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dingus ,

I'm not quite the same demographic as you, but I get it.

For me, it's simply not possible to have kids unless I adopted. And that ain't happening (adoption is a long, arduous, and expensive process and I'm only one person...wouldn't want to take that alone). I suppose technically my body might physically be able to produce kids...I haven't tried, but that's missing the point.

People sometimes ask me if I want kids and it's just such a silly question for someone like me. It's like asking if I had a mega mansion, how would I decorate the 7th bathroom? What I want is irrelevant because that's not at all in the realm of possibility.

I don't know if I would want kids or not. But since it's not possible, it's not worth dwelling over.

dingus ,

Weirdly I know quite a few people who converted to being religious as adults. As children, they weren't raised with any particular religion.

dingus OP ,

My supervisor is kind of a bitch to everyone sometimes for no apparent reason tbh and so I just try to stay out of her way. I'm definitely not going to go out of my way to ask her for "pointers". She has a tendency to do that to people anyway, even if the things she points out to others aren't even necessarily helpful.

I mean, I show up to work every day and stay for the duration of my shift. I don't take excessively long breaks and am basically at my workstation all day. So no one has any complaints about me.

But objectively I see it. It's a speed issue, which is not something I am able to get any faster at after doing this for years and years. It's not impostor syndrome, it's objective truth. For example, it might take someone 1.5 hours to do a particular task and for me it might take 2.5 hours to do it.

I hate how reddit lies to you about if your post was actually posted on a subreddit

i posted a fairly obscure support request on an obscure sub and instead of just saying the post isn't live, etc etc, it'll fake-show me the post as #1 on the hot page of the sub, #1 on the new, but then if I open the sub in a private window it isn't there -- so it either wasn't approved at all, or hasn't been approved yet. why...

dingus ,

It's not even a shadowban thing. I've noticed a lot of subs have hidden requirements for your post to show up in them. If you don't have enough posts in the sub or your karma isn't high enough, even if you're not shadowbanned, your threads just straight up won't show up... especially if you made a new account recently. But it doesn't tell you that. It just lets you think that no one cared to look at your post.

I've noticed that some subs don't seem to be this way and my threads will show up regardless of how often I've posted there and regardless of my overall karma.

dingus ,

It was really stupid of him to be so cocky about it... eventually causing his own demise. But it is funny that the Wikipedia article says how he had done the experiment many times before, "often in jeans and cowboy boots" lmao.

What is a good second career?

The wife and I are getting older. We have been working for decades at this point. But we are too young to retire, and we had kids late. But one of us could totally switch over to a lower stress second career. Ideally something with benefits, maybe even a chance to get a pension. And since we still have kids, needs to be...

dingus ,

Physical therapists are going to be physically manipulating people around helping them to do their exercises and such. You're going to be physically taxed a fair bit. Although in theory, PT's won't have to help a patient every time they need to get up to use the toilet like a nurse or nurse's aid would.

dingus OP ,

I know multiple people say to close the downstairsregisters, but HVAC sources that I look at say that it greatly stresses the system if you do this and that it's a bad idea.

dingus OP , (edited )

There is a single air return upstairs and the filter has been somewhat recently replaced

dingus OP ,

The mini-split route idea is a great solution, but I am wondering if you have an unvented or poorly insulated attic that is a contributing factor to your problem. If your attic space isn't setup properly and you throw a mini-split at the problem, it is sort of like pumping water out of a boat without fixing the leak that is flooding the boat. Even something as "simple" as a powered attic vent could help in HVAC performance and operating costs. If the hot air can't vent or your insulation is inadequate, it just stacks down and heats the top floor.

Unfortunately, I don't live in a free-standing house. It's a townhouse, so it's connected to other units so I don't think that I can make changes to the attic.

The other thing I would be looking at is if the HVAC run up to the second floor is done properly or if the dampers are not right. A house that size really shouldn't have much trouble if everything is balanced right.

I don't seem to have any dampers at all as far as I can tell.

Having the nest with a second temp sensor would just force your HVAC to work harder to cool the upstairs.

Yeah, I get that I would be pushing the HVAC system to simply be on more, but at the very least I could actually set the temperature upstairs instead of having it fluctuate so wildly. Often, I'll set the temp low at night to be more comfortable. It'll be to the point where I'm basically freezing with the sun down. But then in the morning, when the sun rises it's unbearably hot.

The single sensor nest can be a smart move to reduce costs with the higher degree of control.

What do you mean by this?

Having dampers installed does more or less the same thing as closing vents, but with a higher cost. A zoned system is expensive and kind of silly on a house of that size.

So there's no real reason to get dampers installed then?

dingus OP ,

Thanks for the advice! I'll have to read more into what goes into a mini split system. I've only ever had central air my whole life (or window AC).

dingus OP ,

Haha well true. I just presume that if you have dampers built into the system by an HVAC company that steps would be taken to ensure it doesn't mess up your system.

dingus OP ,

Haha. Well I don't mean the dampers themselves are smart. I mean that the HVAC companies will do pressure checks make sure things are flowing and vented properly if they are adding in dampers in particular areas.

dingus OP ,

This sounds super interesting! I didn't know that smart vents were a thing. I'd like to get some more smart home tech stuff in general and this seems up my alley. Plus my vents seem to be stuck open anyway so it wouldn't hurt replacing them lol.

dingus ,

A lot of these I understand, but wtf is going on in Tennessee??? Not an area I think about anyone wanting to move to.

dingus ,

I mean there are major American cities in a lot of the states with lower average home prices on the map. I didn't know Nashville was that popping.

dingus , (edited )

I don't know how it is everywhere...but in my area, the amount your property taxes increase each year is capped by a certain amount if the place you own is your primary residence. So no, people that bought their homes 10 years ago are not experiencing the same dramatic increase in housing prices as newer homebuyers. Sure, things like HOA dues increases are uncapped, but property tax increases are limited. But again, this is just my area. I am not aware of the regulations everywhere.

dingus ,

Can you elaborate more? I also thought there was just sand there. What is there actually?

dingus ,

Odd. That's backwards from what I generally hear people talk about. When you're still in your early twenties, it's very easy to meet people in college/university. Once you start getting older and leaving behind schooling and its associated extracurriculars, it gets way more difficult to meet people. Where are these 35+ people going out and finding partners? Not saying it's impossible by any stretch of the imagination, just a lot harder.

dingus ,

I know Chicago really blurs the line between "deep dish" and straight up "casserole", but this is a whole new level. What even is this? I'm both intrigued and mildly horrified.

dingus ,

Yep, doesn't happen with any specific brand. If this happens then it means the gum is old.

fathermcgruder , to Asklemmy
@fathermcgruder@jorts.horse avatar

What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?

Maybe they're used to various shortcuts in their writing that they picked up before autocorrect became common, but these habits are too idiosyncratic for autocorrect to handle properly. However, that doesn't explain the emails I've had to decipher that were typed on desktop keyboards. Has anyone else younger than 45 or so felt similarly frustrated with geriatrics' messages?


dingus ,

I am a younger millennial. I use ellipses all the time tbh. But I never use them at the end of a sentence like that. I tend to use them in the middle of a sentence often to break it up if it seems to long and I don't want the formality of a semicolon.

dingus ,

Stop scaring me. I don't want to think about my death!!

dingus ,

Check out Red Reader if you use Android. It's alive and well. I think because it was made for blind users that Reddit didn't kill it.

TIL of the Overtoun Bridge in Scotland. A place where dogs throw themselves off a fifty foot drop onto rocks at the rate of one to two per month. Some that don't die, climb back up for another go. ( en.wikipedia.org )


dingus , (edited )

Idk...reading the article it sounds fairly understandable. There are a lot of certain small animals in the area that dogs would like to chase. They run after the scent and get confused thinking that it's not a far drop or that the ledge is wider than it is. So it leads to a number of unfortunate accidents.

I think of it like this...have you ever gone down a set of stairs with an odd pattern to the carpeting making it difficult to see where the edge of the step is? There are all kids of perspective tricks and such our eyes can have difficulty with.

Edit: Plus some dogs are just stupid and will jump off of high things not realizing they will be injured on the way down. I love my mom's dog, but she is a moron and has jumped off of high places that could injure her. I have had to stop her from hurting herself on more than one occasion...and one time where I was afraid she was going to jump out of a second storey window from excitement. My brother's dog also has jumped off of a second storey balcony before. The dog was fine and was monitored by the vet hospital afterwards but yeah...some just aren't super bright either.

dingus , (edited )

To be a bit pedantic, a lot of millennial fashion in pants are more skin tight (think skinny jeans), whereas gen z fashion in pants are often more baggier. There is overlap, sure. But gen z seem to gravitate away from skinny jeans.

Personally, I'm just happy that higher waisted pants have gotten more popular throughout the years. Low rise pants only seem to flatter the skinniest, most toned people. I say this as a not overweight person too. Higher waisted pants are just more flattering on everyone, no matter the body type!

Edit: Lol why am I being downvoted? I didn't say either of the styles I described in the first paragraph were bad!

Account suspended

Browsing Reddit at work like I've literally done every work day for the last six years, suddenly Reddit won't let me vote. Says my account has been suspended, but all I have to do is reset my password, using the email address I have on file. I don't have one. Can't get the email to reset the password, can't add an email now. I...

dingus ,

That last bit gives me a ton of anxiety just thinking about it. Do you map out where you can run before you go to a new place? How do you just like run on the sidewalk if it ends up congested with too many people? Do you only run in nearby parks?

Sorry if these are weird questions! I legitimately want to know!

dingus ,

You need to read further down the list.

The 24 hour cancellation requirement is listed further down. It's not a lie. It's just just means...

Any ticket, whether or not it's cancelable or not, is required by the airline to allow you a full refund within 24 hours of purchase.

This does NOT apply if your flight is within 7 days or if you buy through a third party.

dingus ,

Weirdly for me, this wouldn't be a hoodie. Pullover hoodies are the only type possible in my mind. Something like this would be a jacket to me.

dingus ,

To be clear, I don't actually refer to it as a "pullover hoodie". I just said that for clarification.

For me,

A hooded sweatshirt without a zipper = hoodie. In my experience, these are often (but not always) more looser fitting.

A hooded article of clothing with a zipper = jacket. In my experience, these are often more form fitting.

dingus ,

Hoodie terminology is serious business evidently!! Lol

dingus , (edited )

Either that I only eat frozen meals and don't cook. Or that I have never had any friends. Or that I'm a cis female but have a ton of excess hair in the wrong spots (esp on my chin and neck) I try to keep on top of. Or that I've never been in a relationship and I'm 30. So many things to choose from!

My life is not so bad, though! The internet exists both for human connection and for entertainment. And I have a good job so I make enough to buy random crap.

How to work with someone that regularly arrives as the wrong answer?

I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote....

dingus , (edited )

Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who is confused. Idk if I'm just stupid, but I read the OP three times and cannot for the life of me understand what was supposed to happen with the emails and products. Can someone explain it to me?

Edit: Ok, I get it now after taking a few minutes, but the instructions are still vague. "This" is not a specific indication. Sounds like the employee sent both the product and the email just to be safe because the instruction was ambiguous. It sounds like the employee was uncertain what was meant, but for whatever reason didn't ask for clarification.

So why didn't they ask? Does this employee get pushback for asking for clarification? Were they being lazy? Are they an anxious person? There are many possibilities here.

dingus , (edited )

Employee has had years to figure out how people communicate with them.

Maybe your employee does have more difficulty understanding than the average person, but this is such a bullshit excuse.

Everyone communicates differently. What is obvious to someone may not be obvious to others. Some people need a little more precision in the instructions you give to them. I don't see why it would be unreasonable to provide that.

I'm reminded of an interaction with my supervisor the other day...

Me: Hello. This case has <issue>. Am I ok to proceed with <issue> or does it need to be corrected first?

Supervisor: Have <Company name> figure it out.

<Company name> has literally thousands of employees so I have no idea why she said it like that.

Me: Uhh...do you want me to ask <Name of specific higher up person>?

Supervisor: No, have them figure it out.

Me: Who is them?

Supervisor: <Lower level assistant>.

For context, <Lower level assistant> usually asks us if they are ok to proceed, not the other way around.

Me: I don't think they will know the answer. Who should I have them ask?

Supervisor: <Company name>

Me: ?????

Supervisor: Have them ask <Name of a specific manager>

Me: Ok.

In this whole interaction, she was getting increasingly rude and irate with me for not being able to read her mind. If she would have just said she wanted <Name of a specific manager> to figure it out, she could have just told me to begin with instead of getting huffy and curt with me and unnecessarily prolonging the interaction.

Here's another example...

Supervisor: Hey, do you want me to move X out of the way somewhere?

Me: Nah, I don't mind it being there!

Supervisor: I don't want X there.

Me: <Supervisor>, I am not a mind reader. If you want something, you have to tell me.

Sometimes what is obvious in your brain is not obvious to those around you.

dingus ,

Wait what? Are you saying that you still don't leave your home even though it's 2024?

I mean, props to you I guess. I just don't see how it makes sense to do so indefinitely unless you are seriously immunocompromised like if you're undergoing cancer treatments or have AIDS.

Don't get me wrong, I utilize and love delivery services. But it's because I'm lazy and don't mind paying for the convenience lol.

To be clear, I'm also not an anti vaxxer, anti masker, or lockdown denier. I have advocated for all of these things at one point or another. But I'm also able to recognize the evolving nature of a global pandemic. Your risk of severe illness or death when leaving your house now is basically back to pre pandemic levels.

dingus ,

Same. I'm a socially anxious person, and it felt so much more private and comfortable for me to be masked.

I still mask when I'm sick or when traveling by plane tho.

dingus ,

I have no idea why, but I used to hate Queen songs when I was younger. Nowadays I've flipped around to enjoying them. No clue why!

dingus ,

As someone on the asexual spectrum, I feel you. I also have intense social anxiety and so those two things combined means it doesn't make sense for me to attempt a relationship to begin with. Occasionally I get sad when listening to love songs. Because they are so ubiquitous and it makes me feel like I'm not even human sometimes because I lack these basic human feelings and experiences.

dingus ,

I feel like that's impossible for me.

However, I set my ringtone forever ago and it never annoys me when it comes on. I like hearing it. It's a chiptune from a keygen of soft software I pirated as a teen lmao.

Do you leave a tip for housekeeping if you're only staying one night in a hotel?

Is it a 'thank you for prepping my room' or 'please clean my room today'? If you tip post cleaning, it's likely going to someone else the next day. Many hotels now only do housekeeping on demand. How do employees feel about this - do they miss the tips or are they happy for a less stressful workday?...

dingus ,

Same tbh and I'm in the US. I didn't realize it was a common thing until I heard about someone doing it one day.

Sorry, but I only tip people that make a tipped wage like servers. I do not tip hotel staff. Many hotels have stopped servicing rooms every day unless you specifically request it anyway.

dingus ,

I had no idea about the yacht price. Do you have an example listing? Because if it's something as small and as cheap as you say then I have a hard time classifying a little boat with a motor as a yacht.

Wikipedia indicates that while not a standard definition, a yacht is generally classified as me having an overnight sleeping cabin and is at least 10 meters/33 feet long. I can't imagine something like that being as cheap as you describe, even if it's not a multi million dollar vessel.

dingus ,

I recently found out about these and they have been a huge help, but I found that food still manages to make it's way into the rest of the basket, even if it's not as much.

dingus ,

Ah ok yeah I've never seen someone try it that way but it makes sense. I like the butter knife trick because it takes very minimal effort and is the quickest to break the pressure differential in my experience.

dingus ,

Jerboa went though a period time relatively early on in it's development when it was a buggy, nearly unusable mess. It started out cool, then it shit the bed, and now I guess it's cool again lol.

Unfortunately I didn't wait for it to get good again at the time and I ended up switching to wefwef, which has now been renamed Voyager. Voyager never really went though a buggy period on my end as an Android user.

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