Nonilex , to random avatar

The admin on Wed announced cost savings on 64 additional under a new program.
Under the 2022 , drug companies that raise prices of certain meds faster than the rate of are required to pay a rebate to Medicare. Federal ofcls then perform adjustments to lower the cost of the drugs that qualify.
Biden ofcls say that >750k people covered by Medicare use the 64 drugs; the drugs treat conditions such as & .

wdlindsy , (edited ) to random avatar

"Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) was the White House physician known for running a pill mill out of his office, doling out amphetamines like Adderall and Provigil. So it’s entirely predictable, using our 'every accusation is a confession' rule, that Jackson would be the principal source of a baseless accusation against Biden."

~ Jay Kuo


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"There is also a layer of irony (and perhaps projection) for Jackson when it comes to alleging drug abuse. A 2021 inspector general report found him to have engaged in serious misconduct, including unethical medical conduct, during his years as White House physician under Presidents Obama and Trump."

~ Joe Perticone


wdlindsy OP , avatar

"Jackson often consumed alcohol with prescription sleeping medication while on the job, overprescribed medications,1 and made drunken advances on female subordinates. The allegations torpedoed Jackson’s 2018 nomination to serve as secretary of Veterans Affairs—he withdrew from consideration after lawmakers started investigating the claims that were later documented in the report—and resulted in Jackson’s demotion by the U.S. Navy from rear admiral to captain."

#RonnyJackson #drugs #debate

MikeDunnAuthor , (edited ) to random avatar
appassionato , to random avatar

Meth-addict fish, aggro starlings, caffeinated minnows

A recent study that measured 61 different drugs from 104 countries from rivers in 1,052 locations found 43.5% of the sites had traces of at least one drug that were above safe levels for ecological health.

Nonilex , to random avatar

's governor on Fri signed a bill making his state the 1st in the to classify
2 as , a category that regulators typically reserve for that may be abused or cause .

Gov posted on social media that he had signed the bill 1 day after the Republican-controlled state legislature sent it.

GottaLaff , to random avatar

The Myth of Drug Expiration Dates

Hospitals and pharmacies are required to toss expired drugs, no matter how expensive or vital. Meanwhile the FDA has long known that many remain safe and potent for years longer.

SirBoostALot , avatar

@GottaLaff This sort of thing is exactly what fuels pharmaceutical conspiracy theories, for example those surrounding vaccinations. Many people already view "big pharma" as just a bunch of money grubbing thieves that try to extract as much profit as they can from people's miseries. And we know that their representatives try to induce doctors to prescribe even arguably dangerous medications (Qxycontin being the poster child for their bad behavior). And we know that the goivernment is often at least partially complicit; in part because of yielding to intense lobbying by the pharma industry. So it is not a real huge leap for people to believe that they are lying when they say vaccines are safe and effective. Unfortunately, that's a case where past evidence shows they are being truthful, but they have shot much of their credibility because of their past bad actions.

And, this is another one of those things that only seems to be a major issue in the USA (and maybe Canada). I would bet that relatively few pharmacists in countries south of the border throw away pills that are a just few weeks or months past their expiration date. So the irony is that the US government regulates the pharmacists more tightly than they do the big drug companies that make the stuff. And that's what makes people like me feel very comfortabe finishing off the last of a 15 year old bottle of Tylenol or Ibuprofen before I will go buy a new one.

It's hard to explain exactly how I feel about it because I get a Covid and flu vaccine regularly and trust that those are indeed safe and effective, even though every single time I have had a Covid vaccination I have felt like I had the flu for a short time in the middle of the night. And I take time-tested generic prescription medications to control high blood pressure and high cholestrol (as long as it's not a statin). But yet I have told my doctor that I absolutely under no circunstances whatsoever will ever take any drug that is advertised on television. If that means I will die earlier than I otherwise would, so be it, I'm not trying to win the longevity olympics here, and I really do hate big pharma that much that I would rather die sooner than see those soulless money grubbers unjustly enriched by my sickness or medical condition. I wish no one had to take prescription medications, and therefore I sort of understand (a little bit) why some people would prefer to drink bleach or take an animal dewormer rather than get an effective vaccination. I think they're nuts (talk about the cure being worse than the disease!), but I can also kinda see how they might have arrived at those beliefs. The pharmaceutical industry has never come across as caring about their customers more than they care about money.

MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

Today in Labor History Today in Labor History April 15, 1943: Albert Hoffman, inventor of LSD, tested his first dose and went for a bike ride. This day is now celebrated as Bicycle Day. “... Little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux ...” And from that date forward, working class people could finally afford to go on a trip.

Sandoz originally marketed the drug as Delysid and sold it in 100 microgram doses. From the late 1940s, through the early 1960s, the drug was legal and numerous psychologists and researchers began experimenting with it as a form of therapy. Many were willing participants in the CIA’s UKUltra mind control experiments, in which LSD was given to people without their consent or knowledge. Cary Grant was a frequent and enthusiastic user. As early as the late 1940s, anthropologists Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson became enthusiastic about its potential to unleash a new era of peace and expanded consciousness. The founder of Alcoholic Anonymous was also an early user and said that it was far more effective at treating alcoholism than any other treatment he knew of. Research John Lily, along with Gregory Bateson, began dosing dolphins in the early 1960s, in experiments connected with the U.S. military, in an attempt to learn to communicate with the animals and deploy them as weapons in the cold war.

Hoffman later went on to isolate psilicyben, the active hallucinogenic ingredient in mushrooms, which he also enjoyed experimenting with.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #alberthoffman #lsd #drugs #hallucinogens #psychedelics #bicycleday #cheapvacation #cia #MKUltra #mindcontrol #brainwashing #consent #torture

BeAware , to random avatar

The world around me makes me depressed,
So I take a bunch of drugs and crack from all the stress.

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  • rbreich , to random avatar

    Corporations say they were forced to raise prices because of higher costs.

    But their profits have skyrocketed since 2020.

    They hit a record high of $2.8 trillion in Q4 2023.

    News flash: They used inflation as cover to get rich.

    PeachMcD , avatar

    During WW2 was considered traitorous

    If can declare war on abstractions like & , why can't declare war on & ? 🤔

    But that's kindova rhetorical question when the is completely dependent on corporate donors, huh... 🙄😏

    MikeDunnAuthor , to random avatar

    Today In Labor History April 7, 1915: Jazz legend, Billie Holiday, was born. She was one of the first to sing Abel Meeropol’s, “Strange Fruit,” and performed the most well-known version of the anti-lynching song. Soon after her first public performance of the song, in 1939, the new Federal Bureau of Narcotics started gunning for her. Harry Anslinger, who was a racist, prohibition zealot, led the assault. He hired a black agent provocateur, Jimmy Fletcher, to befriend her and sell her drugs. And Fletcher conducted her first drug bust.

    br00t4c , to random avatar

    Donald Trump Jr. Says The Bank Is Tracking Your Bible Purchases For The FBI, Is That True?

    masterdon1312 , to random avatar
    vor , to random avatar

    Just finished the audiobook of @pluralistic's second Marty Hench novel, #TheBezzle.

    (Full disclosure: @WilWheatonRSS reads my name at the end because I was publicly enthusiastic about #RedTeamBlues, the first Marty Hench novel, on social media. If you haven't read it, add it to your queue. It doesn't matter which order you read them in.)

    "It's complicated" is the most accurate non-spoily way to describe it. I also finished it waaay too quickly.

    You will especially like it if you enjoy people talking about their passions. They may or may not align with your passions, and it doesn't matter because you /want/ to know more.

    I like Marty. I have yelled at him for doing stupids, but I'm a geezer and sometimes it's about #experience, not brainpower.

    He would be a cool person to know, and not because of his professional skillset, rather, because he's ... interesting.

    In this book, I discover that I am not alone in this opinion. I also rediscovered that his #heart is bigger than his head.

    There's #sex, #drugs. and .... #soul ... in this story. It's fictional, but packs a /lot/ of #fact. You can easily believe stuff could happen that way. And some of it did, though without Marty's participation.

    I backed the #kickstarter; you can find the #audiobook on and support your local bookstore /at the same time/. You can also get the #ebook or a print copy in the usual places.

    If you hurry, you can get /all/ the Cory Doctorow ebooks on #HumbleBundle. You won't be disappointed and your purchase supports @eff.

    Rasta , to random avatar

    "It enhances my personality"

    edwardchampion , to random avatar

    "No previous administrations matched the level of debauchery of Trump’s, whose in-office pharmacists unquestioningly handed out highly addictive substances to staffers who needed pick-me-ups or energy boosts—no doctor’s exam, referral, or prescription required."

    He's the one they call Donny Feelgood
    He's the one who makes ya feel alright

    sonjdol , to histodons group avatar

    There is a new book out there on the history of America's that connects it to the history of "Christian Nationalism". Haven't read it, but looks promising. "Title: Christian Nationalism and the Birth of the War on Drugs": @histodons

    schizanon , to random avatar

    It's weird how when I smoke weed I just want to play video games, and when I sober up that seems boring and I just want to doomscroll instead.

    GottaLaff , to random avatar

    👀“ will send initial pricing offers to drug manufacturers on 1st 10 medications selected for negotiation, aiming to lower costs for families.

    WH announced the negotiations to set lower prices for the 10 most expensive prescription covered under Medicare, marking 1st time the program will not accept the prices set by manufacturers as a result of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program”

    18+ violetmadder , to random avatar

    The most phenomenal thing about this isn't the very excellent content-- it's the comments.

    I have NEVER seen a wall of appreciation and understanding like this in the comments section of YouTube before. It's usually a cesspool of trolling and arguments even on the most ordinary videos. Coverage of drug and is met with particular hate and ignorance, often so frightening and cruel I can't bear to read it. This is different.

    Disturbing as it is to watch... This is our reality. When it isn't seen or understood, it festers and spreads out of control. Solid, honest, thorough coverage is so rare-- when I see it I'm sick to my stomach, but at the same time I'm also tingling with a rush of exhileration. Yes, finally! Somebody's not only pointing at the elephants in the room, they're digging in to the history of how the things got here, AND the dynamics of the that's riding in on them-- the big picture, for once.

    Then I braced myself to glance at the comments... and blinked in amazement. And I scrolled. And scrolled. It just keeps going. I can hardly believe my eyes, and my chest hurts and I'm tearing up.

    People get it. They actually get it. 1.7 million views in one day, and counting.

    This is what real looks like. The corporate version is such a sick parody.

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