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GroundedGator ,

I wonder how mass deportations would actually work. To me it sounds like seeking out undocumented or potentially undocumented people and detaining them until they are deported or can prove a legal status. It sounds like rounding people up based on some sort of identifying factor. How many people will get detained who shouldn't be?

GroundedGator ,

I haven't looked them up, but I'm guessing most who voted for it are in purple districts and trying to keep their seats.

But fuck that bill. Their anti-woke war is going to cause a talent drain across the federal government. If my family was living on a base in a state without reproductive protections I'd be looking for a transfer or a new job.

GroundedGator ,

Far left to far right it's all a scam. You'll see people slam a policy and still come up with a reason to vote for that policy. Almost all raise money from the same corporate interests.

This only gets better with major election finance reform and ethics reform with teeth.

GroundedGator ,

CDC released the statement on Wednesday and it looks like the AG likely made this public on Thursday, or that's at least when arraignments were.

GroundedGator ,

The idea that either event would be featured in a textbook below a university political science course is a bit of a dream anyway.

But I can only imagine the exam confusion.

Excuse me sir is this about 1968 or 2024?

GroundedGator ,

While I see your point, I fear that even in the context of a museum they would become targets of pilgrimage for people who missed the glory days.

GroundedGator ,

Can we get a statue of a diapered 45 standing on a platform held up by the working class surrounded by the likes of people like Mike Johnson and bitch McConnell bending a knee to the fool.

GroundedGator ,

The ban on bump stocks was implemented using the Firearms' Owners Protection Act of 1986. Which was signed into law by Reagan (funny how a failed assassination will change things).

The text at issue is

(a) Section 58450)) of the National Firearms Act (26 U.S.C. 5845(b))
is amended by striking out "any combination of parts designed and
intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun," and
inserting in lieu thereof "any part designed and intended solely
and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for
use in converting a weapon into a machinegun,"

IMO the majority in this decision is choosing to blatantly ignore the text of the act which was clearly chosen to future-proof for any advancement which would result in an effortless high rate of fire such as bump stock and super safety. Instead they are insisting that Congress must amend the law to include specific parts which of course is a losing battle as there will always be a new part that achieves an effortless high rate of fire.

Now where one could argue that this ruling is correct is the accepted definition of a machinegun requires a single trigger action.

26 U.S.C. § 5845(b)

Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger

Personally I think the laws should be amended to define weapons and munitions by their result (high or continuous rate of fire) instead of their form or function. As it stands, someone could create a weapon that simply fires continuously but does not resemble a gun in any other way. Would such a weapon be a machinegun if it doesn't even have a trigger?

I think the dissenting opinion was more inline with the intent of FOPA.

GroundedGator ,

Mainstream media has failed to provide equal and equitable coverage on the candidates. Often highlighting minor flaws of one while completely ignoring major flaws of another.

GroundedGator ,

Most of what you said is spot on but you originally quoted about choosing between bad and worse.

I get what you're saying about the primary system, but even that is broken. Incumbents are almost never primaried. Typically the party will not allow it. There also needs to be consideration of what primarying an incumbent could mean. It's unlikely any of the challengers would win and in the process they would burn through campaign money and highlight weaknesses in the winner's record and character that could be used by the opposing party.

We do have a primary, but it may not always give the best candidate. If argue only a portion of people who vote in a general even vote in the primary.

GroundedGator ,

This woman has done so much work for many people who worked on the campaign. She has spent her own resources to get the NDAs that her and others signed declared non binding, or whatever the legal term is.

I'm not a fan of Trump supporters, but telling them to pound sand because they supported him at some point but have seen the errors in their ways will do us no favors.

Check out some of her work and her story

Her story

GroundedGator ,

Back then, most people didn't understand the threat that was Trump. I sure didn't know all of the horrific things he did. This was pre Epstein. This was before Stormy.

I thought he was just a bombastic rich asshole with a shit political outlook.

Someone taking a job in that campaign had no reason to think it would be toxic. Most campaigns are not run by the candidate but by the party.

GroundedGator ,

I've barely had my morning potion, almost shopped for a 3 phase kettle thinking it was some new tech. Then I realized it was the wiring being referenced.

GroundedGator ,

For anyone else OOTL STAR Voting

I see how this is better than RCV but I'm wondering how it works out if the majority of voters only rank a single candidate.

GroundedGator ,

I understand that, I'm thinking about a few different scenarios. Say that one party votes overwhelmingly for the same 2 candidates in the 4/5 Star category, a different group majority votes for one of the previous 2 candidates and another candidate, and a third group largely only votes for 1 candidate.

The scenario I'm thinking of would make the first 2 candidates mentioned the finalists, however if the third group has a preference for one of the other candidates and voted them as a second choice it could significantly change the outcome.

I highly support anything that moves away from a 2 party system. It just seems any change would benefit the informed voter more than the emotional voter.

GroundedGator ,

Fine these mother fuckers! We need legislation to limit income disparity between insiders and grunts. It needs to work on total compensation and include contract workers. Any insider making more than 15x the average or median income should have to pay 50% of the difference and that fine should increase every year it's not corrected.

GroundedGator ,

I really wish media outlets would stop framing this as "Trump harmed by person who doesn't like Trump"

The title should be

"Trump's attempt to subvert the law thwarted by the savvy prosecution team"

His plan is to avoid securing one or more bonds with his assets and instead attempt to fool the court into believing that it's absolutely impossible. The plan is not genuine and is really just another attempt at fraud.

Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone ( )

I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they're on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can't be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...

GroundedGator ,

I checked to see if this was on my pixel 6 pro. It wasn't but I found this.

Not something I installed and not something I would allow.

The uninstall did not appear to work UNTIL I disabled the app and cleared the data.

GroundedGator ,

Never. Keep work and personal completely separate.

GroundedGator ,

Interesting. The app isn't actually listed anymore after whatever I did.

GroundedGator ,

Here are a few other good legal analysis for those who haven't been following this shit show

GroundedGator ,

In the last 24 hours, Leaf has posted more than 2,000 internal Dominion documents on his social media account.

Where is his arrest? That is an insane level of malice with only one goal.

GroundedGator ,

Darwin lived to 73 when life expectancy was under 40. FuckFace McTotalGym has the advantage of means in a society where everything you need for a long and healthy life costs more than what most can afford.

What are Some Good, Recent, and Available Dumb Cars?

I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla. She's been my trusty steed for the last 14 years and is in good working order. I recognize she won't last forever, and if, god forbid (mostly for her) I get in an accident, I will need to get a new car. So what dumb cars do you drive, and what would you replace them with?

GroundedGator ,

2018 Subaru Forester

It might be a bit more updated than most, but in general less smart than most cars today.

  • Still have to press a button on the key to unlock the doors, or use the convenient key.
  • Need to put the key into the ignition to start.
  • Doors do not automatically lock out unlock.
  • Manual parking break.
  • Rear door is 100% manual (if you didn't count un/lock with key fob).
  • Basic Bluetooth functionality.
  • Equipped with OnStar, and Sirius.
  • Shipped with 3G cellular, which no longer works. They do offer a free upgrade, I never bothered.

By my own assessment, it's the dumbest modern car you can get.

GroundedGator ,

Reminds me of a movie scene where they trick some capitalist into thinking he drank water that he was responsible for contaminating but swore it was safe.

Need to get this fool to believe he's affected by the lead. Not a far leap for the way he is talking.

GroundedGator ,

I think it's very likely the GOP is trying to oust bobo. Thought that from the moment Buck announced his departure and she announced a district change. Seems they encouraged her to change, knowing she couldn't win.

Though now I wonder if they want to keep her and think that a low turnout special election would be a safer bet for her.

GroundedGator ,

And the same requirements and inspections would be put in place on a port.

People are suffering. Providing aid should be done aggressively, with force if necessary.

GroundedGator ,

I would love to know about more instances about this.

GroundedGator ,

Thanks for this nightmare take.

This combined with the inability of the DNC to come up with any sort of unified messaging other than defeating Drumpf is terrifying.

GroundedGator ,

Friend in grade school had this condition, he called it his cereal bowl.

GroundedGator ,

But it was the FBI and ANTIFA and George Soros is the architect of the whole thing. They took a beautiful peaceful walk through the Capital and turned it into violence. Free the J6 hostages, they didn't do anything wrong.

I'm tired of all the double speak bullshit defending that attack on the Constitution.

A single term president has caused long term harm to the Republic that will likely last for decades until it does crumble under the fist of a fascist.

GroundedGator ,

You mean the judgement that he has to start paying this week? The one which I'm pretty sure he hasn't even filled a boneless appeal in.

Not to mention he already posted the 5M+ bond to appeal the other Carroll defamation ruling. If he's too rich to have to secure his judgement, why'd he do that?

This waste gets up and complains about the 2 tiered justice system and says he's a victim of it, yet he's trying to create a tier just for himself.

GroundedGator ,

Makes me itchy thinking about their browser

GroundedGator ,

Florida and Georgia and I'm sure other states have already put forward legislation that can punish prosecutors for not prosecuting crimes. Really these are thin veils to give legal justification to remove prosecutors who are viewed as liberal. As I see it, removal of elected officials unilaterally is voter suppression and should not be allowed.

GroundedGator OP ,

Sometimes yes, but a governing body is much more effective if they can meet in the middle on some issues. If we continue to have the same margin of majority, and allow the filibuster to stand, we will be stuck in a slow crawl and there will be no progress. With the gerrymandering and the recent decision in the 8th circuit on voting rights, it seems inevitable that we will be stuck in this crawl.

This 118th Congress has been very ineffective. I identify as progressive, but pragmatically so. There are pills I can swallow if the overall direction is a positive one. A lot of legislation hasn't even made it out of committee or to the floor because one side doesn't want to share their toys. We are being denied for political grandstanding.

Yes I must concede that it is better that the body be split than shackled to bygone conservatism BUT the divide will only grow unless members of different sides can learn to work together. And I do believe that there must be some reasonable people who can actually stand up for the bills that benefit their constituents instead of voting against them and then campaigning on them.

GroundedGator OP ,

I blame Reagan

GroundedGator OP ,

Or as one party drifted left, the other overcorrected to the right.

I still think Reagan had a big influence dividing the house.

GroundedGator OP ,

It is absolutely obstruction and I'm not convinced they will have enough voters willing to believe whatever their false narrative will be.

My hope is that we can get enough of a hold in both houses and pass an immigration/border bill that is more progressive and maybe leaves a few Republican wants out. Then we can point out they had a chance, but didn't take it. Of course that all only satisfies my own ego and is a bit petty.

On your Russian theory, after watching this I'm even more convinced that Russia is heavily involved and I might be toeing the line on a few conspiracy theories. We may never know the full extent, but I do hope the truth is revealed.

GroundedGator ,

I hope you're correct in your analysis.

To me the argument was leaning more into the idea that it would be a violation of Stinky's rights to prevent him from being in the ballot. I think it's nuts to say, allow a traitor to run and be elected, then they can attempt to have their disability removed by Congress.

If they rule to overturn Colorado's decision, they will have essentially nullified section 3.

I don't think the reconstructionists ever imagined that a large number of people would look at someone who pointed a cannon at the Constitution and say that person should definitely hold office. If section 3 is not self-executing I struggle to see how it could be effectively used in any scenario.

GroundedGator ,

And she only asked because she does and thought maybe it would spice things up for them and improve their relationship.

GroundedGator ,

I suspect a case of projection here. Make porn illegal so I will no longer be tempted to watch it.

I think someone needs to research prohibition a bit more. During which time nude images, even art, were banned in many areas.

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