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Do you get sick of the same songs and how do you combat it?

If I find myself overplaying certain songs, I sometimes have to force myself to take a break because when I don't, I usually end up ruining/disliking the song. I hate when this happens because perfectly good songs that I love end up irritating me because I have heard it too much. Do you stop listening to those songs or just play...

DirkMcCallahan ,

There was a time in my life when I was wary of wearing out certain songs, but now I just play them to death if that's what I'm in the mood for. Life's too short to deny yourself the pleasure of hearing a song that you really want to listen to...and if you DO get tired of your current earworm, so much? There's so much great music out there that it shouldn't be long before you discover something new that you can immerse yourself in.

DirkMcCallahan ,

"Taking over"? This happened a long time ago.

DirkMcCallahan ,

I always assumed that they were impossible to win, and that the coins you saw on the ledges were placed there by the employees.

New “Recall” feature in Windows 11 is a privacy nightmare ( www.theverge.com )

The new “Recall” feature really does look good on paper, but the taking in mind that it catalogues almost everything you do on your computer, it could turn out to be a privacy nightmare. “logging things you do in apps, tracking communications in live meetings, remembering all websites you’ve visited for research, and...

DirkMcCallahan ,

We know this what the real purpose of this is, it seems like they're going to sell it as a necessary tool for people who are too stupid to use a basic search function? Per The Verge:

"Microsoft’s launching Recall for Copilot Plus PCs, a new Windows 11 tool that keeps track of everything you see and do on your computer and, in return, gives you the ability to search and retrieve anything you’ve done on the device."

Oh, and apparently "Microsoft is promising users that the Recall index remains local and private on-device." Something something Brooklyn Bridge...

DirkMcCallahan ,

I'm actually a bit shocked that the revenue is that high.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Black olives are the shit. Green olives are shit.

DirkMcCallahan ,

This reminds me of the Bob's Burgers episode where they mention giving Gene a goldfish to see if he was responsible enough to have a dog.

Gene's response: "I was not."

DirkMcCallahan ,

And just for context, if you work 40 hours a week for $15 (well above minimum wage), your annual pre-tax income is $31,200.

DirkMcCallahan ,

I'd like to believe it, but based on recent evidence, the next decade is going to be defined by how incredibly apathetic the general public continues to be about matters that actually affect our lives.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Remember how the right crucified Biden for picking Harris after they sparred during the debates? I'm sure they'll be first to criticize this...right?

DirkMcCallahan ,

She betrayed and helped murder democracy.

DirkMcCallahan ,

My boomer parents will die on the hill that it sounds "wrong" to use "they" to refer to a singular entity. And whenever they bring that up, I always remind them that the word "they" has been used in that way for AGES.

Example: "Whose umbrella is this? Did they already leave?"

It doesn't seem to make a difference.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Don't blame it on COVID. Blame it on people being massive idiots.

DirkMcCallahan ,

This image never fails to depress. I wonder what an updated version would look like?

DirkMcCallahan ,

We need more people to talk about this. The GOP is doing everything they can to steal the election before the fact...and then if they still lose, then they'll switch to plan B. It's a critical moment in our democracy.

DirkMcCallahan ,

I've always thought that Harrison should be ranked much higher in these lists. If you equate his presidency with "doing absolutely nothing," then logically he should rank above all of the presidents who actively harmed the country/world. And there are quite a few of 'em.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Privacy isn't dead, but it will be soon because those of us who seriously care about it are the 0.001%.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Why do they need 60 votes in order for the bill to advance to the floor (as opposed to a simple majority)? Is this related to the filibuster, or is it a different set of rules?

DirkMcCallahan ,

"This is fine [since I'm not in the burning building]."

DirkMcCallahan ,

My favourite part is when conservatives defend them by saying that it's just "a few bad apples." Fuckers, the full saying is "one bad apple SPOILS the bunch"!

DirkMcCallahan ,

The "Blocked since install" stat on uBlockOrigin is always an eye-opener.

When was the last time you purchased something at a vending machine?

I usually avoid them because of the mark-up, but yesterday I was in the mood for a soda and didn't feel like going into a store and interacting with the cashier, so I bought one out of a vending machine. I enjoyed it. What about you? When was the last time you used a vending machine, and what did you buy?

have you ever made and maintained a website?? well i have!!

its a very interesting, nice, and awesome experience, at least for myself n.n i got very bored of social media and honestly its toxic now :c so i decided to only make a website and maybe sometimes use forums or discussion sites (like lemmy), fortunately i made it all using html and css :3 it was so easy and i liked it. you...

DirkMcCallahan ,

I used to have one WAY back in the day. It was fun to play around with the HTML stylings, though things like frames did NOT age well, lol.

I miss the old Internet where you could easily find information, fan sites, etc. Now it's all crappy social media and shit blogs where you have to scroll through a bunch of garbage before you find out that the person doesn't really know what they're talking about anyway.

DirkMcCallahan ,

There are legitimate criticisms to be had of Biden, but in every case, Trump is unambiguously worse. If Trump were pro-Palestine, I could maybe understand single-issue voters preferring him to Biden...but he's not.

To be honest, I have little hope for 2024. Genuine fake news is rampant, and in pretty much every case it hurts Biden (misinformation about the economy, etc.). I'll be voting a straight Dem ticket in my very red state, and hoping against all hope that uninformed voters somehow do the right thing.

DirkMcCallahan ,

I have had conversations with people who thought that Trump built the wall but that Biden "welded it open." I wish I were kidding.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Waiting for the comment that's going to say something like, "Joke's on you, my parents don't even talk to me."

DirkMcCallahan ,

The best part is when you try to find the "Contact us" option, and when you finally do, they connect you to a "Chatbot" whose sole purpose is to prevent you from talking to an actual person who might be able to solve your problem.

DirkMcCallahan ,

I love how some people think that she's a "moderate" simply because she's not actively trying to destroy democracy out in the open like Trump is.

DirkMcCallahan ,

"Pro-life," but refuse to do the bare fucking minimum to help other people.

DirkMcCallahan ,

Ironically, most of these actually trigger the right.

Muslim leaders in swing states pledge to ‘abandon’ Biden over his refusal to call for ceasefire [Dec 03 2023 | Edward Helmore | The Guardian] ( www.theguardian.com )

“We are not powerless as American Muslims. We are powerful. We don’t only have the money, but we have the actual votes. And we will use that vote to save this nation from itself,” Hussein said. “Families and children are being wiped out with our tax dollars,” he added. “What we are witnessing today is the tragedy...

DirkMcCallahan ,

So they'll help to elect Trump, who's even more pro-Israel? Great idea! /s

DirkMcCallahan ,

It's very telling (and unsurprising) that Jordan's support didn't collapse because of his crazy positions or utter lack of qualifications for the job. No, his support collapsed when his crazy supporters started threatening other Republicans.

Echoes of "the only moral abortion is my abortion." The GOP is fine with craziness...as long as it's only hurting other people.

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