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bouh ,

I feel like external pressure is only half the problem. It is important but IMO the role model is also a problem. Non toxic masculinity is often describe in the negative of the toxic masculinity : you're good when you are not toxic, not when you are something positive.

In some way it is less restrictive, but in other way it is missing the model.

The other side of this coin is the corruption of the ideal that lead to nihilism. Toxic masculinity corrupts ideals. Violence is strength. Protecting is necessarily the destruction of the threat. Independence is power. Smart is manipulation and deception. Everything is to be seen through a lens of domination and power. And that is the core of the problem.

Instead, a model is to be seen with any quality, but through another lens. Strength can help the weak. Smart can disarm an explosive situation. Power is to be shared and used wisely. Basically, a model opposite to the toxic masculinity can be many things with all the qualities of the virility, but the difference is that they will be used and targeted differently. And for many people, it is to be learnt through a model.

This is a core problem because for many people, if you tell them to drop the toxic behaviour, there will be nothing left to aim for, nothing for them to transform into.

And this goes back to the social validation you're talking about. Going from toxic to positive requires a transformation so that the qualities someone has can be positive instead of negative, but as qualities they can still be praised and admired.

bouh ,

Hey France has a lesson for you: 2 years ago the liberals called the left to vote for them in order to prevent the far right from getting elected.

For 2 years the liberals governed with the leaning to far right - right. The far right applauded many of their policies.

This Sunday the far right went first in the European election, because the left was a bunch of clowns and everyone hates the liberal government.

1h after the results, the Liberal president Macron disbanded the parliament. Now there are 3 weeks to elect a new parliament. He also opted for a vote that favors the biggest, so the far right is favoured, and there's no time for a campaign and barely enough time for the left to unite. The president is also still saying on TV that the left is just as bad and as extreme as the far right.

We didn't see it coming, but the liberal who pretended he would fight the far right is the first accelerationist in France. It is chaos right now, and the far right has never been so close from being in power in France since 1944. The 5th Republic is almost a presidential regime btw, so if the far right has the power, it'll be very dirty.

Trust the liberals they said, it's better than the far right...

bouh ,

Really so? Do the conservative write abortion right in the constitution? Tell me more about that please.

bouh ,

As far as I know, conservative of both Europe and America are keen on banning abortion these days.

bouh ,

The glory of a two parties system. The liberals even call this democracy.

Russia's Kharkiv offensive – what is the plan? ( )

Russia has launched an offensive into the Kharkiv region, and it has created a lot of alarmist news reports. In reality it is difficult to see what Russia's plan is, and it is not self-evident that it is a smart use of resources. In this video I discuss whether we might be seeing a return to the fragmented command structures...

bouh ,

I would like for Russia to fail miserably, but HERE I'm afraid it's not as stupid as it could. Ukraine is notoriously low on ammunitions, so extending the active front line can deplete those supplies faster. I would expect Russia to try to deplete those supplies in order to force the front line where a shortage appears first. And they need to do it before the supplies come from the US, which is already starting to come. So it's basically a window of opportunity.

If they concentrated on one place only, the Ukrainian supplies would last much longer.

I expect the massive Russian offensive to slow down in June once the US supply lines are established again.

But maybe I'm wrong. If Russia continues to push hard like this through June and after, I'll be wrong. Unless they try to really push through western supplies themselves. That would be insane but possible I guess.

bouh ,

So China is fascist because it bans your tools. Now you ban china's tools. What do you think this means?

Yes, it means you're fascist too.

bouh ,

Which is somehow even worse : it's like only the USA is allowed to spy on everyone!

bouh ,

You're free to do what your government tells you I guess, exactly like the chineese I guess...

bouh ,

Ah yes, the famous "you're free as long as you obey me". Totally not imperialism.

bouh ,

What kind of brainwashed supporter can you be to say such thing? This is about freedom of speach and right of property, the things supposedly sacred in the USA.

USA is merely demonstrating its hypocrisy here.

bouh ,

The expropriation of tools of communication, with the aim of controlling them...

bouh ,

I'm not sucking any corporation. Many people here are licking USA ass though. In support of a shameless imperialist move.

bouh ,

So you don't ridiculise your country by promoting freedom of trade but seizing the assets of the countries you don't like when it's a better tech than yours.

bouh ,

At some point we may have to review some theories though. The idea that light would lose energy over extra long distances at least makes sense unlike some kind of latter that we can't detect and we can't figure out why it would either still be there but not more than it is.

This is kind of how time was supposed to be absolute. Einstein never received a Nobel for the theory of relativity because of how suspicious it seemed at the time.

bouh ,

It's not about humans. It's about science. "there is dark matter that doesn't interact with matter" can as well be "there is magic, and I cannot be proven wrong".

bouh ,

Dark matter is exactly like adding a constant to your equation so that it fits the numbers.

bouh ,

So you don't care about the instance you want to ban all the users from there. That's quite open minded and tolerant!

bouh ,

It's crazy that people here want the most authoritarian measure to fight authoritarianism somehow...

bouh ,

I'm merely pointing the hypocrisy here. Some people on are litteraly on a witch hunt.

bouh ,

This thread is about de federating from lemmy.lm. Because some fascists here are on a witch hunt against some people from hexbear.

It is literally telling everyone that either they defederate from hexbear or they defederate from

Typical trump diplomacy btw.

bouh ,

You can block instances for yourself instead of blocking them for everyone.

bouh ,

You see, now you're saving the people from the evil leftist propaganda.

bouh ,

I'm not a tankie, and I see far more fascists than I see tankies. In fact I've seen maybe two tankies comments on lemmy while I see fascists several times a week.

bouh ,

I think I've see two comments from tankies. Meanwhile I see fascists and radical liberals several times a week.

bouh ,

It's funny how you picture this authoritarianism, and then this very thread is exactly about that : either you defederate from hexbear or you defederate from is the request here.

I've seen far far more fascists on lemmy than I've seen tankies BTW.

So you know maybe it's that turned fascist and not Just food for thought here.

bouh ,

When people support a genocide I tend to consider them fascists. When they consider leftists to be extremist of fascist, they are usually fascist themselves. When they promote authoritarianism, intolerance, xenophobia,... When people talk about wokes or wokism, they're usually fascists. When they support US imperialism.

Most fascists blind themselves though, and the propaganda picture anyone against the fascists as fascists.

The biggest lie to picture the left as fascist simply because they don't support liberalism. Leftists have always been the first victims of fascism. That should give you a hint.

bouh ,

And what definition of tankie is used here? I've been called a tankie several times on this thread and on lemmy while I discovered this word here on lemmy.

Are you concerned you might be a fascist or are you trying to disregard and disqualify me based on whtt I consider a fascist?

My point is that here there is a witch hunt against supposed tankies whyle fascists are welcome. Considering the political climate in western countries, do you think fascism or tankism will be more prevalent? Why is the fight against tankies so much more prevalent on then?

bouh ,

I asked you about tankies, not fascists.

Going on a witch hunt against tankies and calling tankies everyone who disagree with you is not really showing you under a good light. As you said, referring to people as tankies want only and haphazardly will make you called a fascists, because only the fascists are hunting down tankies with definitions known to them only.

Again, throughout history the leftists are the first to fight and to be hunted down by the fascists. And as a matter of fact, the fight and the hunt has started in the western world.

Sure, Russia and China are fascists countries and bad in many ways. But USA and Europe are turning fascist too. That is what concerns me. And turning fascist in order to fight Russia or China is just stupid.

bouh ,

Sure, so tankies are everywhere on lemmy, and I'm probably one apparently, but no definition will be given...

bouh ,

An addiction is defined by two things : first, it has negative effects on your life. Second, trying to stop it makes you miserable.

Food for example is not an addiction, it's a biological need. The need for socialisation is another one.

Video games can be an addiction. But I'd argue that they're usually not, they usually a coping mechanism. When they are, the problem is elsewhere, and the video games are helping you to survive through the problem.

bouh ,

Everything can be. But for the largest majority of people, eating is normal, eventhough it can seem to have some aspects of an addiction.

And the most important part here is that even if you somehow get addicted to food, you cannot simply stop eating. Because you need to eat for your survival. It's a biological need.

That's the point of the example : showing that something you can't stop doing is not necessarily a bad thing. The details are very important when it comes to addiction.

And video games are unfortunately victim of propaganda when it comes to their dangers.

bouh ,

Quit eating and tell us about it I guess...

bouh ,

That's not really true. Because the money invested in the military goes back to the local economy. And it is a much more real economy than finance.

bouh ,

Well, indeed it is a cost for the society. But when people are forced to work to be allowed to live, the problem is not the workforce.

It is a pity in this day and age that there are still wars, but it is an even greater pity that we have to work artificial jobs to be allowed to live imo.

Money shouldn't be a concern.

bouh ,

Competing for land space will surely not be a problem...

bouh ,

When you remove all financial support from people who need it to survive, they instantly are poor, it doesn't take years.

But I'm sure it's a hard to swallow pill for liberals.

bouh ,

You're trying to read too much into this.

When the state doesn't work for enough people anymore, it collapses into fascism. It always does. Unless it collapses to foreign forces of course.

Accelerationism at this point is merely an argument for liberals to convince people who are not fascists to support their liberalism as a lesser danger.

It won't work. Liberalism will have to do something, not the people who don't believe the bullshit anymore. And interestingly, throughout history, liberals always choose fascism over anything else that would remove them some power.

So don't pretend it's up to the leftists to choose. You, the liberals, did this to the world. Time to open your eyes.

Liberalism is responsible for this fascist doom, not the left. That's not only true for the US. That's also true for all of Europe. Liberals vanquished the left. Now is the time to fight fascism. That's what you earned. The left will fight. Will the liberals do it?

bouh ,

I imagine it's a pretense to start attacking Odessa after they get the dombass...

bouh ,

If you consider Europe like any other country, then no matter. But what would happen if US law were to target lemmy? What if EU was to censor lemmy and forbid any company to use it?

If you want lemmy to be yet another forgotten free software project you can continue line this.

What do you think about the Gemini protocol?

For those, who do not know what the Gemini protocol is, think of it as a modern, light-weight HTTP alternative without CSS or JavaScript. In layman term, you could see it as Web 1.0 reinvented. It uses GemText instead of HTML. For folks who want to try it out, you can either install a Gemini extension for your HTTPs browser...

bouh ,

I think you're thinking backward. Internet is what it is because a single protocole unified it. Without it, you'd have island working with only one browser each, some would eventually die and with them large parts of Internet would disappear.

Internet works on unified protocoles. Everything that challenged this model is bound to fail. That's why javascript is so successful eventhough it's so shitty as a language.

Evolution can only be iterative.

bouh ,

The volume of bombardment is insane this days apparently. They need the bombing for their troops to advance.

bouh ,

Liberalism is neo-feudalism. They don't need any silicon for that.

bouh ,

They need the air support. If the hypothesis is that a patriot battery was moved, they may think that it is risky to do so, so Ukraine wouldn't do it too much, because the more they do it, the more exposed the battery will be to drone strikes.

Which makes me suspect it might be f16 or new missiles and radar on an old plane.

bouh ,

It's not about the economy. It's the soviet era again, the dictatorship, which is extremely antagonist to research and innovation.

For innovation to happen, you need many people, and especially high ranked ones, to admit that something can improve. And then you need the system to highlight true solutions rather than favour your friends and family.

USSR was plagued by these kind of problems. Russia seems somehow even worse.

I tried, I really did

I've been an IT professional for 20 years now, but I've mainly dealt with Windows. I've worked with Linux servers through out the years, but never had Linux as a daily driver. And I decided it was time to change. I only had 2 requirements. One, I need to be able to use my Nvidia 3080 ti for local LLM and I need to be able to RDP...

bouh ,

"something as simple as RDP" haha hahaha you're a funny one!

My recent experience with helping a friend with an nvidia card to work on Linux is that I never want to touch an nvidia card again.

Also, please tell me which average user makes its own windows installation. When I was young in the 90s I was paid to install windows in my village.

But yes, much progress is still needed to smooth the installation. The problem is that the hardware is often a fault though, through their shitty drivers.

bouh ,

This is a disfunctioning democracy.

The problem is that the true left is excluded from the game. The center (democrat) talk like they will do something, but they rarely do so, even when they have full power to do it. Then when elections come, they put the responsibility on the leftists to stop the fascists.

It is hypocrite and toxic. It fuels fascism. It is not a solution. It's building a dig to protect from a hurricane. It's at best buying some time for the center to keep the status quo and let the problems rot.

bouh ,

Some people are already the head down, wondering what will kill them between a cop, homelessness or starvation.

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