Nonilex , to random avatar

rules govt CANNOT regulate as machine .

Bump stocks modify rifles to fire 800 rounds per minute w/a single trigger pull.

GryphonSK , to random avatar
wdlindsy , to random avatar

"A vote for Trump is a vote for more gun violence. It got lost in the coverage, but Trump promised the NRA that he would repeal all of Biden's gun safety actions. …

Trump promised, 'In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment.'

This is a huge deal with deadly consequences."

~ Dan Pfeiffer

Nonilex , to random avatar

pledges to 'roll back' Democratic President Joe ’s put in place by Democratic President Joe & to fire the chief during a lengthy rally speech to the on Sat, during which he accepted the influential group's .

Nonilex OP , avatar

The address to thousands of members at the group's annual Leadership Forum in Dallas was light on new , but he used the platform to urge supporters to go to the polls in the Nov .

"We've got to get gun owners to vote," said in his wide-ranging speech, which covered everything from his trials to & over >90 mins.

Nonilex OP , avatar

During the speech, repeated a pledge to fire the director of the Bureau of , , & , known as the , on Day One of a potential administration. He accused that agency, which enforces , of being heavy-handed w/ & revoking licenses on frivolous grounds.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

As Philip Bump notes, a majority of Americans support stricter gun laws and the right of women to access abortion. Despite this, a minority of Americans are allowed to block both gun control and the right to abortion through “manifested minority power.” Republican policies are all about enshrining minority control of the majority and locking this control in for as long as possible in the future.

(Gift article via PRRI):

Nonilex , to random avatar

Thurs, the admin announced they are closing what is known as the #"GunShowLoophole," by tightening up the definition of what it means to be "engaged in the business" of selling .

The has just implemented a change in the federal register language, which was previously more specific to who was selling guns, & the agency did it in accordance w/the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, passed in 2022.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The rule now explicitly lists the types of commercial activities that indicate whether a person should become a federally dealer & thus be required to run a background check; prevents people from evading the licensing & requirements by claiming that they are just selling a few , acc/to the WH; & prevents people from falsely claiming that guns are part of a personal collection & exempt a seller from running a background check on a buyer.

Nonilex OP , avatar

By being more specific & precise in the definition, admin ofcls on a call w/reporters said it would require more people to register for a federal selling & run a background check on the person they are selling to.

said in a statement he has spent time w/people who lost loved ones to , & that he is taking action to make sure fewer guns are sold w/o .

Nonilex OP , avatar

"This is going to keep out of the hands of domestic & . And my Administration is going to continue to do everything we possibly can to save lives," he said. " needs to finish the job & pass now.”

The final rule was signed off by AG .

Nonilex OP , avatar

“It will also close the & it closes the fire sale loophole as well by clarifying how dealers who go out of business or lose their must go about liquidating their inventory,” told reporters. “Under this , it will not matter if are sold on the internet, at a gun show or in a brick & mortar store, if you sell guns [you] must conduct .”

Nonilex , to random avatar

, senator & VP nominee, dies at 82

, the doggedly independent 4-term from who was the Democratic nominee for VP in 2000, becoming the first Jewish candidate on the national ticket of a major party, died March 27 in NYC. He was 82.
The cause was complications from a fall, his family said in a statement.

Nonilex OP , avatar

viewed himself as a centrist , solidly in his party’s mainstream w/ his support of , , & . But he was also unafraid to stray from Democratic orthodoxy, most notably in his consistently hawkish stands on .

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

Content warning: I'm mad.

A Trump Whitehouse (or just about any Republican now, really) is a danger to children's, women's, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC's rights and lives.

There's a very real danger of trans people being literally legislated out of existence in the US. It's already happening in some states. Denying access to gender affirming care and HRT is violence against trans people and it comes with a body count.

There's a very real danger of women losing their bodily autonomy. Roe v. Wade was already overturned, and they've repeatedly tried to go after birth control. Forcing women to give birth is violence and comes with a body count. Hell, Alabama is one step short of forcing women to carry Easter eggs to term.

There's a very real danger of more children losing their lives to gun violence. Many Republicans seem to value their freedom to openly carry implements of murder over the lives of our sisters, brothers, and kids. I don't think I even need to say it, but shitty gun control enables violence and comes with a body count.

Update: Fuck Katie Britt and her stupid fear-mongering 😬 face.

I haven't wanted to reach through my phone and punch someone this much in a long time.

She's like weapons-grade bullshit.

  • Oh no, Biden is so old 😬
  • Oh my, there are brown people in my country 😬
  • Oh dear, threats everywhere!

Nonilex , to random avatar
Nonilex , to random avatar

Profound Damage Found in ’s , Possibly From Blasts

A laboratory found a pattern of cell damage that has been seen in exposed to blasts, & said it probably played a role in the gunman’s spiral into .

Nonilex OP , avatar

A specialized laboratory examining the of the gunman who committed ’s deadliest found profound of the kind that has been seen in exposed to repeated blasts from use.

The lab’s findings were included in an autopsy report that was compiled by the Maine chief ME’s office & released by the ’s family.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The , , was a instructor in the . In 2023, after 8 yrs of being exposed to thousands of skull-shaking blasts on the training range, he began hearing & was stalked by . He grew increasingly erratic & in the months before the Oct rampage in , in which he killed 18 people & then himself.

Nonilex OP , avatar

His brain was sent to a Affairs laboratory in Boston that is known for its pioneering work documenting chronic , or , in athletes.

Acc/to the lab’s report, prepared on Feb 26 & updated on Wednesday, the white matter that forms the wiring deep in the had “moderately severe” damage, & in some areas was missing entirely.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The delicate tissue sheaths that insulate each biological circuit lay in “disorganized clumps,” & throughout ’s there was scarring & inflammation suggesting repeated .

This was not , the report said. It was a characteristic pattern of damage that has been found before in who were repeatedly exposed to during their service.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Kevin Necessary's cartoon this week at David Pepper's site is entitled "Frozen Embryo Safety."

Pepper writes,

"So no, fellas, you don’t get to run away from your toxic positions now that Americans are waking up to them.

We see through it all.

We will hold you accountable."

RealJournalism , to random avatar

The legislature, at the behest of the NRA and the politically powerful group Iowa Gun Owners, passed a law banning credit card companies from flagging suspicious gun purchases. So much for the Republican Party being tough on crime. The NRA does not believe in the 2nd Amendment. They believe in the right of criminals to bear arms. Big difference.

GottaLaff , to random avatar

Another day, another…

“At least one person was killed and five others were injured in a at a Waffle House in , , early Monday”

bigheadtales , avatar

The perpetual gun slaughter of Americans is a policy choice.

will continue to choose gun industry profits over American lives as long as the keeps delivering those fat envelopes stuffed with cash.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Peterr on the Kansas City mass shooting:

"The question is not if there will be another shooting like this, but where it will be. I’m not one of those folks who were asking 'how could this happen here?' yesterday. My question is simply 'Who is next?'”


jbf1755 , to random avatar

The New York Times is reporting that two of the three people being detained for the Kansas City shooting are younger than 18 years old.

A mass shooting by teenagers not yet of legal age.


philip_cardella , to random avatar

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  • 18+ RealJournalism , avatar

    @philip_cardella The NRA owns this.

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