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bassomitron ,

I took one of my kids last weekend (my other kid is too little for movie theaters) and we really enjoyed it. I don't think it's as poignant as the first one, since it's more or less kind of a rehash of the same theme, but it was still well made. Anyway, despite having seen the first movie many, many times, it was still fun seeing the characters reunited and satisfying seeing them overcome their new crisis.

bassomitron ,

That's an interesting thought. They flee here seeking safety and a better life, only to find a large portion of the country very hostile towards you and your fellow immigrants. Finding decent paying work is very difficult, but at least construction is typically in high demand in many larger metros. You hate the job and would rather be a teacher, IT professional, nurse, or whatever but can't due to being an undocumented worker. I can easily see that causing a strong sense of feeling trapped and hopeless.

bassomitron ,

Legitimate question, is Russia still able to get all the materials required to make nuclear ICBMs?

bassomitron ,

That was pretty damn funny, thanks for sharing

bassomitron ,

Hahah, AI images are so absurd sometimes, I love it

bassomitron ,

Whoa, wtf? How did I miss that drama, haha holy shit. I definitely remember downloading it a few years ago and being aghast at its absurd size (think it was around 120GB? which nowadays that's pretty par for the course because fuck optimization). But gutting half your content just to save space... have they not heard of compression? Like what the hell were they thinking haha

bassomitron ,

Dams aren't typically environmentally friendly almost at all. In fact, they tend to cause far more harm than good:

So yes, this is a pretty clear black and white case of the US once again fucking over indigenous tribes.

bassomitron ,

Don't you know, you can just go live off the grid and become completely self sustaining... Wait, how do you pay for your property taxes... Hm...

bassomitron ,

If you're using a work computer, I strongly advise not putting that on there, especially if it requires installation. At my work, we regularly scan for apps like these, as well as the physical jigglers that connect via USB. We do this for security reasons primarily. There are several built-in ways in Windows to simulate activity, I really don't see the point in downloading random apps from potentially sketchy sources.

One example off the top of my head: If you have multiple monitors, go into presentation mode with PowerPoint on one of them. This way, you can still have one monitor available to see your email and whatever chat app your org uses. If you have just one monitor, pretty sure you can still push it to the back or minimize it and it'll still work. Also, watching videos within SharePoint is another way of preventing Windows from detecting inactivity. If you use Teams, you can start a meeting with yourself (though, some orgs monitor activity on Teams, so use this at your own risk). If PowerShell isn't disabled, there's also options there.

bassomitron ,

I don't know how our Cyber and workstation teams are doing it, I work on the server team. I just know they pushed out something a few months ago about it and a few people were caught. They really don't care that people are using jigglers, they just don't want people plugging in unauthorized devices to the USB ports. And like you say, it may not actually be catching everything.

bassomitron ,

Gotta start somewhere. Tens of thousands of demonstrators don't show up at a moment's notice. Honestly surprised even 3000 showed up that quickly.

bassomitron ,

Eh, what?

bassomitron ,

Ohh haha, that sounds like some shit I'd come up with when I used to take Ambien to fall asleep.

bassomitron ,

They're just scared of Biden dying and having a black woman as president. That's the real horror for these people.

bassomitron ,

For a moment I was like, "Wait, what? When did he announce he was running in the first place" Then I saw the source, doh!

bassomitron ,

Lots of folks have been yelling this since the dawn of the new populist movement era. Sowing and inflaming interclass division is the best way to keep the people from uniting to take down the ultra rich and their corporations.

Look how much more effort went into it after 2008. That shit show woke up a lot of people to just how fucked up the financial system is, especially after seeing almost no one face any sort of real justice. I'd say the rise of the "tea party" (who eventually transformed into MAGA) came about right around that crisis. A black person being elected also certainly played a part, especially when that black person started trying to lay the groundwork for universal healthcare (the original Affordable Healthcare plan was far better than the extremely neutered, butchered version that eventually got passed).

Sorry, bit of a tangent. I just get so angry about the extreme polarization, because it's so damn effective at dividing us against the true enemies of the people.

bassomitron ,

It can be changed, but it absolutely won't be. These people have enjoyed unfettered lives since the founding of the country and before. They'll continue to be shitty humans and get away with it until a full on revolution and/or societal collapse.

Edit: For clarification, I refer to these people to mean mega rich, narcissistic, spiteful, bigoted assholes in general.

bassomitron ,

Eh, Putin is primarily interested in taking over old USSR territory and restoring Russia to their former power. Even he isn't dumb enough to intentionally fire a bullet at a NATO member, as it would not go well in his favor. Sure, they have nukes, but a lot has changed in the last ~40 years. It isn't even certain his nukes could hit many of their critical targets before being shot down or have their guidance systems meddled with. I'm not sure he could even really rely on China backing him up, as they wouldn't see much value in going head to head with NATO. They're much more inclined towards the long term strategy that's been working quite well for them so far.

With that being said, I hope I'm not proven wrong. War is horrific and I truly wish for me and my offspring to never see the day another world war breaks out.

bassomitron ,

I'm the opposite, heat sucks but at least it isn't straight up painful like single digit/subzero temps can be. That being said, I remember being in Kuwait when it was around 130°F out and it was absolutely miserable. I was in the Army and had to stop through their on my way to R&R and the 3 days I was there waiting for my flight were horrible. All the transient areas were just tents, and the portable AC units they had hooked up to them couldn't keep up and the temps during the day never got below ~90°F.

bassomitron ,

The circular sourcing problem has been going on for a long time, but the modern internet has amplified it to levels of extreme absurdity. There isn't a solution because humans are inherently lazy and fact checking requires effort. When the majority of your consumer base doesn't care, then there's no financial incentive to care on the part of the publishers. Maybe I'm being too nihilistic, but that's how I see it these days.

bassomitron ,

Do you mean the Kansas experiment?

If not, I apologize. If so, yeah, it's been proven time after time after time that trickle down economics is complete bullshit.

bassomitron ,

Lives somewhere that has houses that aren't outrageously priced. The national average for housing is insane, but there are still plenty of smaller cities/towns that have cheaper housing. My area averages about $180-300k for decent to relatively nice houses. If they paid a good chunk on their downpayment and bought at low rates, etc.

bassomitron ,

I definitely had a keyboard for my Dreamcast. It was my first internet enabled console, as well as my first exposure to online gaming with strangers (previously I had only done direct TCP/IP connections with friends on games like Diablo 1 and Starcraft). Phantasy Star Online was so damn addictive.

bassomitron ,

I think that has more to do with location and numbers vs a general rule of thumb applicable to the entirety of the country. I don't think I've seen a supremacist protest with more than maybe a dozen or two idiots there, maybe 3 dozen max. And there's very few places where they feel emboldened enough to actually do that without fear of retribution from fellow citizens. Jan 6th being the biggest exception, of course. That was more of a coup attempt than a typical protest, though.

Maybe I'm out of the loop though and this is a growing problem and the news just isn't covering it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

bassomitron ,

I specifically mentioned Jan 6th being an exception. I was talking about the generality the post's image is claiming. What protests are racists conducting around the entire country? Genuine question.

bassomitron ,

That was a pretty chilling article, thanks for the link.

andrew , to Selfhosted avatar

Netris: An open-source cloud gaming platform (GeForce NOW alternative) that can be self-hosted, integrates your Steam game library.


bassomitron ,

Is there a big advantage to using Moonlight/Sunshine vs the built-in Steam remote play feature? I regularly stream from my desktop to my Steam Deck without too many issues, although sometimes I get weird minor problems (e.g. Banishers Ghosts of New Eden will be noticeably darker, Elden Ring will get random "flashes" where the screen kind of blinks for a split second from time to time). These issues are hardly a big deal for me, so I'm more curious than seeking a true alternative.

bassomitron ,

I always said way back in the early 2000s that once corporations figured out the internet, it and society in general would be very screwed. Their early attempts at trying to make things go viral and create engagement were laughably bad. Then they hired a bunch of psychologists and sociologists, bought up everything, and the rest is history.

bassomitron ,

I feel like this could be a lame drinking game when bored: Is it AI generated or just bad/lazy writers?

bassomitron ,

This has nothing to do with their newer malfunctioning planes. The 777 has been in service for over 30 years at this point.

bassomitron ,

Wage won't entirely fix this. As long as artificial inflation (and yes, the majority of these price hikes are due to simple greed: ) keeps going up in such a short span of time, the majority smaller businesses will not be able to afford to keep giving their employees raises. The core issue is monopolies/duopolies and/or price collusion in the industries where a very small handful of corps own everything. Yes, it's illegal for companies to get together and agree on prices for their own profit, but that's never stopped them from doing it before as it's incredibly difficult for the government to prove they're doing it without breaking laws to spy on them.

We're essentially reliving the Robber Baron Era from US history. Unfortunately, I don't see us exiting it anytime soon, as people are way too divided and angry at each other to turn that fury towards the ones sowing it in the first place while they rob us blind. Eat the fucking billionaires, because they're already eating us.

bassomitron ,

Not entirely true in my anecdotal experience. Most of the original deniers I know personally now say that climate change is real, just that it's not man-made and there's nothing we can do about it. I remember around a few years ago I even convinced my boss that climate change is in fact real (he couldn't come up with a valid reason to explain picture and video evidence), but he refuses to accept humans are causing it. It's still equally frustrating, nonetheless.

bassomitron ,

Right, I was just pointing out that there are plenty who do believe in climate change, but are still missing/refusing to see the underlying cause and support reform.

bassomitron ,

Nobody can be excited for anything. Whether or not it's possible in even the next century or two, I still think it's awesome that there are dreamers out there trying to make at least a solid theoretical plan on how to accomplish stuff like this. I also think people are discounting the exponential rate of knowledge we accumulate every generation. It might be awhile, but unless society collapses, I wouldn't be surprised if we have interstellar propulsion like this in the next couple centuries. Hell, I expect to see a thriving commercial space industry in the next 50-some-odd years within our solar system.

bassomitron ,

For some reason, I was expecting some shittymorph-esque switcheroo or something at the end of your comment. Interesting stuff, though! Can this happen with other meats or is it specific to pork?

bassomitron ,

That would be Russia, is my guess:

The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance, prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.

bassomitron ,

That's such a good point I hadn't considered. This stuff would've absolutely fucked up the plumbing in most places. Not to mention the sewage treatment facility's filters having to deal with all that debris.

bassomitron ,

Isn't windows 11 doing that now? I only use it at work and I think only Home Editions are affected.

bassomitron ,

I'm super jealous. Whenever we decom servers at work, we're required to fill out paperwork and provide proof that all HDDs and SSDs were properly destroyed (i.e. rendered completely unusable and wiped) and turned in to our disposal department. The servers themselves also have to be handed over to them. I'm not sure what they do with the servers, but I'm guessing they either repurpose them as emergency replacements for other sites that have hardware failures or they bulk sell them at auctions or something.

bassomitron ,

Our SSDs just have to be wiped but we still have to document and provide proof they were wiped and turned in. HDDs and tapes are a different story and a pain in the ass, though.

bassomitron ,

Yeah, the pirate could easily be the lynchpin that brought them together.

bassomitron ,

It's partly because of Top Gun and some other recent pop culture occurrence I can't recall off the top of my head. But yeah, I know several people at work who recently started doing it as well, and one of them mentioned that as their inspiration. I'm guessing a few started bc of that and more followed suit, because why not or something.

bassomitron , (edited )

You'd be surprised. Just Google it, there are tons of pop magazines and websites that discuss it and how it was trending on TikTok for awhile after the movie came out. And just to add, most fads begin with celebrities/influencers starting them across the various age demographics.

bassomitron ,

Those articles just say that most fish oil supplements don't have a high enough dose to lower triglycerides, but some did (9% of those tested). So the takeaway is that you need to do some research on what dosage you need in order to lower triglycerides and find a brand that has the proper amount. So no, fish oil isn't pointless/useless.

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped ( )

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...

bassomitron ,

They don't want to get rid of the cartels. The DEA has a vested interest in staying relevant, as it's part of the whole law enforcement industrial complex. Hell, one of the deadliest cartels' soldiers were previously trained by American special forces back in the day ( ). Guess who trained Taliban? You got it, the US. Who trained many of the guerrillas that would turn into tyrants in South America? Correctomondo, the US once again. We love to destabilize regions for corporate interests.

bassomitron ,

It has a secret city that's super advanced, but I'm not sure it's necessarily meant to be an alternate history where colonialism never occurred, but I could be wrong as well, haha

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