5?

This has happened to me a few times. One I remember was the game Alchemist, where I just sat there confused as hell for 4 and a half hours while three guys were all talking about strategies. Tonight it was Terraforming Mars, where I was told it would be a 3 hour game, but by hour 4 we were halfway done. This time I said "it's...

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'm regularly your friend that plays long as fuck games, but I always make sure that anyone I invite for these long games is acutely aware that they're in this for 4 hours and if that's not ok with them to tell me and we'll play something else. I kind of get the annoyance you host had when you abandoned the game midway, but it's really on them to manage expectations, especially when playing with adults with obligations. It is also up to them to figure out that when you explain a new game, it's going to take longer to play.

So really no fault of your own, and definitely don't apologize for having work in the morning, but it seems your friend is not that good at managing expectations and that means you'll have to do it yourself. Ask ik advance what game you'll be playing and watch a review or video of it (you can also watch a live game on Board Game Arena), and yeah you'll probably miss out on some great games that look bad from the outside but if not spending 4 hours playing a game you don't enjoy is more desirable to you then that's it.

You could also, of course, try communicating with your friend about your grievances. I don't know what good will come out of that discussion but I don't think it can be that bad.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

The response of "I'm not debating this with you" is sane. You don't owe that to anyone. However, I still see the ceo's point in that he thinks his product is good, and he worked hard on it, so he's going to defend this. Imo he should've just let the guy be after he told him to not contact me again, but the linked thread seems insane to me.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah you're right. I think the original author is also trying to hide behind the fact his post didn't get traction to make this "actually this was quite private" when it wasn't.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think enjoy particular music without being an asshat about all other music.

I can name you a few of my favorite artists (digitalism, Savant, bossfight, Metric) but just because I like their music and electro in general doesn't mean I physically can't listen to other genres.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Marrant tiens, je me souviens bien avoir poncé The Crew, mais je me souviens pas l'avoir acheté. Il était dispo gratuitement a un moment peut être?

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think this is by design and that only a unhinged person would have the patience to crack denuvo. Either that or it does that to your brain, which would truly be the greatest DRM on earth.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

If the security was so bad that removing part pairing would crash this, then it wasn't secure to begin with. Same argument as apple pairing the fingerprint sensor, the emsensor is only doing the reading, not the authentication.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Again, if you're so deep in the car that this matters, this is not the part that's going to stop you, unless the car is so poorly built that the keyless entry module is readily available without taking apart the entire car. This is a non-problem.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

I know that it isn't just one module. What is the handshake achieving exactly? Because it's not additional security from an attacker trying to replace the keyless entry module with a hacked one, and if it is doing that then this is a terrible security design and the actual solution is not to get to keep using this 'security' threat model.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fair enough, but also it does that every 80 years or so.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ok yeah it's kind of funny but if you think about it for a second that ipad is perfectly functional. If apple doesn't want to support it because it doesn't make them money, then why can't the community? Why does apple get to decide what is e-trash and what isn't?

The laptop I bought second hand in 2014 is still very much functionnal, and in fact it still runs. I'll concede that it doesn't run well, as it was already unpowered back then, but it runs some flavors of Linux oriented towards low-power devices, because people made them to do specifically this. If I had bought a second had ipad instead, it would be in a landfill by now. It didn't even take any special actions on toshiba's part to make it behave like this, they just made a laptop that was up to the standards of every other laptop at the time. What I'm getting at is that this isn't a new idea, we know how to take care of our devices for longer already, were it not for the apples and googles telling us what we can't and can do on the device we own.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

My thoughts exactly. It would be unreasonable to expect full support 14 years after it came out, and it would be unreasonable to expect modern apps to work flawlessly. But it's not unreasonable to say that all the specs mentionned by the commenter can just be considered to all be 0 if the device cant run anything - not because it is physically incapable of it, but because we can't even try.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Bah tiens c'est dans ma tête et il faut que ça sorte

Déjà The Finals est un super jeu et si vous jouez aux FPS je vous incite a y jouer c'est trop bien j'adore tout bref

Ensuite (et c'est là que ça refuse de sortir de ma tête) si vous savez pas quoi faire de vos soirées, rejoignez le discord officiel, et posez vos yeux sur le canal . On a récemment résolu le tier 3 du niveau 2, et les développeurs nous disent que le niveau 3 sortira en 2.4 (actuellement en 2.1). En gros le concept large est que dans toutes les images officielles qu'ils sortent, il y a des messages cachés stenographiquement, et il faut trouver un mot de passe. Le mec qui a conçu la chasse est un ancien de DICE, c'est lui qui avait conçu les mêmes chasses dans battlefield et ça se sent qu'il a de la bouteille.

Le sujet actuel en attendant la 2.4? Sur la carte Seoul il y a 5 stickers de lapin blancs, et on en a trouvé que 4. Donc on se fait des parties custom et on cherche un lapin blanc sur un objet qui commencerai par S (indiqué, évidemment, par un tag trouvé sur la map) et vaguement circulaire (indiqué dans la composante bleue d'un gif posté sur le reddit d'un groupe de hackers dans le lore). Bref je devienne fous et je ne garde pas calme, c'est super chouette et jouez à the finals

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Apple has the exact same thing btw. In the same situation, a creditor can icloud lock your iphone.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

In reality land, not much. There are probably hundreds of American tourists who were simply unaware or intentionally tried to be smartasses to whom nothing happened. The queen's guards have some authority to detain someone at least until actual police arrives, but at the topmost of the worst you'd be looking at a court date, but no prosecutor would in their right mind bring a case like this to trial, it would be a diplomatic incident if the accused if foreign, or a national debate if they are from the UK.

I guess the worse outcome that could realistically happen is a fine, and even that's stretching it.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

His comics weren't offensive because they criticized a practice that is done by (a very small number) of Jews, they were offensive because they conveyed the message that all Jews did it.

You may make a comic calling it wrong without equating it with judaism, but in reality I think the Jewish community already has it figured out and can probably talk about the issue with more nuance than you can, and so it is probably best to leave it to the professionnals.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

A nice fun fact: if you consider how fast electricity travels in silicium, it turns out that for a clock that pulses in the tens of billions of times per second (which is what gigahertz are), it is physically impossible for each pulse to get all the way across a 2cm die before the next pulse starts. This is exacerbated by the fact that a processor has many meandering paths throughout and is not a straight line.

So at any given moment, there are several clock cycles traveling throughout a modern processor at the same time, and the designers have to just "come up" with a solution that makes that work, nevermind the fact that almost all the digital logic design tools are not built to account for this, so instead they end up having to use analog (as in audio chips, not as in pen-and-paper design) design tools.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Debian goes the speed debian goes. It could be years.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not litteral torrenting but the protocols ar e very similar (since they are both P2P data sharing):

Windows updates can downloaded from other computers in your local network

Steam now tries downloading games from other computers you are logged in. You can opt-in thlo serve other accounts in your local network as well.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

It requires an LTE capable gateway and a data plan. As for the rest you can simply write your routing tables so that if the main gateway doesn't work, use the secondary gateway with lower prio.

US says Israel has agreed to the framework for a Gaza cease-fire. Hamas must now decide ( apnews.com )

International mediators have been working for weeks to broker a deal to pause the fighting before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins around March 10. A deal would likely allow aid to reach hundreds of thousands of desperate Palestinians in northern Gaza who aid officials worry are under threat of famine....

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Hamas was previously asking for a ceasefire in exchange for the release of all the hostages they held, for what that's worth. Surely this deal is asking for, at worst for them, that.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well, especially considering he has the leverage to just go "you stop that now or no more arms" and Israel would have no choice but stop that instant, "trying to negotiate a deal" is a particularly weak choice of words.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Then again calling a paragraph you can read without scrolling an article is a bit generous.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

There is a very true Tumblr post that goes "it's really annoying, because "Atlas Shrugged" is such a raw title. The titan that holds up the world on his shoulders decides "no, fuck this shit" and shrugs. For it to be wasted on a book that's just "I hate poor people, actually." Is a travesty"

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Could be worse, you could be agreeing with the contents.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Worth noting that he was previously minister of education while having never set foot in a public school, and that he obviously comes from a very wealthy family. But the oppression is gay, I guess.

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

To be entirely fair your cheap voice recorder is not expected to also survive a plane crash. That being said European planes have more without issue so yeah.

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