faab64 , to palestine group

This is the new #McCarthyism on a global level.

Fascism is spreading and their victims are Palestinians.

@palestine @israel #feminism #Fascism #Palestine #Gaza #IWMF

GeriatricGardener ,
@GeriatricGardener@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

An indicator, if any is needed, of the toxic influence that the #ZionistLobby is able to exert over not just governments but grassroots and civil society organisations internationally!

Money talks and these organisations justifiably fear that, if they show any support for Palestinians, their funding will be cut off! It’s incredibly pernicious and, when (hopefully) the future equivalent of the Nuremberg trials are held, imo the influence of the Lobby in enabling the genocide must be investigated and its leaders brought to trial!

#NeverAgain #IsraelLobby #Fascism #Genocide #Israel

dion , to random
@dion@mastodon.cloud avatar

June 20, 2024
580 days ago, on November 18, 2022, special counsel Jack Smith was appointed by AG Garland.
138 days until 2024 election.

MikeDunnAuthor , to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

San Francisco’s giant Pink Triangle is installed atop Twin Peaks prior to each Pride weekend since 1996. The triangle is nearly 200 feet across and visible for up to 20 miles. The Pink Triangle, used by the Nazis to identify LGBTQ prisoners in the concentration camps, has since been embraced by the LGBTQ community as a symbol of pride. But we shouldn't forget its tragic origins. The Third Reich demonstrated how easily a government could turn its people against each other, how facilely it could criminalize, imprison, torture and murder people based on their identities, a trend we’re seeing played out in many parts of the U.S. and other parts of the world, with rises in hate crimes, violence and murder. LGBTQ people in many parts of the world continue to live in fear for their safety. As long as bigotry and hatred persist anywhere, we are all at risk. As long as anyone is not free, none of us is truly free.

Have fun at Pride events. But please also keep an eye out for danger, for yourselves, and for those around you. Fascists, transphobes, homophobes and other assholes may be looking for targets.

faab64 , to palestine group


Are you convince now?

@palestine @israel

MikeDunnAuthor , to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today in Labor History June 19, 1903: Benito Mussolini, at the time a radical Socialist, was arrested by Bern police for advocating a violent general strike. As strange as it may seem, in light of his rise to become one of the most powerful and violent fascist leaders in the world, Mussolini came from a radical leftist background. In his youth, he idealized figures like Bakunin and Garibaldi. His father, who was a socialist, named him Benito, after Mexico’s liberal leader Benito Juarez. His two middle names, Andrea and Amilcare, were named after Italian socialists Andrea Costa and Amilcare Cipriani.

faab64 , to random

###. You were supposed to learn about the filtered version of the history, not the real one, not about the real bad guys not that Soviet army sacrificed 27 millions to defeat the Nazis for the US and UK to take credit for it.

When you prevent the children to learn the real history, when you prevent them from critical thinking, when you teach them that 6 million Jews were much much much more important than 27 million Soviets.

When you don't let them know that NATO was built by the former Nazis and so did the CIA and MIT not to forget almost all the financial institutions that built the western capitalism.

They have been supporting fascists and monsters all throughout history, the only different is that it's no longer just a few of us who are pointing it out but millions seeing it uncensored and live.

Suharto, Pinochet, Ferdinand Marcos, Ziaolhaqh, Somoza and sooo many other monsters with backing and support of the western leaders were all we saw, we fought and exposed. But the kids today starting to see the real news. From alternative media, from social networks. From eyewitness reports to understand the lies and propaganda of the west, the main stream media and sold out politicians.

I sure hope that this is the wake up call the world needs to end the 80 years of lies we have been fed to.

But I'm not that optimistic. And hope so badly that I'm wrong.

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Via Kyle Griffin:

FLAG: Steve , weeks before he goes to prison, says a 2nd Trump term will target Biden officials: "We're coming after Lisa Monaco, Merrick Garland, the sr members of DOJ that have prosecuted Pres Trump. Jack Smith. This is not about vengeance … it's not about retribution. This is about saving this republic."

"We're going to use the Constitution and the rule of law to go after you and hold you accountable. Nov. 5 is judgment day. Jan. 20, 2025 is accountability day."

kristen_d ,
@kristen_d@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff Well gee - maybe if they'd just put the fucking piece of shit in jail, and stop being cowards afraid of being accused of partisanship, maybe we might be further along in the fight against YA THINK? 🤬

mckra1g , to random
@mckra1g@mastodon.social avatar

“Bullets designed for an INNER CITY or COURTHOUSE. A perfectly chilling encapsulation of the general theme emerging from the National Rifle Association’s ‘14 acres of guns & gear.’”

The ammosexuals who are frothing at the mouth in anticipation of a Trump presidency are preparing for literal war.


faab64 , (edited ) to palestine group

Why there are no reporters in Europe like him any more?

They all have turned into cowards at best or genocide supporters at worst. The disgusting dirty and disgusting atmosphere created by Israeli supporters and right wing media owners not to forget the sold out politicians and indifferent public (on top of racism and islamophobia) have created a vaccume of strong, knowledgeable and brave reporters who are not afraid of telling the truth.

With Robert Fisk gone, The independent have also turned into a echo chamber of pro Israeli voices. German and Swedish media are not even worth reading any more and I get better news from Israeli media criticizing the fascist regime of Netanyahu than any of the so called progressives and liberals in those countries.

As Ahmad Shamloo the great Iranian poet said more than half a century ago : "strange time we live in my dear; they smell your mouth to make sure you haven't said 'I love you'".
روزگار غریبیست، نازنین
دهانت را میبویند
@palestine @israel

JoshuaHolland , to random
@JoshuaHolland@mastodon.social avatar
other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Hearing Judith Butler speak on the phantasm of contemporary right wing anti-gender discourse last night was so illuminating. I loved the idea of the phantasm: an assemblage of contradictory beliefs and impulses that nevertheless cohere in the mind of the believer, and thereby motivate political action (e.g., is "gender ideology" total reckless freedom or is it totalitarianism that seeks to dictate your relationships and identities? Is it a contagion or a colonial imposition? Etc., etc.).

This is what always bugs me about smug liberal discourse about the right. So many are content to merely point out a logical fallacy or inconsistency, or take a perverse delight in pouncing on instances of hypocrisy. But contradiction is not just accepted in these discourses: it is the point. Right wing discourse is not seductive because it makes sense, it is seductive because it relieves the adherent of the need to make sense. It provides convenient scapegoats to externalize complex insecurities.

Butler responded to a provocative TERFy audience question not by deflating the questioner's ego or pointing out some superficial contradiction in their framing (which certainly Butler is more than sharp enough to do). Despite the fact that these sorts of disingenuous questions have absolutely hounded Butler for decades, they instead patiently but efficiently identified the fears that were motivating the question, and suggested a reframing of the problem. This is how you talk about the fallacies of right wing discourse.

The other strong point that I took away from the talk is that any Left discourse that treats gender as a secondary concern is ill-equipped to confront contemporary fascism, as anti-gender ideology is actually quite central to the discourse of these movements, and is one of their most effective rallying cries. It needs to be understood and taken seriously by anyone who considers themself anti-fascist.

Anyway, their new book is "Who's Afraid of Gender?," and it is targeted at a general audience. I look forward to checking it out.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

As Albena Azmanova states, the recent EU elections show young voters turning right, to authoritarian solutions to problems. The puzzle is, why turn right when it seems to be the left that offers the solutions young people have claimed to want?

To me — Azmanova doesn't say this — the answer is clear and ominous: authoritarianism is luring young people who have not informed themselves about the horrors it has brought in the past.



wdlindsy OP ,
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

“'I want to change things with my vote – I want the AfD to shape that.'

That would include, for many of the party’s young supporters, explicit backing of 'remigration' of Germans with immigrant roots who 'fail to integrate.'"

The person saying this is 16-year-old Paul Friederich, who proudly voted for the hard-right AfD. Deborah Cole's article shows the inroads right-wing disinformation about crime and immigrants are making among young voters.



rameshgupta ,
@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


>> “'I want to change things with my vote – I want the to shape that.' That would include, for many of the party’s young supporters, explicit backing of 'remigration' of with roots who 'fail to integrate.'"

in 2024 will either push us into the abyss of or pull us back from the brink.

This is the burden OUR generation has put on the , in conformance with == 3 generations ➡️ https://mastodon.social/@rameshgupta/111481740199618694

@victorshi @davidho

MikeDunnAuthor , to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Today in Labor History June 13, 1889: Amadeo Bordiga was born (d1970). Proponent of Council Communism and the Italian Communist Left, as well as a founder of the Italian Communist Party. He was a major influence on the 20th century Ultra Left. He called Stalin "the gravedigger of the revolution." Bordiga was imprisoned twice by Mussolini. Lenin criticized him in his screed, "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder (1920).

mondoweiss , to palestine group
@mondoweiss@social.mondoweiss.net avatar

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide.


@palestine @israel

roblosricos ,
@roblosricos@mastodon.social avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel

the US isn't going fascists - it's been there for a while.

faab64 , to palestine group

The Israeli far-right government has circumvented Israeli laws to facilitate the closure and ban of any journalistic institution that exposes the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation army in Gaza. Extremist ministers are also pushing for the expansion of this law to include the occupied West Bank.

Do not expect anything other than possibly some empty words from the "world leaders" against these outrageous fascist rules in the "only democracy in the middle east".

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

WTF story of the day: $University in has dismissed Professor Anne d’Aquino for assigning her students to explore the impact of "genocide in Gaza" on human health.

The University administration cited "objections from some students" who felt that introducing politics into a science class was inappropriate and considered the material "outside the scope" of the course.

D’Aquino has appealed her dismissal, contending that the assignment was relevant, especially considering concerns raised by scientists about the spread of infectious diseases in Gaza.

@palestine @israel

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"A Europe that just celebrated on the beaches of Normandy the 80-year-old D-day beginning of its liberation from war, nationalism and fascism now again faces fascism, nationalism and war.

Please don’t be reassured by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen’s complacent statement that 'the centre is holding'….

~ Timothy Ash



wdlindsy OP ,
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"There’s still a large majority of Europeans who don’t want to lose the best Europe we’ve ever had. But they need to be mobilised, galvanised, persuaded that the Union really does face existential threats….

What we need is a combination of national governments and European institutions that between them deliver the housing young people currently cannot afford, the jobs, the life chances, the security, the green transition, the support for Ukraine."


PaulaToThePeople , to random
@PaulaToThePeople@climatejustice.social avatar

Whenever the fascists win an election, you'll hear all kinds of ableism from the left.
Like clockwork.

debdiscourse , to random
@debdiscourse@mastodon.social avatar
parismarx , to random
@parismarx@mastodon.online avatar

Germany’s AfD is so extreme it was kicked out of the far-right grouping in the European Parliament last month, but Elon Musk thinks their policies “don’t sound extremist.” That’s because he’s also a fascist.

NotMyBub ,
@NotMyBub@beekeeping.ninja avatar

@parismarx We are at the ;


stage of early

philip_cardella , to random
@philip_cardella@historians.social avatar

Folks. Europe just returned to the 1930s when fascism took over multiple countries.

I don't mean just the Nazis and Mussolini's fascists. It happened in France and the Netherlands too.

This is terrifying.

We're not at 1938 or 1939 yet but we're headed there.

Imagine if one of the MANY American in the 1930s had gained the White House in the United States in 1936.

FDR was hardly perfect. But he did stand up to .

Will you?


politicscurator , to histodons group
@politicscurator@kolektiva.social avatar

Gaetano Salvemini smuggled a copy of the court transcripts of Matteotti's trial out of Italy:

"Per conto mio, già nell'agosto del 1925, avevo trafugato fuori d'Italia una copia della requisitoria del Pubblico Ministero Santoro nella inchiesta senatoriale sulle accuse mosse da Giuseppe Do- nati contro il direttore generale della pubblica sicurezza, generale De Bono. Dopo averli utilizzati affidai quei docu- menti alla biblioteca della School of Economics di Londra, nel dicembre 1926"

The day after there was an unsuccessful attempt to steal the transcripts, but they were kept in the Library's safe.

Very excited that we are now going to be digitising these transcripts and putting them freely available online, 100 years after Matteotti's murder. Hopefully they will be available by end of June this year. Attached is a photograph of them in situ.

#italia #italy #italiano #socialismo #fascismo #fascism #socialism #Mussolini #archives #libraries #Matteotti #Salvemini @histodons @archivistodon

politicscurator OP ,
@politicscurator@kolektiva.social avatar

@histodons @archivistodon we've digitised the first section of Matteotti papers, which are now freely available online here: https://lse-atom.arkivum.net/uklse-dl1lw01

#italia #italy #italiano #socialismo #fascismo #fascism #socialism #Mussolini #archives #libraries #Matteotti #Salvemini @histodons @archivistodon

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