Israeli missile has struck Iran, US officials say - BBC News ( )

An Israeli missile has hit Iran, two US officials have told the BBC's US partner CBS News.

Iranian state media is reporting that flights have been suspended over several cities, according to Associated Press.

Iran has been on high alert after Israel said it would respond to an Iranian attack against it on Saturday night

Landsharkgun ,

Give all parties involved nuclear weapons. See how warlike the Israelis are when all of their targets have nukes.

TokenBoomer ,

It disappoints me that others don’t understand this comment. Only one nation has ever used a nuclear weapon in war.

Strawberry ,

wild how Iran launched missiles at Israel and then was struck by Israeli missiles... the Israeli missiles weren't launched, though. They just sprang into existence above Iran

tortillaPeanuts ,

Irresponsible decision from Israel, the initial exchange seemed justified with no reason to escalate things.

Eyck_of_denesle ,

It wasn't justified by israel the first time either. Anyone with iq above room temperature knows Israel is doing all of this for a reason .

USSEthernet ,

Did Fallout release at the perfect time?

billiam0202 ,


DrSleepless ,

" I don't want to set the world on fire, oh fuck it, yes I do." - Netanyahu

Jamil ,

Iran shot down 100% of them. Israel so pathetic. More pathetic than Israel's 99% claim.

cupcakezealot , avatar

don't worry i'm sure the us and uk will come out as forcefully against this as they did against iran right?

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Listen, Israel has a right to exist, and part of Israeli's existence is firing missiles at its neighbors, so maybe back off and stop being anti-Semitic about this why dontcha?

theotherverion , avatar

Iran & Israel, can you not? Each time you shoot those stupid rockets at each other, my stocks fall.

Zehzin , avatar

Invest in bombs

theotherverion , avatar

yeah, and military companies

Harbinger01173430 ,

Time to call in a special operation mission to delete those nazionists

systemglitch ,

Life is too short to read people making up edgy words. Blocked.

Keeponstalin ,

The US just gave approval for more Genocide, another assault on millions of starving refugees that are mostly children, only for Israel to break their one concession in mere hours... Luckily no casualties are reported, hopefully this doesn't escalate.

xmunk ,

Fuck Netanyahu.

If he starts WW3 he can get fucked... though we should try and grant asylum to all current residents of Palestine and Isreal.

melpomenesclevage ,

of Palestine.

netanyahu is not unique, or a substantial departure from his organizations previous leadership, going alllll the way back.

do not waste one joule of energy, one drop of ink, preserving "Israeli" life.

xmunk ,

I'm not prepared to be the kind of asshole to condemn a whole race of people. The majority of Germans supported Hitler and then the war ended and they've gotten a lot fucking better.

I'd be happy to accept any Isrealis that are willing to abandon ship.

melpomenesclevage ,

not a race. fuck that racist bullshit.

if they already left; vet their shit, make sure they're not still affiliated, and sure. dont hold the shit hole they were born in against them. but starting now, when they're just afraid? nah. main lesson from world war 2 was we didn't kill enough Nazis.

xmunk ,

However you want to group or define Isreali citizens you are making a too broad generalization.

melpomenesclevage ,

I don't really care? they have been unwilling to stop for longer than I have been alive. they've been offered the moon,and turned it down, because they prefer genocide. they haven't stopped. they haven't had substantial internal strife or attempted revolutions or internal assassinations of particularly warmongery leaders.

their soldiers literally sing while they do atrocities, their prime minister says it, their citizens say it, their children say it.

Not a single joule of energy should be wasted attempting to preserve "Israeli" life. not ever. to do otherwise would be an insult to their victims. stopping this genocide and world war three must come first.

I dunno, maybe you think 1 genocidal pedophile life is worth global thermonuclear war. I guess agree to disagree?

feedum_sneedson ,

So you're saying we need a Final Solution to this Jewish Problem?

machinin ,

Call it the the genocidal problem. The issues isn't with Jews in general, just people who are carrying out and supporting the genocide. I would lump Biden in with them as well.

melpomenesclevage ,

not a Jewish problem. a Nazi problem. nothing makes Hezbollah look good quite like hebarrah does.

Deceptichum , avatar

Are you saying all Jews are Israeli?

melpomenesclevage ,

you saying theres a way to stop world war 3 without glassing that shit hole?

and stop saying Israelis are Jews. they're not. they once rationalized an internal purge by saying 'if you kill other Jews for political reasons, youre out' to kill other Jews for political reasons, then did the whole white supremacist sterilizing of Ethiopian Jews. they are not. they do not count. and even if they did, Jewish communities ive spoken to feel, at best, mildly embarrassed by them.

ToastedPlanet ,

Jews are an ethnic group, culture, and religion, but not a race. It's a common enough misconception spread via the media. Also any given Jew is not necessarily all three.

The lesson from World War II is that war can only delay the spread of an idea, but not destroy it. Ideas have to be fought with other ideas. Killing Nazis only bought us time to think of better ideas, spread them, and deradicalize people. Thanks to conservative propaganda networks and social media, we're on the verge of a fascist takeover. We are in an information race against fascists. The fascists are turning the US into a christofascist dictatorship, by controlling the narrative and driving the news cycle, not by killing anyone. We have to beat them in this race to stop them.

Deceptichum , avatar

Israeli is not the same thing as Jewish.

Many Jewish people hate Israel.

june ,

I’d be willing to bet you could find one or two Israelies (Israelites?) that hate Israel too.

ToastedPlanet ,

Israeli is not the same thing as Jewish.

Yes, I am Jewish, but not Israeli. I assumed most people referring to Israelis as a race are referring to Jews a race. It seems weird to confuse nationality with race in the 21st century.

Many Jewish people hate Israel.

I don't hate Israel, because hating Israel is more taxing to me than it is to Israel. I think Israel is an apartheid state that's committing genocide and war crimes in Gaza, Zionism is a fascist ideology, the current Israeli government is dominated by fascists, and that the concept that we need a Jewish ethnostate in order to be safe is ridiculous. Israel needs to change radically and it needs to change as soon as possible.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

"Race" has no biological definition. Star Wars fans can be a race if you want them to.

RaoulDook ,

Race is a well documented biological fact actually. It's not subject to political interpretation.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

By Alan Templeton.

According to Templeton's research, perceived differences in races are more related to cultural perceptions and biases than any underlying genetic reality.[5] For example, Templeton's statistical analysis of the human genome shows that much greater genetic diversity exists between populations of chimpanzees than humans from different parts of the world.[3]

Do you think maybe you're misunderstanding him?

voracitude ,

From your source:

Humans have much genetic diversity, but the vast majority of this diversity reflects individual uniqueness and not race.


The question of the existence of human “races” now becomes the question of the existence of human subspecies.

... One definition regards races as geographically circumscribed populations within a species that have sharp boundaries that separate them from the remainder of the species (Smith, Chiszar, & Montanucci, 1997).

... A second definition defines races as distinct evolutionary lineages within a species. An evolutionary lineage is a population of organisms characterized by a continuous line of descent such that the individuals in the population at any given time are connected by ancestor/descendent relationships.


It is critical to note that genetic differentiation alone is insufficient to define a subspecies or race under either of these definitions of race.

You seem to have linked something that argues and shows the opposite of what you intended there, bud.

ToastedPlanet ,

Typically when people are saying Jews are a race, they referring to the idea that Jews are not White, as in they cannot be White. Jews can be White, but they can also be Black, Native American or Hispanic. Jews are not in a racial category that excludes them from being part of these groups. That's what I was referring to when I wrote race.

That's not really the main point, I was agreeing with the person I responding to and adding some clarification. It seemed to have distracted from the issue at hand.

Killing people isn't how we stop the spread of fascism in the modern day. We need to spread information, for example, that fascism is a self-destructive ideology that will destroy hundreds of millions of lives and that the Republican Party is controlled by fascists. I think most people know that on lemmy, but there are plenty of people who will check into politics in the months leading up to the election and form their opinions then. A misconception I see on lemmy is that some people assume we can defeat fascism with guns alone. That isn't going to cut it. We have to reach more people with true information before fascists reach them with misinformation. Once a person forms an opinion they are unlikely to discard that opinion when presented with new information in the short term. That short term can easily last until the election, so these months leading up to the election are crucial. edit: capitalization

ElmerFudd ,

The Germans during WWII actually were referring to nationality when talking about race, so that one slides believe it or not.

melpomenesclevage ,

its so much dumber than that. it kind of comes down to mystical bullshit and oh hey, that's in this one too

but theres this kapo trash tendency to draw equivalency with all Jewish people in the world and smear their crimes onto the innocent

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

Solidarity amongst the working class, where ever they may be.

melpomenesclevage ,

acceptable wars:

  1. class war

  2. stopping genocide

if you fail at either, so many die.

absentbird , avatar

How does refusing asylum to working class Israeli refugees advance the class war or stop genocide?

melpomenesclevage ,

I'm sorry but being a laborer doesn't magically make someone my friend.

genocide is genocide, and they all participate. not one joule.

T00l_shed ,

Israeli people deserve to live just as much as Palestinian people do.

melpomenesclevage ,

no. that isn't to say they should be killed, but wasting a joule of energy to keep one alive is a waste.

T00l_shed ,

I vehement disagree.

melpomenesclevage ,

you commit a genocide, you are no longer the priority. your victims come first. everyone else comes first. you are no longer human.

if they want to save you, your victims can do it. but literally every other person on earth gets falgsc before I offer you a grain of rice, or steer my car out of the way to avoid hitting you.

honestly, a policy where food etc aid is only allowed to these genocidal monsters through Palestinians is pretty reasonable. it would be a way to beat some humanity into them, but they must be allowed to die, so the Palestinian people's goodwill is the only way they survive.

T00l_shed ,

Never in the history of the world has grouping literally everyone of a particular group together has gone poorly, except for all the time. To say every Israel is culpable is factually untrue. Hold the accountable accountable.

melpomenesclevage ,

only way to stop the genocide.

so who would you rather share a world with?

genocidal warmongering ghouls whose reproductive cycle falters without attocies, who are edging on world war three?

or Palestinians? because I would rather have Palestinians.

if you don't like this choice, you should have stepped on the bastards 20-50 years ago.

T00l_shed ,

I'd rather share the world with people who don't want to eradicate others.

melpomenesclevage ,

so Palestinians. you choose to share the world with Palestinians rather than genocidal monsters who jack off about starting world war three. same, honestly. they seem at worst indifferent.

which means, unless you kill the monsters, there will be no more Palestinians.

T00l_shed ,

No people who don't want to eradicate others. Simple as that, I don't want to share a world where people can call for the subjugation of any group, or say they should all be killed.

melpomenesclevage ,

then you don't want to share the world with "Israelis". cool. were on the same page for the same reason. so, kill em all or they won't stop, or kill every military age asult and then put them entirely at the mercy of Palestinians.

T00l_shed ,

I don't want to share the world with people who call for the eradication of others. Obviously missing the point on purpose. I don't think calling for genocide is the answer to genocide. Your view is twisted.

melpomenesclevage ,

if they are nothing but genocide, you can't stop the genocide without killing them, and destroying their culture

which is just genocide all the way down.

some things are just irredeemably vile. nothing left to salvage.

theres a way some of them survive, but it must be at the discretion of Palestinians, and they must be allowed to die or it won't work.

T00l_shed ,

You are wrong. Calling for genocide is wrong in any and all cases. Your view is twisted and abhorrent. Your want for Israel to be eradicated is no better than those of them that want Palestine gone. Hold those responsible accountable yes, but the way you look at life is quite sad.

melpomenesclevage ,

not doing what you say is 'calling for gebocide', the bare minimum, is actively aiding an ongoing actual real life non hypothetical genocide.

T00l_shed ,

And calling for the eradication of Israelis isn't going to stop what is happening either.

melpomenesclevage ,

oh so you actually believe in the passive voice like some sort of physical force? that's pretty wild.

T00l_shed ,

If you think words can't compel others, you are sadly mistaken.

melpomenesclevage ,

the passive voice is erasing attribution by saying "x happened” rather than the active voice, which would be 'x was done by y' or 'y did x'

I'm joking and saying that you think the violence really does just materialize from nowhere, totally depersonified.

its very hard to perpetrate a genocide when you are dead.

T00l_shed ,

I don't think it materializes from nowhere, it materialize when people talk about removing that other group from existence. Not a joking matter. Genocide to "solve" Genocide is dumb.

melpomenesclevage ,

so if someone just refuses to negotiate or compromise or be bribed, they can just do genocide and it's fine?

T00l_shed ,

Never said it was, but neither is the wholesale slaughter of people. Keep in mind you said "someone" not an entire country of some 9.5 million people.

melpomenesclevage ,

but none of them will stop.

that's the thing. do Palestinian lives matter, or do "Israeli" lives matter? because they can't both. the "Israelis" have seen to that, and since they have consistently made that choice with very little dissent over the past century+, I say they should be the ones whose lives no longer matter.

if you say otherwise, you are genocidal.

T00l_shed ,

Israeli lives matter, as do Palestinians. Because they obviously both do and they both can. Why the quotation marks around Israeli? If you say otherwise, you are genocidal. Thankfully your opinion of the value of lives is as worthless as you deem Israelis to be.

melpomenesclevage ,

when you do a genocide, when your entire national project and identity is the commission of genocide:

no. your life does not matter, except as a target.

when ending your life slows a genocide, your life does not matter, except as a target.

when ending your culture ends a genocide, because your culture is literally only genocide and atrocities and hiding behind all the Jewish people in the world so they take splash damage from your bullshit, maybe that's a culture we are better off without, just like the Russian royal family.

there is no such thing as "Israel".

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Continued advocation of genocide, you're done here.

T00l_shed ,

Thank you.

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Removed, advocating genocide.

melpomenesclevage ,

so saying we should stop genocide is advocating genocide, because their culture is just so exclusively nothing else, it would be like what killing the buffalo was to the plains tribes?

that's cool. that's a culture worth preserving. I want to share a world with that.

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Saying you should stop genocide by killing everyone on the other side is advocating genocide. Full stop.

melpomenesclevage ,

well maybe if the fucking Americans stopped giving them top of the line military hardware, there would be other fucking options, but this is all that's left.

they can't be negotiated with, and short of killing or badly maiming literally every military age adult, nothing's going to stop them-and we can't just subdue them, because they have too many toys now.

also if we don't, they literally start world war three, which they're apparently fucking into

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Removed, genocidal content.

Emmie ,

He is a bloodthirsty idiot of the worst kind

avater , avatar

If he starts WW3 he can get fucked… though we should try and grant asylum to all current residents of Palestine and Isreal.

You can rest well that russian cunt Putin has already warmed up the engine for WW3

dumbass , avatar

Team Rocket powered nuclear bomb will do it together.

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

Prepare for trouble, make it double.

jordanlund Mod , avatar

This is important, pinning it for now.

Let's keep the discussion here and not post it 14 more times.

Asafum ,

You heard it folks, 13 more times is ok!


TheBananaKing ,

So, are they going back to opposing the invasion of Rafah, then?

You know, seeing as how Israel just got concessions for promising not to do a thing, then immediately went and did the thing regardless.

Or does Biden just have a humilation fetish? Which fine, no kink-shaming here but maybe keep it in the bedroom.

I have to admit, the phrase 'lifestyle democrat' has a nice ring to it...

Plopp ,

It would have been nice if this world wasn't run by fucking children.

melpomenesclevage ,

literally every anarchist has been saying this for centuries.

whatever your politics, welcome to team 'at least some of the people in the room should be adults, we have nukes floating around ffs'

Dremor , avatar

Great, like that the world, nukes included, would be ruled by the strongest, which often aren't the brightest of us.

melpomenesclevage ,

youre thinking of ancaps.

Dremor , avatar

That's not something I know about, mind putting me in the loop?

In any case, I was sarcastic if that wasn't obvious. There is good people among anarchists, as well as among those who aren't. But not having rules make it way easier for the bad apples to get their way with it, as with them it requires a lot more investment and careful planing to break them.

Anarchism, like most other social organisation theory, isn't immune to mass manipulation, coercion, or similar techniques used by the few to impose their view and interest to the broader masses.

melpomenesclevage ,

therefore you must put the few in charge without contest? compromise with tyrants? edit: except forgetting to negotiate for yourself, and being all in on team tyrant?

sorry I dont mean to sound rude, its just it always sounds like a christian standing up in the pews, proclaiming that the pastor is being corrupted by the devil, and declaring that he's done with this blasphemous church, and he's starting his own church (of the devil. but not in like the cool way, because he's a christian)

it just sounds like an excuse to not try. and its not like there aren't measures to take; forms of organization, social leveling conventions, etc.

Deceptichum , avatar

Anarchy is not not having rules, it’s not having rulers.

Think democracy of the purest form. Not elected (and bribed corrupt) representatives who pay themselves from our pockets to push their own agendas.

GnomeKat , avatar

As far as I understand, Anarchism doesn't mean no rules, it means no rulers. No hierarchy of people.

The rules would be set up in such a way to actively discourage individual accumulation of power as much as possible. But a system like that could still have rules, just enforced collectively instead of power being parceled out to individuals. I think there are a lot of practical ways you can try to reduce power accumulation, like term limits is a very obvious example that is a concept we are familiar with. Or like ways of reducing wealth inequality can also be seen as a way of trying to reduce hierarchy.

I don't know all the theory, I honestly feel like that kinda shit isn't always the most useful anyways. But there are obvious things we can do now to reduce hierarchy and they seem like things that would be good. Having an ideological stance that hierarchy is bad, and we should reduce it as much as possible.. that's Anarchism.

jorp ,

what exactly is this argument you're making? would it not apply to switching to democracy? would it not apply to moving towards liberalism? how come when it comes to going further left suddenly "no system is perfect" arguments come out as if better needs to be perfect

timewarp , avatar

Epstein already proved that and allegedly a Mossad agent. How much blackmail does Bibi have on Biden?

Eyck_of_denesle ,

Biden expressed his love for israel way before Netanyahu was a political candidate.

Damage ,

I wish the EU would grow a backbone and tell the US to stop stoking fires in our backyard

shadowSprite ,

I wish the EU would fucking invade the US already. Either put us out of our misery or save us, either way, it stops our leaders from spreading the evil and murder around the globe.

Danterious ,

Germany and Italy are also big on giving aid to Israel so Idk if the EU is going to be able to help either.

Alto , avatar

Can we fucking not

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