xkforce ,

One supports Israel no matter what and the other supports Israel no matter what and wants LGBT people dead, tried to overthrow our government, killed over a million americans by ignoring epidemiologists' warnings and guidance about dealing with covid and packed the supreme court resulting in women losing rights restored to them 50 years ago. Dont fucking tell me the two are the same.

angelmountain ,

There really is no third option? Strange kind of democracy.

BadlyTimedLuck ,

I'm still waiting on who'll become the martyr for the third option. Because as far as I'm concerned, no third option is gonna arise naturally.

Eikov ,

Supporting terrorists or genocide? Choose your poison.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

You're still supporting genocide if you don't vote for Biden. Trump wants to nuke Gaza.

archomrade OP ,

piss or shit

if you choose shit you'll still get a bit of piss, choose piss

lemmylem ,


intensely_human ,

When all you want is for Trump to lose, it means you have zero plan. Obviously if you don’t have a plan, other people are gonna carry out theirs instead.

archomrade OP , (edited )

If all I wanted was for Trump to lose I'd be covering my eyes to his flaws edit: and getting everyone else to

stanleytweedle ,

But you're eagerly covering your eyes to the reality that it's a binary choice between bad and so much worse.

archomrade OP ,

You're counting on an awful lot of people deciding to make the same value judgement as you.

stanleytweedle ,

Not really counting on anything- just having fun with the absurdity of your one-man 'don't vote for stupid, let evil win instead' campaign.

archomrade OP ,

No, definitely DO vote for him, but if it's all you're doing then you should probably brace yourself

stanleytweedle ,

But if that's not all I'm doing I shouldn't probably brace myself?

archomrade OP ,

Idk ill let you know when he has better odds

stanleytweedle ,

So if Biden wins I won't have needed to brace myself? What is your point here?

Colour_me_triggered ,

LESSER OF TWO EVILS The republicans are also pro genocide. Shut up Ivan!

febra ,

While I agree with you, it's very disingenuous to label everyone you disagree with a Russian bot on this matter. And people are very well in their right to criticize Biden for his political stance. Some people have family members that died in Palestine. You can't expect them to jump with joy at the thought of voting for Biden.

Colour_me_triggered ,

I'm not saying Bidens stance on Palestine is favourable just that trumps is worse. Clearly both candidates are terrible, but trump winning could very well take away your ability to change that. If trump gets into power he will attempt to make any criticism of him illegal. So Israel will still be bombing the shit out of Gaza, but if you try to protest you'll get shot.

As for the Ivan comment, the literal only person other than trump who benefits from a trump administration is Putin. So I have to assume that anti Biden memes originate with the fsb. It just stands to reason. Any rational thinking left leaning person knows what is at stake and wouldn't be so foolish as to spread that shit.

SuddenDownpour , (edited )

So I have to assume that anti Biden memes originate with the fsb. It just stands to reason.

Imagine being so completely disconnected from reality that you don't understand that people defend all kinds of positions all the time, whether they're stupid, reasonable, well-thought or completely lacking in evidence. You would well to rethink the whole Russian bots narrative, because it turns you into a conspiracy nut unable to politically engage the people you're trying to bring to your side.

Rivalarrival ,

Imagine being so completely disconnected from reality that you don't understand that people defend all kinds of positions all the time,

Russian bots aren't people.

Valmond ,

What acomeback!!1!

Lots and even an overwhelming part of some topics are clearly coming out of the Kremlin, like nuclear, this idiotic take on biden only etc.

I think you have to be a time traveller, but like from 1999 to now to not see that.

joel1974 ,

Republicans also support genocide

Strawberry ,

a fantastic reason to want them to lose

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

And their version of genocide includes using nuclear weapons.

mlg ,
@mlg@lemmy.world avatar

@PugJesus cough cough

LazyPhilosopher ,

That dude is the absolute worst.

st33lb0ne , (edited )

There`s just no winning on this matter. Genocide Joe or dictator fascist Trump with even more genocide

GoodEye8 ,

Why do people keep framing it like it's either genocide or fascism? Do people just give Trump a free pass because he's upfront about letting Isreal go scorched earth on Gaza? It's genocide or genocide and fascism. It doesn't matter who you vote for, America is going to support genocide either way. What you're voting for is either democratic leader supporting genocide or a fascist leader supporting genocide.

ZombiFrancis ,

It doesn't matter who you vote for, America is going to support genocide either way.

That is the express goal of the Zionist lobby.

Normally they'd spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to influence the policies of both major American political parties.

This year they're spending millions on primary races. On individual races.

So another way of looking at these protests is bleeding Israeli money: raising the overall cost for influencing American politics. The less tacit approval there is for a genocide, the harder it is for Israel to buy our candidates and elected officials.

Not exactly a fool's errand, simply put.

hglman ,

Probably because the Nazis where famous for commiting genocide. Fascism is an ideology of genocide. You don't need to spell it out but it's ok that you did.

archomrade OP , (edited )

Because that's what it fucking is, but it's not either or, it's genocide or genocide AND

the people here obsessing over that binary are forgetting that political campaigns OBSESS over turnout numbers, and right now it looks BLEAK for Biden

Instead of yelling at their representatives (and making it widely known that this will tank him) they're too busy congratulating themselves for settling on their own willingness to choose one from possibly the two LEAST POPULAR presidential candidates in living memory

"Grab a fucking bucket" lmao, the bucket they're describing is the size of a thimble and most people they're talking to fucking resent the party demanding they bail water with it.

Good fucking luck man lol

Snapz ,

Very well said.

st33lb0ne ,

Not what I meant idd. Genocide whoever wins the next elections

Andromxda ,
@Andromxda@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, you forgot something.
It's either supporting genocide or supporting genocide + fascism.

DAMunzy ,

Third party over and over again to let the Democrats know we're serious.

FreddyDunningKruger ,

Comrade, just take off your mask and vote Republican.

DAMunzy ,

Funny, but no tanks.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

In a normal election you'd just be throwing away your vote.

In this election you're actually complicit in the end of American democracy.

DAMunzy ,

That's not how that works but nice try.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

It is, though. A 3rd party candidate will never get elected in our current system. Full stop.

This coming presidential election could literally be the end of the USA, so not voting for the only person who can legitimately win against the threat to our country is no different than voting for the threat.

minibyte ,

Upheaval is it then.

TheObviousSolution ,

Democrats still use reddit and subscribe to worldnews. That's the only reason I can think off.

menemen ,
@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

Oh man, you made me visit that place for the first time in many years. It has become worse, how is that even possible? Whole discussions on long debunked fake news...

menemen ,
@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

I friendly pointed out that the source is fake and they banned me. Lol.

irreticent ,
@irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, look... it's the daily dose of "Genocide Joe" propaganda.

Ion ,

"There's no war in Ba Sing Se"

C0unterfactual ,

They throw around the word genocide like it's candy

Strawberry ,

and you do genocide denial like it makes you seem credible

irreticent ,
@irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

you do genocide denial

"You" in particular, or someone that they might vote for? Because it seems like you are trying to make it seem like some people actually condone the genocide. It's hard to keep up with the various narratives.

C0unterfactual ,

Israel has a right to defend itself against a regime that is committed to its destruction and whose stated goal is to keep raping and killing Jewish civilians until there are none left. Hamas started this current fighting on October 7 by murdering as many helpless civilians as they could. And ironically there's no group more committed to the destruction of Palestinian civilians than Hamas itself.

Strawberry ,

i was just saying the person I was replying to does genocide denial, as they proceeded to show in more detail when they replied to your comment

caboose2006 ,

But trump would do better?

Objection ,
@Objection@lemmy.ml avatar

When all you want is for Trump to lose


"Is this a Trump supporter?"

YeetPics ,

Through inaction, yes.


Objection ,
@Objection@lemmy.ml avatar

If inaction is support, then rest assured Biden can count on my support.

YeetPics ,

I'm sure your family can always count on your support.

caboose2006 ,

You mean the guy that moved the embassy to Jerusalem? That kind of inaction?

Soulg ,

Anything other than a vote for Biden is a vote for Trump, including not voting

Wogi ,

Anything other than a vote for Trump is a vote for Biden, including not voting.

jaemo ,

Public education has failed us all.

archomrade OP ,

I'm pretty sure Biden went to a private school.

108 ,

They have been bleeding public education dry for decades. Of course it has.

C0unterfactual ,

Higher education has embarrassed us all.

JigglySackles ,

I fucking hate that the only other option is a fascist tyrant with designs on overthrowing our government.

JasonDJ ,

Literally has a guidebook written and published as part of his campaign. And people still vote for him.

archomrade OP , (edited )

I wonder if either party has a level of depravity they'll put up with before choosing to not vote for their candidate

My feeling is maybe not

JasonDJ , (edited )

Have you looked at Project 2025? It is absolutely a blueprint for total fascism. Destroy the FBI, DOJ, DHS, FCC, and FTC. Then replace tens of thousands of federal employees with party loyalists, and practice executive unilateral theory...essentially the idea that the president is all powerful and can act unilaterally.

If that's not scary enough (because that is essentially the first few years of Nazi Germany in a nutshell)...let's also cut the department of education so we can keep everyone stupid. Further bans on abortion and restrictions on contraception. Criminalize porn. Get rid of any federal DEI programs and eliminate discrimination and harassment protections for LGBT.

Then shrink the EPA and destroy NOAA. Roll back any climate change legislation and go full-steam on fossil fuels.

Reduce the number of generals (no doubt to keep loyalists and cronies).

It is literally impossible to read any one page of Project 2025 and see it as anything other than a blueprint for fascism and the destruction of America, essentially handing it over to corporations and party loyalists. And it is 920 pages long. And the book is only one part of Project 2025.

Oh, and most of this was just paraphrased from 3 paragraphs of the Wikipedia article. This is the tip of the iceberg.

This is cartoon level villainy. They are actually spelling out their plans directly in plain view for everyone, and his own supporters are completely ignoring it, because they are spoon-fed their "news" that conveniently doesn't include this.

archomrade OP ,

Maybe Biden should be less DOGSHIT, then I wouldn't have to worry about him losing to that other, bigger piece of shit

stanleytweedle ,

You're worried about Biden losing?

archomrade OP ,

Only a fucking lib wouldn't be concerned about him losing

Only a lib would think it's because people are pointing at his flaws and not that he has some huge fucking flaws

stanleytweedle ,

Are 'lib' and 'fucking lib' different categories? Otherwise those statements are kinda mutually exclusive.

Maybe you're too emotional about this to make sense.

archomrade OP ,

Maybe you're too emotional about this to make sense.

Lmao if you saw my inbox right now you might bet a better sense of what 'too emotional' looks like

stanleytweedle ,

Were you like this before or are the emotional replies rubbing off on you?

VictoriaAScharleau ,

Destroy the FBI, DOJ, DHS,

i want this, too. democrats railed against dhs as fascist when bush implemented it. fbi and doj enforce unjust laws. fuck all that. get rid of them all.

JasonDJ ,

I disagree with DHS too, but at this point INS and a whole bunch of other stuff kinda either merged in or cohabitated it to the point that I'm not really sure what DHS role is.

Regardless this is 4d chess. Everybody knows Trump doesn't like most the 3-letter agencies for reasons other than far-right idealism. He has been preaching to his base that they are politicized and engaged in a witch hunt against him, and they soaked it in like R. Kelly's sheets.

So, what happens? Biden can't call out this part of P2025 individually because it'll fuel the flames of Trump's base and backfire against him.

Trump has a very obedient, angry mob behind him. Nearly every part of P2025 is something that if Biden were to call it out individually, it'd pour gas on Trump's dumpster fire of a campaign.

The reason is because Trump and the Republican party has no problem, essentially, punching below the belt. Dems have enough tact and honor left to still not be bending the rules or start punching down now. Good on them, but it is kind of a shame, because it's a losing strategy. It's like a nerd wearing a protective cup because he knows the bully is going to kick him in the nuts again, and that's the best strategy they can come up with.

VictoriaAScharleau ,

p2025 is a boogeyman, anyway. they've been writing position papers like this for decades now. just how much of their 2016 agenda was trump able to enact? practically nothing. and it will be the same with this.

JasonDJ ,

Very much disagree with this.

As I'd said, the Republican strategy is and always has been to suppress Democratic voters as much as possible.

The right already controls one branch of federal government (judicial).

The executive, everyone knows is up for this year, and that's the main focus.

For the legislative, every seat in the House is up for vote, along with one third of Congress.

Making Dems apathetic is the goal. Doing that, they can clean sweep all three branches.

And, if they don't, it's already well known that Trump admires fascist dictators. Nobody should be surprised if he goes a little bit outside his lane when he's got even just the courts in his side. Look at the games his judges are playing now.

VictoriaAScharleau ,

can i bet you a dogecoin he doesn't get even 10% of it accomplished? the policies are in black in white so they can be enumerated. come 2029, we could easily calculate the effectiveness of p2025.

CaptnNMorgan ,

What is this?

t_chalco ,

I believe they are referring to Project 2025:

CaptnNMorgan ,

This is disgusting

GoodEye8 ,

A fascist tyrant who will publicly support the genocide. It doesn't matter who will be president, genocide support will happen regardless. It's just a question of whether a fascist will take office or not.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Not probably, he's already said that nukes should be used.

goldenlocks ,

Jill Stein

JigglySackles ,

If we had ranked choice voting across the board I might actually vote for her or another. But seeing as we only have two practical options, that's not realistic to vote for her if we expect it to fend off the worse of two voting options.
In other words, voting for her doesn't help avoid Trump. It in fact draws votes away from the Biden option since she's a green option which wouldn't realistically draw any votes from the right.

goldenlocks ,

Stop bending over for the duopoly. Do something about it like I am.

JigglySackles ,

And what pray tell is that?

goldenlocks ,

Supporting, donating, and spreading the message to friends and family about the Green party. It is the largest decent party in the US so a good base to build from. What everyone else on this site does is complain about voting for Joe Biden instead of doing anything.

JigglySackles ,

Do you realistically see any possibility of the green party gaining enough traction by November to actually be a competitive option and defeat both alternative parties? Do you think it can go from 0.26% of the popular vote and 0% of the electoral college vote to obtaining a majority of 51%?

I applaud the commitment to a an ideal. But the ideal won't stop a fascist regime in the form of Trump from setting in. We who complain about voting for Biden can see that Biden isn't a good option. But he is the best chance of not getting Trump. So he begrudgingly gets a vote. I would love to live in a country that can have viable 3rd party options. But currently we aren't there. And there is too much that will have to change to make it possible to realistically be a voting option. Every journey starts with a single step and all but until we get things passed like ranked choice voting, the green party will never see a national victory.

goldenlocks ,

This election is unique with weak duopoly candidates and RFK polling up to 10% in some polls. So there is a chance for the Green party, a very slim one to win but realistically could achieve 5% to gain increased federal funding for future elections.

In my view Biden's administration is just as fascist as Trump in their work to prevent a third party option. So that's why I try to build a new party, but can understand if you see his administration differently.

JigglySackles ,

I can't see them as equivalent outside of that singular position though. Both suck at not creating room for a 3rd party 100%. But Trump is following a plan and colluding with others in the GOP and DOJ to topple all democracy and install a dictatorship. If that comes to fruition there won't even be two parties. It will be one party. Well, one party and a group of people oppressed by the party.

goldenlocks ,

Trump is following a plan and colluding with others in the GOP and DOJ to topple all democracy and install a dictatorship

Same old story every 4 years. Trump will likely win in November, and I'll be on here gathering support for the Greens or PSLs regardless. In 2028 you will use the same argument without ever supporting another decent party.

JigglySackles ,

I mean they literally have a publicly available plan... So as long as that's the plan then yes, I will vote for the party with the best chance of defeating them. If that were green, I'd vote green, if that were libertarian I'd begrudgingly vote libertarian. Currently it's democrats though.

We have to push incumbents towards legislation that benefits 3rd party options to see any real headway in the 3rd party category. Until that's in place 3rd party can never succeed on a national level. Again, looking at statistics, it's just not possible until law favors multiple party conditions.

goldenlocks ,

I mean they literally have a publicly available plan…

To scare the weak willed into submitting to the duopoly.

I will vote for the party with the best chance of defeating them

Then make a better party more popular instead of complaining.

We have to push incumbents towards legislation that benefits 3rd party options to see any real headway in the 3rd party category

Why would they? They're already in office.

JigglySackles ,

I can see this really won't go anywhere. My bad. Good luck with upping that 0.26% enough to be competitive.

goldenlocks ,

Thanks, we will fight for you whether you like it or not.

werefreeatlast ,

I don't know what the shit happened but I think we would like a different candidate. Like it would be cool to seek mini thermonukes after the Hamas leaders but wow, they went all out and we're at the point where Hamas is the victim and needs defending. It's like meeting your bully after school, so he shows up and punches you, but then you body slam his face on granite and beat it with a 10ft 2x4...lengthwise.

Maybe we should try someone else. Oh wait, I forgot! We the people don't pick a president. We just tell the government who would be cool if they were president. Then the government asks a small group of unknown people who were not elected if they agree or if they got a way better president for us instead. You know, representative democracy like that.

But nah not maga dufus. It's gotta be someone in their mid 30s for me please.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

it would be cool to seek mini thermonukes after the Hamas leaders


AFC1886VCC ,

Watch Biden supporters lash out at communists and muslims if Biden fails to get reelected, rather than looking at the horrendous position the Democrats have taken.

Cowbee ,
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

As is tradition.

todd_bonzalez ,

Watch LGBTQ+ people get genocided right here in America because lefties decided not to vote against Fascism. Remind us again that you didn't vote against it when that happens and see how people react.

UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Watch LGBTQ+ people get genocided right here in America because lefties

Conservative with a gun

LGBTQ dead body

Liberal: "Leftists did this. Now vote for me so I can pardon the conservative."

chemicalprophet ,


Shardikprime ,

Genocided? Lmao what? Bro, don't cheapen the meaning of actual tragedies

JasonDJ ,

Look at America under the ruling
and cultural elite today: Inflation is ravaging family budgets, drug overdose deaths
continue to escalate, and children suffer the toxic normalization of transgender-
ism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.

Project 2025 Mandate to Leadership. Page 1. Paragraph 2.

They want to barr transgender persons from the military again. Page 104.

The next HHS secretary
should immediately put an end to the department’s foray into woke transgen-
der activism.

Page 284. They also want CMS (center for Medicare services) to make a national coverage decision citing gender-reaffirming surgery as dangerous. Which has downstream repercussions to medicaid and private insurance. (That's on page 474).

They want to cock-block Bostick, the ruling which extended sexual discrimination protections for transgender persons. (page 584).

Make no mistake. Transgenders are our conservatives Jews. You could replace "transgender", "gay", "LGBT", "homosexual" etc in that document with "jew", you'd swear it was written 90 years ago in Germany.

Shardikprime ,

Cool bro. Still not a gEnOcIdE

todd_bonzalez ,
Shardikprime , (edited )

Cool story bro, didn't knew it is actual state policy to eradicate people. Surely the millions of deaths since the constitution was changed during Biden's administration reach American doorsteps this very instant, while civil war and chaos reigns free in a rampant spree of gore and festivities, or gorestivus, as it is known, while millions of Americans drool in awe at your captivating message.

Still not genocide tho

todd_bonzalez ,

Ah, another "you can't call it genocide until after they actually do it" clown.

Get fucked, Nazi.

Shardikprime ,

Sheesh, aren't you worried to cut yourself with all that edge?

ZombiFrancis ,

Witholding medicade is genocide?

Like fuck, Project 2025 is fascism and an existential threat to more than just LGBTQ+ individuals, but these arguments that reference witholding funding from programs as Holocaustic minimizes genocide and the threat of fascism alike.

die444die ,

This isn’t just about withholding Medicaid. They are also banning healthcare in half of the states for transgender minors, at one of the most critical times in their lives, even though they know this has a high potential of leading to more suicides amongst trans youth. Yes. It’s genocide.

TunaCowboy , (edited )

Watch LGBTQ+ people get genocided

We're armed, although liberals are doing everything they can to prevent it.

Red states are expanding their 2A rights while blue states limit their own. You have fascist militias popping up all over the place and what legislation do you think will disarm them? That cat is out of the bag. Us 'lefties' understand that Jon Stewart is not going to show up and save us with a witty quip when some christian nationalist has us on our knees in front of a ditch.

There may come a time we'll all wish we had access to non-nerfed rifles and normal capacity magazines. Liberals are doing nothing productive to deal with this rise of fascism.

I'll be voting democrat, but let's not pretend that voting republican light is going to defeat christofascism.

Seasoned_Greetings ,

Voting republican-light might mean being able to vote again at all

retrospectology ,
@retrospectology@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah! And watch immigrants and migrants get deported en mass and draconian fascist law be implemented at the border....oh, what? That was Democrats too? Damn...

Well uh...bodily autonomy? No, dems had a chance to legislate that under Obama and refused to do so.


Campaign finance reform? Oh, nope, they take the same corporate money.

archomrade OP ,

The union won the civil war but the confederates won the reconstruction and have been winning since

ZombiFrancis ,

This is a painful argument because this whole protest vote issue revolves entirely around the refusal to take the political risk of acknowledging or trying to stop a genocide.

Strawberry ,

As one of those LGBTQ+ people, I have no faith in people protecting me who won't speak out against genocide

Seasoned_Greetings ,

You still have to acknowledge that democrats aren't going to be the party leading the genocide of LGBTQ+ people.

It's one thing to say you don't have faith in them protecting you. It's another thing to clear the way for the party that actively wants to harm you by not throwing in with the only other party big enough to hold them back.

It's not a pretty decision. But reality isn't pretty.

blackbelt352 ,

Which conservative activist judges installed by trump to the supreme court overturned Roe v Wade?

Wogi ,

The great thing is you don't have to wait! They're doing it now.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

But Biden was able to negotiate with the more moderate fascists!

Most progress we've had since Reagan!!!!

Valmond ,

Actually not since Reagan but since Trump.


explodicle ,

I suspect their time is spent with leftists just because it's so infuriating to talk to Republicans at all. The leftist will argue long term versus short term strategy, the Republican will argue about what his imaginary friend wants.

archomrade OP ,

Lol I've been yelled at so much today I can't even tell if this is sarcastic

null ,
@null@slrpnk.net avatar

Owwwww my nose! Worth it though, piece of shit face!

archomrade OP ,

Face: democratic coalition
Nose: voters upset about supporting a genocide

DAMunzy ,

I'm constantly fighting with liberals and leftists that only think of themselves. Harm reduction is not working.

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