ThrowawayInTheYear23 , (edited ) avatar

American Taliban

Are any of his views backed up by Jesus?

DigitalTraveler42 ,

Y'all Qaida

Vanilla ISIS

7u5k3n ,

Gravy seals

ickplant , avatar

Meal Team Six

LopensLeftArm , avatar


cmhickman358 ,


Kbin_space_program ,

Other way around. Christian extremism predates Islam as a religion.

Its also almost certainly directly responsible for the burning of the Library of Alexandria, and possibly the burning of Rome.

It's also why European folklore and ancient customs don't really exist other than bits and pieces outside of a few places. Christian extremism wiped it out.

4grams , avatar

Vanilla ISIS, gonna have to use that one :)

AshMan85 ,

And is prolly a secret pedo

Carvex ,

Probably? This is textbook for these people. Every accusation from Conservatives is an admission of guilt.

CharlesDarwin , avatar

I think some feds should be called in and seize his computer and phone right now.

ZILtoid1991 , avatar

In this case, the law could potentially give green light to CP as long as it's between married couples, as

  1. it has an exception for married couples,
  2. it does not differentiate between porn of consenting adults and of children who cannot consent.

After seeing many laws that are written in a way they have other effects that are "totally unintended", I refuse to believe this guy isn't aware the pedo part of his law. I usually oppose pedojacketing, but in this case it's not unwarranted.

Uranium3006 ,

Federal CP law would still apply, and Christian morality and pratice is already sexually abusive to children even when they're not outright assaulting them (which also happens a lot)

Cylusthevirus , avatar

Jesus lived in a region conquered by the Roman Empire. Many of his fans at the time wanted him to be a conquering ruler and overthrow them. His answer in the text amounted to, "that's not why I'm here." Nominal Christians trying to install a Christian Government have missed the point of their own text so hard it's actually kinda funny.

Jesus: Share resources among those that need them, it's very hard for rich people to enter heaven.

His Followers: Temporarily embarrassed billionaires who idolize wealth and build literal golden statues of their favorite rich guy.

Jesus: Hangs out with tax collectors (i.e., agents of the Romans, who were not popular), hookers, low status foreigners, and people with terminal diseases.

His Followers: Ew, drag queens and brown people. Gross.

Jesus: Encourages non-violent responses to his own capture pending execution. Tells many parables about forgiveness and treating foreigners as neighbors.

His Followers: Immigrants are invading us! They terk our jerbs! BOMB IRAN!

Anyone seeing a pattern here? The reality is that Christianity isn't really a belief system for them, it's a cultural identity or tribal marker. You don't have to actually believe any of this shit or behave accordingly. All you have to do is say the right words and present the right image. Right wing Evangelical Christianity is a hollowed out husk; an empty aesthetic presenting as a belief system that promises that anything you do will be wiped away if you say the right words and give money to whatever charlatan is giving his Dollar General Ted Talk today.

HawlSera , (edited )

This is a big reason why I think people who want to abolish religion all together miss the point. The issue is not that the text is so dark and vile it breaks brains... When taken in its proper historical context and read properly, it's actually quite based.

The issue is that humans are stupid, violent, tribal beasts who will take any symbol and use it to bang their drum. If religion didn't exist the world would be just as shitty, only now humans would be worshipping The Beatles and claiming Beatles music was all about keeping the black man down and praying away the gay.

theneverfox , avatar

I think you're a hell of a lot closer than most Christians, but my read through was different when it came to Rome

Like when they asked if they should pay the tax collector. He asked who's head was on the coin, and said "give unto Cesar what is Caesar's". My teacher said that means pay your taxes... That's a pretty strained reason

What he was saying is "let's just share among each other, then coin means nothing to us". He was advocating dropping out of the Roman economy

He also preached that if you have excess, you share it generously - so no huge stockpiles of grain to be seized.

And it was like this across the board - we don't need temples, it's enough to share a meal. We don't need the holy of holies or complex bathing rituals - here's a new ritual that only requires a bit of water

We don't need leaders, if we all focus on serving each other everything will fall into place.

If Romans demand work from you, use their laws and customs against them. Make it frustrating to deal with you while giving them no justification to draw a sword

It all fits together nicely. It's not about religion - everything he said on that topic boils down to "you've mistaken our laws for the meaning behind them and they've become a reason to do evil. At the core, it's just be good to each other, everything flows from there"

Jesus was a revolutionary. He sought to free his people not as a heroic warlord, but by making them unprofitable and frustrating. He was removing the weaknesses of his people. If you have no leaders, there's no one to hold hostage. If you hold the spirit of the law above it's wording, the religious leaders couldn't demand obedience through religion. If you give away your money freely and have no big stores of food or wealth, there's nothing for them to take. There's no handle to control them, and there's no profit in raiding them

And that's why he died - it seems very clear to me that Judas didn't betray him - he followed Jesus's plan. Jesus warned them all it was about to happen, and told them not to resist. Judas didn't want the silver, he felt enough guilt/grief to take his own life.

Jesus himself was the last weakness, so he had to die. Or at least stage his death - he was very popular among the legions very soon after his death. Maybe he had inside help from his executioners, he was up on the cross for a very short time (granted, he was probably on the verge of death already)

Unfortunately, it still had one weakness... The Romans straight up brutally massacred his peaceful followers

afraid_of_zombies ,

Like when they asked if they should pay the tax collector. He asked who’s head was on the coin, and said “give unto Cesar what is Caesar’s”. My teacher said that means pay your taxes… That’s a pretty strained reason

Many believe this was about the controversy over the coinage issue at the time.

ImplyingImplications ,

Are any of his views backed up by Jesus?

I'm no religious scholar, and I'm aware the Bible is so full of vauge and conflicting statements that it's possible to cherry pick a verse that agrees with literally any worldview, but let me cherry pick a few that this man must interpret differently than me.

John 8:1-11 Religious leaders bring Jesus a woman who has commited adultery and asks if he agrees with religious laws that state she should be stoned to death. His response is the often quoted "let any one of you who is without sin cast the first stone".

Luke 7:36-50 Jesus is dinning at the home of a religious leader. A prostitute enters and washes the feet of Jesus with her tears and hair. He explains to the religious leader that this woman has shown him great love because he has forgiven her of great sins. However, the religious leader has shown Jesus no love. Jesus explains "Those who have been forgiven of little, love little".

I'd argue Jesus would be against jailing people for watching porn if he so easily forgave adultery and prostitution.

afraid_of_zombies ,

About half

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

OneWomanCreamTeam , avatar

Doesn't mean his views are ba banned by Jesus.

Jesis just said you wouldn't inherit the kingdom of God, not that you should be put in jail.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Yes clearly being in jail is a bridge too far while eternal suffering of hell is fine.

Haquer ,

Well one of those is real and the other one isn't, so yes I agree.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Hell is not real, bring fucked up from that idea is real.

Look, I don't want anyone's pity and I don't particularly want to get into it so I will keep it short. I have been an atheist since 2018. I still have issues with the belief in hell and it fucking hurts. Even with secular therapy I don't think I will ever fully recover.

You can change laws but you can't undo the damages the doctrine of hell has done to the human race.

On the plus side I got to be very proud of my ten year old daughter when someone told her about hell and she brought up very good questions about it. Love my little free thinkers.

GroundedGator ,

I suspect a case of projection here. Make porn illegal so I will no longer be tempted to watch it.

I think someone needs to research prohibition a bit more. During which time nude images, even art, were banned in many areas.

tidoni_ ,


doppelgangmember ,


nutsack ,

what a cool country to go and live in

PeckerBrown ,

Send that trumpy cunt to prison and let him be porn.

RubberElectrons , avatar

Eat shit and die, rabid fundamentalist scum. You & your ideas are the antithesis of America.

MeanEYE , avatar

The worst thing of all is that people like these are usually the worst offenders.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I bet he watches so much porn. And I bet it’s weird.

chatokun ,

There was one person the Knowledge Fight guys did a break episode on who wanted to make porn illegal. After getting pretty far into the episode Dan finally reveals what he eventually found out after the guy mentions people having legal issues:

His son got caught with (already illegal) child porn, and it hurt his sons career options. So this man's idea is to ban all porn.... despite the reason for his tirade being already illegal. He just wants to harm everyone else too, lashing out.

RagingRobot ,

If everyone else's son is in jail his won't look so bad

Schadrach ,

His son got caught with (already illegal) child porn, and it hurt his sons career options. So this man’s idea is to ban all porn… despite the reason for his tirade being already illegal.

He probably thinks regular porn is a "gateway drug" to more extreme porn, eventually culminating in what his son was caught with. This isn't a super uncommon view, and isn't even limited to weird fundies or even the right. I don't agree with it personally, but I've seen it enough times from people on enough sides that I wouldn't be surprised if he's part of that crowd.

RagingRobot ,

His wife probably asked him if he watches it recently and this is his response lol.

GroundedGator ,

And she only asked because she does and thought maybe it would spice things up for them and improve their relationship.

billwashere ,

Tentacle furry bondage porn.

kd45 ,

So is this like a person that actually matters or just some retarded american yokel the media is using for clickbait?

WeirdGoesPro , avatar

Semi-matters, but not really. He does hold a real office, but the chances of this passing are about tree fiddy below nil.

HawlSera ,

In NC, a purple state, where she has to use a VPN to access e621

mp3 , avatar

I'm gonna end up on death row for this one 💀

eskimofry ,

Random prisoner: "Whatch'ya in for?"

Avg. Joe: "Beating it"

Random prisoner: "Ain't no way you're gonna last till parole"

PrincessLeiasCat ,

Ok good luck with that one, bro.

CharlesDarwin , avatar

The con movement is chock full of creepy weirdos and freaks. If they want some con paradise where they love oil and have morality police, they should get their freak selves over to Saudi Arabia, and fuck right off from here.

This is a country founded on secular values - the xtian jesus freak stuff need not apply to government, thanks.

fidodo ,

Seriously, you're right that land already exists.

  • Illegal porn
  • Illegal drinking
  • Morality police
  • Women are under control of men
  • Religion is part of government
  • The wealthy can do whatever they want
  • Essentially legalized slavery through exploitation of migrants

Sounds like their paradise, they can move there. Trying to make other countries like that is just greedy.

jaschen ,

Believe it or not, Dusty Deevers goes straight to jail.

Bluefalcon ,

We can do that if he is willing to share his search history.

DrSleepless ,

Think of all the politicians he'll have to arrest

xc2215x ,

Going to be throwing a lot of people in jail then.

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