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Too hot for learning: American schools that never needed AC are now overheating. Fixes will cost billions. ( )

As heat waves creep north, they are baking schools that previously did not need air conditioning. Fixing the problem will be neither cheap, nor easy.

Got_Bent ,

I spent my entire childhood all the way through high school being indoctrinated in Jesus school.

You'd be surprised how many of us are adamantly anti religious as adults.

Got_Bent ,

Funny you mentioned that. I was out with my daughter a couple days ago and she got a flat that had to be replaced. She was legitimately worried that Toyota would void her warranty for not buying a tire from the dealership. Nevermind that we were out in rural nothingness with no Toyota dealership to be found.

Got_Bent ,

I literally took a picture of myself holding my nose in the 2016 election. Voted for Hilary. Didn't want to, but it was by far the better option.

TIL that in 1932, Fritz Gerlich, a German journalist, made fun of Hitler’s bigotry by publishing a satire article “proving” that Hitler was Mongolian. Later, Gerlich was taken to Dachau and murdered. ( )

Got_Bent ,

I'm sure Trump's got a list with Colbert, John Oliver, Jimmy Kimmel, etc. all ready to go.

Got_Bent OP ,

Nope. They served him his indictment papers at his eightieth birthday party as convicted criminal Steve Bannon watched.

Got_Bent ,

I get them in Texas from the Korean market. I don't know that they're available year round though.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't find any via Asian markets in the Pacific Northwest.

Got_Bent ,

That's one helluva bartender got all those beers layered like that.

Got_Bent ,

They hold in common a belief that turkeys can fly.

Got_Bent ,

I never could reconcile the old testament God and the new testament Jesus. Like seriously? These two characters are from the same family and claim to have parallel morals?

Got_Bent ,

Paul singlehandedly ruined everything. What a dick.

Got_Bent ,

For Greg Abbott that might be equally terrifying

Got_Bent ,

I have investigated myself and found nothing of note.

Got_Bent ,

George Orwell would like to know if Oceania has always been pregnant

Got_Bent ,

It still is acceptable. It's just that today they call it management and human resources.

Got_Bent ,

Somewhat related: last week I saw my old job from 2008 listed online.

Sixteen years later, and the compensation for that job is ten percent LESS today than what I made in 2008.

There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now. ( )

I just noticed this when I saw a strange "Achievement Unlocked" notification pop up on Reddit. What do you think of this? It seems like a retention tactic to me, like what Amino had with its streak leaderboards, and GameFAQs currently has with streak achievements for logging on ten days in a row and also for all days of a month.

Got_Bent ,

Makes it tempting to start logging in again and making daily comments consisting of nothing but random punctuation marks.

Got_Bent ,

This is the thirteenth year of my illustrious career in accounting. You really get to see the dark underbelly of humanity.

I used to be a social person.

Now I'm a misanthropic agoraphobe who generally avoids human interaction to the fullest extent possible.

Fifty percent of this is the people I work for and the general environment, the other fifty percent is how dishonest and abusive the clients can be.

Anytime you're dealing with somebody's personal finances, it gets ugly. I'm sure that insurance has parallels to my experience.

Got_Bent ,

Is she the one who was doing that weird hyperventilating rebuttal to the state of the union address?

Got_Bent OP ,

I wouldn't even be an Uber driver or an airport shuttle driver in Texas the way that law is worded.

Got_Bent ,

Awww, whatsa matter little Clarence? You can dish it but not take it?

In a conversation with his law clerks two years following his confirmation, The New York Times reported Thomas expressed his desire to serve on the court until the year 2034.

"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk remembered Thomas – who was 43 years old when confirmed – saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."

Got_Bent ,

If there's no corresponding regulation on rent prices, minimum wage is irrelevant.

Raise the minimum wage to a bazillion dollars? Great! Rent is now three hundred bajillion!

Got_Bent ,

So I'm curious. When you feel compelled to shit on some random Internet stranger with no apparent substantiation beyond general anger, do you prefer virtual toilet paper or a digital bidet?

You tell me I've no evidence, and that's pretty much true as I'm just making a casual remark, but you're taking it upon yourself to verbally attack me with words like toxic without providing any basis yourself.

The rest of this conversation is level headed, some agreeing, some disagreeing, some expanding on the thought.

But you've just got to scratch that Internet hemorrhoidal itch.

Got_Bent ,

Istanbul was Constantinople

Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople

Been a long time gone, Constantinople

Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night

Every gal in Constantinople

Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople

So if you've a date in Constantinople

She'll be waiting in Istanbul

Got_Bent ,

That's a federal tax. I think this picture is referring solely to taxes paid at the state level.

Got_Bent ,

Are you homesteaded? I just looked it up to make sure I'm not talking out my ass here. The maximum annual assessment increase for a homestead is ten percent. Over three years, your max increase should be thirty three percent, not sixty. Additionally, the homestead exemption went up from $40,000 to $100,000 this past year. My tax bill went down year over year because of this. My assessment that just came in the mail went up three percent for 2024. Granted I don't live in the most fashionable neighborhood. I'm sure the HOA infested suburbs went up more than that.

Got_Bent ,

That makes sense. I was curious because my boss who lives in Plano neglected to homestead so he was getting violated on his taxes. I discovered it, we filled out this form and talked to that person and eventually got him several thousand dollars of retroactive credit.

My house was assessed at something like $130k the year before I bought it and two years later it's in the $230k range, but I'm fine with it as the old assessment was based on a structure that was torn down and my current house was built brand new on the original footprint. So it's more or less assessed at what I paid for it.

I do get amused trying to explain to people out of state how property tax protest is pretty much the national sport of Texas.

Got_Bent ,

The only surviving adult MOVE member, Ramona Africa, refused to testify in court and was charged and convicted on charges of riot and conspiracy; she served seven years in prison.

Jesus Christ! No criminal charges against police so let's imprison the sole surviving victim!

(She did get a handsome settlement years later, so there's that but holy hell man)

Got_Bent ,

They used up all their resources ensuring that they were included in the pamphlet for The Oregonian Landscaping Company.

Got_Bent ,

Tomorrow we find out the driver was a Boeing whistleblower.

Got_Bent , (edited )

Indiana. Do you call your wife mother?

Excuse me while I get all nice and comfortable in my Texas high seat.

I'm not bitter toward my ex-wife anymore except that time she made us move to Texas so we could afford a house. She's gone, house is gone, dogs are dead, kid is grown and gone, I'm still here.

Got_Bent ,

Unfortunately, I don't own a pickup truck and don't much drink whiskey anymore. My jeans aren't even starched or pressed.

Got_Bent ,

It's difficult to find specific laws or regulations, but the gist of what I'm finding is that most places of public accommodation in the US must provide a restroom free of charge though they may limit access to paying customers.

There appear to be numerous exceptions that allow not providing a restroom at all, but I couldn't find anything that says they can charge for it.

The one thing that does come to mind is certain venues that have bathroom attendants. In those places, you're de facto paying every time you go because that attendant will shove a towel in your face with one hand and extend the other hand palm up faster than the speed of light.

Got_Bent ,

I had a student some thirty years ago whose name was Oh Yu Suk.

It was difficult for me to maintain when I first saw it.

Got_Bent ,

I wish I knew the answer to this, but I don't think a dollar amount floor on labor in fiat currency is it. That'll just find a new equilibrium in a devalued currency.

I don't write this because I disagree with the sentiment. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment.

But wealth isn't about dollars. It's about assets. For day to day living, it's about real estate.

I just wrote out a whole bunch of thoughts but I don't think they're applicable to the topic.

Maybe do things like:

Unoccupied residential real estate is taxed at some obscene percentage of assessed value.

No individual may own more than ten living spaces (apartments are a need, and somebody's got to own them)

Entities (looking at you black rock) may not own residential real estate.

REITS are absolutely off the table.

Water is a public good and Nestle can get fucked

Student debt and medical debt are capped at some percentage of income formula.

And to get really crazy, instead of minimum wage, employers must demonstrate that employees can afford two bedrooms with no more than twenty five percent of gross wages.

I'm drinking beer and watching rich people ride horses. These are casual thoughts without citation and are not intended for academic review or criticism.

Got_Bent ,

It's gonna be unbelievably dystopian if this guy weasels his way back into office. No policy other than unhinged vengeance.

Got_Bent ,

I saw an article yesterday that the state of Berlin is trying to give away Goebbels villa for free because nobody wants to buy it and the upkeep is expensive.

My very first thought was that if Elon hears of this, he'll jump at the opportunity.

Got_Bent ,

I posted about this in another thread yesterday and now I wonder if it influenced this post or if it's just a crazy coincidence.

No complaints either way on my end. Just one of those deja vu Internet moments.

Got_Bent ,

Where's the next Kent State? The weapons and armor are much bigger this time.

Got_Bent ,

Pretty much all points from all parties in this thread just reinforce my ever growing refusal to leave the house or interact with anybody unless absolutely necessary.

Eventually, I'll probably be the strange man in the woods because that's as far away from people as I can get. Should we meet at that time, then by all means, I encourage you, regardless of gender, to move along and go get you some bear love.

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