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fubo , (edited )

They have one; it's 16 with parental consent, 18 otherwise.


The four states that don't have a minimum marriage age are California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma; and all of them require parental consent or a court order for under-18s.


Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street ( www.politico.com )

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...

fubo ,

Democrats support a freer market than Republicans do, since Republicans want a government that can&will punish businesses for disagreeing with them politically.

fubo ,

Anxiety stopped having nearly so much of a hold on me when I realized that there usually wasn't a "why", that it was just anxiety chasing its own ass and only pretending to have anything to do with the stimuli.

Republican Operatives Swoop in to Help Cornel West This Election ( newrepublic.com )

”This helps take away votes from Joe Biden,” the activist told one person at the rally, according to a video posted to X (formerly Twitter) by a Washington Post reporter. “We’re helping the Trump team who’s trying to get him on there,” added a woman by his side.

fubo ,

Cornel West is a Republican operative.

fubo ,

No. Homemakers objected, exceptions were passed, and then the ban was rescinded about a month later.


fubo , (edited )

Microsoft, the state of South Dakota, and the Freemasons have been infiltrated by the Unified Buttjones Imperial Court (UBIC), formed in 1834 by the merger of the Imperial Buttjones Society and the All-Ireland Industrial Arsing Federation. UBIC agents camouflage themselves as janitors, assistant product managers, or beagles, and spread an invisible green slime over toilet seats to infect the minds of their targets. Through this mental infiltration, they obtain control over the vazween or pony-flavored sector of the human soul, creating Inter-Vazween Buttjones Networks (IVBN) through repeated application of the Greater Invoking Pentacle of Pony Erotic Revelation (GIPPER). Using an apparatus constructed from illegal immigrants, UBIC uses the IVBN and GIPPER to insert bugs into Windows, Masonic initiations, and the Lewis & Clark State Recreation Area. Anyone who denies this obvious truth is a buttjones.

fubo ,

I think they're still on Bawdy Satans or something. Fools!

fubo ,

In today's example of a garden path sentence ....

fubo ,

Plenty of goth squirrels in parts of the Bay Area, California too.

fubo ,

In Heinlein's story "The Man Who Sold The Moon", a businessman threatens to put a corporate logo on the moon ... in order to get a rival company to bid higher to keep the moon un-logo'd.

fubo ,

Modern Turkey does claim to be the successor state to the Ottoman Empire, yes, and was recognized as such in the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

fubo ,

Hogan's lawsuit was backed by Peter Thiel, who had a grudge against Gawker for outing him as gay.

fubo ,

"Evolution is so complicated. Can't you see that it's just simpler to admit that God did it?"

fubo ,

"Heck, I had a truck like that once."

fubo ,

Wasn't this guy busted for human trafficking and rape? Was that all for procreation?

fubo ,

"The Electric Company" came on TV, so of course we were dancing around the TV in excitement ... and knocked it over. Crash!

fubo , (edited )

Free markets can't exist without enforcement of rules against violence and fraud. Without such enforcement, race-to-the-bottom effects mean that employment devolves into slavery and all markets in goods become dominated by "lemons" (fraudulent goods).

An actual free market in labor requires limits on what a powerful employer can demand from workers. An actual free market in goods requires protection of customers from fraud, and arguably also from monopolies. Both of these require something like a state, an entity empowered to intrude into other people's business in order to enforce rules.

Even starting with anarcho-capitalist principles, consistency ends up endorsing a minimal state: see Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia. (However, Nozick's path is not the only path by which a state-like entity could arise; rather than from 'protection agencies', we could imagine it arising from labor unions or cooperatives instead.)

In gist, "freedom isn't free" — if you want to have a free market in labor or goods, you have to have enforcement against those who would deprive others of freedom through force or fraud.

Kaczynski was not an anarcho-capitalist, in any event, but an anarcho-primitivist — whose beliefs led him personally to commit murder, and who endorsed the mass murder of almost all humans. It's worth noting that Kaczynski was also arguably manufactured by psychological abuse; he was a gifted mathematician until he became the victim of an MK-ULTRA program.

fubo ,

Kaczynski's madness was manufactured through calculated psychological abuse in the Harvard laboratory of one Henry Murray. Look it up, dude.

fubo ,

It's not clear there is one! One of the nice things about liberal-democracy is that different people can create different forms of social and economic organization to meet their needs and interests. A family business, a worker-owned cooperative, and a publicly traded corporation can coexist in the same economy (and even on the same street). People can start monasteries or communes in the woods if they want to; or move to the big city to seek their fortunes.

But again, freedom isn't free: there has to be enforcement of individual rights and fair trade to ensure that the most powerful & successful don't get to run over everyone else with force and fraud. Right now I suspect this looks like some form of liberal social democracy; probably with more worker protections than the US has right now, but probably with less bureaucracy than the EU has right now.

fubo ,

On the other hand, they could be yelling, "Yes! Keep going! You're the best!" and you're thinking of just quitting?

fubo ,

It doesn't appear this person actually communicated directly with any jurors on the case; rather, he expressed an opinion about what the jurors should do, while speaking to a fascist propaganda service (Newsmax).

fubo ,

Recognize that a lot of what you're suffering from is, well, suffering; that it's part of the human condition and not really specific to one historical epoch, country, or economic system. Sickness, poverty, cruelty, envy, selfishness, domination, and other woes have been with us for much longer than economic or political modernity.

People have been investigating how to alleviate suffering — in the general sense — for a very long time. There are whole philosophical and social movements about it, which have proposed strategies such as —

  • "Love your neighbor; forgive those who have hurt you. Feed the hungry, heal the sick, comfort the afflicted." (Christianity)
  • "Avoid killing, stealing, lying, raping, and getting drunk. Seek out wholesome companions. Maybe do some meditation." (Buddhism)
  • "Pursue a simple life. Try to avoid pain rather than seeking out pleasure. Don't worry about gods or politics." (Epicureanism)
fubo ,

They complain about political correctness, and they go and do shit like this.

fubo ,

This link actually points to the article itself, not just the headline:


fubo ,

Yep. It's a human rights violation to criminalize asylum-seekers.

fubo ,

Rust does memory-safety in the most manual way possible, by requiring the programmer prove to the compiler that the code is memory-safe. This allows memory-safety with no runtime overhead, but makes the language comparatively difficult to learn and use.

Garbage-collected compiled languages — including Java, Go, Kotlin, Haskell, or Common Lisp — can provide memory-safety while putting the extra work on the runtime rather than on the programmer. This can impose a small performance penalty but typically makes for a language that's much easier on the programmer.

And, of course, in many cases the raw performance of a native-code compiled language is not necessary, and a bytecode interpreter like Python is just fine.

fubo ,

I always thought video games got the term from pilots, and pilots got the term from the control stick's resemblance to an erect penis.

fubo ,

Many board games, such as chess, go/baduk, backgammon, and mancala were played before capitalism or copyright were invented; and thus have always been in the public domain.

Precursors to chess date to the 700s CE, and chess was played under recognizably modern rules in the 1400s. Go may date to the 200s CE, but took its modern form in the 1500s. Backgammon-like games are known from Persia circa 800 CE, and modern backgammon from the 1600s. And mancala games are over 6000 years old.

Poland's new government deprograms its once far-right public media ( www.npr.org )

WARSAW, Poland — It's 7:30 in the evening in Warsaw, and public news broadcaster TVP Info is about to broadcast live to millions of viewers across Poland. Producers in a crowded control room scurry in and out, sometimes stopping to peer through a narrow window into a studio where the host reads from a teleprompter....

fubo ,

Every time I read the name "Donald Tusk" I imagine a walrus in Donald Duck's sailor suit.

Sure is a better image than the Donald we got over here.

fubo ,

As a reminder, the first targets of Nazi book-burning were LGBT+ too: Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sex Research.

fubo Mod ,

There's also the problem of some religious conservatives not realizing that straight people exist.

According to conservative psychologists like Paul Cameron or James Dobson, gay sex is a huge "temptation" that people must learn to resist; they worry that it would be the downfall of society if more people chose to succumb to that temptation. They might blame that temptation on Satan directly, or on LGBT+ propagandists, or liberalism; but they very much seem to believe that anyone could choose to be gay.

Sorry, no, that's not how straight people work.

If you experience gay sex as a strong temptation, you're just not straight. That's okay! Quite a lot of people are straight, and are just not interested in having gay sex. If all the people who are "tempted" to have gay sex went and did so, there would still be lots of straight people left having lots of straight sex.

The odd part is that these conservative psychologists then teach this doctrine of "gay sex is a strong temptation for everyone" to an audience composed of mostly straight people.

fubo ,

If someone sells something to you and then takes it back later, that is theft.

fubo , (edited )

It's safe to look things up!

Looking up the name of a crime does not mean that you're doing that crime.

If you look up "bank robbery" that doesn't make you guilty of bank robbery. It doesn't even mean you're trying to rob a bank, or even want to rob a bank. You could want to know how bank robbers work. You could be interested in being a bank guard or security engineer. You could be thinking of writing a heist story. You could want to know how safe your money is in a bank: do they get robbed all the time, or not?

Please, folks, don't be afraid to look up words. That's how you learn stuff.

fubo ,

"Maybe Bob Schmob didn't bomb a car full of children, but he would have!"

Hamas’ philosophy: All civilians, all children are tools of war ( nypost.com )

Major Y [an American who went to Israel to fight] and other people on the ground I have spoken with say that they estimate about one in every two or three [civilian] homes in Gaza they go into has military weaponry, including AK47s, grenades and rocket launchers. And they routinely find entrances to Hamas’s terror tunnels...

fubo ,

Well no, the Netanyahu administration has been propping up Hamas to keep the Palestinian Authority weak and incapable of resisting illegal settlements. Illegal settlers are a big part of Netanyahu's base.

There is no Palestinian genocide. If the Israeli government wanted to commit a genocide, they would be doing it a lot more effectively. After all, there are many ethnic Palestinians who are Israeli citizens; if there was a Palestinian genocide, those people would be getting killed, efficiently and systematically. They're not.

Netanyahu is a traitor to the state of Israel for funding an antisemitic terrorist organization, Hamas.

It is unfortunate that Hamas likes to hide military operations in hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings. There's a really good reason that international law forbids that sort of thing — because doing that makes hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings legitimate military targets.

fubo ,

That is not, in fact, the explanation that the article discusses.

Something more was also at play: In recent years, Americans have grown wealthier, and not just the rich. Households across the income spectrum have seen the largest surge in wealth on record. This was driven mainly by a surge in the U.S. stock market (nearly 60 percent of families now have some stock ownership, generally via retirement funds) and a gigantic rise in home values. The vast majority of homeowners locked in mortgage rates under 5 percent, which insulated them from the Federal Reserve’s painful rate hikes. (Most other countries do not lock in a mortgage rate for 30 years, and this leaves their homeowners far more exposed to interest rate hikes.) Meanwhile, U.S. home values soared. People feel wealthier, even if they haven’t actually sold their homes or stocks. When people feel wealthier, they tend to spend more.

fubo ,

Nazi furries have been a thing for years. The regular furries don't like them.

TIL that the judge in the Carroll rape case clarified that Trump did rape Jean Carroll ( www.washingtonpost.com )

All the news headlines and verdict said sexual abuse, which was kind of vague, but I just found out today that the judge clarified that this was a matter of legal definition and by the verdict of the trial and the case, trump has been found guilty of penetrative rape.

fubo ,

"Found guilty" is inaccurate, since he was not charged with it as a crime. Rather, it was a finding of fact in a civil case. The standards of evidence are different, and a criminal prosecution would still have to prove the charge to a higher standard. But for purposes of civil liability, yeah, he did it.

fubo ,

He is guilty in the ordinary sense. But "found guilty" is technical vocabulary for criminal courts.

fubo ,


No, the Netanyahu regime wanted it to happen. We hold leaders responsible for their own decisions, rather than blaming a nationality.

fubo ,

Dude. My country elected Donald Trump, but that doesn't make me a Cheeto.

fubo ,


Ahem. I am not a fan of encouraging people to post giant low-content images in Lemmy threads. It is really nice to have a mostly textual medium, and inserting huge Pikachus or Picards or Frys into it is not an improvement to this user experience. Many of the images in this thread appear at around ⅓ of screen height in the default browser UI, and they have very little new to say.

If this sort of feature has to exist, please consider limiting it to rather small images, more in the "icon" range than the "memegens" range.

fubo ,

"Government shutdowns" are, among other things, wage theft from government employees.

In the Gingrich shutdowns of the 1990s, even active-duty military members' pay was delayed without compensation for up to three weeks. Yes, that's right: the Republicans literally stole paychecks from our soldiers and sailors just to stick it to Bill Clinton. (And maybe to give a little handout to their buddies in the payday loan business.)

More recent shutdowns have spared active-duty DoD, but still perpetrated wage theft against members of the Coast Guard and other defense-critical services. That was the case in the 2018-2019 shutdown, for example.

You can't convince me you care about border security if you don't fucking pay the Coast Guard.

fubo ,

Fascists aren't morally healthy humans. Authoritarians can't cope with social reality, where different people can have different opinions and loyalties and yet support each other. They always seem to end up succumbing to patriarchal cults, where Lenin-Hitler-Mao-Trump gets to do whatever he wants to your sons and your daughters, and you and your working class have no recourse.

fubo ,

Um, yeah, most of this is made up.

If you encounter CSAM on the web, just report it to https://report.cybertip.org/ and clear your cache. You don't have to fill out all the detail fields; just give 'em the URL that linked to it.

But mostly, don't go looking. Don't try to be a brave vigilante willing to subject yourself to awfulness in order to protect children. That's not how it works. If you go looking, folks will assume you're participating.

fubo ,

NCMEC is the legally designated place to report it. Don't go to any more trouble than you need to. There are folks whose job it actually is to track this stuff down, take it down, and prosecute the people creating it. Let them do their job.

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