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SacralPlexus ,

A 5 ounce bird can not carry a one pound coconut.

SacralPlexus ,

TW: I am going discuss some of the specifics of Sandy Hook.

Just conjecture on my part but it probably was because Sandy Hook was a little unique in that there were twenty victims between the ages of 6 and 7 and the shooter was 20 years old. Many American school shootings involve a teenage or young adult perpetrator targeting victims that are of similar or slightly younger age. I suspect that makes it easier for some sociopaths to dismiss these incidents as potentially retribution for bullying or interpersonal drama.

This incident was unique in that it was just a grown man murdering little children. There is absolutely no way to blame the victims in any way, shape, or form. There is nothing a 6 year-old could possibly have done to cause this. Not only that but it holds the ignominious distinction as the deadlist shooting at an elementary school.

So I suspect they targeted this incident in particular because they feared it was going to serve as a powerful catalyst that would sway public opinion in the debate on gun control. By trying to convince people that it was not real they hoped to decrease the impact it might have had.

SacralPlexus ,

+1 for this. My allergies aren’t as bad as you have described but I moved to an area with wildfires (smoke!) and bought a couple of HEPA filters that also have activated charcoal and I absolutely can tell a big difference with them in allergy season.

SacralPlexus ,

If I was the juror in a case of this scale, with all of the political people involved, I would be scared shitless that it was a setup by cops or some other party. I would assume I had been videoed taking the money and would run immediately to hand over every penny.

What is a quote that captures something you've learnt through living your life?

Edit: while I'm at it, does anyone know what I should do when I'm waiting for a coincidence/adventure to happen, but it never comes? I can't really go outside and arrange for it to happen because I don't know what I'm looking for.

SacralPlexus ,

“Easy things tend to become hard, and hard things tend to become easy.”

This was said to me by my mentor when I was contemplating a very difficult career choice. I have found a lot of truth in it through various areas of my life. The most striking has been watching people I knew when I was much younger who always look for the easy way out of whatever life throws at them. Over time I’ve watched how this catches up to people and makes life much harder for them because they never plan, never save, never deny themselves in the moment.

SacralPlexus ,

Exercise routinely, eat in a healthy way, take care of your teeth.

SacralPlexus ,

Not sure why you were downvoted. In some instances I think this may absolutely be a factor and the generational perpetuation of such an environment is hard to overstate. My spouse and I refer to it as “One Hundred Years of Solitude” after the amazing novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. If you haven’t read it, it follows this family in Columbia through multiple generations showing how self-destructive behaviors can be passed through generations in a self-perpetuating way. That’s an aside to say that I agree that yes I suspect that for some folks this is a part of the story.

SacralPlexus ,

Not to mention nothing familiar to provide scale. As I was watching I was like are we 100 km above the ground or 100 m?

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  • Can Trump Really Slam the Brakes on Electric Vehicles? He has vowed to shred President Biden’s E.V. policies and has threatened that “You won’t be able to sell those cars.” ( )

    While a Trump presidency couldn’t slam the brakes on the E.V. transition, it could throw enough sand in the gears to slow it down. And that might have significant consequences for the fight to stop global warming.

    SacralPlexus ,

    You’re totally right I just want to mention one of their benefit which is the markedly decreased emissions from a smog standpoint! Some cities really struggle with this problem.

    But from a climate change perspective you’re right.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I’ve had training in basic statistics at multiple times in my career. The technical term for this is horseshit. Or is it bullshit? Hmm, time to hit the books again I guess.

    SacralPlexus ,

    But what about….

    Yes we know that Hamas is awful, evil, etc. That doesn’t give a moral pass to do just whatever to people who aren’t Hamas.

    SacralPlexus ,

    Yeah I think that’s pretty obvious. The problem is that we as citizens can’t really seem to make that happen. A lot are trying and making a lot of noise and yet the politicians and corporations are barreling on down the road. All I’m saying is that if I’m a scientist who has an idea that might help buy time for our species, it might be worth pursuing because I can’t just go snap my fingers and make every city build usable public transportation.

    SacralPlexus , (edited )

    We’ll gladly accept and responsibly recycle the following:


    Adapters & hubs

    Apple® AirTag® trackers

    Battery backup devices

    Cable/satellite receivers


    Car & wall chargers

    CD/DVD/Blu-ray discs & players

    Coffee brewers (less than 40 lb.)

    Computers & Mac®


    Computer speakers

    Connected home devices

    Digital & video cameras

    Digital projectors

    Earbuds & AirPods®

    Fax machines

    Flash drives

    Gaming consoles & controllers

    GPS devices

    Hard drives

    Headphones & headsets

    Keyboards & mice

    Label makers


    Laptops & MacBook®

    Mobile phones & iPhone®

    Monitors (CRT, LED/LCD, plasma)

    MP3 players & iPod®

    Printers & multifunction devices

    Routers & modems



    Small servers

    Smart speakers & HomePod®

    Smart watches & Apple Watch®

    Stereo receivers

    Streaming devices & Apple TV®

    Stylus pens & Apple Pencil®

    Tablets, iPad® & eReaders

    USB & Lightning® cables


    SacralPlexus ,

    When we piece it all together, we understand the truth: **We are in a totalitarian doomsday cult. **

    Why on earth would our elites do this? There are many reasons, but the simplest is because capitalism is unsustainable, and they knew it: Climate change and resource extraction would catch up eventually. So, they never intended to sustain it. They knew all along that they would gobble up all the wealth they could, and then yank the rug out from under us so they could pivot to a hellish fascist dystopia.

    Yeah I too think he was likely mentally ill. But damn if this didn’t resonate.

    SacralPlexus ,

    National Conservatives: Ok I concede that housing is not a right. Next question?

    SacralPlexus , (edited )

    This may be unpopular but I was deeply disappointed in Shawshank Redemption when I read it. The movie is top tier.

    Edit: In retrospect this doesn’t really answer your question as you asked about bad movies with a worse book and Shawshank is definitely not a bad film.

    SacralPlexus ,

    Or the law will be conveniently structured in such a way that once again makes it more difficult for people who are minorities or live in urban centers to vote.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I think we need to make it illegal to use financial holdings as collateral for loans, at least for starters.

    And maybe a tax on assets over a set limit. Own more than $10M in assets? Time to start paying back society.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I just have to tell a story about my neighbor. He’s conservative, retired law enforcement. Chatting with him one day I learn that his wife has lost her job due to downsizing. He’s concerned because her unemployment is about to run out and “either she finds a job or I do.” The reason is that health insurance is so expensive, he tells me. They would be fine being fully retired except for the cost of insurance.

    Meanwhile I’m screaming in my head - maybe you shouldn’t vote against having social healthcare then! Maybe having healthcare tied to a job is a bad idea!

    SacralPlexus ,

    I really enjoyed this documentary. His thought process throughout the arc of the story seemed very reasonable and I loved how well he humanized everyone in the story.

    SacralPlexus ,

    Me (a serious reporter): Should I maybe write a story that points out weaknesses and flaws in the fascist candidate’s strategy so as to call attention to them and perhaps get them to fix those flaws? Yes, I think that would best serve everyone.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I hope you’re right. I guess the laser focus on a swing state in the opening just struck me the wrong way. I understand and endorse blasting them for being underfunded/underprepared but the way it started read to me like “hey you are making a mistake, look at this!” and that grossed me out.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I’m not OP but would like to hear your thoughts.

    SacralPlexus ,

    M.D. here and I feel like I should defend myself but all I can think of was this highly trained doc who fought the hospital administration about having to wear masks, in the hospital, during peak Covid. I mean he was actually one of many but what made him stand out was that his wife was in our ICU. With Covid. Yes he continued to fight masking even as his own wife was near death in the ICU.

    So, yeah.

    SacralPlexus ,

    You are so absolutely correct about this. This gentleman I refer to is actually a very smart guy in many ways. But say it with me folks: You are not immune to propaganda.

    This gentleman was drinking the Fox News tea big time and that’s where the anti-mask, anti-vaccine stuff was coming from. His training and years of knowledge just eventually got short circuited from the constant propaganda.

    SacralPlexus ,

    When I was younger I read somewhere “If you give someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.” Accounting for inflation I think that perfectly fits your situation.

    SacralPlexus ,

    This article is about an Iranian person who is believed to be targeting American politicians. The ‘why’ is speculated to be retribution for the American assassination of Solemani. I seriously doubt that Iran cares much about how good it is for American democracy.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I agree with the spirit of your post but I think you’ve switched the order of zygote/embryo.

    SacralPlexus ,

    Here she is speaking about Republicans in a 2020 documentary. I would say it’s a bit more than asking people to register.

    Edit to add: She comes across so genuinely in this clip, I really love it. Listen to her speak and then think of any time you’ve ever heard Trump speak. I can understand why they feel threatened.

    SacralPlexus ,

    I wholeheartedly disagree with this. I have a Model 3 and use it as my daily driver but have also done at least 4 cross country trips, two of which were in summer, one in spring, and one in winter.

    For daily driving I can absolutely tell a difference in my range in the winter time and I do have a charger at home and car set to precondition. Preconditioning does make a big difference but it doesn’t completely offset the cold. Furthermore when it’s time to drive home from work I either have to drive on a cold battery or try to precondition without a charger.

    During the recent cold snap (single digit Fahrenheit temps) I did an experiment with this where I started trying to precondition two hours before I left work. I just wanted to see how much battery it would take to precondition and ultimately test if that would be better than driving home cold. After two hours the battery was still not preconditioned sufficiently and I had used 20% of my battery. I would definitely have been better to just drive on a cold battery.

    On long distance drives I have also found that the range suffers noticeably during winter weather. On my cross country winter trip it seemed like had about 15-20% less range between charges. And since I was driving all day and supercharging, the battery was fully conditioned the whole time. Didn’t prevent decreased range in the cold though.

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