@energisch_@troet.cafe cover
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar



deutsch/english, Rentner*in/retired, exTwitter, duzend (wem's nicht passt, kann wegschau'n), Allwetterradlerin.

#nachhaltiges Leben/#sustainability/#vegan
in einer Gemeinwohlgesellschaft ohne Faschisten;
#noNazis #noFascism, but ecological & economical & social sustainability & fairness:
#CommonGood with benefits for all. Everyday Cyclist.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

randahl , to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

The Moscow stock exchange can no longer trade in dollars and Euro, and the Russian stock market is declining fast, and Russian banks are preventing customers from logging in, after the US unleashed extensive new economic sanctions.

Have a great weekend Vladimir! 😘


Joe Biden Reaction GIF by The Democrats

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@randahl why only now? this should have been done right from the start, when Putin's thugs invaded Ukraine.

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Hochwasser, Jahrhundertflut - so habe ich das in 'Wolken, Wind & Wetter' erklärt.
Es war Umweltbuch des Jahres 2012, ist aktualisiert wieder erhältlich und auch für Erwachsene! Wer es gelesen hat, den kann das Hochwasser nicht überrascht haben.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf Wir hatten es auch für uns selbst gekauft ;-) Es ist wunderbar erklärt, für alle Leser*innen. Auch für solche, die sich schon ein bisschen auskennen niemals langweilig!

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Warum nehmen die Regenmengen gerade bei Gewitterschauern besonders stark zu?
Das erklärt verständlich mein immer wieder aktueller Artikel von 2016 bei Spektrum.


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar
energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf zum Bild
Abb. 3 Schema einer Gewitterzelle. (a) Die Situation,
wenn nur die Temperatur steigt und sonst alles gleich
bleibt. Die Regensumme wächst dann um 7% pro Grad
Erwärmung (CC-Rate). (b) Eine durch die Wärme
angefachte Gewitterzelle - die Regensumme bleibt wie
in Fall (a), fällt aber durch die intensivere Konvektion in
kürzerer Zeit. 1/2

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Klimaschutz muss endlich ernst genommen werden.
Ziele setzen, ohne dann die notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, ist unverantwortlich.
Es geht um sehr viel.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf endlich JETZT: 30/60/100 würde einiges an Klimagasen einsparen

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Studien belegen: wenn wir nicht schneller Klimaschutz machen, werden große Weltregionen zu heiß zum Leben. Zu lange werden die Phasen, wo Aufenthalt im Freien lebensgefährlich ist:
Hunderte Millionen Menschen verlieren ihre Heimat. Wie viele davon nehmen wir auf?
#Europawahl = #Klimawahl

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf #Alttxt Die Abbildung zeigt Teile von Kontinenten: Ausschnitte Indien, Asien und Afrika mit 4 verschiedenen Temperatur Eskalationsstufen +1,5°C, +2°C, +3°C und +4°C #Klimaerhitzung.
Man sieht die deutliche Zunahme (gelb/rot) von unbewohnbaren Gebieten.

randahl , to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

Today's Republican message:

"Our guy is a convicted felon, so please donate now!"

199 people clicked the like button on that message in a country with 160 million registered voters.

Good luck with that.


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@randahl But, how can a convicted felon be nominated for elections for a high, if not the highest position?@stargazersmith

lowqualityfacts , (edited ) to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

MAGA people: You just opened Pandora's Box. This means all presidents can be convicted of crimes. Republicans or Democrats. Bet you didn't consider that, did you?

Reasonable people: Yes idiots, that's the fucking point.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@lowqualityfacts Only despotism & feudalism & fascism doesn't hold its top leaders responsible for their actions & crimes. We can't call our nations democratic or republican or even civilized if our governments could do as they please without regard for laws & commit crimes as they please.

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Mit dem Verbrennerverbot stellen CDU/CSU den ganzen Klimaschutz infrage. 🙈
Die Klimakrise würde eigentlich sogar verlangen, dass der Ausstieg noch viel schneller geht.
Keine Neuzulassungen von Benzinern und Diesel ab 2035 ist schon ein Kompromiss.


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf Wenn die Union an die Regierung kommt, schaffen wir ne Klimagas-Halbierung bis 2030 nie. Im Gegenteil, ich traue denen zu, dass sie sehr viel Klimaschutz wieder streichen: nach CDU/CSU die Sintflut.

jsrailton , to random
@jsrailton@mastodon.social avatar

Regular user: I want to feel safe and private.

Google: cool, anyways here's an AI that listens to your calls.

Microsoft: word, how about an AI that takes screenshots of everything you do?

#Google #AI #Microsoft #privacy #security #safety #cybersecurity #infosec

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@jsrailton when Recall starts out, we'll just put on all Windows 11 device #catvideos in loops. We'll do that for a couple of weeks, globally. Let's see if that opt-out won't turn into an opt-in 😈

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

US democrats ask the Department of Justice to launch a probe into fossil fuel climate disinformation in the same manner that it investigated tobacco companies in the 1990s for deceiving the public about the health risks of smoking. https://open.substack.com/pub/heated/p/democrats-ask-doj-to-investigate?r=27s2d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf That does sound like finally something's gonna get going! 😲
#goodNews #GuteNachrichten

CelloMomOnCars , to random
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

New Meta-Study Confirms The Effectiveness Of Carbon Pricing

"A study led by the climate research institute MCC in Berlin found that #CarbonPricing systems contributed to a reduction in #emissions ranging from 5% to 21% during their initial years of implementation."


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@CelloMomOnCars but it only works if there are no fossil fuel subsidies to counter them - and that's the problem these days in many nations.

lauren , to random
@lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

Got an email today from a very smart computer science professor who is totally flummoxed by the signup flow. He tried to follow it based on what Mastodon tells him (the standard verbiage) at my site after reading one of my posts via a URL, and despite creating several accounts at other sites doesn't understand how to use any of it. This is a smart guy. The onboarding and basic explanations situation is still a mess.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@lauren mess it might be, but there are many helpful ppl around - tell him just ask! @askfedi

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@lauren @askfedi how about following @FediTips

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@FediTips plus, there really are a lot of helpful people around, just add hashtag #askfedi to your post, and someone will help. I think this is one of the greatest achievements in the fediverse: a really big bunch of nice helpful folks :blobcathappy: @lauren @ParadeGrotesque

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@lauren Mastodon doesn't fail if you look at the sign up numbers @Hippasus500 @ParadeGrotesque @FediTips

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@ParadeGrotesque @bhawthorne @lauren @FediTips

I see the fediverse as a big crowd of villages, communities, mobile settlements, cities and mega cities. And all have their own charm. Some use Mastodon, some Friendica, some Firefish, some Peertube, some Pixelfeed to do their managing. Those using Mastodon are the biggest crrowd, they got the most villagers & villages. But even those village govs have their own way to do things. Usually the founder of the village also states the rules. 1/2

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@ParadeGrotesque @bhawthorne @lauren @FediTips
But what almost all have in common is the goal: "be excellent to each other". At least we strive to do so. Good example: access for all people. When you post pictures, a caption to the pic is a fine thing for blind people, or it tells you who is in the photo to know the ppl.
Or if you post podcasts it is wonderful, when there is at least a short text version for it, so deaf people can get the content, too. That's beautiful IMHO. 2/2

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

After I post this, I'm going for a bike ride! 🚴🏻‍♂️

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@breadandcircuses Now that's a fine plan! Enjoy!

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Huh. Imagine that.

IRS Audit of #Trump Could Cost Former President More Than $100 Million

The tax agency concluded in its long-running investigation that Trump effectively claimed the same massive write-off twice on his failed Chicago tower. https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-irs-audit-chicago-hotel-taxes

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@GottaLaff That's why he begs for a billion dollars for his election budget.

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Every day for the last 50 years, the oil and gas industry has brought in $3 BILLION in profits. Not revenues. Profits.


See — https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/revealed-oil-sectors-staggering-profits-last-50-years

That’s 💵 💵 💵 $52 trillion 💵 💵 💵 in pure profit, their payoff for happily destroying our climate and biosphere.

We need system change NOW.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@breadandcircuses even more outrageous is that they got and still get as much or even more in fossil fuel subsidies. That's public funds for the super rich (they really don't need it with so much profit).

#EndFossilFuelSubsidies NOW

mekkaokereke , to random
@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

Again for people (racists), complaining about falling birth rates:

The birth rate for women over 40 is not falling. The birth rate for women over 30 is not falling.

What's happening, is girls 15 to 17 are having fewer babies. Kids are having fewer kids.

Also, this is an interesting way of saying that "Teen pregnancy is down, due to sex education and contraception."

In 1991 25% of 15 year olds gave birth before they turned 21. That's bad. Now it's 6%. That's better.


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@Jennifer a patriarchal world we live in - we really need to take a stand and take it back. That freedom of decision was stolen from us. @deathkitten @Npars01 @mekkaokereke

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Durch die Erderwärmung gibt es zwar weniger Frostnächte, aber auch frühere Obstblüte. Dadurch kommt es vermehrt zu Frost während der Obstblüte. Die Studie dazu (ohne Paywall):


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf das erleben viele Winzer derzeit auch - Trauben erfrieren.

EU_Commission , to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

We are working on a solution to ensure our continued presence on your feeds, taking full advantage of Mastodon's identity portability.

And we are even growing the team behind our Mastodon presence, increasing efforts to engage with your comments on our posts.

We are fully committed to being a real part of the conversation in the fediverse.

Interested in our next steps? Follow us as we take on this new chapter.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@EU_Commission IMHO EU and it's many offices should have their own server(s). Not just instances. It would fulfill the dream of independence & solidarity & open source regarding social media in one move.

johnonolan , to random
@johnonolan@mastodon.xyz avatar

Excited to share that Ghost is going to federate over ActivityPub and become part of the largest open publishing network in the world 🎉


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@FediTips @rysiek @johnonolan
the #fediverse logo is perfect!

rahmstorf , to random German
@rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

Jetzt haben auch die NASA-Daten für die letzten 12 Monate die 1,5 °C überschritten.
Wenn der schwarze Langzeittrend über die 1,5 Grad geht ist das Paris-Ziel gerissen. Alle Staaten hatten sich 2015 zu Anstrengungen verpflichtet, es einzuhalten. Wo sind sie?

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rahmstorf Es schockiert uns, dass es darüber keine Diskussionen im Bundestag, in den Landtagen ... überhaupt offen in der Politik gibt. Solche Nachrichten müssten doch einen medialen Aufschrei generieren. Immerhin geht es ums Überleben unserer Spezies. #KlimaKatastrophe #ParisAbkommen

TatianaIlyina , to random
@TatianaIlyina@mas.to avatar

Was für ein merkwürdiges Phänomen. Immer wenn ich meinen Prof. Titel in einem Anmeldeformular nenne, beispielsweise für eine Hotelreservierung auf Dienstreisen, werde ich mit „Herr Professor“ angesprochen.

Im Gegenteil, wenn mein Mann alleine mit den Kids reiste, wurde er in der Hotelrechnung als "Liebe Frau xxx..." genannt.

Die #Geschlechterrollen der 1960er Jahre muss diejenigen, die solche Formen herstellen, stark beeindruckt haben - I have no other explanation 😉

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@TatianaIlyina das sitzt nicht nur in automatisierten Texten fest - es sitzt immer noch in viel zu vielen Köpfen!

randahl , to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

If Truth Social was loosing cash so rapidly, how could Trump keep it afloat up until the recent IPO? According to the Guardian, by borrowing millions from a Russian shell company controlled by Postolnikov — a guy whose name is listed on FBI search warrants in an ongoing money laundering investigation.

If all of this is true, the movie about the takedown Comrade Trump appears to write itself.


energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@randahl But why, oh why, is such a criminal still able to run for president?

I really don't understand this.
There is already too much damning evidence, no matter which topic.

rbreich , to random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

The FTC has confirmed what we suspected: During the pandemic supply chain disruptions, big grocery chains pressured food suppliers to favor them over smaller competitors and hiked food prices to rake in record profits.

Those prices have stayed high even as disruptions eased.

energisch_ ,
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

@rbreich and it happened world-wide

energisch_ , to random German
@energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

217 Organisationen warnen: #Wasserstoff nicht verheizen!

In diesen Tagen flattert etwa 7.000 deutschen Bürgermeister:innen Post ins Haus: Gemeinsam mit mehr als 200 Organisationen warnen wir davor, Wasserstoff in der kommunalen Wärmeplanung einzuplanen. Während die Gaslobby in den Kommunen dafür wirbt, die Gasnetze auf Wasserstoff umzustellen, sagen wir: Wasserstoff ist zu teuer und ineffizient, um ihn zu verheizen.


rbreich , to random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • energisch_ ,
    @energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

    @rbreich with his threats he encourages fanatics, his fan club, to act on his language: violence like Jan 6th or worse in the making

    rahmstorf , to random German
    @rahmstorf@fediscience.org avatar

    Durchsage im ICE eben:
    „Da wir uns hier im Bahnhof München in einem Faraday‘schen Käfig befinden, können wir leider keine Platzreservierungen anzeigen.“

    energisch_ ,
    @energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

    @rahmstorf Blitzgescheit müsst ma sei, oder wenigstens a bisserl erleuchtet. :blobcateyes:

    luckytran , to random
    @luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

    Six students have measles in an outbreak at a Florida elementary school.

    How did Florida's health department respond?

    Their Surgeon General sent out a letter that supports parents sending unvaccinated children to school during the outbreak and doesn't recommend vaccination.

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  • energisch_ ,
    @energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

    @luckytran back to the dark ages - how irresponsible can a gov get?

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    There is this notion in futurism and scifi speculation conversations that "technologically advanced" species are less vulnerable to extinction.

    I'm skeptical. Technology solves many problems but causes new ones.

    The primary factors that protect against extinction are:

    1. Sheer numbers
    2. Dispersion
    3. Diversity

    Technology can aid in improving these factors, spreading people over more continents, or worlds, increasing population.

    But there are other ways to meet these goals.

    energisch_ ,
    @energisch_@troet.cafe avatar

    @futurebird oh, but think about food & cooking it. It enhanced health & life span considerably. Or the invention of soap & drink water hygienics: water wells not next to toilet sides ;-)

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