lamp , to random avatar

Wasn't there a / app exclusive to ?

byrev , to random avatar
teclista , to random Spanish avatar

Estoy considerando cambiar de app de en (por ahora uso la oficial) y vengo aquí a pedir consejo:

¿Qué aplicación de Mastodon usáis en el móvil? ¿Y usáis alguna de escritorio? ¿Qué features os han convencido en cada caso?

(Agradezco retoot para llegar a más gente y recopilar más posibilidades). :blobcheer:

wloczykij , to linux_pl group Polish avatar

Mamy tu jakiś speców od iptables i wireguard?
Mam problem z tunelem miedzy siecią vpn i LAN.
Tunel jest zestawiany przy użyciu programu RethinkDNS.
Na starym telefonie wydaje się, że działą, ale na nowym, już nie bardzo. Z tego co zauważyłem, to na nowym telefonie działają połączenia VPN->Internet, ale połączenia VPN->LAN już nie bardzo. Kombinuję już nad tym od dobrych 12h (z przerwami) i jedyne co mi się udało zrobić, to właśnie te połączenia z Internetem.
Oba telefony są w VPN, bo komenda wg show pokazuje je.

Przy uruchamianiu tunelu, ustawiają się takie regułki
[#] echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
[#] iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -o enp88s0 -j ACCEPT
[#] iptables -A FORWARD -i enp88s0 -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
[#] iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wg0 -j MASQUERADE

I jeszcze jedna rzecz. Brama VPN stoi na serwerze linuksowym, do którego potrzebuje mieć dostęp.

Gdzie może być problem? Na serwerze/bramieVPN specjalnie wyłączyłem firewalla i to także nie pomaga.


kukrak , to random Polish avatar

Naszła mnie myśl o spróbowaniu którejś z alternatyw dla stockowego androida. Chciałbym sprawdzić w praktyce, czy wszystko, czego potrzebuję zadziała.
Można niedrogo dostać starszego Pixela, bo to chyba popularna platforma dla tych środowisk.
Może używacie/używaliście i macie jakieś przemyślenia o:
graphene os
Calyx os
/e/ od Mureny?

Kai , to random avatar

I'm on android and currently using Moshidon, before I used Tusky. I'm fairly new to this so I'd like to ask for suggestions on a good Mastodon client with lotsa options and stuff. I'm liking Moshidon so far, but maybe there is better out there. Would you mind to suggest me the best option to try? Thanks!

hobbsc , to random avatar

Recommendations for a client for that will allow me to specify the language of my content and add alt text to images?

BeAware , to random avatar

Some Fedi apps should merge or at least start adding features from other apps.

I'm currently using 3 apps because each one has necessary QOL features that would severely hinder my Fedi experience if they didn't exist. However, it'd be quite appreciated if they were all in one app instead of having to juggle them...😬🤦‍♂️

kuketzblog , to random German avatar

So sieht das 7-Tage-Protokoll für die Tagesschau-App unter aus. Die Abhängigkeit von Google ist für ein Medium, das sich aus Rundfunkbeiträgen von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sowie Unternehmen, Institutionen und Einrichtungen des Gemeinwohls finanziert, einfach nicht tragbar.

kuketzblog , to random German avatar

Ein wirklich niedrigschwelliger und einsteigerfreundlicher Tipp für - und -Nutzer, um Werbung und Tracking auf breiter Front einzudämmen, ist dieser. 👇

Unbedingt an Familie/Freunde/Bekannte weitersagen! 👍

philip_cardella , to random avatar

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  • drifthood , avatar

    @philip_cardella since about three years i use the smart phone OS called /e/

    i got it preinstalled and it works very well, it was on version 0.7 now beyond 1.3, there were no problems

    now the display of the phone broke, i will get another one with /e/.


    FediVideo , to random avatar

    The e Foundation is a non-profit that de-Googles Android phones through their free open source /e/ operating system. You can follow their video account at:

    ➡️ @efoundation

    They also sell de-Googled phones with /e/ preinstalled under their "Murena" brand.

    If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at

    You can also follow their general account at @e_mydata

    kuketzblog , to random German avatar

    Tipp: Hinterlegt bei eurem Androiden unter »Einstellungen -> Notfälle & Sicherheit -> Notfallinformationen« eure medizinischen Daten, wie Blutgruppe, Allergien, Medikamente und ob ihr bspw. Organspender seid. Im Notfall kann das hilfreich sein und direkt im gesperrten Zugang abgerufen werden. 🆘 🏥 💊

    claudius , avatar

    @kuketzblog wird das Von medizinischem Personal inzwischen genutzt? Ich hab vor ~10 Jahren mit verschiedenen Ärzten über solche Ansätze gesprochen und die Reaktion war von "wusste nichty dass es das gibt" bis "Hab ich im Notfall keine Zeit für".

    BeAware , to random avatar

    Alright Third Party Mastodon app devs...


    1. Make an app with a feature for the post composer that's a "hashtag drawer" that lets you individually save hashtags WITH CamelCase for easy re-use.

    2. In the same app, add a feature to create timelines with "hashtag groups" similar to Sharkey's native "antenna" feature.

    Icecubes has hashtag groups but it's limited to 4 hashtags which is fine. But the "recent hashtag" feature doesn't seem to save CamelCase.

    Moshidon/Megalodon has the antenna timeline feature built into the UI of their app, but it only works for Misskey/Sharkey instances. I'm sure it can be worked into the app somehow to work for Mastodon. PLEASE.

    CC: @IceCubesApp @moshidon @megalodon @MonaApp @ivory @mammoth

    PLEASE don't reply to this post unless you plan on removing the mentions of the devs so they don't get spammed. Thanks.

    BeAware , (edited ) to random avatar

    Gonna be quite honest. I'm VERY annoyed right now that I bought a new tablet and I can't use Megalodon or Moshidon because they don't see my instance as a "mastodon instance" even though it most definitely is....😑😳

    If anyone has any ideas if theres a way to fix this on my end, please let me know. Cause this is quite depressing...I bought this tablet so I'd have something bigger for Fedi, but there's nothing quite like Megalodon/Moshidon....🤦‍♂️

    Edit: It was a "me" issue. I changed values in my instances settings I should not have changed and it caused this error. I have reverted the values to something normal and I was able to login.

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  • icd , to random Polish avatar

    W ostatnim odcinku pierwszego sezonu ICD Weekend Arek i Kuba opowiadają o newsach dotyczacych Facebooka, Apple i AI oraz dzielą się nowymi rekomendacjami aplikacji z F-Droida.

    julienbarnoin , to random avatar

    Being able to remotely lock a phone you don't have credentials for using just a phone number? What could possibly go wrong?

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  • kuketzblog , to random German avatar
    kuketzblog , to random German avatar

    Meine Beobachtungen zeigen, dass Certificate-Pinning bei Apps nicht immer als Schutzmechanismus eingesetzt wird, sondern häufig dazu dient, rechtlich fragwürdige Praktiken und (kalkulierte) Datenschutzverstöße zu verschleiern. Auszug aus dem demnächst erscheinenden Artikel »In den Datenstrom eintauchen: Ein Werkzeugkasten für Tester von Android-Apps«.

    null , to random avatar

    What are the best clients for these days?

    (I picked up a Pixel for work and it's been a long time since I used Android.)

    BeAware , to random avatar

    Ugh. I am SO jelly of android today after spending a bit of time with , it's very robust and has some pretty neat features.

    Not to mention, it works with Sharkey.😩Where's the iOS native app love for Misskey forks? We have like...2. And they can't touch Megalodon with a mile-long pole...

    micahdraws , to random avatar
    netcatworld , to random avatar

    Hello !

    Finally, I made it! New Great Update already in Google Play! New art, new music, new features - all in! Hope, you will enjoy this update and leave your comments ;) It helps me to move forward)

    About war - I passed all exams and now I am a drone pilot with all documents ;)


    elleybirdy , to random avatar

    I've added a few new games to my collection.

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