randahl , to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

UK elections are on Thursday, and in a few months, Nigel Farage has raised his Reform party from 6 to now 17 percent.

Yep… that Farage, who promised UK voters a land of milk and honey, if they voted for his Brexit. And now that Brexit has proven to be a ticket to economic disaster and endless bureaucracy, Farage is telling the Brits, that its all the immigrants’ fault.

17 percent have fallen for this conman.

It is a mystery, how humans could ever become the dominant species on this planet.

marcusjenkins , (edited )
@marcusjenkins@mastodon.social avatar

@randahl Right wing has governed for ~ 38 of the last 50 years, cutting education spending at every opportunity & selling off school grounds to property #grifters.

In other news, the majority of Britons prefer to read the tabloid press that only recently stopped printing full page photos of half-naked young women on page 3.

Couple this with weaponised Facebook ads and we have the return of fascism.

#nigelfarage #nigelfartage #ReformUK #fascism #racist #GeneralElection

MikeDunnAuthor , to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today In Labor History June 29, 1936: Jesus Pallares, founder of the 8,000-member coal miners’ union, La Liga Obrera de Habla Espanola, was deported from the U.S. as an "undesirable alien." During the 1934 La Liga strike against the Gallup American Copper Company, in New Mexico, the governor declared martial law & used the National Guard to close off the town for 5 months. White supremacists and proto-fascist groups led the fight to halt economic relief to the striking Mexican miners. When a union organizer was arrested for leading an anti-eviction action, someone shot at the courthouse, killing the sheriff. This led to the arrest and deportation of 100 Mexican miners.

radiofreearabia , to palestine group
@radiofreearabia@mastodon.social avatar
mastodonmigration , to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Ok, Biden had a bad debate, but let's talk about a much much bigger problem.

The media seems to have decided that it is ok to be a shameless, obvious and deliberate liar in order to win a debate.

This is the same thing as referees determining that obvious, deliberate cheating is ok to win a game.

Sporting contests don't work if the refs permit cheating, and democratic politics doesn't work if the media permits rank dishonesty.

The media is failing our democracy.

BlueDot ,
@BlueDot@left-tusk.com avatar


Fascists aren't here to debate. They aren't trying to explain what they stand for. They aren't trying to compete in the marketplace of ideas.

They are here to take power and exert totalitarian control. They do it with propaganda, and with violence.

CNN definitely made this debate worse, but it was a fundamental mistake to agree to a debate with a at all.

@BruceMirken @drahardja @Tharpa @punishmenthurts @havvyhh2 @Chris_MS @stargazersmith

Susan_Larson_TN , to random
@Susan_Larson_TN@mastodon.online avatar
Nonilex , to random
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

To be abundantly clear, I am voting for President Joe Biden. He is the only choice. Crap night be damned.


oldguycrusty ,
@oldguycrusty@mastodon.world avatar
DarleneRyan , to random
@DarleneRyan@mastodon.social avatar

With on the march in , anything is possible..

bibliolater , to histodons group
@bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

Olmsted, The Newspaper Axis: Six Press Barons Who Enabled Hitler

Kathryn Olmsted’s work provides a timely and incisive analysis of four American and two British press lords, united in their isolationism, appeasement towards fascism, and proclivity to use their media apparatus and larger-than-life personalities to forcefully promote their politics.


@histodon @histodons @journalism @bookstodon

junesim63 , to random
@junesim63@mstdn.social avatar

"BrewDog has a history of treating their workers with contempt, but to sack a worker of colour for objecting to members of a fascist organisation meeting in their workplace is a new low for this company"
Bryan Simpson, Lead Organiser at Unite Hospitality.

Asian BrewDog Worker Sacked After Raising Concerns About EDL Presence

randahl , (edited ) to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

All over the world, voters should beware, that whenever politicians talk about immigrants, it is because they have no solutions to the problems that matter most.

Healthcare crisis in the UK? Talk about immigrants.

Children getting shot because of idiotic gun laws in the US? Talk about immigrants.

"Look over there! Someone is coming to eat your cake!", is the oldest trick in the book, and politicians use it for the sole purpose of moving attention away from their own political incompetence.

NatureMC ,
@NatureMC@mastodon.online avatar

@randahl The same in whole Europe (the EU-Elections results) and live on Sunday in France at the ...

But it's not only the politicians. It is the democracy-destroying mass of the big platforms that works perfectly because nobody is doing anything about it effectively and too many people voluntarily expose themselves to it. The fire of and is lit by Musk and Zuckerberg, and Putin & Co.
It's us to vote for + human rights!

dion , to random
@dion@mastodon.cloud avatar

June 24, 2024
112 days ago, on March 04, 2024, SCOTUS ruled that States cannot remove Trump from the ballot under the 14th amendment.
134 days until 2024 election.

MikeDunnAuthor , to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today in Labor History June 24, 1943: Otto Rühle (1874-1943), German Left communist of the Spartacist League, died in Mexico. Early in his life, Rühle trained and worked a school teacher. He created a socialist Sunday school and criticized traditional school in "Work and Education" (1904), "The Enlightenment of Children About Sexual Matters", (1907), and, "The Proletarian Child" (1911). In 1912, he was elected to the Reichstag as a Social Democrat.
However, he is much more well known for his role as a leader of the Council Communist movement, along with Anton Pannekoek. They opposed the state communism of the Soviet Union and advocated for Workers Councils and Council Democracy. Lenin attacked them in his pamphlet, “Left-wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder.” Rühle was also a comrade of Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg and Franz Mehring and very active in the German Revolution. He opposed both World Wars and fascism.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #autoruhle #lenin #germany #revolution #rosaluxemburg #fascism #antifascism #socialism #communism #councilcommunism #soviet #leninism #spartacist #mexico #antonpannekoek #antiauthoritarian

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  • BPStuart , to random
    @BPStuart@mstdn.social avatar

    Hey, Republicans!
    Your party’s standard-bearer is a fraudster, a marital infidel, a rapist, a domestic terrorist, a traitor to the U.S., and an insurrectionist.

    Your party’s standard-bearer is Donald J. Trump.
    Trump is filth; Trump is trash.

    antipode77 , to bookstodon group
    @antipode77@mastodon.nl avatar


    Karl Polanyi
    The Great Transformation


    ... in the 1930s, wealthy Germans who saw the Nazi party as a “battering ram” against trade unions and socialists were persuaded to overlook Hitler’s antisemitism because it allowed the market system to flourish."

    ... a lot of German elites said to themselves: we’re quite happy funding Hitler because his street fighters will help crush the trade unions, so that we can make more profits.”

    dion , to random
    @dion@mastodon.cloud avatar

    June 23, 2024
    304 days ago, on August 24, 2023, Donald Trump was arrested in Georgia for election interference.
    135 days until 2024 election.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    This is the new on a global level.

    Fascism is spreading and their victims are Palestinians.

    @palestine @israel

    GeriatricGardener ,
    @GeriatricGardener@kolektiva.social avatar

    @faab64 @palestine @israel

    An indicator, if any is needed, of the toxic influence that the is able to exert over not just governments but grassroots and civil society organisations internationally!

    Money talks and these organisations justifiably fear that, if they show any support for Palestinians, their funding will be cut off! It’s incredibly pernicious and, when (hopefully) the future equivalent of the Nuremberg trials are held, imo the influence of the Lobby in enabling the genocide must be investigated and its leaders brought to trial!

    dion , to random
    @dion@mastodon.cloud avatar

    June 20, 2024
    580 days ago, on November 18, 2022, special counsel Jack Smith was appointed by AG Garland.
    138 days until 2024 election.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

    San Francisco’s giant Pink Triangle is installed atop Twin Peaks prior to each Pride weekend since 1996. The triangle is nearly 200 feet across and visible for up to 20 miles. The Pink Triangle, used by the Nazis to identify LGBTQ prisoners in the concentration camps, has since been embraced by the LGBTQ community as a symbol of pride. But we shouldn't forget its tragic origins. The Third Reich demonstrated how easily a government could turn its people against each other, how facilely it could criminalize, imprison, torture and murder people based on their identities, a trend we’re seeing played out in many parts of the U.S. and other parts of the world, with rises in hate crimes, violence and murder. LGBTQ people in many parts of the world continue to live in fear for their safety. As long as bigotry and hatred persist anywhere, we are all at risk. As long as anyone is not free, none of us is truly free.

    Have fun at Pride events. But please also keep an eye out for danger, for yourselves, and for those around you. Fascists, transphobes, homophobes and other assholes may be looking for targets.

    #pride #PinkTriangle #nazis #fascism #homophobia #transphobia #SanFrancisco #lgbtq #HumanRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #solidarity

    faab64 , to palestine group


    Are you convince now?

    @palestine @israel

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random
    @MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

    Today in Labor History June 19, 1903: Benito Mussolini, at the time a radical Socialist, was arrested by Bern police for advocating a violent general strike. As strange as it may seem, in light of his rise to become one of the most powerful and violent fascist leaders in the world, Mussolini came from a radical leftist background. In his youth, he idealized figures like Bakunin and Garibaldi. His father, who was a socialist, named him Benito, after Mexico’s liberal leader Benito Juarez. His two middle names, Andrea and Amilcare, were named after Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani.

    #workingclass #LaborHistory #fascism #anarchism #mussolini #bakunin #GeneralStrike #socialism #prison

    faab64 , to random

    ###. You were supposed to learn about the filtered version of the history, not the real one, not about the real bad guys not that Soviet army sacrificed 27 millions to defeat the Nazis for the US and UK to take credit for it.

    When you prevent the children to learn the real history, when you prevent them from critical thinking, when you teach them that 6 million Jews were much much much more important than 27 million Soviets.

    When you don't let them know that NATO was built by the former Nazis and so did the CIA and MIT not to forget almost all the financial institutions that built the western capitalism.

    They have been supporting fascists and monsters all throughout history, the only different is that it's no longer just a few of us who are pointing it out but millions seeing it uncensored and live.

    Suharto, Pinochet, Ferdinand Marcos, Ziaolhaqh, Somoza and sooo many other monsters with backing and support of the western leaders were all we saw, we fought and exposed. But the kids today starting to see the real news. From alternative media, from social networks. From eyewitness reports to understand the lies and propaganda of the west, the main stream media and sold out politicians.

    I sure hope that this is the wake up call the world needs to end the 80 years of lies we have been fed to.

    But I'm not that optimistic. And hope so badly that I'm wrong.

    BPStuart , to random
    @BPStuart@mstdn.social avatar

    As a child, I used to wonder how it was possible for any nation to have so many ignorant, hateful, fearful, selfish people that pig shit like Adolf Hitler could rise to power. As an adult, I read more and wondered less. Now, I don’t wonder at all. I’ve witnessed it. And I continue to witness it. As do we all.

    politicscurator , to histodons group
    @politicscurator@kolektiva.social avatar

    Gaetano Salvemini smuggled a copy of the court transcripts of Matteotti's trial out of Italy:

    "Per conto mio, già nell'agosto del 1925, avevo trafugato fuori d'Italia una copia della requisitoria del Pubblico Ministero Santoro nella inchiesta senatoriale sulle accuse mosse da Giuseppe Do- nati contro il direttore generale della pubblica sicurezza, generale De Bono. Dopo averli utilizzati affidai quei docu- menti alla biblioteca della School of Economics di Londra, nel dicembre 1926"

    The day after there was an unsuccessful attempt to steal the transcripts, but they were kept in the Library's safe.

    Very excited that we are now going to be digitising these transcripts and putting them freely available online, 100 years after Matteotti's murder. Hopefully they will be available by end of June this year. Attached is a photograph of them in situ.

    #italia #italy #italiano #socialismo #fascismo #fascism #socialism #Mussolini #archives #libraries #Matteotti #Salvemini @histodons @archivistodon

    politicscurator OP ,
    @politicscurator@kolektiva.social avatar

    @histodons @archivistodon we've digitised the first section of Matteotti papers, which are now freely available online here: https://lse-atom.arkivum.net/uklse-dl1lw01

    #italia #italy #italiano #socialismo #fascismo #fascism #socialism #Mussolini #archives #libraries #Matteotti #Salvemini @histodons @archivistodon

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