@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar



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GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I was thinking of appealing my parking ticket to the Supreme Court by using the defense that the officer that issued the ticket did it to keep me from voting and .... uh ... freedom.

GoofSchmoofer OP ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Some people just don't like silly videos I guess ...

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

If the system was working as it should congress can impeach him. But that's not going to happen we know that he knows that.

I also think that he is using this GOP congressional firewall to keep doing it because why not?

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I think the way you need to do it is The Onion style of journalism, with a wink and a nod. BUT when your crazy ass right wing theories get shared as "FACTS" on other social media sites you don't dispute it. I kinda think that is how most right wing YouTubers do it.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

A true "Patriot" would follow the trail of the filter. Where did the raw materials come from for the filter? where was it manufactured? how was it shipped to the store? Who put it on the shelf? If a dirty librul ever touched it then it can't be certified as "non-woke"

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I've got nothing to add other than, Alex Jones is a big piece of shit

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Holy shit those pictures just pissed me off again.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Furthermore, working under the diplomatic cover provided by ambiguous language in the COP28 decision text, ADNOC plans to produce vast amounts of oil and gas for decades to come. In the year that the UAE hosted COP28, ADNOC sought oil, gas and petrochemical deals potentially worth close to $100 billion, a five-fold increase on what it pursued in 2022 and significantly more in dollar terms than in the previous four years combined. Our analysis shows that ADNOC sought or closed deals in 2023 with firms owned by or domiciled within 12 countries, including 11 of the 16 nations targeted in the leaked COP28 country briefing documents. In all, ADNOC and its subsidiaries either clinched or targeted at least 20 deals with international firms in 2023.

why the fuck would younger generations forgive you, if you treat these conferences as opportunities to secure more business for your oil empire?

It's been around a year since a lot of us quit Reddit, myself included. I'm happy with Lemmy, but I still feel a bit lost online since leaving the old site. Discussion?

Been thinking of making a post like this for some time, apologies if some of this is not completely relevant: this community seems more like it's about Reddit the platform/product than Reddit the social "thing", but I'm sure a lot of people have similar experiences to mine. Maybe on some instances more than others....

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I didn't voluntarily leave reddit I got banned for some random comment (I honestly don't know what it was) and the appeals process was bullshit. So I found Lemmy. Haven't been back to reddit since don't miss it.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

It's not too much of a reach to see a 2nd trump presidency promoting new laws that look progressive on the surface - higher tax rate on billionaires with the intention of putting himself on the top of the "richest men in America" list. Just takes a a little carve out in the law that presidents (for life) don't have to pay this new massive tax.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I do appreciate posts like those.

My objective when I look through a comment thread, especially in a topic I don't know much about, I'm looking for the well reasoned posts. I admit I'm a human (confirmed via captchas) and love to have my opinions validated, but I also like to read a different take on a situation or issue. And because I am not in a situation where I don't feel like I have to defend my opinion I'm more open to seeing a different perspective.

So thank you for taking the time to write those out - and to others that do that thank you as well.

Now that DuckDuckGo is out. Give me your search prompts and I'll answer them as best I can. That includes images (based on what I have saved on my PC). So what is it you wish to know or see?

Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that's how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Why does my stomach hurt after eating french toast?

Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Biden ( www.theguardian.com )

Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession, and the majority blame the Biden administration, according to a Harris poll conducted exclusively for the Guardian. The survey found persistent pessimism about the economy as election day draws closer....

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

This is a good write up thanks.

What bothers me is that in his state of the union address he spent time talking about junk fees with Ticketmaster et. al. (which is a problem) yet never really touched on the bigger problem of housing costs. Nor is there any real push by his administration or the Democrats to address this issue any time soon. Like you I don't know if this is intentional or ignorance due to his advisors.

It's a frustrating place to be because I know that Trump gives even less of a shit about the "poors" and would make things even worse. So a large part of this country's population will sit in the status quo for a minimum of 4 more years hoping that the next round of elections will bring in something new and progressive.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

It's good to know that this administration is doing something to help directly or indirectly. And if there is a constant in the world of American politics its Democrats don't have a clue how to sell their agenda or legislative wins to the public.

But it doesn't have to be that way. There has to be smart people that would want to work with this reelection campaign that can craft sound bites and advertising that promotes what they have done. And do it in a way that isn't scary to the donor base.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Where does Florida Man ™️ go when his trailer is underwater? Is he now Georgia Man or Mississippi Man?

This is a migration that I don't think people want

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Damn at just 5 ft most of southern Louisiana is completely submerged. And these are probably not the wealthiest people so where do they go? Do they live in FEMA trailers further in land? Do we as a country have a contingency plan for this ? I doubt it but I hope I'm wrong.

I mean there probably are enough homes to help these people but that may cut into Blackrock's rental profit so that's out of the question....

The more I look at this map the more overwhelmed I get at the number of people that will be displaced at just 5 ft.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

The power of location in voting is just weird.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

It's these deep pocket corporations that I think will keep a major housing bubble burst from happening or when it happens it will be fast.

They can buy x number of houses now at these inflated prices, they can but 10x X number of houses with a major downturn in home values. Then with all this buying of homes the prices shoot back up... At least that is how my high school level economics knowledge brain sees it.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I mean at those prices you don't expect too much quality. Unlike Teslas that are poorly built but priced like the aren't

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( journals.sagepub.com )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

But that's not true I've heard it straight from the tech-bros mouth. They build these technologies to help us, the little people. To spread peace and love and build deeper connections with the people that we love. I'm sure that they feel pain and guilt that they have to deposit those large checks into their bank accounts. /s

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

There is no stopping the justices from putting big caveats around their ruling.

It could be "in this very specific case with this very specific person at this very specific time we agree that the president is immune from prosecution. Any other acts by this or any other president are not included in this ruling."

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

To play off of your comment - taxes should be sold as a patriotic act.
That through taxes we can make the lives of all citizens of this country better and that if you love this country you are willing to sacrifice a small % of your money to make that happen. Those people that are willing to sacrifice for their country are the true patriots.

On the other hand those people that complain about paying more, like some billionaires and millionaires, are the true takers. They used this country and it's systems to build that success but are not willing to sacrifice anything to pay it back.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

So if it's not a perfect solution it shouldn't be done?

You may be right that a 90% tax on certain amount of wealth may not solve all the problems but that is a ton of money this country is leaving on the table that could really help people that need assistance.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

It's weird that you think that tax money goes directly into the pockets of individual citizens...

But when the government gets more income it can be used to fund public programs like WIC, CHIPS, Free lunch program for children, help the homeless, improve infrastructure, etc. You know, government working to support it's population and not let the country become a shit hole.

If you don't like how the government is spending the tax money then that is an election argument (vote someone in that supports your views). My way of seeing things is that if this country has given someone the ability to make a 3 comma amount of wealth then arguing that paying back into that system is evil then that person really doesn't care about anyone but themselves.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I don't understand the connection between my post and your response?

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I actually appreciate the slower content on Lemmy. Keeps me from continually scrolling for that dopamine hit.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Democrats fall in love , Republicans fall in line.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I would guess some are. I would guess some are left leaning and some would be independent, middle of the road people.

Just like every other generation before and after Gen X. But big broad brush statements makes arguing on the Internet easier.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

How about a Harris/(Michelle)Obama ticket?

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I always imagine the stockholder that trades off quarterly expectations to be someone sitting in an overly large home getting all bent out of shape because someone else's labor didn't make them enough money RIGHT NOW!

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

And the folks who decide if you’re “competitive” are a handful of mega-investment banks that decide how much of your stock they’re going to buy.

This one statement says a lot about the American economy

And thank you for the explanation

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

This has less to do with Swift and more to do with Fox's decades long strategy to keep misogynists angry with successful women and engaged with Fox news.

MAGA Is Based on Fear, Not Grounded in Reality ( www.nytimes.com )

Yet such fantasies are now the common currency of politics on the American right. Remember the days when pundits solemnly declared that Trumpism was caused by economic anxiety? Well, despite a booming economy, there’s still plenty of justified anxiety out there, reflecting many people’s real struggles: America is still a...

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I've seen that with a very conservative former friend. They would send me reel after reel on Instagram of right wing talking heads discussing the "proof" they had that the coivd vaccine was deadly, "proof" that the human soul is placed in the egg at conception, and the LGBTQ+ people were really pedophiles.

There seemed to be no sense that a 30 second, highly edited reel on instagram could be false. It was telling them what they wanted to hear. The part that annoyed me was that they thought they were debating there position in good faith with these reels. That if they sent enough of them to me I would just say "Wow! you're right, that reel from Andrew Tate really opened my eyes!"

We don't talk any more and I hate that because we were really good friends until about 9 months ago.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

I know a woman that is a trump supporter. She is also a christian evangelical and has been most of her life.

I think the reason she is a trump supporter is that her christian education has taught her that there is a hierarchy to reality.

That men are the protectors - God (a man in her world view) is the head of that

Women are the providers and submissive to men.

I think the bravado of trump appeals to her sense of reality, A strong "protector" man in charge. All of his limitations are not for her to question because she is the provider not the questioner.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

If I did my napkin math right (which is suspect) from January 2020 to December 2023 the Dow Jones had an ~33% increase.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

This is such a good visualization of big numbers and big bank accounts.

It's also a good way to really see the bull shit argument that it's unfair to tax the wealthy at a higher rate. Even if they get taxed at 90% (which I don't think will happen in my lifetime) they still will have enough money for them and their decedents to live a lavish lifestyle. And that extra money could really make America into the country that it pretends to be.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Who will they elect next? Trump is not the end point on that particular axis.

But Trump is really the glue that holds many of these people together. I don't follow conservative politics too closely but I don't see someone else that has his ability to hold the ultra-right together as he has done. Not saying there aren't a large pool of con artists that are fighting to take his place when he is gone. I think there are quite a few people that want that power and I think that is going to breed a shit show for the far right (lots of infighting).

Of course if he gets re-elected and has a favorable Congress then well established laws and political norms can and will be changed to allow for something of a monarchy which takes the above off the table. That is his family becomes the de-facto ruling family.

But if he doesn't get re-elected or has a Congress that will fight and make his tenure difficult, and when he dies I think the far-right is going to fracture with 3 or 4 new crazy people trying to take over what Trump has held together.

How Do Important People Ever Die?

I'm planning a campaign loosely where players have to fight enemies backed by a larger, scarier empire that frequently sends out their agents to try to assassinate them while they try to setup a new kingdom post-revolution (think the beginning of Game of Thrones where players are on the Small Council, but they're also sort of...

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

This may not work with the campaign you want to run but having resurrection work very well, to the point that there is starting to be an uprising of the "common folk" for a change. That because of this spell there is a small but growing distaste for the ruling class and its starting show up in altercations and small fights that could easily transition into something bigger.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

mynoise.net .

I use it for background when I need to concentrate.

GoofSchmoofer ,
@GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world avatar

Negative motivation is the real way to make changes.

It's great to have goals and positive things to look forward to when you reach those goals.

But to be consistent in doing the hard work to reach that goal it's better to scare the shit out of your self by asking

"what happens to me if I don't do the work?"

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