@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar



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MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

The rest of the world would like a word. Do you really think only you people in the US exist?

Also the equivalent for psi is Pa (=N/m²), usually as kPa or bar (100 kPa).

Most people don't really understand either to a great extent, and are just familiar with one or the other.

As always though, metric wins because of its interoperability with all the other metric units.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

As a side-note to your helpful link, I really dislike it when headlines use a comma in place of an "and". Like, use "&" if you really must.

Print is not exactly the main way people read the news now anyway, I think they can spare the pixels!

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Be mad that income tax is unnecessarily difficult to deal with. As has been pointed out by others online a lot recently, the US makes personal income taxes hard, where other countries you can fill it out in minutes if you have no deductions, and less than an hour if you do (and have kept good records).

No one likes paying taxes (usually) but since the process is so painless I don't hear people complaining about income tax that much (outside of the right-wing media in my country, Australia)

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

From a different vassal state (Australia), but I think the US is fair game, considering how how many countries are practically beholden to US foreign policy (and straight up meddling, in many, many cases).

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Do you reckon humour is ever used as an advanced torture resistance tactic? A very morbid thought, but I now wonder if anyone has ever made their torturers crack up to make them fond of their victim, in order to escape.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

The Key Word is every month was a record setter. May the gods have mercy on us. We're so fucked

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not saying china doesn't have problems, but it's this kind of attitude that sends us down the path of us vs them that I think is toxic and leads to nationalism.

I have no issue with people criticising things in other countries, just not be absolute about it.

There most certainly are many not fake things in China that are great. Friendly people, wonderful food, natural wonders (this and perhaps some others excepted, but still), beautiful villages etc.

Just as there are bad things too, historical and contemporary.

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

"Oh this is whack, the park authority/ Chinese government faking a waterfall? That's pretty shit." 👍 An opinion I think many could agree with and is a valid criticism.

"Everything in China is fake" 👎
No it isn't.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

It's because the political compass meme character has it and they've reused the character here.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

🇳🇵 non-regtanguar flag gang unite!

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I know this is a joke, but a bad dog is so much more of a problem than a bad cat. (Not counting feral animals)

Bad cat: angry, wants you to leave them the fuck alone, scratches you at the slightest provocation

Bad dog: hyperactive or jumps all over you or barks at you, can seriously injure or kill you.

Our society takes for granted that you can take your dog anywhere (in Australia at least), and I don't think enough emphasis is placed on the fact if you can't 100% control your dog, don't bring it anywhere near people.

The number of people saying "oh he's friendly" as their dog scares someone afraid of dogs because they're jumping up on them is stupid.

This society values dogs more, and I just don't get it.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I would kill for an alternative history TV show, where the Roman Empire and one of the Chinese dynasties control approximately half of Eurasia each. I have no talent for writing, so I dunno what the setup would be.

I kinda like the idea of it opening on a train heist. (If you set the tech at industrial revolution)

Make it a english / Chinese language collab show. Would be heckin' neat.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

YAAAAAAS. Thanks for this. Exactly the kind of thing I imagined. It would be so dope.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Or we're in a microverse powering his spaceship.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

*not under first past the post / winner takes all voting, which leads to a two party system.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not sure you understand first past the post, and how it disenfranchises you

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I love how you exactly proved their point without realising. Please go look up the spoiler effect with first-past-the-post voting.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

No, this is not how it works. Please look up the spoiler effect.

I can't vote because I don't live there, but am in the imperial core of countries, so it would be very nice to not have fascists in charge, considering we literally have prosecuted whistleblowers reporting on warcrimes at the behest of the US government. We're your little bitches whether we like it or not.

Y'all really do need to be hyper-focused on pushing for sweeping electoral reform, for sure.

In the meantime though, voting for a 3rd party under your system is basically a vote for the person you don't want.

Vote Biden if you would dislike having Trump more. If you don't want to do that, then yeah, you're basically admitting you're cool with the outcome of Trump presidency.

Please don't waste your vote, your vassals beg you.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Look up the spoiler effect. Please! This vassal is begging you.

The question under your system (please inform yourself about first-past-the-post) isn't who do you want to win, it's who you do you want NOT to win.

If you vote for your third-party candidate, it's equivalent to not having voted at all, if they have no chance of winning.

You're going to get Biden or Trump with how people vote (spoiler effect, look it up), one of those is going to win, make your peace with that.

So, which would you rather?

I am happy to spell out in greater detail why voting for a third party candidate is a waste of time under your system, happy to chat if there's still any confusion about it.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

My friends, these are troll accounts. 8h old, only commented on this post.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

If you lived somewhere with a decent preferential voting system, you'd be right.

You don't though, and it's not misinformation to say that under a first part the post system, voting for a third candidate that is not going to win is a waste of the influence you have. CGPGrey explains it well

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Then Ms 8h account with their full name (deeeeefinitelty not a shill, deeeefinitelt a genuine user. Yeah people on Lemmy toooootally use their full name as if it were facebook), I'll just have to conclude you're trying to sway leftists not to vote for Biden, so the world ends up with trump.

I hope you're unsuccessful.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Please, do go on to explain how the spoiler effect is a myth. I'll wait. I'd like to see your logic on that one. (Inb4 you don't)

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

🤦‍♂️ It's a "law" in the mathematical/scientific sense. It is a model that explains something.

You're just spouting smart sounding words without actually proving anything.

Please, please, do explain how the spoiler effect is wrong.

Tell me how when you have first past the post and a two party system, voting for a third candidate who won't win isn't just making it more likely the candidate you'd like less to win.

Please, would love to hear you well reasoned and sound argument.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Okay 👍 Please do explain your whacky logic though. I came to the conclusion you're a troll because you're not really engaging by explaining your position beyond: "I don't wanna, it's a lie! The media is lying!!"

Go learn maths, go understand the mechanism behind the spoiler effect. Go look at the literal mountains of examples of it in play. Unless you think it's just some massive coincidence that every first-past-the-post system trends towards two parties.

I'm very keen and willing hear to any actual logic you bring to the table to justify your belief.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

The evidence is all of the first past the post systems that trend toward two dominant parties. There are 1000s of example elections, and the elections which don't conform to this are just as bad, because the winner will win with even FEWER votes than 50%. If you have 5 candidates and people are voting fairly evenly between them, you can win with just over 20% of the vote. I hope you can believe that, that's just the mathematical reality (that I'm really hoping we don't have to debate over, it's a fairly simple mathematical problem).

The myth is that what you have can actually provide voters with a meaningful choice. That's the media narrative, that first past the post is meaningful and gives the president a mandate because people voted for them, but it most certainly doesn't.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry, that's my bad. Your initial response was quite frustrating.

Emotions are high because this election affects people around the world, and hearing that you don't care enough to make a difference, is not very pleasant.

I apologise.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah we have many separate threads now. Apologies for this.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Lets just focus on this particular election then.

Do you think anyone other than Biden or Trump will win? If you do, then your choice is clear, and as much as you question the existence of the spoiler effect (which is not being spread much by the media in the US, it's being spread by detractors of the current voting system), it doesn't really matter. People will vote towards those two candidates (hope we can agree that this is the likely outcome).

If that's the case, voting for a third candidate is as good as not voting because if your candidate doesn't win, and you COULD have voted for your next choice (why ranked voting is so much better, and it's the voting system letting you down), then the candidate you most don't want (assuming 3 candidates) has a better chance of winning (since you didn't vote for your second choice).

You say this isn't provable because it's about people's beliefs and it can't be tested, but sorry, elections are about human choices, beliefs are at play. I don't think it's a coincidence that democracies with ranked choice voting have more first preference votes to smaller parties, and that it's overwhelmingly so.

You can't really escape the fact that even if people just voted for their favourite candidate in first past the post, people would win with less than 50% of the vote (unless you're saying that the votes don't add up to 100% then I dunno what to say)

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Alrighty, then I suppose you just aren't voting. Which is your choice, just as long as you're clear on that.

Your candidate is not going to win, and I think you know that.

And if you think these choices are equally as bad, that's a whole different topic that let's not get in to.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, the test would be that we have first past the post (single winner elections, like for president, or local electorates with single candidates elected, not proportional voting, which is better), produce elections with a spread of votes across many candidates, and don't consistently trend towards two.

This is definitely testable and disprovable, it's just that the outcome is overwhelmingly the case I have described, the spoiler effect leading to two dominant parties. There may be outliers and times where a third candidate does win, but these are the overwhelmingly rare exceptions.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

For sure, I wouldn't like voting for either, also.

Just that if they're not equal, then that means you have a preference. And I hope you will act on that preference and make a difference, instead or just making yourself feel good that you've voted for the candidate you liked best.

You've been robbed of that choice by your voting system.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not explaining away exceptions, they're called outliers. In any set of data there will be deviations. When I want to plot some viscosity data and get a few random points on my chart that don't line up with the rest of the curve, I'm still very confident that my curve is close to being accurate, as long as I have enough data points.

We have enough data points on first past the post elections.

For it to be disproven you would show first past the post elections don't have to two party systems in the vast majority of cases (which isn't the reality).

Now, you can try and handwave this away by saying, "oh but that's what people were TOLD TO BELIEVE, so you can't prove it". That's why we have not just the correlation to rely on, we have maths.

And you can't (I hope you don't) really disagree that you either have many candidates, who then win with less than a majority, or two parties, which then necessarily means the third smaller candidates can't win, and so people then vote for one of the larger parties so their vote counts. That's the binary state of affairs, there are no other options, the reality of maths doesn't allow for anything else, the votes add up to 100% ¯_(ツ)_/¯

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Well I suppose for voters like you, then yeah, go vote for your candidate. Just seems odd that you're saying you don't think their equally bad, but instead of then making a difference to ensure the less bad option wins, you'd rather make yourself feel good for voting for someone you like best.

May the gods have mercy on us mere vassals who are watching from the sidelines.

Stay safe in these troubled times friend, and thanks for engaging, even if at times it got a bit heated and apologies for offence caused.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not saying we need more data though, we have the data, plurality voting overwhelming results in two party systems. This is disprovable and I'm totally happy to change my mind based on the evidence and data.

I'm not straw-manning, you said before with regards to looking up the spoiler effect "I have. it's not a natural phenomenon, it's a story that the media tells."

Apologies if I misunderstood what you were saying there.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Something tells me this isn't going to fly in Australia, unless they're willing to be giving out refunds for bricked phones.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Y'all need to just stop it with voting machines USA. Pencil and paper is far more secure.

I'm not doubting that trump wasn't elected, reality has a left-wing bias, but damn, what if voting machines are hacked, or have a backdoor built-in in the future.

Pencil and paper folks, it just works.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

It's also much harder to claim fraud when there is none (provided your auditing and multiple independent oversight is good).

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Not an American, but in a country well within the imperial interior (Australia). Jesus Christ, go vote, and go vote for the less shit candidates (the democrats).

The voting system is entirely broken, granted, but you not voting does not help.

It we vassals of the US get the MAGAs in charge, shit is going to hit the fan, and unlike you, we can't do anything about it other than plead with you to go vote.

First-past-the-post means go vote for the less shit candidate.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I can tell by the content it's from the 2014 Australian budget. Infamously Joe Hockey, the treasurer from the Liberal party government at the time (the conservatives, no surprises there), was photographed happily smoking a cigar the day the budget was released. Being a conservative budget, it was not good for the proletariat.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Australia is also annual. We're taxed annually, so it makes sense to us

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

You shouldn't want to be deficient in B12 either way. Go do a blood test to see if you are, and then if yes, just take the recommended dose on the bottle of pills. They're usually wayyyy higher than the recommended daily intake anyway.

This is assuming that a blood test is affordable where you live.

Not a doctor, not medical advice.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

"He or she" sounds and looks so cumbersome. "They" is the superior pronoun on style/conciseness alone.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

The state (could and idealistically) be the will of the people via proper democratic systems. It's just that right now most aren't that democratic, and unelected corporations have too much influence. (So under capitalism, I do think actual democracy isn't super meaningful)

I think if you want to have a functional civilisation (rather than just small communes, which with today's population is a pipe-dream) you need some kind of taxes, and now we've already arrived back at needing a state.

Collective spending is required for a civilisation, end of story. Anarchy is never going to build continent spanning infrastructure, ever.

Someone trying to accumulate wealth or power is going to ruin it for you. Sold you food with lead in it? Okay, what are ya gonna do about it? At a small, community scale this is easy, at civilisation scale, forget about it. You need some court system.

If you want to go live in a commune, be my guest, that's the only place anarchy can work.

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Care to elaborate on what you felt was offensively fucking wrong?

You agree with walkable cities but:

  • Want large houses (needing more space, spreading things out)?
  • Don't want denser zoning?? (How are ya gonna walk somewhere with everything spread out)
  • Hate the idea of a corner shop. (Love driving just to get a few small food items)
  • Dislike taxes (how will you pay for your infrastructure? There's a reason US cities are crumbling, they're too spread out, so land taxes don't cover the maintenance bills)
  • Like carparks
  • Hate bikes
MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

She is peak wholesome+handsome content. The fun she's having decimating those logs is infectious.

Quality recommendation 👍

MisterFrog ,
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

I'm an engineer (a non-IT engineer) and have 4. There is so much ensuring consistency between drawings and documents. I'd like 5 (including the inbuilt one) but graphics card on my high performance company laptop says no.

At least one for file explorer, then other three could be pdf editor, or word, or excel, or internet browser.

I regularly have 4 drawings open, plus another reference, plus windows explorer for file management.

It's never enough. I could totally do with more than 4 screens, I'm already squeezing multiple drawings onto one monitor.

MisterFrog , (edited )
@MisterFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Not a programmer, but all this is is a representation of three columns of data in a table, plus a fourth for the label. Make a lookup table with 4 columns. Now make rows with the data in it, assigning the label for each.

This chart is just a nice way of representing 3 variables in 2D form. It's just an XYZ graph in 2D. With the constraint that X+Y+Z <= 100. You could even assign functions for those different labels.

Though, me not being very good at maths, I'd have no idea how to write a function to cover those areas.

Probably easier just having a lookup table.

As an example, though, a line going from the top of the triangle to the bottom, in the middle would be:

Clay(silt,sand) = 100 - Silt - Sand, where sand=silt
Thus, Clay = 100 - Silt, where Clay+silt+sand<=100 would be a vertical line on the chart.

I think. I'm just having fun trying to work this out, without looking it up now.


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