wdlindsy , (edited ) to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

I love the headline of Kate Riga's report on Clarence Thomas' lone dissent in the Supreme Court ruling curbing the "right" of a proven domestic abuser to carry arms:

"Only Clarence Thomas Would Let Domestic Abusers Keep Their Guns In New Ruling"

#ClarenceThomas #SupremeCourt #DomesticAbuse #guns #GunControl #women #violence


Ponygirl ,
@Ponygirl@mastodon.social avatar

@wdlindsy Considering who his wife is...

mhanson101 ,
@mhanson101@union.place avatar

@wdlindsy it's a pretty pathetic indictment of the institution in general that in order for them to behave even remotely ethical and as a democratic institution, constant vigilance and reprimand by journalists and their peers is required, and even then it's still optional.

Court expansion is the only cure and it should be made very clear it is being done to counter the lack of ethics of the current court so that it can be remembered clearly in history.

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

3 people were killed & 10 wounded in a at a grocery store in , AR Fri.

Of the 10 wounded, 2 were police officers. The shooter, identified as 44-yr-old , was also wounded & taken into custody.

Posey, a resident of New Edinburg, is expected to be charged w/3 counts of , w/additional charges pending, acc/to an State Police news release.


jonberger ,
@jonberger@sfba.social avatar

@Nonilex Gosh, if only there'd been a good guy with a gun there.

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

sought to quickly reinstate a ban on after a ruling.

“What today’s bill does is return things to the status quo set by Trump, saying bump stocks are dangerous & should be prohibited,” Sen ChuckSchumer…said Tues. “ …supported ’s ban on bump stocks back then, so they should support this bill today.”

They didn’t.


CoachMark ,
@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@Nonilex our govt is broken. It doesn't represent the people anymore. Nope.

Only special interests and political party ideologies.

PJ_Evans ,
@PJ_Evans@mastodon.social avatar

Why did he expect the party of "You Can't Make Me" to agree?

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Sen & fmr Rep on Their Journey: ' to Start a Is Under '

In an exclusive essay for PEOPLE, the married lawmakers share how a stole their dreams of having a child together — & why they fear politicians will do the same to other


Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Sen & : “Our lives changed forever on Jan 8th, 2011, when a gunman opened fire at a ‘Congress on Your Corner’ event in Tucson. 6 lives were lost, many more were injured, & Gabby was shot in the head. Of everything that changed that day — …halting our careers, the …long, difficult road to recovery — we also lost something we wanted very much: the opportunity to have a child together.

Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

“The happened on a Sat morning. 2 days later, we were supposed to have an appointment at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, where Gabby had been receiving treatments, to have our implanted to try to begin a . Like a lot of folks, we got married a little later in our lives. …We wanted to grow our family together & were fortunate enough to be able to pursue the only option for us: in vitro fertilization, or . Gabby never made it to that appointment.

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Of the 9 victims of Sat’s at Brooklands Plaza , 2 survivors were released from hospital, a 37-yr-old woman & 77-yr-old man, while the 7 others remain in hospital. 2 remain in critical condition, including an 8-yr-old boy who was shot in the head, though he appears to be making amazing progress.


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@fedi.truth-sandwich.com avatar


I don't understand the math. Presumably, he started with a full magazine. Used it up, reloaded with a new one. Used that up, reloaded again.

That's three magazines, sure, but the last one is still in the gun unless he ejected it for the sake of ejecting it, which seems strange.

Then again, I'm not a mass murderer, so I might be missing something here.

It would also be nice to now the sizes of the magazines, as they vary widely. But the term "bullet magazine" is not a thing, so...

ChrisHolladay ,
@ChrisHolladay@mastodon.social avatar

Another ovation for NRA gun rights 🫤

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

rules govt CANNOT regulate as machine .

Bump stocks modify rifles to fire 800 rounds per minute w/a single trigger pull.

Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

The court's ruling unwinds one of the few actions the federal government has taken in recent years to combat , as Republican opposition in Congress has made comprehensive restrictions highly unlikely. The case did NOT involve the , but was one of several before the justices this term involving .

Justice ’s majority opinion:

Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

turned on whether meet the definition of a under a 1986 . Fed appeals courts were divided in 5 earlier decisions, before .
Cargill’s case did not directly involve the , but was a test of the reach of a to enact & interpret — a major crusade w/the current .

precedent says courts should DEFER to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes if reasonable.

Albatross , to random
@Albatross@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

In 2001 a fool tried to blow up a jet with a shoe bomb so we've had to take off our shoes at the airport for the last 23 years. In 2006 morons tried to blow up a jet with liquids, so for 18 years we can't bring liquids onto a plane.

But in 2017 a lunatic murdered 60 people in Las Vegas, and that got the bump-stock firearm he used banned for seven whole years until yesterday.

randahl ,
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

@Albatross Denmark's last school shooting was in 1994. The death count was 2, because the only weapon the disturbed gunman could get his hands on, was a traditional shotgun for duck hunting.

Yes, Denmark has strict gun laws.

GryphonSK , to random
@GryphonSK@techhub.social avatar
wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"A vote for Trump is a vote for more gun violence. It got lost in the coverage, but Trump promised the NRA that he would repeal all of Biden's gun safety actions. …

Trump promised, 'In my second term, we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment.'

This is a huge deal with deadly consequences."

~ Dan Pfeiffer


wdlindsy OP ,
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

@Extra_Special_Carbon I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you please help me understand?

Extra_Special_Carbon ,
@Extra_Special_Carbon@mastodon.world avatar

@wdlindsy Gov. Abbott recently pardoned a man who very clearly murdered a protester in cold blood. If Trump wins, shooting protesters will be legalized sport.

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Thurs, the admin announced they are closing what is known as the #"GunShowLoophole," by tightening up the definition of what it means to be "engaged in the business" of selling .

The has just implemented a change in the federal register language, which was previously more specific to who was selling guns, & the agency did it in accordance w/the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, passed in 2022.


Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

"This is going to keep out of the hands of domestic & . And my Administration is going to continue to do everything we possibly can to save lives," he said. " needs to finish the job & pass now.”

The final rule was signed off by AG .

Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

“It will also close the & it closes the fire sale loophole as well by clarifying how dealers who go out of business or lose their must go about liquidating their inventory,” told reporters. “Under this , it will not matter if are sold on the internet, at a gun show or in a brick & mortar store, if you sell guns [you] must conduct .”

alice , (edited ) to random
@alice@lgbtqia.space avatar

Content warning: I'm mad.

A Trump Whitehouse (or just about any Republican now, really) is a danger to children's, women's, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC's rights and lives.

There's a very real danger of trans people being literally legislated out of existence in the US. It's already happening in some states. Denying access to gender affirming care and HRT is violence against trans people and it comes with a body count.

There's a very real danger of women losing their bodily autonomy. Roe v. Wade was already overturned, and they've repeatedly tried to go after birth control. Forcing women to give birth is violence and comes with a body count. Hell, Alabama is one step short of forcing women to carry Easter eggs to term.

There's a very real danger of more children losing their lives to gun violence. Many Republicans seem to value their freedom to openly carry implements of murder over the lives of our sisters, brothers, and kids. I don't think I even need to say it, but shitty gun control enables violence and comes with a body count.

Update: Fuck Katie Britt and her stupid fear-mongering 😬 face.

I haven't wanted to reach through my phone and punch someone this much in a long time.

She's like weapons-grade bullshit.

  • Oh no, Biden is so old 😬
  • Oh my, there are brown people in my country 😬
  • Oh dear, threats everywhere!

jamusb ,
@jamusb@mastodon.sdf.org avatar
MissConstrue ,
@MissConstrue@mefi.social avatar

@alice it’s insane to me that I’m seriously looking for a house in an area where I will never be warm (because hothouse flower), and selling a home I’ve spent decades turning into a wildlife sanctuary, so that my trans daughter can be safe and get medical care and not be worried about heavily armed rednecks killing her.
And the Supremes have me real worried that even if we do manage to financially manage a move at this age, in this market, they’ll strip the rights from the entire country. We’re two cases away from them removing gay marriage and gay rights.
It’s madness to me that a tiny minority of christofacists have gotten control of an entire whole ass country.

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar
Nonilex OP ,
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Prosecutors & the defense atty for , father of the shooter, , painted conflicting views during his Thurs, w/one side saying he was the one adult who could've prevented his son's rampage, while his atty disagreed.

, 47, is being tried in Oakland County Circuit Court on 4 counts of for the deaths of 4 his son shot in 2021 - , 14; , 17; , 16; & , 17.

Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Profound Damage Found in ’s , Possibly From Blasts

A laboratory found a pattern of cell damage that has been seen in exposed to blasts, & said it probably played a role in the gunman’s spiral into .


noyes ,
@noyes@mastodon.online avatar


SARS-CoV-2 loves damaged tissue. I'm sure they didn't test his brain for persistence of infection, but if he ever had Covid--a near certainty--it was there, silently doing its thing.

Second paragraph of the introduction goes a long way towards explaining why. Without diving into the mechanics, so many of the factors associated with escalated pathogenicity are present in TBI tissue.



NilaJones ,
@NilaJones@zeroes.ca avatar


That's a horrible tragedy

And I am thinking of all the people, especially global majority people, who never get diagnosis or treatment for this kind of brain damage, and instead get punished

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Kevin Necessary's cartoon this week at David Pepper's site is entitled "Frozen Embryo Safety."

Pepper writes,

"So no, fellas, you don’t get to run away from your toxic positions now that Americans are waking up to them.

We see through it all.

We will hold you accountable."


RealJournalism , to random
@RealJournalism@mastodon.social avatar

The legislature, at the behest of the NRA and the politically powerful group Iowa Gun Owners, passed a law banning credit card companies from flagging suspicious gun purchases. So much for the Republican Party being tough on crime. The NRA does not believe in the 2nd Amendment. They believe in the right of criminals to bear arms. Big difference. https://littlevillagemag.com/iowa-house-approves-bill-to-prevent-tracking-of-suspicious-gun-purchases-on-party-line-vote/

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