billwashere ,

How the fuck do you ban condensation?!?!

idunnololz , avatar
Crashumbc ,

In a perfect world, all the large airlines would boycott the state.

robocall , avatar

Now can we pass some legislation preventing corruption? Or helping families with kitchen table economics? No? oh, okay.

nialv7 ,

Wait, what? Chemtrail is real?!?!

bradorsomething ,

Relax, it’s a brand of granola that contains small pieces of plastic.

…I’m kidding, it’s worse, it’s the conspiracy one.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

In the sense that water vapor and engine exhaust are real

bbuez ,

Its about time, maybe now my wife will come back and listen to me knowing that we can finally live with clean air and no more frogs turnin gay

Cyanogenmon , avatar

Bullet dodged?

taanegl ,

Okay, Tennessee... does this mean a new high speed rail once you have to ground every jet? NGL, that's kind of based.

Leave it to Tennessee to be accidentally liberal.

some_guy ,

Tennessee. Passing legislation that regulates imagination.

LovingHippieCat ,

Fucking Chemtrails. I have MS and one of the times I was in a physical rehabilitation clinic, relearning how to walk, I had a nurse who believed in chemtrails. She asked if I realized that my MS was caused by chemtrails. I was taken aback. I was actively playing civ with a friend who heard my side of the conversation. After she said that, I had a short conversation with her about how chemtrails aren't real. She said "Well I guess all those congressional hearings I watched were fake." To which I said that we are never going to agree on this and it's better to just stop talking so we don't have an argument. She basically agreed and thankfully she was gone by the time I needed my MS meds that evening. Chemtrails are BS and yet so many people believe they're real, even in professions that should understand they're not real, that it is genuinely depressing.

JudahBenHur ,

A lot of nurses are dumb as shit. I've also met M.D.s who were seriously fucking stupid people.

SacralPlexus ,

M.D. here and I feel like I should defend myself but all I can think of was this highly trained doc who fought the hospital administration about having to wear masks, in the hospital, during peak Covid. I mean he was actually one of many but what made him stand out was that his wife was in our ICU. With Covid. Yes he continued to fight masking even as his own wife was near death in the ICU.

So, yeah.

bluemellophone ,

Well he can just fuck right off

…like, out of the hospital

…preferably out of his profession entirely, if possible

JudahBenHur ,

its just there are over 20 currently agreed upon "types" of intelligence, so people can be very sharp in some ways and utterly hopeless in others.

Most doctors are put together pretty well in my experience though

SacralPlexus ,

You are so absolutely correct about this. This gentleman I refer to is actually a very smart guy in many ways. But say it with me folks: You are not immune to propaganda.

This gentleman was drinking the Fox News tea big time and that’s where the anti-mask, anti-vaccine stuff was coming from. His training and years of knowledge just eventually got short circuited from the constant propaganda.

Crashumbc ,

Weird having worked with them closely for almost twenty years in a hospital setting.

I can say for many I met. They're absolutely no better than the average person is "put together". The only thing they tend to be superior at is memorization and recall.

BleatingZombie ,

I hear stories like this and it's hard for me to accept the fact that they're stupid and not just truly evil

JudahBenHur ,

honestly dude the older I get the more I learn a lot of behavior that seems hurtful is just coming from someone who DOES NOT pause to consider what its doing to someone else. its not that they dont care, its just it never dawns on them that its hurting others

JustZ , avatar

I say it all the time, you can go to school for a long time and learn nothing about empathy or compassion.

snek , avatar

Upvote 😊

BleatingZombie ,

I had two CS professors who should NOT be asked about anything other than programing or math

If it was something other than those two topics then you will almost certainly be given a confident, yet incorrect, answer

Cyanogenmon , avatar

Sys admin here for quite some time.

This is pretty typical in our field I've found, because that's what it takes to move up in this field.

Non-CS just believe the "oh you work with computers? So you must know how to hack Facebook" logic, so they have to either say they don't know how and look stupid, or just rattle off some absolute bonkers shit that uses acronyms and such above the non-CSs head.

This eventually bleeds into their reality and becomes a character trait.

It's more a human/culture problem than a CS problem but I get what you mean :)

homesweethomeMrL ,

Covid taught us that a lot of nurses are straight up batshit. It was sad.

dantheclamman OP , avatar

that's disturbing, I'm very sorry you had to deal with that, having someone you were supposed to trust with your health, who suddenly pulled back the curtain and revealed themselves as an utter moron.

captain_aggravated , avatar

The doofy thing is neurotoxins in aviation engine fumes are 100% a real thing, but it's not in the white lines you see behind jets, it's from small planes burning leaded AVGAS. There's a mandate to find a replacement for 100LL by 2030, but we're still burning leaded gasoline in lots of GA planes.

LovingHippieCat ,

Which is very characteristic of the Conspiracy minded, they occasionally have a kernel of truth and then turn it up to 11.

John_McMurray ,

Perhaps she knows what she's talking about. The rate of MS in Saskatchewan is ten times higher south of highway one than north of it, and american air force pilots have admitted to using that highway as a visual marker to spread chemicals in other instances in the area.

LovingHippieCat , (edited )

First off that article says nothing about MS increased rates anywhere. But also, it talks about something that happened from July 9, 1953 to Aug 1, 1953. It's one instance of testing a chemical for the cold war that was for trying to determine how Nuclear Fallout would spread in the area. Also, worst of all, you said there was an increased rate of MS in Saskatchewan but then posted an article that talks about something that happened in Winnipeg, which last I checked, was in Manitoba not Saskatchewan.

Edit: It does list an event that happened in Alberta but those were just claiming they could see some "distanctly visible emissions" but no study has shown any evidence for that being an actual chemical being ejected from the planes. There is also a supposed instance of it in St. Lois where they use just two people as evidence for it. It also talks about other tests the cia and other government agencies have done on the populace but none of those listed were a chemical dispersal except the original.

John_McMurray , (edited )

Maybe cause that's not exactly why I posted the article. There's a whole lot more to dig into, from reputable sources, I was just pointing you in the general direction with an article from a national paper. And not only 1953. They've been trying to figure out that geographic MS thing for years. You have enough info now to look into it yourself. (Medicine Hat is also mentioned too, it's like you skimmed that article) It's hilarious y'all are always like "They'd never do that, blah blah blah" "Here's a documented and verified instance of them doing it at least twice, in the fifties and 60's" "Welll..... so what?" You're (not subtly) misrepresenting what was in that article in order to belittle it. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch, i know,

Chapelgentry ,

"Do your own research"


John_McMurray ,

Had a verified link and pointed you in the right direction, This isn't university, if you care, look it up.

Chapelgentry ,

I don't really but thank you

John_McMurray ,

Gee. I wonder why I can't be bothered to recall everything i've read on the subject over the years, track it all down, and serve up a bunch of neatly listed links for people bitching i don't

Chapelgentry ,

Probably the same reason why I can't be arsed to "look up" every deranged conspiracy I see on the Internet.

John_McMurray ,

There ya go again, comparing it to that after verified proof was posted, at least to one aspect. You all already showed me you'll immediately misrepresent what you're shown to assuage your prior held beliefs.

Chapelgentry ,

I'm gonna need at least a dozen YouTube videos to really be convinced.

John_McMurray ,

Or you could just google rates of MS in south Saskatchewan and start looking in medical journal reports

9bananas ,

got curious, googled it, here's something interesting:

seems genetic. which makes sense.

apparently that region just got unlucky with its gene pool, though, as the news release states: more research is necessary in order to be certain.

being caused by environmental chemicals hasn't been definitively ruled out, but it's not looking likely

(btw, bravo on an actually readable press release by a university!)

NatakuNox , avatar

Oh good. Mission accomplished. I guess they'll have time now to go after the real issues, like... What's inside everyone's pants when going to the bathroom. Or making sure women don't have access to health care when needed. Even ensuring priests are in every school...

Moobythegoldensock ,

Breaking news: Party that built its entire platform on a stupid conspiracy theory now expanding platform to other stupid conspiracy theories.

simplejack , avatar

Guess I’m not flying to Tennessee because my plane makes condensation.

Donjuanme ,

I would be down for it if they had just accidentally banned air travel. Air travel is pretty much intentional changing of the environment when there are other methods of travel available.

EvilBit ,

I would actually almost be willing to support a stupid bill for stupid people if all it did was ban the stupid chemtrail conspiracy ideas and not actual genuinely useful tools like cloud seeding and other legitimate weather engineering. If they just said “it is hereafter illegal to intentionally inject chemicals into exhaust that turn people liberal or make frogs gay” then sure, at least then the chemtrail idiots could shut up and finally believe the planes aren’t (deliberately) poisoning them due to their hard work and diligence.

partial_accumen , (edited )

The law and its premise is nuts, lets just get that out of the way first.

"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads.

So on one hand this is a reading about banning any efforts of geoengineering. But modern day airplanes already dump "chemical compounds" into Tennessee airspace today as part of jet engine exhaust. The argument would be "oh, planes are okay because they're not dumping to affect weather even though those gases are affecting the weather via climate change." Doesn't that argument open up license for anyone to dump whatever they want (including geoengineering materials) if they can claim that isn't their primary purpose?

Smokeless7048 ,

wouldnt that be great! some local citizen should sue an airline, using this bill, for affecting the climate.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

I mean, planes already inject, release, or disperse a lot of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances into the atmosphere, namely CO2 and water, which is why there are contrails.

Did Tennessee just ban airplanes?

CraigeryTheKid ,

*instructions unclear - CO2 emissions violate this new law; henceforth, airplanes are illegal in Tennessee

Wiz ,

Cars are illegal. Breathing is illegal.

kautau ,

“With the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of sunlight.”

I’m pretty sure they just made it so polluters are fine if the they are just doing it to pollute and don’t give a fuck about climate change

dirthawker0 ,

Seeding clouds for rain definitely affects weather, so I guess that's illegal now?

Diplomjodler ,

So doing it to make the friggin frogs gay is OK?

homesweethomeMrL ,

gHeY FRooooooooooooooooohggssssss

Paragone ,


That is WAAAY moar worser...

You know that tornadoes are already prevented through cloud-alteration, right?

This would criminalize that?

We need to criminalize incompetence-in-authority!!

01189998819991197253 , avatar

We need to criminalize incompetence-in-authority!!

I don't think that's possible. There won't be any governments left.

homesweethomeMrL ,

bOtH SiDeSz!!1

Lemming6969 ,

Reading comprehension: with the express purpose of... That's not the express purpose of those planes.

partial_accumen ,

Reading comprehension: with the express purpose of… That’s not the express purpose of those planes.

Critical thinking: the express purpose is whatever the creator/operator of the machine says it is.

Jet engines on a plane's express purpose is to create a high pressure jet of air out one side to propel the craft forward. However, jet engines express purpose can also used to put out oil well fires:

What makes one vs the other? Whatever the creator and operator of the machine decides.

Specifically about geoengineering,

  • There is a company releasing sulfur in geoengineering experiments source.

  • Spraying sulfur is also used in gardening to treat plant disease and pest control. source

So if I say my "express purpose" of releasing sulfur is for plant disease and pest control, even though the other thing it could do would be geoengineering via the same release, I would be in compliance with the wording of the law yet still be geoengineering.

swope , avatar

I think also bans "coal-rolling" ... If that wasn't already illegal.

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