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Xanis ,

Funnily enough I haven't really used a big retailer in ages. I might hit Walmart on very niche items, though only if I'm not aware of a local alternative. Same for Amazon: Go on there, look for stuff, check who makes a thing, go to that website or spend a minute and scroll through Etsy. Amazon: The worldwide product distributor info marketplace.

Xanis ,

Man, fuck you. Go open a damn book. Calling you out on your bullshit, this isn't cool.

I grew up Native. I know the stories. I've seen a people trying to hold onto a culture all but totally denied to them. You don't have a clue what you are talking about and should be ashamed of yourself for not taking the tiny ass effort to do a quick search before spouting nonsense. I'm all for freedom of speech but like damn man, reattach your spinal cord to your brain before you speak next time, cause clearly something came undone.

Xanis ,

I can't hear you over all the "He's probably not that bad." and "Haha he'll never win, I'll vote for him as a joke!"

Xanis ,

In most cases yes, you're right. In this case I honestly believe they're [mostly] dragging their feet out of caution. Trump isn't so rich in money as his followers are in potential. It's a similar reason why I don't think they've locked him up. If they did I heavily suspect he'd be made a martyr and regardless of that result his cult maga idiots will flock to where ever they think he is and cause all sorts of issues.

Xanis ,

Y'know, honestly? Trump? This IS rather impressive. Good job. Collecting those titles like some of us collected rocks.

Xanis ,

That's fine, so long as it barrs him from running. I'll take small steps to fix shit for now. We can accelerate after we oust this jackass.

Xanis ,

"Back in your day" you could afford a home while delivering newspapers and recycling glass soda bottles to pay utilities. While fascism hasn't changed, how we prefer to try and handle situations have. Time will tell if it's the right choice, though I do feel we are too lenient and restrained as a whole.

Xanis ,

I think because the majority know what should be done. Yet despite being connected to anyone with access to the Internet, that majority also feel all too often like individuals. It's difficult to want to agree to more radical courses of action when you're uncertain how many will stand with you. There isn't much room to course correct in that equation.

tdlr: People are angry and also scared.

Xanis ,

Now SHOULD be different because we can talk. We can organize easier than ever. Information is literally ours for the taking, and the holding onto. What we lack as an entire unified desire is a unifying individual. We don't have leaders, not really, and to truly stand together we need people who have the leadership and bold desire to pull us together. If I'm being completely honest, this is all that's left to find. People have found their anger, have not lost hope, standing upon a powerful desire to have better lives.

All we need is someone to say "follow me". BUT it has to be the right person.

I may be bold in saying this, though now in 2024 I honestly and truly believe Bernie was a few years too early, strange as that may sound.

Xanis ,

Sooo I can cause what honestly feels like a small and constant electrical current flow through any part of my body. If I center this feeling on my chest it is easily more prominent than anywhere else with my head being second. Extremities are dead last. If I am hooked up to a heart monitor I can make it freak out at will. Any location I focus it on tends to want to tense up.

I like to tell people this is the result of me grabbing onto a metal item when I was younger that was still hot. Couldn't let go for a solid 6-10 seconds, can't say exactly how long. What I am able to do feels very similar.

Xanis ,

Electricity. Hand curled around it to grab and got rooted. I still remember the sensation of my repeating mental command to "LET GO" feeling as if it was slowly travelling down my arm. Weird is a word that comes to mind.

Xanis ,

The wild part is it didn't hurt. I don't remember any pain at all. Just an intense knowledge that something was very wrong and I needed to get away as quickly as I could. But like no matter how hard I tried my body would not listen until that signal I mentioned hit my hand and I let go.

I was also surrounded by people and not a single person noticed.

But yeah, Iiii wouldn't repeat the experience.

Xanis ,

So, uh...we going to plan protests yet, or...

When does all this become too much for the left? Cause I gotta say: We are being VERY lenient so far. We basically look at the Republicans and go "Okay, act like babies. We'll just rise above it." and gotta say: It isn't working.

I'm pretty hard against Trump and the Republican Party. I support Progressive policies and laws regardless of where they come from. What really irks me is how damned unresponsive people on the Left are. I feel like all we do is talk about what-if's and what-could-be's. Hell, part of me was surprised Gaza caused any protest at all with how damned passive everyone over here so often is in comparison to the raving lunatics over on the Right. It's appalling and frustrating.

Xanis ,

Other people responding are being too nice imho.

Since other users are providing solid arguments to convince and challenge you I'll speak bluntly: You're an idiot and should not have any attention paid to you. Not because you condemn the situation in Gaza, because you do so at the absolute disregard for other issues that are plaguing us. If you're younger: Learn. If you're older: Wake up.

You can condemn one thing while supporting a necessary other because there will be a need for people like you after Biden is put into office. Just like there will be a desperate need if Trump wins instead. That second situation? I sincerely hope you won't disappear out of fear of retribution, because there will be retaliation then at a scale I hesitate to try and guess at should people stand.

Xanis ,

Most people aren't talking about how they're going to calmly consider the situation and then hit the person. They're referring to the fact that by the time they notice, said individual is going to be too close for a spider that size to get anything other than a fight or flight reaction.

Buuut yes, don't go slapping things on people or something, guys. It does tend to cause more issues. If you absolutely have to hit, do more of a swat away rather than a slap into.

Xanis ,

That was quite the read. However, why don't you give us your take on the events and why this is seemingly all Biden's fault. I don't want to make any assumptions.

Xanis ,

And what, right now, is in our own interest?

Xanis ,

I'm sure I don't need to point out the irony here, right?

I do want to point out that if no one can be trusted to act in their own self-interest, who then should act on their behalf?

Xanis ,

This begs a question:

Should those of us who do not wish to see Trump back into office support a peaceful succession of power? I am asking this academically, not seriously. It IS something to consider.

As with most situations I'm in the middle for the moment, leaning towards yes to the succession and also yes to mass marches once it is handed over. There are issues with this as well.


Xanis ,

The thing with Bernie is that he was able to drum up a passion and level of support from the people around him that I haven't seen anywhere except the Right. Now I recognize it isn't specifically him that did it. He helped and acted as a conduit and would have made a great President imho. What really brought people together was their anger and hope for true positive change.

I've been paying attention and people are angry now. Angrier than they were back when Bernie tried. I sincerely hope that the anger I am seeing and hearing, not only on the Internet, but also in stores and while working, is something we grab onto. Those of us who lean left, in comparison to the right, are too patient. Too inclusive. Too willing to shift uncomfortably and not speak up.

Get Biden in to buy time. Then take that time, stay together, and collectively plant a foot in some strategic asses.

Xanis ,

This precise sentiment has gotten me told off a few times now. Usually with someone yelling the word "Genocide" over and over so I can't get a word in. People are so fucking dumb it's actually unbelievable.

Whatever my frustration, I just want us all to work together even after we get Biden a second term. The only reason, ONLY REASON, the GOP have their power is honestly because we can't stop slap fighting long enough to plant a foot in their asses. This would also work for the Democrats. We do have two feet. Whatever our perspectives and opinions, there is a single neigh universal truth we can all accept:

This life sure could be a lot better.

Xanis ,

Nah, everyone is free to hate. However, support from others on this planet against Trump is also important. To some degree we all affect one another and his rise into the seat again would directly impact a LOT of people, even outside the U.S.


I'm hoping that there is now enough anger and frustration for us to carry the momentum past the voting gates and straight into very strong pressure towards all politicians. This IS fixable. The message is there, even if it will result in violence from our militarized police force.

Xanis ,

It's really fucking simple:

Don't stop pushing when the voting is finished.

That's it. Work together even after all the lines close.

Xanis ,

I've been on the receiving end of names such as "Genocide Lover" and man is that just exactly what I wish my Dad who went to get cigarettes and never came back would have called me before he left. I agree with you. People for some damned reason seem to be stuck.

The Genocide sucks balls.

Trump sucks balls.

Trump + Power = Genocide Ball Sucking on a whole new level

Biden sucks a bit less balls, though would suck far less if he stepped up and actually condemned the Genocide properly. Currently, Biden's big balls are on fire.

Like, none of this situation is good. Most of it is malicious and evil on too many levels, and faaaar more complicated than the majority of us realize. At the end of the day we do have three significant immediate problems:

  1. Ukraine and Putin
  2. Gaza and the Genocide
  3. Trump and the GOP

We CAN focus on all of these and it doesn't have to be to the exclusion, or support/lack-thereof, of the others. Problem is, every time you say "Shit's bad and this Genocide is evil, vote Biden for the love of God." Someone comes screaming in with a, "BIDEN?! YOU SUPPORT GENOCIDE?!" and you can't get a sideways word in.

Xanis ,

Yours is probably the correct take, or near enough. The U.S., on a sociocultural level, tends to take sides. It's nurtured into us. Sports is arguably the biggest reason, though throw in the news, social commentary, and a bit of high divorce rates, amongst other reasons, and you'll have yourself a cake split down some middle. While far more complicated than this simple explanation, the reality is we are divided. This division makes it really difficult to want to agree with someone who doesn't take your exact stance. Whatever reason justifies such firm footing on shaky ground is further falsely reinforced by those who exist just to rabble-rouse, 2024 Digital Digger Edition; "Our Words Harm".

It's become difficult to look at comments stuck in the social node of Biden=Bad or Bust in good faith, because they often don't discuss and instead tend to yell.

Which really is sad, because we do need to come together.

Xanis ,

No idea what it makes you. We'll see soon enough. I just hope that if Trump does win people like you don't up and go silent.

Either way actually. Whatever our differences, we can all agree that life could be much better.

Xanis ,

None of that is okay, of course. THOUGH what we must do now is get Biden in to buy time and take all this anger, condense it, and work together

Instead of the usual "Got the President in, time to not talk for four years." shit that always seems to happen.

Xanis ,

That's fine because as the crew we can mutiny and install our own Captain.

Xanis ,

The not ravenous and bloodthirsty side is bigger and stronger. They just can't stop bickering long enough to give the others a sharp kick to the ass.

Xanis ,

I say the reason, that specific reason...it doesn't matter. Me right. You right. Someone else. All of it is a distraction. We can debate the nuances later, after we at least stop the bleeding.

Xanis ,

Or, and hear me out:

Into another cannon. Endless entertainment.

Cannon fires Cannon into cannon. More at 10.

Xanis ,


The United States Government is putting unprecedented money into science that may allow people to live potentially forever! AS A HEAD IN A JAR! What impact will this have on..."

Year 1 of Trump Presidency, probably.

Xanis ,

Man, I'm sorry. Go watch the Episode "Jurassic Bark", it'll make you feel better.

Xanis ,

I saaaay we stop being nice and start working together. These two things are the big problems of the left.

Xanis ,

Decided to glance into your comment history and phew, you are one angry little individual.

BUT maybe you have your reasons, many of us do. However, it's important to be angry for the right reasons, at the right people.

Xanis ,

No. I do support conditional retirement. What I don't want to do is remove those individuals who are older and have the connections and experience to get things done, and actually do the job they are there to do. I'm at work and don't have time to expand on the how, though a system should be put in place so that those conditions need to be followed, and locked in requiring majority approval through the normal process, with a subclause to be revisited every single damn year if it is temporarily unrestricted due to some issue or another.

Xanis ,

I'm on the fence about this as I agree and disagree with what you're saying. Not because the elderly do have a disproportionate amount of potential time to vote (with other possible complications that come with it), you're right that many of them won't see the true effects that their votes cause. Having said that...

I also feel that this is a slippery slope. It's not a far leap to deny voting rights to one group of people and then extend the denial of rights to another group.

The Black community doesn't really...

Native Americans don't do...

This minority shouldn't impact this majority because...

These are the very things that the Right Wing has spent years, and millions of dollars, promoting in bad faith. Essentially brainwashing far too many people into believing they are correct to hide behind racism and hate and "patriotism" if it means not allowing some group or person they don't agree with to win, even if it hurts them.

Let older people vote. Restrict age and experience to mentor status - allowed to sit in and support revisions by guidance, not through official acts, and only if they have acted throughout their time in office for the good of the people within their station, and even then for X years, such as say two. That's my compromise.

Xanis ,

There is a good chance there was no whip-it (bop-it!) person either. This can read as someone promising raises and having another agenda, tying them together, and wham bam here's your letter.

To me it isn't just slashing the promise of a raise, it's creating a reason to install cameras because someone wants eyes where they didn't have them before. Assuming this post is true, I smell an update down the road.

Xanis ,

Gonna need a link. A quick search only talks about him banning that strike for "economic reasons". While I'm willing to dig, I'd bet plenty whose minds may change are not.

US House votes to force weapons shipments to Israel, rebuking Biden ( www.reuters.com )

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would force President Joe Biden to send weapons to Israel, seeking to rebuke the Democrat for delaying bomb shipments as he urges Israel to do more to protect civilians during its war with Hamas....

Xanis ,

Better say that louder. I can't hear you over the general white noise all the blindly and mindlessly pointing fingers make.

Xanis ,

Stop hiding behind this single reasoning while failing to explain why Trump would be better. Or if you're clever: Wouldn't be worse.

Gaza is in a horrible situation. Biden buys us time. Trump shortens it significantly. I guarantee it. So decide: Biden, who on this issue is far from ideal, or Trump whose allies all but scream for the deaths of millions.

It's reality and the world is holding its breath and expecting the worst.

Xanis ,

I'm tired, man. People spitting on others during a pandemic, refusing to wear masks spouting bullshit. Trump doing literally nothing except sending us backward leading into it. Anti-vaccine movements pushed by the Right and accepted by idiots who can't critically think to literally save their lives. Biden actually making some headway and not a single individual who hides behind the Gaza conflict can list three things Biden has done well. A god damn coup attempt at our Nation's capital. An entire world begging us to not allow Trump into power.

Just shut up. Fuck

You and people just like you, Trump supporters all. I no longer care. Every single one and I'm calling you out. Gaza is shit. A travesty. It sucks balls. But come the fuck on. Use your brain. Open your eyes. We have a chance for a better tomorrow with Biden. The GOP have been on the actual damn record this past month alone condemning the LGBTQ+ community, calling the fucking nuking of Japan a good choice, and trying to convince everyone that removing a woman's autonomy is a righteous act.

This is what YOU support. Sleep well because if Trump wins I know your ass will be nowhere to be found.

Xanis ,

Because the Right has dug in for years, chosen a target, and collectively did their best to cause as much damage as possible to everything they can. Even if it hurts them.

That's why people like me assume the worst. It feels the same. Aside from that, a lot of people who are criticizing Biden are clearly rabble-rousers, another large percentage won't vote for Biden and on the same branch will vote for Trump. All of these people are loud. Thing is, those of us with good intentions do agree that Biden has made the wrong choice so far, even if this last shipment is being forced by the Republican-controlled House, so I hope you all realize this one isn't on him at least. The Gaza situation is shit. We know. It's just...we also understand that Trump will do worse. Yet every damned time we try and bring this up in much the same way you're tired of feeling as if standing up in protest of the Genocide makes you a target, we also feel the same.

Many of us also see the pattern. Of division. The sowing of seeds to split us apart. It happens every time and we keep paying for it.

Man, I just want us to come together. Get Biden into Office and keep up the momentum and push. Stand firm as one for change. For Gaza and, for once, for ourselves. Trump will never listen. Maybe Biden won't either. At least with him though we'll have four years to try. All we have to do for the first time in so damn long is stand united.

Xanis ,
Xanis ,

Ah now see, this is what I'm talking about. Rather than look at the story, maybe double check, recognize that there are levels and nuances that while don't excuse anything, they at least provide some reason - instead you're hiding behind Gaza again.

"Genocide lovers"? Really. I've said that we recognize, and I know I speak for all of us who are reasonable, how absolute shit that situation is and we know Biden has not been great at handling it. We are condemning the situation and his reactions up to this point because he could be doing more.

We just also see that we can condemn him and still vote him in because the alternative is an event that is likely to make that situation even worse, while also causing several other major fires to break out. This is the reality. We are stuck between a shitty deal and a genocide and we don't need to draw ultimatums. This is why I remind people and push for the other option:

Vote for Biden into a second term AND we all come together for stronger actions to stop the travesty in Gaza from continuing. Biden is already showing he'll roll over. Not a lot yet, he IS showing it. More importantly, even when the elections weren't around the corner he was shown to bend to public outcry. What we shouldn't be doing is dividing ourselves. It isn't Gaza or Trump as separate problems. Invariably it must be Gaza and Trump. They are both incredibly massive problems and we collectively have the capacity to fight on both fronts. All I'm asking is we do that. I'm tired, man, and angry, because I feel sometimes like I'm yelling for positive change into the void

With Biden we'll have four years to keep up the fight across all fronts. With Trump? I just feel we'll be silenced, and that will help no one.

The problem is I truly feel like I'm doing this alone sometimes.

Xanis ,

If you don't want to be called out, stop arguing in bad faith and begin listening more. I'm not going to back down. Gaza is shit and Trump and his allies have been on record more than once promising to also do terrible things. We either stop Trump and continue working, or let him back into Office and have more to worry about than Ukraine and Gaza.

I tried letting my anger out. I tried being reasonable. I tried emotionally connecting and pleading. The reality is extremely simple:

The Genocide should be stopped.

Trump and the GOP should be stopped.

Not voting for Biden is helping Trump and the GOP.

There is no making assumptions here. There is no stretching the truth. Either you recognize the importance of this stance you are determined to hold, which is the Gaza Genocide to the absolute obliteration of all reason, even that which agrees with you, or by opposing Biden's reelection, BECAUSE of the situation we are in, you support Trump.

I've already agreed with you that the Genocide is terrible. I've said Biden needs to do more. I am also saying that we cannot support the ending of the situation in Gaza while also ignoring the situation in within the U.S. This election will affect the world, most of our elections do. The big difference this time is the World remembers how it was when Trump was President last time and they do not want him to be in that position again. Just like they also don't support the Genocide in Gaza.

It's both. Not one. I have laid it out. So get angry all you want, I don't give a shit. My stance is clear:

The Genocide needs to end. Biden must do more to end any support or the situation completely. Trump and the GOP must not gain the Office of the President of the United States.

Pretty simple if you peel off your angry eyebrows for a minute. Or do you want to continue calling me names?

Xanis ,

Still calling us "genocide lovers", even after my explanation. Bah. No good faith. Just rudeness and labels. Whatever, man. If you want to act like a MAGA Cult member by attempting to incite anger through the usage of extreme abrasiveness and offensive labeling do your thing. We're on the same page, even if you are a jackass about it.

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