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gamermanh ,

Like some weird union of states or something

gamermanh ,

I use a Sparkel to make things bubbly, you can buy the baking soda and citric acid in bulk for way cheaper than the packs they sell and can carbonate basically any liquid

gamermanh ,

Someone else did it, it's terrible, because of course it is

Carbonation creates an acidic flavor, which essentially makes milk taste spoiled

gamermanh ,

Even worse: insulation sealing/foam

Put in my own dog door, I've used this stuff once before and thought I remembered how much comes out when you barely press. And then how much it expands.

That was a year ago and I swear sometimes it's bigger than it was before, still

gamermanh ,

I remember that, too, but I also remember wondering what glue they were sniffing when XP was literally the fisher-price design era for Windows

gamermanh ,

That's their third I've seen in 24 hours

.world, then lemme, now Reddthat

gamermanh ,

My SYNOLOGY NAS that's just shy of being used for too much stuff (96% CPU means I've got 4% left babyyyy) is, was, and will forever be: Senpai.

That way people (my wife and parents) notice it in the network list.

gamermanh ,

Honestly, I do want a better smartphone. Not better as in more pixels or processing power, but more features.

My P8P has a temperature sensor on it. Every phone I own moving forward is gonna need that now cuz I use it for all kinds of shit basically daily, great tool for a SMART device.

I miss IR blasters, they weren't as useful but they had their place

I miss the short time period where volume and lock buttons were on the backs of phones.

More weird sensors and functionality that might prove useful in niche situations, please.

gamermanh ,

I regularly encourage my co workers to speak out loud with me when going over processes or thoughts because by bouncing it between the 2 of us it's more likely that one of us will spot the massive glowing mistake someone made

So far it's been working quite well as we build out an entirely new SOP from scratch

gamermanh ,

Why go though all the work for a target that isn't really worth it?

Why hold values consistently, amirite guys?

gamermanh ,

Maybe you should look into the details (pro and con) before becoming enraged.

And maybe you should try some basic reading comprehension, ey?

Data this sensitive and useful should not require an active deletion request

gamermanh ,

If you actually need explanation:

Sears: think Walmart but without a grocery section LONG before Walmart. Used to be catalogue only. Big box warehouse basically

K-Mart is cheap, shitty Target, basically. Always felt that way to me, anyway.

So the joke is that most normal babies come in a kit from the Sears catalogue (or box store) but Calvin was a cheap, Store-Brand deal that's almost as good for half the price!

gamermanh ,

I misread what was said as explain THE Calvin

Yours is much funnier

gamermanh ,

but I don't think you're supposed to drink completely distilled water in the first place.

It'll harm you a bit over time if you're not getting those minerals elsewhere in your diet, but otherwise it's not that big of a deal.

I have some on hand for other stuff and I've drank it in a pinch when I didn't have other water (my tap tastes horrid and purifiers that don't cost shit tons of money don't filter out the reason why) and I'm still hydrated as fuck

Distilled water tastes empty, like the flavor is being removed from my mouth. Quite odd

gamermanh ,

If you don't use hotel ice but do get ice from fast food then boy do I have some bad news for you

gamermanh ,

3 crows that hang out near my house and join my chickens and ducks when I toss scratch and treats out have made it their mission to keep said birds safe.

Wife and I watched them hassle a hawk until it flew away, gen they came back and chilled on our fence. Tossed them some French fries for the work well done

gamermanh ,

From the comment you replied to:

as long as you are passing

If you're not passing, get over. If you are passing, getting over means merging into another vehicle: don't do that.

gamermanh ,

Seriously doubt that, honestly, unless you're VERY rural and/or cannot charge at home

I drive 45 miles each way for commute to work in a 2018 EV that has half the range a modern one does.

I make it home with plenty of charge to still get around town for groceries or what have you, and if I go more than 130-150 miles in a day I can stop at a quick charger for 10/15 minutes and have ~50 miles more range to play with

gamermanh ,

than the $30K down,

Which you had because of that 9k/month

not the 20% people expect.

Again, because of the high income

gamermanh ,

Hiding on .world, the last place any sane person would look, genius

gamermanh ,

Make sense before you comment next time

gamermanh ,

Idk about them specifically but I've absolutely seen dismissive responses of "lol fuck off Ivan" to people saying things along the lines of

Don't be shocked if he loses thanks to this

Multiple times. Sometimes it's "lol fuck off cuckservative" instead.

That you haven't shows you're either not in the comment sections over in .world (good, tbh) or not remembering it, cuz it's def there.

Reminder: crypto isn’t solarpunk. It’s cyberpunk.

Listening to a recent episode of the Solarpunk Presents podcast reminded me the importance of consistently calling out cryptocurrency as a wasteful scam. The podcast hosts fail to do that, and because bad actors will continue to try to push crypto, we must condemn it with equal persistence....

gamermanh ,

I’m extremely tired of criticisms of cryptocurrency without a very least acknowledging the problems with the global financial system that drew people to it in the first place

It's weird to request that criticism of something first do PR work for said thing, that's why

Anonymous users are dominating right-wing discussions online. They also spread false information ( )

The reposts and expressions of shock from public figures followed quickly after a user on the social platform X who uses a pseudonym claimed that a government website had revealed “skyrocketing” rates of voters registering without a photo ID in three states this year — two of them crucial to the presidential contest....

gamermanh ,

You thus can still vote your conscience

Not if my conscious isn't ok with voting for a genocide-doer at all

gamermanh ,

Man, you humans are going to be really upset when you find the universal wall....

I mean uh....

Hey, how was the game last night amirite?

gamermanh ,

never understood the "promote laziness" thing. A union wouldn't be able to protect a worker that can't meet the requirements of the job.

Overachievers get told to stop being better than the lower-quality workers in poorly run unions because "it makes Bob look and feel bad when you do twice the work he can in a day"

It's not a great reason but if you experience it once it leaves one hell of a sour taste in your mouth, especially since poorly run unions also usually aren't doing good at protecting workers

gamermanh ,

They make bad screw heads but the drivers themselves are useful for so many random odd-jobs that you can basically be guaranteed to find a flathead that'll fit your screw within a few seconds of searching near basically any tools

Because of that many cheaper companies use flats for their screws, though I almost never see it in anything bigger than the little ass plugs we use in doorknobs and electrical socket covers. Once you go bigger than those it's usually a Phillips/flat combo, or torx if you're spending some extra cash

gamermanh ,

If you start to think about it a bit, an electric kettle makes more sense

Not when everyone's got a microwave already, likely doesn't have the counter space for another gadget that they don't use very often.

If you regularly make 1-3 mugs worth of hot water a kettle makes sense. If you regularly boil larger amounts, or don't regularly boil water, the microwave you already own is only slightly slower, so why spend the money?

gamermanh ,

...that's because they're hot.

You can't always tell how hot something is when handed it, so you carefully sip toale sure it's not scalding

You can dip your finger in, too, but gross

gamermanh ,

Which can also be done with the microwave without having to get an extra device

Microwave can heat MORE water than a kettle, too. Unless your microwave is oddly small or your kettle freakishly huge, that is

gamermanh ,

I do

My wife rolls her eyes and walks away cuz she doesn't care but her life is about to get 1% more efficient as I force change on our house

(His video on dishwashers actually got me to change her fucking behaviour around it and now our dishwasher works properly thank fuuuuuck)

gamermanh ,

No, it's not, and you shouldn't spread old wives tales as though they're truth

gamermanh ,

Please educate yourself

Ironic considering I already knew you were talking about superheating, which requires an incredibly smooth container and multiple microwaving attempts to pull off

You can prevent such dangers by: not double-microwaving your water (even then it's a low chance), using a rougher cup, or sticking anything (like a spoon) in there while you heat it

But sure, keep acting like a rare occurrence under incredibly specific circumstances is something to be deathly afraid of. Whatever floats your boat. Just stop spreading it around.

gamermanh ,

Quite simple, really:

Someone said something blatantly false on the Internet and tried to be smarmy back when they're wrong. Might I also add: nice projection.

If it makes you feel better to think I'm in some way insecure about a simple fact (that the video from OP goes over as well, btw) then I guess feel free but it only makes you look like a bigger idiot to me.

gamermanh ,

Ah, you're a child

Stay mad that you're wrong rather than learn a basic fact about the world you weirdo

gamermanh ,

The projection is staggering

So mad that I hit reply on a website, pathetic

gamermanh ,

Ive built 7 or so computers in my time

in that same time 3 PSUs were DOA, 2 died a month in under pathetic loads, and one fried in a lightning strike (this one gets a pass as only the PSU fried so it did it's job)

It's so often the goddamn PSU

gamermanh ,

The devices were "Oculus Quest and Quest 2" well into 2021

My quest 2 still has the Oculus logo and name on it, the instructions are the same, and I didn't need a Meta account to log in until the name change

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( )

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

gamermanh ,

In fact, the actions of the Biden administration to Palestinians in the US is contrary to your claims of the administration supporting genocide:

Doing minor shit while paying lip service to the idea that maybe you'll actually do something about your closest ally committing a genocide is WEAK. Especially when it's almost 6 months after this shit already started.

It's very clear that Biden supports this genocide and is only now doing something about it because the commoners are actually reacting to it

gamermanh ,

I will vote, but for a third option

Ah, so you're voting for trump I see!

/s, obviously that depends on where you are on top of other things

gamermanh ,

But if protesting against Biden allows Trump to be elected, then there WILL be far worse consequences

That's 100% on Biden for being a legit protest target, not on the individuals with a moral compass who are pointing out his issues.

If we don't want our non-fascist option to be protested against because it means they lose then there should be a better choice available

gamermanh ,

But to say privacy is a weird thing is really sad

That's not what was said.

They said "they're probably one of those privacy weirdos", which is different.

I value privacy and am conscious of it, more so than the average user. I choose, willingly and knowingly, to use certain services that damage my privacy in exchange for their services.

The "privacy weirdos" are the people who see that statement and go "well you shouldn't ever be using service x because it's not secure you stupid dipshit! Just use service y, it's FOSS and has half the features but it respects privacy so it's better in every way!"

Dunno how the person got "I'm a privacy nut" from "ads aren't good for journalism" tho, that doesn't track

gamermanh ,

That's the point of the color bar on the bottom, a part of any good graph

gamermanh ,

The numbers, right there on the bar, and the text at the top of the image.

"male to female suicide ratio" and then the numbers 1-10, it even explains that it's (men's suicides / women's suicides) so anyone who doesn't know what a ratio is can enjoy as well

gamermanh ,

It's not the 90s anymore

Literally only the first example they gave wasn't in existence until at least 2011.

I saw a sign for a strip club in town last night. Know what was on it?


Should I go burn down the evil kiddie strip club?

gamermanh ,

Find someone with a wolf-dog, preferably mid to high content, hang out with it for a bit

I owned a halfer (she-wolf and husky parents) and it was basically wolf default behaviours with begrudging love for his humans. Looked like a slightly (maybe 80% size) small wolf and had the body power and intelligence to match.

It's not exactly the same as being near a full wolf (which I have done) but it's the experience you're imagining for "friendly wolf", and quite awesome

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