OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
@OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

Facebook actually tried to censor one of my books! Can you believe that? Has this happened to anyone else?

In my case, it seems to come down to their software being unable to tell the difference between political satire and pushing a fake political candidate.

Their software made the decision! So dumb!

Here's my promo page for the book in question, if you're curious: https://owentyme.us/books/ashen-blades/demon-for-president.html


The cover of Demon for President!, illustrated by Ryan Johnson. (Foreground) Two blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall and slender brothers of German descent, shaking hands, facing the viewer for what could almost be a photo-op. Their clothing is clean. The one on the right is in a gray suit and red tie, matching his Republican affiliation. He wears a "Snake Pride" pin on his lapel and round-framed, brass Windsor glasses. He smiles somewhat evilly. The one on the left wears a black suit and blue tie, matching his Democrat affiliation. He wears a "Tyme to Vote" pin on his lapel and somewhat more modern glasses than his brother, though still brass. His expression if more serious and stern, without a smile. (Background)At the bottom of the frame, seen between the brothers, a modern city of skyscrapers is in flames, belching out large plumes of smoke! The light from the fires is so intense, the two brothers are outlined in its glow. At the top of the image, the flag of the United States waves. It's been splashed with blood, while smoke and sparks from the fires rise past it.

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  • OwenTyme , to bookstodon group
    @OwenTyme@mastodon.social avatar

    Facebook actually tried to censor one of my books! Can you believe that? Has this happened to anyone else?

    In my case, it seems to come down to their software being unable to tell the difference between political satire and pushing a fake political candidate.

    Here's my promo page for the book in question, if you're curious: https://owentyme.us/books/ashen-blades/demon-for-president.html


    The cover of Demon for President!, illustrated by Ryan Johnson. (Foreground) Two blond-haired, blue-eyed, tall and slender brothers of German descent, shaking hands, facing the viewer for what could almost be a photo-op. Their clothing is clean. The one on the right is in a gray suit and red tie, matching his Republican affiliation. He wears a "Snake Pride" pin on his lapel and round-framed, brass Windsor glasses. He smiles somewhat evilly. The one on the left wears a black suit and blue tie, matching his Democrat affiliation. He wears a "Tyme to Vote" pin on his lapel and somewhat more modern glasses than his brother, though still brass. His expression if more serious and stern, without a smile. (Background)At the bottom of the frame, seen between the brothers, a modern city of skyscrapers is in flames, belching out large plumes of smoke! The light from the fires is so intense, the two brothers are outlined in its glow. At the top of the image, the flag of the United States waves. It's been splashed with blood, while smoke and sparks from the fires rise past it.

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  • bibliolater , to ai group
    @bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

    How to opt out of Meta’s AI training

    Your posts are a gold mine, especially as companies start to run out of AI training data.



    Nonilex , to random
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    ’s top collapses under efforts

    Stanford Observatory, which published some of the most influential analysis on the spread of false info on during , has shed most of its staff & may shut down amid & attacks that have cast a pall on efforts to study .


    Nonilex OP ,
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    , the fmr chief officer who founded the Observatory 5 yrs ago, moved into an advisory role in Nov. Observatory manager Renée DiResta’s contract was not renewed in recent wks.
    The collapse of the 5-yr-old Observatory is the latest & largest of a series of setbacks to the community of who try to detect & explain how are manufactured, gather momentum & become accepted by various groups.

    Nonilex OP ,
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    It follows Harvard’s dismissal of expert . A Dec whistleblower complaint alleged she used the university’s close & lucrative ties w/ parent led the university to clamp down on her work, which was highly critical of the giant’s practices.

    Nonilex OP ,
    @Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

    founded the Observatory after publicizing that has attempted to the by sowing division on , causing a clash w/the company’s top execs. Special counsel Robert S. III later cited the Facebook operation in indicting a Kremlin contractor. At , Stamos & his team deepened his study of from around the world, including 1 it traced to the .

    spocko ,
    @spocko@mastodon.online avatar
    surchaw , to random
    @surchaw@mas.to avatar

    So I for some reason needed to create a account to join a group. I create it using an alias email and do not give my phone number. It asks for verification, I did that. Immediately after that my account is suspended when I literally created it 2 seconds ago! That's cool a lot of services do it to keep only good actors in their platform. How do I appeal it? BY GIVING THE PHOTO OF MY FACE THAT THEY SAID THEY WILL "ENCRYPT" FOR ONE YEAR AND VERIFY IT'S ME.

    ps Deleted it

    mho , to random
    @mho@social.heise.de avatar

    Before a longer parental leave, another update regarding visits from some to @heiseonline:
    is quite steady and I'm sure, #X / is long overtaken (See the jump in January? That's when we saw traffic via the article card from mastodon.social again – more is still missing).

    and don't matter, even with now 17k followers on Threads. @Flipboard is still big and bringing already nearly as much from the 😉 than .

    tomasekeli , to random

    yes, i know that and such companies are using the content users post to train models.

    this is problematic.

    moving to the in no way solves this - in fact it makes it easier for anyone to train on the data you enter. they no longer have to own and run the server you're on.

    faab64 , to palestine group

    A report by the New York Times revealed that Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs funded a $2 million covert influence campaign to target U.S. lawmakers and the public during the Gaza conflict.

    The campaign, executed by Tel Aviv-based Stoic, a political marketing firm, targeted the American public and members of Congress through hundreds of fake accounts on X, #Facebook, and #Instagram to advocate for continued military funding.

    In the process, three fake English-language news sites were set up to support the campaign and bolster support for Israel's actions in #Gaza.

    #Politics #Propaganda #SocialMedia
    @palestine @israel

    dsw28 , to random German
    @dsw28@weyhe.social avatar

    Ich habe da eine Frage:
    Auf #Pro7, Jenke Report, sagen sie gerade, dass auf allen Social Media Kanälen diskutiert werden kann.
    Wo denn bitte hier im #Fediverse?

    crazy2bike ,


    Leider ist das #Fediverse in den allermeisten Köpfen noch immer nicht angekommen bzw. gar nicht existent. In meinem Umfeld weiß auch niemand, dass es das gibt, geschweige denn, was was es ist und kann.

    Und auch nach Info von mir findet das eigentlich keiner sinnvoll, weil die Gehirne so von den großen Playern indoktriniert und manipuliert sind, dass man ohne #Facebook, #Twitter aka #X, #Instagram, #TikTok usw. nicht leben kann 🤷🤦🤡🤮

    #Datenschutz #TeamDatenschutz

    parismarx , to random
    @parismarx@mastodon.online avatar
    kosi2801 , to random German
    @kosi2801@graz.social avatar

    Kleiner Reminder!
    In Kürze beginnen und ja damit, eure Bilder, Posts und Nachrichten für das Training ihrer eigenen zu verarbeiten.

    Sind Daten einmal in KI Training eingeflossen, können diese aus heutiger Sicht nicht wieder entfernt werden.

    Will man das nicht, kann zu dieser Verarbeitung Einspruch eingelegt werden.

    Genauere Erklärungen und Links zu den Einsprüchen findet man bei der unter https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/aktuelle-meldungen/digitale-welt/ihre-daten-bei-facebook-und-instagram-fuer-ki-so-widersprechen-sie-95646

    DrPen , to random
    @DrPen@mastodon.social avatar

    We rush toward 'teaching gen AI' to students, meanwhile this is the current state of mind for the creative community. This battle is not only about IP and giving credit/remuneration, it's about the rampant Big Tech bullying to basically do what they like with the internet. If you are not aware of these issues then maybe youre part of the problem.

    bibliolater , to ai group
    @bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

    Mapping automatic social media information disorder. The role of bots and AI in spreading misleading information in society

    The analysis focused on four research questions: 1) the distribution of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation across different platforms; 2) recurring themes in fake news and their visibility; 3) the role of artificial intelligence as an authoritative and/or spreader agent; and 4) strategies for combating information disorder. The role of AI was highlighted, both as a tool for fact-checking and building truthiness identification bots, and as a potential amplifier of false narratives.

    Tomassi A, Falegnami A, Romano E (2024) Mapping automatic social media information disorder. The role of bots and AI in spreading misleading information in society. PLOS ONE 19(5): e0303183. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0303183

    #OpenAccess #OA #Research #Article #DOI #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #SocialMedia #Twitter #X #Facebook #Misinformation #Disinformation #Malinformation #Academia #Academic #Academics @ai @socialmedia

    mosseri , to random

    We’re starting to roll out the new threads.net on desktop globally, so you can customize and personalize what you see. We have a lot of great ideas to make this the best website to share ideas, so stay tuned for more and let us know if you have any suggestions 🙏🏼

    benroyce ,
    @benroyce@mastodon.social avatar

    @BeAware @mosseri

    embrace, extend, extinguish


    like did to

    why can't @Gargron see that this is all that is doing here with ?

    maybe he does and has some tricks up his sleeve

    god i hope so

    i feel like and the are facing down a galactic armada in an old honda

    if we bend meta to our will instead of the reverse, it will be a story for the ages

    Alb_ , to random
    @Alb_@mastodon.social avatar

    Facebook will soon use your photos, posts and other info to train its AI !

    #facebook #ai #personaldata


    NanoBookReview , to random
    @NanoBookReview@zirk.us avatar

    If I had pointless amounts of money I would sue Facebook for gaslighting me.

    #Tech #Facebook #Liars

    luca , to random German
    @luca@social.luca.run avatar

    Erster Vergleich, wo wie viel zur #rp24 gepostet wird.

    Fediverse: 577 (API, Hashtag, mastodon und chaos .social)
    X: 282 (Private API, Hashtag)
    Threads: 199 (händisch gezählt; keine Ahnung wie vollständig)
    Bluesky: 136 (Private API, Feed bsky.app/profile/did:plc:252n5cfhxlwdzzeixqw7tbem/feed/rp24)

    #rp23 sah es so aus: https://social.luca.run/@luca/110544059402360069

    luca OP ,
    @luca@social.luca.run avatar

    Zusammenfassung der Posts zur #rp24 über die drei Tage. Fediverse mit einem klaren Vorsprung vor #Xcorp, #Bluesky und #Threads sind quasi gleichauf. #Linkedin konnte ich nur unvollständig erfassen, weil sie Suche dort nur einen eingeschränkten Zeitraum zurückgeht (und Posts haben keinen Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt, nur einen Veröffentlichungstag). #Facebook abgeschlagen am letzten Platz. #Instagram kann ich gar nicht mehr vergleichen, weil die Suche nur noch Top-Beiträge anzeigt, nicht mehr die aktuellsten. #TikTok Suche ist ebenfalls ungeeignet, weil Hashtags nicht exakt gematcht werden und deshalb die Ergebnisse statt mit re:publica mit RetourenPrinz24 voll sind. Solltet ihr Vorschläge für andere Plattformen haben, wo öffentliche Kommunikation zur Veranstaltung stattgefunden hat, lasst es mich wissen.

    Plattform | Posts im Zeitraum (posts gesamt gefunden) von wie vielen unterschiedlichen Accounts
    Fediverse 1747 (2288) von 400
    X Corp 1284 (1723) von 485
    Bluesky 942 (1125) von 332
    Threads 936 (1208) von 196
    Linkedin 587 (597) von 467
    Facebook 286 (481) von 151

    Vielleicht schaue ich mir noch irgendwann Reposts und Engagement an.

    rysiek , to random
    @rysiek@mstdn.social avatar

    We are getting ready to expand our Torment Nexus experiences in your region.

    To help bring these experiences to you we will kidnap your firstborn, based on our legitimate interest.

    This means you have a right to object. If your objection is honored we might return your firstborn at some point.

    We have updated our firstborn policy. Pray we don't update it any further.

    kp3478 , to random
    @kp3478@sfba.social avatar

    It's been about a year and a half on my journey with and the .social instance. Here's my thoughts so far:

    • The moderators on my instance are doing a tremendous job keeping it clean and inviting.
    • Following hashtags has been a great easy way to see posts about topics I'm interested in, however I dislike people spamming their posts with every hashtag and those posts making it into my feed.
    • Adoption is still not where I thought it would be and I miss not having my personal connections on here.

    Mainstream social media platforms like and first got users on there and then the big media platforms followed to get access to the users. I wish that would happen for mastodon too. Once we get the majority of the people on here, it will become a more natural place for discourse. Currently it still feels like a small group of people that are not connected to the rest of the world.

    ChemicalEyeGuy , to random
    @ChemicalEyeGuy@mstdn.science avatar

    Families of the massacre have launched massive lawsuits against producer of , ‘shell company’ , and (manufacturer of ).
    👏 👀 👉 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/uvalde-families-sue-meta-call-duty-maker-2nd-anniversary-school-attack-rcna154022

    This is GREAT news! I hope juries say “ “ and levy penalties in the $billions - EACH!!

    janwwbosch , to random
    @janwwbosch@mastodon.ie avatar

    Deleted my non-personal #Facebook account.

    #Mastodon! You're really going to have to work to pick up the slack.

    Don't disappoint me.

    Richard_Littler , to random
    @Richard_Littler@mastodon.social avatar

    Really sick of these big tech companies.
    Absolute parasites.
    "You have the right to object to Meta using your personal info to train AI..."
    "...We may still process information about you to develop and improve AI at Meta, even if you object or don’t use our Products and services"

    We may still process information about you to develop and improve AI at Meta, even if you object or don’t use our Products and services. For example, this could happen if you or your information:

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