frassmith , to random avatar

Trying out Ebou. A cross-platform Mastodon client, written in Rust, that groups timelines by poster rather than post, somewhat like a chat client. Not sure if it'll become my daily driver, but still an interesting concept to investigate.

cmdr_nova , to random

Today was the first day of a three-day off period I took from work as a late birthday … thing, for myself. But, the first thing I did when I woke up, was I jumped onto my PC and started writing a guide to ActivityPub. Why did I do this? Well …

There are a lot of misconceptions about AP, and Mastodon in-general. I see people saying things like, “It’s too hard,” or, “I don’t want one account for everything!” The latter is a misunderstanding, and the former is only a matter of having the information you need right in front of you.

ActivityPub software, be it Mastodon, Peertube, Pixelfed–they all have “join” pages, but there isn’t much in the way of connecting them all together onto one page, so someone can find them all and look at them, and read them, and maybe even learn a few things about AP and all the software that revolves around it.

So, I solved that problem … a little bit, today. And I hope it helps someone relieve their fear about jumping in, and getting at least somewhat away from the corporate slog of having ads constantly shoved in their faces while everything they write and create is scraped for soulless bots.

On the topic of ActivityPub, though, I received the unfortunate news that the Peertube instance I’ve been using for a few years are voluntarily winding down their instance due to, and in their own words, “capitalism and climate change.” I’m not entirely sure what they mean by that, but fair game.

In an attempt to keep my presence and my hundred-some videos on the Peertube network, I copied everything to, and you can follow that account there! (If you want to.)

And, finally, the reason I decided to write that whole guide in order to help people get away from corpo-social-media, is because Meta is in testing on Instagram with unskippable ads. Not specifically on Reels, but just … on the timeline. While you’re scrolling. Like some cheap smartphone app trying to make revenue for its sole developer.

You can read more about all of that here.

But what this is, is just another display of complete lack of care for the users who populate a piece of software in favor of the already fat wallets of investors, and advertisers. After a long six months of hearing and reading that generative AI is all about investors, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m sick and tired of whoever these investors and advertisers are, thinking they can just destroy all of the internet as we know it … for a couple bucks.

And that’s why it’s time to leave that behind. Maybe not all at once. Maybe in baby steps. But, the most important first step, is to try.

Try to take back some of your identity, and ownership of your own data. If you can’t vote with your wallet, vote with your presence, and leave these apps, and developers, to destroy their software in peace. Since most of these corporations seem hell-bent on burning down the internet … for no reason.

No reason at all.

mackuba , to random avatar

One thing that's definitely in the top 3 most annoying things on for me is that I see a post on now on the feed, I want to reply to it, and there's literally no way to do it… nothing works, I don't know why, no error messages, who the hell thought this is good UX 😖

BeAware , to random avatar

I wish more people would look into starting their own Fediverse instance.

Having even a few HUGE instances is bad for decentralization.

Fedi is starting to become a place where you can be "silenced" pretty easily if you don't "be a good boy/girl" and go against the grain.

If you host your own instance, nobody can really silence you in that way.

I'm fairly "boring" in the fact that I don't typically talk about politics and such, but I still feel a massive sense of freedom with hosting my instance.

For folks that aren't knowledgeable in Linux, there's sites like and that offer "managed" hosting for a bit of an upcharge. But if you're able to get the very basics of Linux down, running a Mastodon instance is fairly straightforward and requires fairly low maintenance if it's just 1 user.

Decentralization is our super power. Don't let it be lost because of the few big companies like Mastodon Gmbh or Meta!

RustyBertrand , to random avatar

#Mastodon instance #vivaldi deleted all my followers and who I was following.

I was following 4k
Same amount of followers.

Please boost.

I have memory problems and can't find my friends. #longcovid

I am deeply wounded.

Also, turn this off in mastodon setting because if someone has a personal grudge against you, they can go in and delete anything or add anything they want.

#Iceland is a small town. I chose a local instance. They deleted everything, locked me out, and will not respond.

zvavybir , to random avatar

I'm currently trying to migrate a #mastodon server from to self-hosted and having problems (I already shut down the server, so I'm posting from an old account).

Does somebody know which files in the backup are which in the mastodon migration guide?

I'm also having trouble with restoring the PostgreSQL backup ('pg_restore: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "mastodon"').

Thanks for any help!

(It would be nice if someone could boost this, because given that this is an old account, I don't think many people would see this post otherwise.)

#selfHosting #selfHost #mastoHost #migration

skerit , to random avatar

What in the world is this new Mastodon web theme on v4.3.0-alpha.4? 🤯

It looks like KDE: borders everywhere. :disapproval:

#mastodon #theme

nilesh , to random avatar

Is there a free #Mastodon / #Akkoma / #gotosocial host that would let me create accounts in bulk and run some automated feeds through them without considering it abuse?

phocks , to random avatar

15 million #Mastodon users eh? How's it going everyone?

BeAware , avatar

@phocks only about 60% or so are actually mastodon. The 15m count is for the entire Fediverse.🤷‍♂️

Still, we got a pretty good thing going here!👍

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon

newsmast , to random avatar

A big congratulations to @ausgeo for reaching 1 MILLION followers on TikTok! 🥳

They share incredible content on the very best of Australia's wildlife, culture, people and places. You can also find them on the Fediverse, championing the social web. We love their content - be sure to give them a follow!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Environment

humaldo , to random German avatar

Das neue #Threads Design der Web App könnte für mich ein Gamechanger sein. Man kann sich einfach so seine Tweetdeck Ansicht bauen. So sehr ich #Mastodon auch mag, ohne Filter und Listen im erweiterten Web-Interface wäre es hier für mich leider ziemlich langweilig.

parismarx , to random avatar
jimmygnarly , avatar



This is #fediverse #mastodon net . . not some CEO's private money thru ads generator - thing. .

madeindex , to random avatar

First #Meta only allowed top users (like @whitehouse) to show up in the #Fediverse.

Now any public #Threads account (from #USA / #Canada / #Japan ?) can decide to show up / post in the Fediverse.

But can #Fedi users show up / #post to threads??? 🤔

Doesn't seem very fair & "fediverse-#filosophy ;)" to me :pixelfed: :mastodon:

"You're now sharing TO the fediverse."
Doesn't sharing go both ways? 🤝

#socialmedia #social #ActivityPub #pixelfed #mastodon #tech #philosophy

Threads settings screenshot of the notification: You're now sharing to the fediverse.

SnorriSturluson , to random avatar

I don't find on my server - should this work on all #mastodon instances? #bluesky

wravoc , to random avatar

How is this logo for or something similar for which is a Mastodon for Cybersecurity Experts? Ignore my logo watermarks.

The current logo is the default elephant @

Current logo for in gallery.

@jerry @jerry

#Design #Art #DigitalArt #MastoArt #Mastodon #infosec

All Rights Reserved, Copyright Elias Griffin, Quadhelion Engineering.


18+ ms_zwiebel , to random avatar

it would be very nice if you would make sure your posts and boosts have CWs if they contain any references to hate and discrimination in any form. I don't want to consume those because they get stuck in my head forever. I internalize very quickly. Also, consider not sharing the original discrimination at all - I don't think we need to enter a loop every time some random dumb bitch lost it. 🎤 that's all, thank you for listening 💞 #mastodon

stf , to random avatar

does anyone know how to disable this "next/prev post" behavior on #mastodon web frontend when a post is hilited? i want my browser to handle the scrolling, and not have random unexpected jumps in the timeline... the worst is, when i scroll down using scrollwheel, and then for some reason tap cursor up/down and suddenly i scroll back to somewhere i have been long ago... very very annoying.

JeremyMallin , to random avatar

Mastodon (or at least the apps for it) should make threading posts easier to do.

Being able to thread and post multiple short posts at once would be handy too.
#Fedi #Fediverse #Mastodon

stefan , to random avatar

If #mastodon had plugins I would totally make one with hundred of animations when you like or boost a post.

anandamide , to random avatar

Doing A Thing and I'm wondering what queer sex-positive spaces I know on mastodon (other than

1 - any advice gratefully received, but mainly

2 - OMG I love the federated system. It was so befuddling at first and now here I am thinking of all the different hamlets on #Mastodon, from the giant cities like .social, the communities like, the little commune I currently live in. For all the mess and the drama, it's adorable, it's human scale. I love it. I love you, Mastoo

ben , to random avatar

Is it possible to customize a #Mastodon install to add Glaze to all the uploaded images?

paco , to random avatar

Asking for #advice on #mastodon

Me: I really want to cook vegetarian lasagne for dinner. Does anyone have any good veggie lasagne recipes?

Reply 1: why make lasagne yourself? Just buy it frozen at the store.

Reply 2: I would never make veggie lasagne. Spaghetti is a better with vegetables.

Reply 3: here’s my mom’s meat lasagne. You could probably leave out the bacon.

Reply 4: find a good Italian restaurant in your neighborhood and see if they deliver.

Reply 5: Don’t fall for #enpastification. You’ll find better recipes if you use Linux.

Thanks everybody.

copdeb , to random German avatar

I don't get why #tusky doesn't let me to upload a pic to #pixelfed, but it shows me no problem when I upload it to #mastodon

nick , avatar


#Tusky is using the #Mastodon client #API. So maybe #Pixelfed isn't 100% compatible here...

AncTreat5358 , to random avatar

There is a bug with the advanced web view of Mastodon for a few months now. I have one column which is a list, and the other 4 columns are standard. If, in my timeline, I click on a post text to show the post thread in the far right pane, the mouse tracking of things like favorites, boosting, and even profile names is shifted way over. In order to temporarily fix this, I have to click on a profile name link and then it fixes itself until I expand another post thread. I am on, if that matters.

I would have reported this sooner, but I wasn't sure what the appropriate hashtag is. Hoping I picked the right one now.

AncTreat5358 OP , avatar

Wanted to follow up on this. Is there a better hashtag or method to report a bug with the official Mastodon web site?

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