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gamermanh ,

Paid-for games aren't a service that should be able to be taken away in this manner

For software (like games) the usual rule is "use the old version if you don't agree to the new terms", but that's not possible without piracy here

Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy ( )

Had to supplement her $42,000 per year teacher salary with OF and made nearly $1 million in six months (almost 50 times as her salary) before the school caught wind of it and forced her to resign. Got a new job out of education and was fired five days later when they discovered news articles about her....

gamermanh ,
  1. That's a different person, genius

  2. Nobody compared anything, for the love of god

"I support companies having this right because if they didn't I'd be forced to work with Nazis more often" is a very straightforward concept

gamermanh ,

I literally made jokes about Babbit the minute after I saw the video on what, 1/10/2021 or so? It was never too soon imo

I remember Reddit REALLY didn't like that, so many "fallen hero" comments


Guy who doesn’t question why ‘completed’ flat pack has a bunch of ‘extra’ parts, recently hired as Boeing engineer ( )

Local self-declared handyman James Davidson has been offered a job as a Boeing engineer after his amazing work attempting to put a flat-pack cupboard together and just assuming that the many left over parts are just the extra pieces they add sometimes.

gamermanh ,

That's what I thought til I was pittig together some cheap Chinese bookshelf. So cheap and generic that it came in a cardboard box with BOOKSHELF written on it in arial bold.

That fucker came with an extra backstop and 2 more shelves than could reasonably fit in the unit. Were they extras in case something happened? Were they just a mistake from an overworked Chinese sweatshop person? The world may never know

gamermanh ,

When you take a non-academically challenging degree and get told "lol just Google it" by a professor when you ask how to do a specific part of an assignment correctly after being told "nah you did it wrong"

(Totally didn't happen to me and why I dropped out I swear)

gamermanh ,

I think they're trying to kill the fitbit line and replace it with the pixel watch and WearOS

My reasoning:

  • Enshittification of the non-watch devices

  • Pixel Watch 2 actually being an improvement on 1, they don't always do that

  • PW2 just being their highest end fitbit + watch

  • Many people I know who had fitbits decided to move over to a smartwatch for convenience of other features at not that much increased cost. It could be that offering devices below a watch has become less worth it in their eyes and to be something left to other niche manufacturers.

  • WearOS in general has seen massive improvements over AndroidWear and I think they're hoping that the license fees they'll get from third party cheaper watchmakers that end up using WearOS. Kinda like what they do with Android, offer an expensive top of the line flagship device, maybe a middle ground option, and leave it to the niche companies willing to do the work to find out what exact features people want on the cheap end while bringing in their licensing and app store fees.

It worked for phones, I can see it working for this kind of device, but it means dropping the old "lesser" line of devices

gamermanh ,

But he was acquitted


He's famous for being a murderer, whether he was found guilty or not doesn't matter.

A bunch of people believe that he genuinely acted in legitimate self defense

They're stupid, simple as.

gamermanh ,

Murder is literally the illegal killing of someone

Irrelevant. People know him as a murderer, thus that is what he is famous for. Plenty of people are famous for shit thats not technically accurate.

but you have to realize that the people who disagree with you don't think he's a murderer.

I do, I just don't care what wrong people think about shit that's basic and obvious.

And I've heard plenty of them make the claim anyone who thinks he is a murderer is stupid. In this regard, you're just like them.

Yeah but those people are fucking stupid, so I wouldn't listen to them.

gamermanh ,

Please read the rules if you care so much about laws.

Lol, fuck off, rules on Lemmy aren't laws and you know it

how can something be so courageous and yet so true ( )

Edit: Jesus Christ, people. If you buy a $150 Thinkpad made by slave labor instead of a $1,200 MacBook made by slave labor, you're still supporting a capitalist economy based on slave labor. We all do. We have no choice. The number of smug liberals in the comments saying "well I buy a cheap used laptop" or "well I buy coffee...

gamermanh ,

When I went through college I had to get a MacBook as part of my kit

Literally couldn't use a different device if I wanted to because of forced app usage (when there were cross platform alternatives that would work just fine)

I've also worked somewhere that forced a MacBook onto me as a work device but also allowed us to sticker it up if we wanted cuz they weren't gonna take it back until it was basically useless anyway

Many places one can get a mac, a couple of them are actually forced on you

Rotating banners on /r/piracy ( )

Hey mates, recently I've developed a tool to use the GenerativeAI on the AI Horde to created random avatars and banners on lemmy. To keep things spicy, I wanted to deploy to rotate the /c/piracy banner daily, as I've done in a bunch of other communities like !stable_diffusion_art and the

gamermanh ,

You might be able to adapt code that's used to analyze text to form word clouds in order to pull that off

No idea where exactly to look but the concepts seem pretty much identical, just change the output

gamermanh ,

Selective outrage strikes again.

Yep, you've yet again attempted to whataboutism your way into a different conversation.

You have a seriously selective outrage towards one specific issue and will find a way to just cram it in anywhere, wontcha?

gamermanh ,

What would a condemnation of Israel do? Would it hurt Hamas' feelings?

gamermanh ,

Still playing the whataboutism game, eh?

gamermanh ,

To Linker you can only be mad about one thing at a time

And that thing is specifically Isreal

gamermanh ,

I don't even think being able to get billions is bad

Translates to

I don't think exploiting those who work for me is bad

gamermanh ,

You can, but with how close the a-pillar is to your face relative to where other things are you can quite often have to move LARGE amounts to actually see shit

Luckily my current car has really good A-pillar visibility with where I normally put my head, but when I had to drive rentals for about a year when this car was in the shop I FEEQUENTLY had issues with shit being near impossible to see behind the massive bar they though was smart to put there.

Never had an issue because I was aware and careful, but if even someone who's actively aware of it can have an issue then there's a problem at the design level

gamermanh ,

Because teens never go to the movie theater like their parents did.

From OP:

if they're spending money

gamermanh ,

My name is Frank Smithly, Lvl 20 Rogue. My story? Heh, kid, it's not your average tale....

You see, my parents? They lived throughout my whole childhood. To this day, in fact. My mother even packed my lunch this morning. I was raised in a loving home, supported in all that I did by good, hard-working folks who wanted me to succeed. I was given every opportunity for success, and I've quite clearly taken them!

It was the worst! Growing up without even a single minor tragedy to give fuel to the dark pain deep within me. No dead close relatives, no parental abuse, not even s schoolyard bully! The complete and total lack of childhood adversity left me a scarred and broken man, so I turned to this life of crime...

gamermanh ,

They also fall prey to the classic "only one Internet provider" shit because of the whole "whoever pays to have the lines in owns those lines forevermore" shit we have here

It cost Comcast 10k to run a new line half a block to a place I lived 6 years ago, and that was in a rather empty part of my town.

Imagine how much it costs to run lines M I L E S to rural people's homes. Who's even going to try setting up there when someone else already has done it?

My area is controlled by Dems that are pretty lib, but thanks to how expensive it is to start an ISP we have literally 1 option for an almost 75 square mile area for non-sattelite Internet. Their max speed is 100 Mbps synch, and you have to fill out a PDF to get service (including putting s password for your account on said PDF, I put "fuck No im not" for mine for obvious reasons), and their techs will ignore service requests (they installed their stupid rental router and charged me monthly for it despite me saying not to) and lie (they said they couldn't add my owned router to their list multiple times before someone finally took it's fucking MAC address from me)

gamermanh ,

The US government isn’t party to private contracts

Learn what at-will employment is and how much of the US is stuck with it

gamermanh ,

If you're fully aware of what at-will is then you'd know saying

The US government isn’t party to private contracts

Is silly when the overwhelming majority of employees in this country do not have a private contract for employment

gamermanh ,

Yeah, were a lot less nice to people who obstinately refuse to understand basic logic

"Oh but boomers had hard lives in other ways" isn't the point at all and those things have nothing to do with the post.

gamermanh ,

This is yet another one of these posts.

Nope, it's just about financials, which is true no matter how butthurt you are.

the fact that supporting a family on a single family income was possible had a ton to do with the fact that people were pressured into having families and women were largely unable to enter the workforce.

Lol, no.

gamermanh ,

Damn, dude, you just show up once every few months to drop bad take after bad take on us, dontcha?

gamermanh ,

And there's the "here's a YouTube video that explains EVERYTHING" guy, right on schedule

gamermanh ,

Since the youtube video does indeed explain everything.

No it doesn't.

I could link you the Manufacturing Consent book too but that seems rather long for your simple question.

Nobody asked a question, dipshit

gamermanh ,

No, it's the sound of me pointing out that you can try to spread this garbage everywhere but none of us are falling for it

gamermanh ,

Because Linker and you both have a history of willful stupidity

Which you of course know because you've been told this many times

gamermanh ,

No, I literally answered your stupid question, keep up.

Basic reading comprehension is fucking hard for you, init?

gamermanh ,

Yeah, actually, it does

Disingenuous pricks like you don't actually listen when points are made, so instead we point out that you're acting in bad faith and laugh while downvoting.

You should know this by now it happens to you guys all the time

gamermanh ,

That's because I didn't.

Because I'm not going to.

Because you're a bad faith dipshit who won't listen to basic fact and everyone here knows it

gamermanh ,

You really cant read, can you?

so instead we (meaning not you) ... laugh while downvoting

gamermanh ,

your syntax was ambiguous

Keep stretching for the fault to be on me and not your bsrelt-functioning brain, surely someone will believe it eventually.

there is certainly a problem with literacy in this thread, though.

Yeah, you and that other guy both seem completely incapable of basic English in about the same ways. Interesting, that is

gamermanh ,

a claim made without evidence

Good thing I didn't make a claim, then. You said I had to defend my position when I do not, that's all that I said.

when someone is asked to support their position, and they instead attack the person asking, no one should believe their claim.

I agree. Unless said person has a history of participating in bad faith, like yourself.

You can add user notes to people on Lemmy, I have one for you and am quite familiar with your complete lack of basic conversational skills thanks to it.

gamermanh ,

but still deny it.

Putting words in my mouth doesn't make you correct.

Stay mad though it's funny as fuck

gamermanh ,

are you using the paid, proprietary client for a free software, federated protocol platform?

First: there's more than one paid app

Second: No, I didn't pay for the app I'm using

Third: Entirely irrelevant to the discussion, as usual

gamermanh ,

Fun fact (not really) about Nim: he and the other ASL chimps were HORRIBLY abused. Basically every single one of them.

And it was all for nothing, not a single bit of evidence shows that teaching chimps ASL worked and allowed any form of actual communication.

Yes, even Koko.

gamermanh , (edited )

Pro tip:

If you don't wanna look like a Nazi sympathizer don't try to make the guy who definitely knew about slave labor building rockets as a good person.

If you DO want to look like one (as you appear to be trying hard for): well, at least you're making it easy to spot a Nazi?

gamermanh ,
gamermanh ,

I'll trust them cuz it's pretty fucking obvious if you know the demographics of Gaza that of course kids are going to be one of the largest groups being hurt as they're 40% of the fucking place

There are more children and women than there are men, so of course a % greater than 50 is going to be them. Also, Israel is doing a genocide, so targeting women and children is kinda part of it

gamermanh ,

The moderate/centrist position

Soooooo tired of people incorrectly simplifying what a centrist would believe by taking the extreme ends and picking the exact middle stance. That's almost never how you get to a centrist view and it's a great way to ostracize them.

A centrist on gay rights likely sees that marriage is legal, culturally it's acceptable, so why should they fight for more rights, they're already equal?

I don't agree with this stance, but you'll notice it's not a "violent bigot" stance, just an ignorant one.

gamermanh ,

But it's been 280 for so long now, that's so much space

gamermanh ,

Pretty easy to Google that kind of thing since that's quite a lot of questions and is better answered by an article or website from one of these places that breaks it down

gamermanh ,

Coffee is a stimulant and stimulants can absolutely cause drowsiness in people, usually those of us with ADHD.

If I'm not tired I can drink a small espresso and the stimulation from the caffeine wakes my brain up enough to actually deliver the sleepy hormones (this is how my Dr described it to me, anyway)

Schiff says he hopes Intelligence Community ‘will dumb down’ briefings for Trump ( )

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said the U.S. Intelligence Community should “dumb down” briefings for former President Trump when he receives classified information as the eventual GOP nominee, voicing concerns about whether Trump could share the information....

gamermanh ,

Abortion is a split issue amoung libertarians

Interesting, because pro-choicr is the correct libertarian position (freedom of personal choice above all is kinda their thing)

And you have no clue about Massie, literally you dont understand one thing about him.

Lol, good defense of your shitty ideals. Can't defend a piece of shit so you don't even try

gamermanh ,

Literally easily verifiable fact about his platform that takes 10s to confirm

Don't like that it's so easy to point out the people you like are garbage? Support less garbage people.

Pretending they're not trash is pathetic

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