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gamermanh ,

Cryptobro mad that people smell their bullshit ponzi scheme = someone being oppressed by bigotry


gamermanh ,

Also the pop-in is insane. Seeing Helios One load in is crazy.

Running LodGen with a Lucky 38 remaster mod has been so fucking nice the last 2 weeks.

Can see that shining beacon of beauty from basically anywhere, does wonders to the games vibe

gamermanh ,

When my promotion to assistant-to-the-VP at my old job was ripped from me AFTER my replacement was trained I was given the news in a semi exit interview:

Went in to see current boss. She informs me what happened. I tell her that I already know as the VP told me about it already (and cried, he needed the help and was now not getting it and knew I deserved the job). She says she figured as much and offers me 2 weeks of further "work" where I can come in and job hunt instead. I say no thanks, stand up, and walk out.

Called the President and scheduled a 1-to-1 meeting with him over this as I knew it was his brother whining to him about me that caused this all to happen and wanted to give him a chance to unfuck his decision. Fucker spent 20 minutes bullshitting me and was clearly squirming when I didnt budge.

I should've punched him, being the bigger man ain't always worth it.

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid ( )

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....

gamermanh ,

I feel like the question has been pretty straight forward

It was, they answered it, you're just pushing more because you don't realize you failed your gotcha.

You asked:

What do you want me to do differrently

And they answered with what they wanted you to do. What you do specifically about voting is irrelevant as that was not the topic at hand.

gamermanh ,

We are talking about voting or not voting for Biden

No, you tried to make it about that after someone else commented without specification on that front.

And let’s even concede you don’t find the first comment adequate, the follow up comments clearly ask it over and over

Oh no, why didn't people respect the moved goalposts?

Fucking Idiot you are, bud

gamermanh ,

The question: what do you want us to do differently?

The answer: Mass protests. Civil disobedience. The kinda of things that ended slavery and helped raise women's rights. The things we used to do instead of sitting down and just taking it.

God, that was hard

gamermanh ,

No, but you're gonna scare away a lot of people who don't wanna bother with it

gamermanh ,

I can whistle while either exhaling or inhaling

Idk how special or weird it is but everyone I've tried to teach the skill to seems entirely incapable of doing the inhale one

It's super useful for whistling complex songs or long bits without stopping, though

gamermanh ,

Assuming that the world continues to exist in a way that lets me have a steam account at the time of my natural lifespans average end (another... 46 years):

My steam library grows at a slower rate than my mass storage has, and I'm quite confident that one will be able to fit my entire steam library as it currently is on a normal and affordable drive in at most 15 years.

With those two facts in play I can remain confident in my ability to crack everything I own (assuming I even want everything) and safely store it for at-will passing down to as many people as I want.

But thanks for the reminder to not blindly trust you, Valve. Always useful to have those.

gamermanh ,

It's just the GMOD stuff the people of my/right before my generation used to do

It's even about the same level of "lol weird random"

gamermanh ,

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1, emphasis mine. I haven't read the Bible in... Fuck almost 20 years and I could still remember that one because its the first line

gamermanh ,

*in certain states

She won the popular vote, she lost the electoral vote. Where you live MATTERS towards your vote in this country, by design, for situations like this

gamermanh ,

My wife and mys manager when we worked at the same place once told each of us separately in out reviews:

You do great, I love that you finish your work early, but the other people in the office dont like that you go home AT 5 (9 hour shift w/ 30m lunch) because they stay an extra 2-4 hours regularly.

Said it to me first, I just told her it sounds like her salary (I was hourly) employees suck at their jobs. She just kinda stares at me (this is the exact bluntness she promoted me to working with her for so...)

When she said it to my wife SHE went off on one about how she used to do those other people's jobs and that it's ridiculous that they can't do it in the same amount of time and would dare demand that she stay extra time just to appease their incompetence

She straight up admitted to us all the 40-60 year olds just didnt like that we could do our jobs and go home because we could type faster than 12 WPM

gamermanh ,

because 4runners are too expensive

Because those are the literal only two types of 4x4 in existence, right? Smaller cars don't ever have 4x4 capability

Also because it literally never stops raining it's useful to have a place to put wet things outside of the cab

Plastic liner or bin in the trunk. Bonus that it won't keep getting more wet

I love seeing people insecure as fuck because hey actually know deep down they don't need the truck, so they come up with "reasons" they need it

gamermanh ,

Nobody is "insecure" about owning a truck

Homie I can see you and at least one other person whining in every thread possible about how your use case is valid

They aren't worried about what some basement dweller thinks

Nice ad hominem, bud, really shows you're not defensive. How about the opinion of someone on land with livestock, yet doesn't feel the need to own a truck? Isn't that, like, the exact person you guys claim needs one so desperately after all?

gamermanh ,

We need ground clearance too lol

And there are vehicles other than trucks or 4-runnerd that have that.

Also awd isn't 4x4

Never said AWD, I said 4x4

Also if you put wet things inside the cab

Never said put it in the cabin, I said put it in the trunk

Maybe stay in your own lane gamer dude

I'd love to, but these oversized pavement princesses are forcing me to dodge around them because they can't control a big, heavy vehicle.

gamermanh ,

Prolly cuz I'm not stupid enough to drive my car off-road if it ain't capable of handling the terrain.

I have taken appropriately lifted vehicles off-road many times, though, and many of them weren't big ass lifted trucks because that's rarely what's actually needed. Oh, and even if you do need said lift, a truck ain't even the best vehicle for that purpose.

But go on, keep pretending the .01% of truck owners actually travelling through 4ft of mud to get to and from their farm are the normal use case for trucks.

gamermanh ,

Which small vehicles

Before you play the goalposts game: I said smaller, not small, though some listed would probably count as small:

New vehicles

And since price was the initial complaint: [used](, though if that gives you too many trucks

You'll notice almost immediately that there are many 4x4 vehicles with ground clearance that aren't also gigantic trucks that will go unused for their main intended purpose.

gamermanh ,

Why are you so condescending, especially considering you have zero knowledge on this topic

The projection is cute

gamermanh ,

Also people tend to leave their grinders dirty for like, way too fucking Long and let the keif build up on the actual screen and window/middle bits where the weed actually sits, so rinsing ANY part of it is a waste.

My mother has brought over her grinder and it's so fucked I can barely unscrew it, have to spend 10 minutes scraping that golden beauty off the sides of her grinder (end up with $40 worth at a dispensary lol) before I can alcohol bathe it

Also if you rinse your grinder with water your going to end up so sticky lol

gamermanh ,

You can, but kosher salt and 91% isopropyl + a Ziploc bag does better for cheaper

The only time I've used the fancy shit (my personal preference is kryptonite cuz it's set and forget) on my grinder was when it was megafucked after my mom had it a while.

She couldn't use it anymore cuz she has arthritis and it had funked up. I don't have arthritis and I couldn't move it holy shit

gamermanh ,

I just went looking back at the reviews for this building and I found out that Google removed the only small power the public has against fake reviews

Reporting is still an option, and it works. Literally just 3 days ago reported some inaccurate reviews at a place near where I work and I got the email last night they'd taken action, they're gone now

gamermanh ,

Multiple 1 star reviews for a nearby business that complain it doesn't do something that it doesn't claim to do (bulk fuel delivery place people are complaining it's not a gas station even though it doesn't come up as one) was the most recent one I did.

I also got one removed last year because someone gave a 1-star review whining about a fee that you weren't warned about if you were late, I sent in a picture of the big ass sign about it that's been there for years

gamermanh ,

problem where a ton of attention and discussion is required to determine what’s covered and what isn’t

Criticizing aspects of the current insurance-based system but claiming they're about Universal? Classic libertarian move.

Universal Healthcare doesnt have that problem, it's what universal means.

gamermanh ,

But with government I don't have a say. If I don't pay taxes I go to jail and if I don't like how my taxes are spent then too bad. There is no alternative.

It's called voting, really basic part of our world you seem to have forgotten about.

gamermanh ,

How childishly reductive

Just like libertarian talking points!

gamermanh ,

This idealized version of universal healthcare isn't possible because it'll require more resources than we have as a species

No, it won't.

There's always more that you can do to improve health outcomes

That's not what Universal Healthcare is.

gamermanh ,


Fairphone isn't known about by your average person, they're definitely not a "prominent" android manufacturer

gamermanh ,

I 100% advocate for this, as do many of my gun owning and enjoying friends. Most reasonable gun owners I've met are fine with everything non-hunting but pistols be lock-up-at-range. I get that pistols are used in a lot of crime but there are legitimste uses for them outside of shooting other humans (I get coyotes where I live and if ones trynna get at my birds I'm not gonna go get a rifle, I'll reach at my hip for my pistol, for example)

Though, usually, it's also stipulated that support for this idea would require that the currently existing restricted things be brought under this umbrella. I'd love to fire off some illegal as fuck weaponry in a controlled environment where my accuracy can be tracked using modern camera equipment and other cool shit, yakno? Kinda like the idea behind axe throwing or those "destroy shit" rooms

gamermanh ,

He might have somewhat wanted to, but it wasn't an explicit goal of his until it became strategic to the war effort.

Lincoln before he got elected: no, I'm not coming for your slaves

Lincoln after elected: no, I'm not coming for your slaves

Lincoln during the war: "If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them"

Lincoln the moment the British might aid them: "the war is now about slaves and their freedom so Britain won't feel good about helping"

Yes, Lincoln didn't like slavery and thought it was bad for the country, but much like the founding fathers he thought it was on its way out naturally. Without the southern states throwing The Great Tantrum Lincoln would have left the slave issue alone

gamermanh ,

Shocked to see 0 mention of Sun Chips here

So you're all wrong

gamermanh ,

Seriously? Maybe it's just cuz I was a poor kid who had to play the same games a shit ton but I went through at least 5 different disks in my time that I can think of just from playing them too hard.

Something closer to to 50 for disks that were scratched from other shit, though that'll include music CDs and DVDs too

gamermanh ,

Rarely, but:

  • if whatever needs to be done actually requires the manager (refunds or such)

  • if the person you've been trying to resolve the issue with is being obstinate, dismissive, or rude

  • if something actually illegal is occuring (i did this once when I noticed that a gas station was charging more than their listed price on the sign, guy immediately fixed it and comped me my fill cuz that's super illegal)

  • if workers are jeopardizing safety of other people. Don't tell the worker to stop, get a manager to do it and note that they're doing something unsafe.

And, most importantly:

  • when you catch an employee smoking a joint outside and they refuse to share
gamermanh ,

. A good socket set of Allen wrenches for assembling set furniture too.

I'll push back and say that the 3-pack of imperial, metric, and SAE hex wrenches you can get these days are better than a socket set

Sure, ratcheting is nice, but the ability to rapidly service ANY hex item without dicking around with my sockets or having to memorize which exact size a specific screw has been amazing

Just grab the matching collection of wrenches (idk what to call them, Swiss army wrench?) for the size you're working in, or all 3 if you're unsure, and you'll be done in no time!

gamermanh ,

Yeah, these:

Ratcheting is nice, but the torque I can get with these + ease of use and carrying means I never use my hex sockets anymore

gamermanh ,

I don't think I've encountered one that's hard to reach with my folding set, actually. Probably the one time I'd want to get my socket set, so fair enough if you encounter it more often

gamermanh ,

Also it's the first code entered into the first door to leave the first room in the first System Shock, which is likely what thread OP was referring to.

SS did it and so a bunch of other games do it in reference, like BioShock

gamermanh ,

Unless you live somewhere with 0 soil quality or literally never do any work to fertilize it's not that much extra cost to fertilize and keep soil doing well

Run a compost heap and you're practically going to supply yourself with everything needed for free if you can scale it enough (which is like, 2 2x4 beds and remembering to dump organic food remnants too)

gamermanh ,

That was only because Teddy Roosevelt was running it and he was a previous president.

Not just a previous president, but TEDDY fuckin ROOSEVELT.

He had all the same (imagined) qualities that make people who like Trump like that idiot, but he used them for good.

A man's man who said it like it was and took no bullshit. Knew shit was fucked and that it needed cleaning out and said so to get elected.

Even had a bit of a cult of personality going, Teddy Bears yakno?

Not perfect or anything, but looking at Teddy I can understand to a degree why people can get swept away by big personalities.

gamermanh ,

Not OP but about the same amount of time:

Mint refused to put sound out through my sound card. It saw my card, knew the exact brand and card and driver version, could see when I plugged and unplugged things from each of the jacks, but would not output any audio. I eventually solved this by just using the DAC on my new speakers and tossing the sound card lol.

Text scaling with an nVidia card is broken and looks god awful. 1440p monitor scrolling the Mint website and the text is gray/yellow jaggy mess. Installing an experimental driver and scaling up a bit fixes it for the most part but is a sub-ideal solution as I don't like scaling.

There's no perfect replacement for the Snip tool. I want to just spr+shift+s, click/drag a box, and done. So far the closest I've gotten is shift+prntscrn, click/drag, enter, which is more annoying by far.

There's no dark theme for mint-Y. I love the look of the XP/7ish theme it's got going on but it's light mode only. Travesty.

Too many password prompts when updating flatpaks. I should have used a way shorter password for this OS.

Plugging in 2 monitors of different screen resolutions can cause some serious issues if I alt/tab. Fixed by unplugging and plugging in one of the monitors but it's fucking annoying.

gamermanh ,

I could, but then whole-screen Printscreen is gone and I use that about as often

It's nice that these programs have all kinds of extraneous features, I'm sure people out there find use for them. I just want a quick and simple snip tool that doesn't take extra button presses to confirm that no, really, I don't want to use extra features

gamermanh ,

It's the same number of keypresses


Only difference is one keypress

Are conflicting statements within your own comment.

and you have additional functionality that doesn't get in the way

I couldn't care less about the additional functionality, that's not what I use snip for. And it does get in the way, that's my whole point. Needing to press enter to confirm that I'm "done editing" is an extra keypress that isn't needed and gets in the way.

I'm curious how "more annoying by far" to click-drag-enter vs click-drag.

As I stated I regularly snip at work on a Windows machine and pretty regularly at home which was until recently also windows. I'm very used to tapping a 3-key shortcut as 1keypress, click/dragging, and moving on with my life. That one extra keypress adds a second or two of confusion and annoyance every time I use it, and I can't even easily retrain myself as I still use it on Windows regularly.

You can readjust the selection

I would rather re-snip the 1/500 times this matters to me than press enter the other 499 times. I get others might like it, but why is it not an option for people like me?

you can record video instead

I have software for that already that does even more than the snip replacers, though I can't think of any time I've used a video when 3 screenshots would have worked too.

Basically it boils down to over design without option boxes for those who don't want to do things exactly as the software designers intended.

gamermanh ,

And, by using that key as a confirmation-step, you get a whole bunch of extra functionality that you say you don't use

Yes, which is entirely useless to me and not something I want. Incredibly simple concept you're having trouble with.

Which, if you don't use it, will still give you the exact same functionality, and doesn't affect you.

Nope, you're really shit at reading comprehension. It does not function exactly the same, that's the problem.

Consider if you ever need to repeat the screen grab 10x times, the difference is:

I will not as I do not ever need to do that. Idk what weird world you live in where you'd ever need to take 10 screenshots of the same still screen but I can think of even easier ways to manage something like that then with a Printscreen manager.

I find it fascinating to care so strongly

You're the one typing out multi-paragraph replies to me simply stating that windows does this better and it's silly that Linux doesn't have something as simple as Snip. I don't really care at all as it's one keypress, it's just funny.

objectively a worse approach in every single way

Subjectively, you mean. I do not need or want hose extra features and it now takes time to tell my PC to not use those features. So no, it's a worse approach to me.

And to care so strongly about that one keypress, that the optional versatility that gives (toggle video recording, adjust rectangle, reuse rectangle, move rectangle with same dimensions) is all in all considered a worse alternative

You really have a hard time with other people valuing stuff differently then you, huh?

Those features are less than worthless to me. I do not ever need or want them. The fact that the software cannot handle that I don't is useless bloat, which Linux is usually all about removing.

To each their own, and UX design is arguably not yours.

Go fuck yourself you stuck up prick. Fucking Linux users I swear

gamermanh ,

I can't imagine why you wouldn't want something so it's stupid to not want it

Your lack of imagination doesn't mean you are correct. You have an opinion, learn to handle that it's not fact.

I pray you're not involved with anything UX related either as your attitude is the exact kind of dismissive garbage that's landed us in this world of horrid UI and UX

gamermanh ,

You keep saying "Democrats" and "the party"

Tell me, which party was it that voted in pefect lock step against? Surely by your statements it's the Democrats...

Oh? It's not?

Only 8 of the 48 Democrats voted against it?

Well fiddly fee fuck me it sure seems both sides are the same and every Democrat hates workers and would never vote yes for a minimum wage increase

gamermanh ,

When I think of how often Chinese-made electronics fail under normal use

Incredibly uncommonly?

Are you forgetting that a LOT of our devices have been "Made in China" for a LOOONG time now?

Im no tankie but c'mon, I get "chinesium" comes from a grain of truth but you also have to factor in the sheer volume of cheap electronics sold that's made there vs how little really fails in a dangerous or spectacular fashion. In no small part to local regulations not letting unsafe shit that catches fire be sold, usually.

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