Israeli missile has struck Iran, US officials say - BBC News ( )

An Israeli missile has hit Iran, two US officials have told the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Iranian state media is reporting that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press.

Iran has been on high alert after Israel said it would respond to an Iranian attack against it on Saturday night

AllonzeeLV ,
Cipher22 ,


So, in response to the 300 weapon systems that US/Israel roughly blocked all of. (1 casualty from defensive shrapnel)

In turn Israel launched 1 missile, and it hit?


TropicalDingdong ,

Sounds like drones as well according to BBC.

wintermute_oregon ,

Drones we most likely for targeting and damage assessment

Altofaltception ,

that US/Israel roughly blocked

Israel, the US, the UK, Jordan, and Egypt. Israel didn't do it on their own.

GrymEdm , avatar

I'd be careful about considering Israel's defense as a complete success, or at least an easy one. According to Israeli sources cited in this article, achieving that result cost Israel as much as $1-1.3 billion USD, and I can't find out if that includes the price of interception by other countries - a lot of the heavy lifting was done by the USA after all. Given that they say that's the cost for Israel specifically, I don't think it does but I can't find sources. Regardless, it's a big bill for an attack that everyone knew was coming days in advance and gives a sense of the economics involved in an open war several times more intense.

Alto , avatar

It was costly, but the relative cost to Iran to launch the attack was far larger.

GrymEdm , avatar

Source? Because the articles I can find such as this one from Reuters say very much the opposite: "Although Israeli officials have given no details, according to calculations by a number of analysts, the price of Iran's attack probably amounted to $80 million to $100 million — but cost Israel and its allies around $1 billion to repel."

Here's another analysis: "Experts have calculated the cost of the April 13 attack for Iran at $100-$200 million — perhaps five to ten times less than what Israel spent to repel it. That means a huge recurring bill if Iran were to keep attacking." They go through the math of it and cite specific weapon systems costs.

I'll wait to see if you can back up your assertion, but I'm quite skeptical at time of writing.

yumpsuit ,

It’s also incredibly significant for future missile attack that all their radars turned on and all those intercept assets are revealed and clocked and analyzed. Assuming a video going around portrays what it claims, Hezbollah even zeroed in and missiled an Iron Dome launcher site during the attack.

Counterbattery in general is fucking hard. If the proxy can pull that shit off, you had better expect the state actor to take even greater advantage.

MakePorkGreatAgain ,

it's a complete success compared to Iran's defensive measures

GrymEdm , avatar

How so? I'm honestly asking if you have a source. As of the most recent updates, Iran is reporting no damage, no threats, and has lifted the restrictions on flights in their airspace. There were explosions heard, but the source is unknown and Iran has said air defenses shot down 3 drones.

TokenBoomer ,
fartington , (edited )

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  • TokenBoomer , (edited )

    I did. It’s all going as planned. Found a vidya that summarizes it.

    TheFonz ,

    For those curious: it's just an analysis by the Brookings think tank. It has nothing to do with the official position of US agencies.

    xor ,

    And for bonus points, it's basically just a list of every possible approach, starting with diplomatic approaches at the top:

    • diplomacy
    • military intervention
    • regime change
    • doing nothing at all

    It's "all going to plan" in the same way "guessing all 52 cards in the deck until one of them is right" is a magic trick

    Actually given your comment, it's more like someone else listing all the cards until it's right, and then just saying "tada" when they say the right one

    TokenBoomer , (edited )

    I just provided a link that shows sometimes those guesses have merit. But continue to dismiss those trying to provide background information. I’m sure it won’t lead us like it did in Iraq or to WW3.

    Edit: Let’s look at the careers of the signees of this foreign policy document:

    Kenneth M Pollack

    Daniel L Byman

    Martin Indyk

    Suzanne Maloney

    Michael O’Hanlon

    Bruce Reidel

    So, this paper isn’t just for fun. These people are CIA, ambassadors, advisors and served in administrations. This is the shit that gets things done in Washington. To dismiss it is negligent.

    xor ,

    I, too, enjoy reading only half a comment.

    The issue isn't "providing background context," it's presenting an advisory document of all the possible approaches to a diplomatic scenario as being some sort of conspiracy, rather than the result of some people literally just doing the job they are paid to do.

    By just linking an enormous document and presenting it as if it were some massive revelation, you're basically just relying on people not bothering to read the document and accepting the inference that the document actually just says only the thing that has happened.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Yeah, sure. War is spontaneous, and not planned at all. It’s not a revelation or conspiracy, it’s years of groundwork and planning. I displayed that war with Iran has been in the works for at least a decade. You- it’s a conspiracy.

    xor ,

    You're (intentionally?) misunderstanding literally every sentence of my comment

    TokenBoomer , (edited )

    Does the document “Which Path to Persia” exist?

    Is the Brookings Institute a reputable think tank that advises government foreign policy?

    Does the document suggest a procedure for conflict and regime change in Iran?

    If all of this is true, my statement still stands. Practically every decision America makes towards Iran has been planned and contemplated.

    the result of some people literally just doing the job they are paid to do

    So. A plan. Just like I stated in my original comment.

    TheFonz ,

    No, these people are former CIA, ambassadors, etc that have pivoted to a think tank, which is common. There is a revolving door just like in any ecosystem of industries/entities that overlap. Also, the document addresses multiple strategies.

    TokenBoomer ,

    former CIA. lol 😂 Revolving door! Your words.

    I never said this attack is in the document. I’m only showing that the Warhawks in and out of think tanks in the government have been contemplating and planning for a war with Iran.

    The military and think tanks plan for everything. But no, they have no plans for Iran. Just lots of former government officials earning 3 figure salaries for funsies.

    TheFonz ,

    Yes, every professional field has adjacent areas of operation. Geneticists aren't going to work in astrophysics and truck drivers aren't suddenly going to child education conferences. That's what the revolving door refers to. Shocking, I know.

    TokenBoomer ,


    TheFonz ,

    Because you make the revolving door sound like a nefarious scheme and I'm telling you it's the most common thing for professionals in similar fields to intermingle.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Because you make the revolving door sound like a nefarious scheme


    it's the most common thing for professionals in similar fields to intermingle.

    Do other professionals in similar fields overthrow sovereign governments and stage coups?

    TheFonz ,

    Dear ChatGPT: give me the token cringe emo teen politics take. I need to feel some pain today. Please daddy. Jfc.

    TokenBoomer ,
    TokenBoomer ,

    For those curious: the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a think tank in D.C. that provided the blueprint for the war in Iraq.

    Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick CheneyDonald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.[8][9][10][11] Observers such as Irwin Stelzer and Dave Grondin have suggested that the PNAC played a key role in shaping the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, particularly in building support for the Iraq War.

    GrymEdm , avatar

    Oh FFS. This had better be an extremely limited response to Iran's response to Israel's bombing of an embassy. Here's hoping it's just the same type of symbolic attack that Iran made last weekend - all show and no intent. Just Israel refusing to let anyone else have the last word.

    Anything more serious and things are about to become very messy and even more expensive. Although it would explain why Israel is suddenly arranging to get dozens of jets from the US in the last month or so. Lord knows they don't seem necessary if the only goal is to keep blowing up Palestinians.

    WhatAmLemmy ,

    Although it would explain why Israel is suddenly arranging to get dozens of jets from the US in the last month or so

    That's just a quid pro quo kickback between the corporatocracy.

    "We'll channel more tax payer money through your military industrial complex if you let us continue with our nationalist ethnostate genocide... We may even start another gulf war and channel trillion$ more"

    DoomBot5 ,

    It's certainly not 300 drones and rockets.

    yumpsuit ,

    Although it would explain why Israel is suddenly arranging to get dozens of jets from the US in the last month or so.

    Forgive what feels like a nitpick, but we should take a moment for wider historical scorn. WaPo at the end of March:

    Last week, the State Department authorized the transfer of 25 F-35A fighter jets and engines worth roughly $2.5 billion, U.S. officials said. The case was approved by Congress in 2008, so the department was not required to provide a new notification to lawmakers.

    Biden owns the fuckup, but it comes after all the shit Israel put the administrations of Dubya, Obama, and Individual 1 through, and after all the atrocities upon the Great March of Return and the other surges of conflict. The planes could fill another allies’ order, the MIC could get their warbucks, and Joey could have kicked the can down the road, but here we are.

    GrymEdm , avatar

    That's a fair point, no need to apologize for keeping me accurate. I had read and forgotten that detail honestly, because in my head I lump the two deals together - the other one being the new $18 billion contract for F-15s that Biden's administration is seeking approval for currently. I think I mentally shorthand it to "arrangements for new jets going to Israel" but there is definitely detail involved as you point out.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    World War 3 just what we needed. Thanks Biden.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Down voters need to take a hike. Biden and Democrats (right along side the Republicans) have done nothing but enable and embolden Bibi's genocide in Palestine, offering only lipservice and more aid for Israel while allowing Ukraine to flounder.

    This is on Joe Biden. Not Trump. Deal with it you neoliberal & neoconservative apologists.

    ABCDE ,

    Downvoting an overly simplistic take should not be discouraged. I don't think bothsidesarethesame is fair on Democrats who want support for Ukraine to go through.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Biden is the number on recipient of Israeli campaign contributions.

    Bothsidesarethesame is actually the case here. Bidens throwing the election in because he refuses to budge on his foreign policy positions. He's a neocon. Its like people apologizing for Biden have forgotten the previous 20 years of US history.

    If Biden wants to be different, he actually has to be different.

    ABCDE ,

    He has supported Ukraine, unlike the previous president who wanted to give the country to Russia. How much difference should there be?

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Ah yes, the apologists who insult that Biden needs to be supported blindly because the alternative is worse.

    This is your war too, right along with Biden.

    wintermute_oregon ,

    Who have the Ukrainian military the first lethal weapons like the Javalin?

    prettybunnys ,

    My dude the training and arming of Ukraine by NATO started happening before Trump came into office.

    Trump tried blocking the Javelins in 2018. He wasn’t for it. He was convinced ultimately to follow longstanding US foreign policy that started before he got there.

    Yes he approved it. 1 scenario where he got out of the way. Neat.

    What’s his stance been since? And before?

    wintermute_oregon ,

    Yes he approved it

    Yes he did and Ukraine has not forgotten. While you try to gaslight, Ukraine has reminded people that Trump allowed them to defend themselves.

    What has Trump said?

    wintermute_oregon ,

    “As everyone agrees, Ukrainian Survival and Strength should be much more important to Europe than to us, but it is also important to us! GET MOVING EUROPE!”

    suzune , avatar

    Don't worry. EU institutions without all the countries gave more than USA to Ukraine. If you additionally consider the small EU countries, it's also a lot. So don't worry. EU gives enormous support, even though USA is the largest donor as a single country.

    VubDapple ,

    Black and white thinking much?

    TropicalDingdong ,

    Projecting a fantasy about what US's actual foreign policy is much?

    twistypencil ,

    Dumb much posting much?

    Riccosuave , avatar

    Please explain how Israel attacking Iran is Joe Biden's fault? He said the United States would not support a retaliatory strike against Iran's retaliatory strike. All the blame falls directly on Netanyahu and the Israeli government.

    Linkerbaan , avatar

    Implying that Genocide Joe is not responsible for his out of control attack dog he is actively supplying with weapons

    Riccosuave , avatar

    You must be fucking confused if you think Netanyahu is Joe Biden's "attack dog". The Israeli government has spent the last 40+ years successfully coopting the United States government.

    What do you think those shifty mother fuckers would be doing in an election year if he came out against them? I agree they need to he brought to heel, but if you think that is going to happen given the existing externalities of global & US politics then you are living in a fantasy.

    TropicalDingdong ,

    He's failed utterly for 6 months to do anything to reign in Israel when their genocide is being funded by US taxpayers. He's had 6 months to yank Netanyahu's leash and he's refused so the entire time.

    This ENTIRE situation is a result of US foreign policy: Its a direct consequence of Bidens failure of leadership.

    Grobmobularb ,

    Keep drinking the Kool Aid

    stephen01king ,

    Bruh, the one blindly defending Biden here is you. You're the one drinking the Kool Aid.

    machinin ,

    He said...

    I think that is the point. So far Biden has apparently just said a bunch of words. Biden could actually do more than he is now. Instead, the genocide is continuing unabated, Israel continues to aggressively and wrecklessly escalate the regional tensions.

    Come on genocide Joe, actually draw a red line and stick to it.

    hime0321 ,

    It’s like people forget that the Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on longer than the partial term that Biden has had.

    DoomBot5 ,

    Israel/Iran conflict as well. It's just no longer through Iran's proxies only.

    Altofaltception ,

    He said the United States would not support a retaliatory strike against Iran's retaliatory strike.

    A retaliatory strike just happened. What's Biden's move?

    Bell ,

    No doubt a sternly-worded press release!

    TokenBoomer ,

    Concerned and disappointed.

    Aceticon ,

    Well, the Biden Administration did not support it in the sense that they din't send their missiles along and no US launch infrastructure was used.

    They never actually said they were against it much less they would punish Israel for it.

    The use of a "we won't help doing it" fromulation in a way that can be misinterpreted as "we're against it" so that they can have plausible deniability later when it turns out they're not really against it is pretty standard doublespeak from the US Administration.

    Grobmobularb ,

    The mouth breather can’t explain anything. I’m sure Newsmax and Alex Jones told him all problems on Earth are Biden/The Democrats fault….

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