garrett , to random avatar

Hi! I’m Garrett!

I do stuff w/ (a crowdsourced map of strange experiences)

Into being a , building devices to talk to plants, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ness, discussions, trying to talk to with flashlights, , and the

Trying to write a

yngmar , to random avatar
yngmar , to random avatar

Laptop stand done. Happy with the result.

Far from perfect, there's plugged holes, woodstain blotches, warping and tearout, but it looks good enough, works really well and is a major upgrade from the plastic box.

Made from old sawmill scrap I recut on the table saw.

Great learning experience. There's a splined miter, dowels, lap joints and lots of edge glued planks.

I didn't buy anything to make this. Okay, I bought a piano hinge but didn't use it 😁

Close-up of the articulated leg that supports the tilting surface with the laptop in various settings. Behind, the "hinge" is visible, which consists of a short piece of wood lap-jointed to the same piece as the leg and prevents the table from sliding out forwards by resting against the crossbeam.

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  • Gina , to random avatar
    yngmar , to random avatar

    Don't want to waste any precious hardwood to make a quick & dirty drill guide?

    Just use one of those nasty big knots that aren't good for much else. Because they're plenty hard! :)

    Straight through the knot with the drill press (which is in the garage) and now I can use this knot to make straight holes anywhere with my hand drill. The bottom is flat.

    stina_marie , to horror group avatar


    Here's a quick little you can do that is sure to delight any and all guests!


    rasterweb , to random avatar

    I made another batch of handmade paper… 32 sheets this time. Still needs to dry, and then get pressed. Then I’ll print on it!

    Mactonex , to random avatar

    I painted the chimney breast in my living room and it makes me so happy I keep walking into the kitchen so I can go back into the living room to see it again fresh.

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  • eowyn , to random avatar

    Crocheted a new wristband for my watch to replace the broken one

    Tutorial link plus additional Tunisian crochet explanations because I'm a Tunisian crochet noob

    Same watch with green crocheted band.

    icastico , to VinylRecords group avatar

    Tristan Welch - 40 hours @vinylrecords

    A little known gem from my collection. Recommended

    LilPecan , to random avatar

    This is the most expensive stamp I've ever bought but isn't it lovely? It will take a lot of practice to perfect and will take a long time to stamp out onto a project but I hope it will be worth it for the beauty it will grace upon the leather.
    (Also one of my most complex captions I have ever had to explain.)

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  • yngmar , to random avatar

    @vaviurka made this green bear in three days and he turned out really cute and happy. :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

    llorenzin , to random avatar

    So I ordered a pack of mutant purple cherry tomato seeds ( and am trying to grow from seed this year, for the first time.
    I couldn't really start them til we got back from our road trip, but I germinated them in a paper towel in a plastic bag on top of our fridge, and it worked fabulously well!
    My sister, who is a green thumb, sent me a seed tray with a grow light and patiently answered my zillion questions today - so now they are transplanted and sitting in the warmest spot I could find, by the exhaust vent for our kegerator. 😇
    Hoping they like it there...

    seed tray full of dirt pods with a tiny tomato seed in each pod
    seed tray under an LED light cover

    llorenzin OP , avatar

    Purple cherry tomato update: still growing! 🌱🍅💜

    11 of the 14 transplants came up, and they're starting to outgrow the seed tray... Pulled the lid and stuck them under some bigger grow lights til I get a chance to move them to peat pots this weekend. So exciting!

    same green shoots outgrowing the seed tray - LED light lid propped up to give them more headroom
    same sprouts, now with a bigger grow light set up about 6" above them

    llorenzin OP , avatar

    Purple cherry tomato update: new homes! 🌱🍅💜

    They survived our mini-vacation this week, so today I took them out on the back deck and transplanted them to peat pots that my sister kindly prepared for me. (She's a plant whisperer and sent me training wheels - the seed tray, lights, and these little pots - for this new adventure...)

    In retrospect, I probably should have done this indoors - it's pretty breezy today, and a few of the more leggy seedlings got blown around and are now floppy. 💨😬 I made little mini-trellises out of some wire-ties, to give them a bit of support in the new pots... Hopefully they'll recover now that they're back in a quiet corner under their grow lights.🤞🏻

    My goal is at least four plants for my back deck garden; if more survive, I'm looking forward to sharing them with my sister and other friends!

    transplanting in progress - tray of soil next to a peat pot with a chopstick in it and several seedlings waiting their turn
    blue garden bin holding eleven seedlings in peat pots, under a wire mesh table with grow lights shining down on them
    close-up of seedlings in bin, with several tall leggy seedlings supported by silver wire-ties

    llorenzin OP , avatar

    Purple cherry tomato update: yak shaving! 💜🍅🌿
    Tomato seedlings outgrew the Aerogarden, so I took some to Mom to give to my sister, and I've been taking the rest outside in the morning to harden them off before transplanting into outdoor pots.
    I have these nifty self-watering tomato planters from Gardeners Supply that have an outer pot with a reservoir, interior frame with a grow bag and capillary strip. Absolutely fantastic for hot dry NC summers, we were awash in cherry tomatoes come July & August... But apparently last year I threw away the grow bags (probably because they were super manky after three seasons of tomatoes in them!).
    No big deal, I'll just call and get replacements... Except that they only have two in stock. 🙄
    So I swung by Lowes and picked up a roll of landscaping fabric, and now I get to find out whether my sewing machine can handle nonwoven polypropylene...
    But at least the seedlings are tall and happy, and my improvised chopstick supports are helping them stand up to the morning breezes! 😁

    alice , (edited ) to random avatar

    ⚠️ It's a trap ⚠️ (please boost for reach)

    I was just informed that the Guardian (UK) is prepping to do a story on DIY HRT and is looking to interview trans folk, particularly teens.

    The story will almost certainly be weaponized by conservatives to argue for removing access to the necessary materials.

    Just like with the police, anything you say can and will be used against you by mainstream media.

    Be safe out there fam :heart_trans: :Blobhaj_Hug:

    Update #2: God dammit Guardian US, I retract my kudos to you. This is why we can't have nice things.

    Update #1: I wanted to share this article that was brought to my attention. The US Guardian wrote a piece that really gets to the heart of why I'm sounding a warning, while also helping to frame that this isn't directed at the .com Guardian—they seem to have a healthy viewpoint on how trans people should be treated.

    alx , to random avatar
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  • ton , to random avatar

    Quick as part of my . Long-term resident of Japan originally from Massachusetts.

    This may be mainly travel for now as that is what I am lucky enough to do for the next year. So, food, landscapes, reflections, and maybe music or just weird things that catch my eye.


    Trying to learn:

    Day-to-day wanderings on the web:

    Was Now

    masterdon1312 , to random avatar
    witchescauldron , to random avatar

    The "shouting into the void" of the has become much worse with the influx of the people back to the

    Q. what actually makes this space live?

    witchescauldron OP , avatar

    @BeAware this is more noise than signal if you look at my history https://hamishcampbell,com you can see this.

    "Somebody to run it" not paid to do this (it's community ) so what are you doing that is not individualist noise? Honest question as the is not at its core It's why it's interesting and has value.

    "I am running my own instance" That's fine, but it's not the project, society is based on communertys more than individuals, I understand the power of but the is interesting because it's NOT this :)

    You just have to do a little research and find an instance that matches what you're looking for. this is a lot on this subject if you read down.

    OK feel free to comment on the blog if you like :)

    thevglibrary , to bookstodon group avatar

    What if all workplace cultures were as well-crafted as

    The Engagement Game 📚 shows how organizational culture and leadership can be super-charged by applying the same principles that a applies when creating games.



    temerity , to random avatar

    Peaches, blue corn and black turtle bush beans.

    If my garden is successful this year I very much want to learn how to preserve things I grow. Canned homegrown peaches and dried corn and beans to use next winter sounds wonderful. I want to participate in a form of survivalism that isn't just buying gear and supplies and storing them. I have a small yard in a suburban neighborhood so I have no illusions of becoming completely self sustained but it feels like valuable practice.

    An up close photo of a blue corn sprout. It has 2 leaves with a 3rd forming in the middle and is beaded work morning dew
    An up close photo of a bean seedling. It has 2 heart shaped green leaves and you can see where the speckled black seed bean split in half when it sprouted

    funguy , to random avatar

    Hi 👋 my name is Stuart but you all can call me Stu.

    I am a huge fan of all technology and vintage technology

    I love open source software and apps, I use as my main OS

    I love watching as my favorite

    moira , to random avatar

    huh what d'ya know

    the oven we can't make work because of the dying control panel has the same size door glas

    isn't that handy

    parts oven to the rescue I GUESS

    Duusi , to random avatar

    My partner just walked home with this, he made us a garden shelf for the summer. Entirely from pallets he sources from companies around here. Isn't it great?

    Cost is the screws, a few euros or so.

    Lots of use value renewed for this wood that would otherwise get scrapped.

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