
Car , in Meet Four Developers Making Brand-New Game Boy Titles In 2024

But these won’t have the Nintendo Seal of Quality

shiroininja ,

The Machine is better than a lot of that stuff lol

Bartsbigbugbag ,

So fucking good I bought the physical copy and played through like 30 times after buying the rom. It kinda spoiled me because I haven’t been able to find another new GB game of that quality since, even from that same developer.

shiroininja ,

Yeah I feel the same. Have you played possum country?

Bartsbigbugbag ,

No, I’ll have to check that one out, thanks for gf recommendation!

NGC2346 ,

That was only during a period of high counterfeit games being sold around for cheap. This isnt happening anymore because, well, digital piracy.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

The Nintendo Seal of Quality is still put on Nintendo games.

My physical copy of Doki Doki Literature Club Plus on Nintendo Switch has one on the back of the box next to the barcode.

can ,

I thought they dropped "quality" years ago.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

The word perhaps, but the seal is identical in design, color, and function. I believe now it just says "Official Nintendo Seal" which doesnt much change the function except they can't be sued for licensing bad quality games I guess? Fits in with their anti-consumer theme though.

Tier1BuildABear , avatar

That's actually the certificate of ownership, just in case you buy it and think it's yours

dumbass , avatar
Holyginz , in Why are younger generations embracing the retro game revival?

Probably because "AAA" games are almost all cash grabs at this point.

DrownedRats , (edited ) avatar

Not to mention they require high end hardware to run due to lack of optimisation. Many people can't afford top end shit and with emulators becoming lighter and easier to run, retro games just become super accessible.

Even Wii emulators such as dolphin can run decently well on a bog standard phone and with the state the mobile game market is in, Wii games are just universally a better option.

Holyginz ,

100% agree, too much is being focused on getting games as cutting edge graphic wise as possible without focusing on optimization, size, game play, or even if consumers can reasonably be expected to have the hardware necessary for it. I worry the gaming industry will hit a point where the leeches at the top determine the industry is dead because they've ruined it so badly in the never ending pursuit of unrealistic profit. Like no shit not as many people want to buy games riddled with bugs, microtransactions and lacking any attempt at listening to what consumer want to play. I miss when developers were allowed to be creative and work on things they enjoy, because that definitely was represented in the games when playing them.

Kolanaki , in Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads avatar

My favorite old school game ad is one for Quake 3 Arena:

Deceptichum , avatar

Is that a toilet chair?

Dran_Arcana ,

"The tryhard poopsock"

Kolanaki , avatar

It's one of those things, yes.

frezik ,

And people make fun of that one ad where John Romero was going to make us all his bitch.

Kolanaki , avatar

To be fair, Daikatana sucked so the ad is mostly funny in retrospect because it didn't make everyone his bitch. If it had, I'm not sure we'd be making fun of it.

fluxion ,

Im still a little bit miffed they didn't give me any compensation for using pictures of my setup

paraphrand ,

Is there a high res version of this anywhere?

leave_it_blank ,
taiyang ,

Ah, fun for the whole family. Very wholesome, that Quake game is.

BuboScandiacus , in Lucky DS game haul form local librarys "free stuff" section avatar
Katzastrophe ,

I hate to tell you but Wii is retro too

Kolanaki , avatar

Just 2 more years and Playstation 3 will be retro, if the requirement is being 20 years or older.

can ,

Considering I received my first one nearly twenty years ago, yes

xyzzy , in "There ain't no gettin' offa this train!"

Lots of great quotes from this game.

"Listen, Yuffie. I don't care about the history of Wutai or your feelings." — Cloud

"Those who sacrifice themselves for their jobs aren't pros... just fools." — Tseng

Bronzie , in Have video games become expensive now?

I don’t really think so.

If you adjust for inflation, historically, it’s very cheap.
If you compare it to movie tickets, which in essence is 2-3 hours of entertainment for $25, it’s the same story.
Some games can give you hundreds of hours for close to the same price.

This excludes games with monthly fees or predatory in-game systems.

bobs_monkey ,

AAA titles have been $60 since the 90s iirc. The difference now, though, is the addition of paid DLC, micro transactions, etc that historically didn't exist, so I'd say it's a little bit of a toss up.

Peffse ,

I always saw the higher $60 games were cartridge-based games, while the CD-ROM equivalent was cheaper. When everybody switched away from cartridges it dropped back down to $50 being the norm until around 2005-2006.

bobs_monkey ,

Really? I could swear that the top PS1 games were around $60. Granted this was about 30 years ago when I was a kid, so I could easily be mistaken, I just remember my parents bitching about them being expensive lol

TheRealLinga ,

Shout out to my millennial homie!

Peffse ,
bobs_monkey ,

I stand corrected, thanks for the nostalgia

otp ,

I think "around $60" is still accurate. They're above $50, and they still say that's the price "*after coupon".

Blackmist ,

In fairness that looks quite late on in the lifecycle of PS1.

I remember games coming down in price later on, like they were around £45 and came down to about £30 for new ones.

bobs_monkey ,

I remember the greatest hits (green sidebar label) ones being about $25-30

Blackmist ,

Yeah, they were called Platinum over here. £20 each. Ideal for a younger me, who could never justify full price games and frankly wanted to play the older ones first anyway.

waybackguy , avatar

Yeah I remember Donkey Kong Country cost like $60 back in 1994 when it first released. That's like $100 today adjusted for inflation. Nowadays DLC, the cloud, hardware and the like adds to it, although hardware has always been pricey to an extent.

helloharu , avatar

This is the comparison I end up making. Is it more up front? Yes, but will I get more hours out of it? Yes. Can I pick it up again without any additional cost? Yes. Can I be a goblin and not leave the comfort of my own house? Yes.

smeg ,


You mean $2.50, right? That can't be how much you pay for cinema tickets!?

Bronzie ,

Our currency has taken a bit of a hit since covid, so I guess it's more like $20 today.
210 NOK when I checked my local price for Dune 2 just now.

Add in some snacks and we're way over $30, so hopefully my point still stands.

smeg ,

That's mad, I can't remember the last time I paid more than £5 to see a film

just_another_person , in $200-ish laptop with a 386 and 8MB of RAM is a modern take on Windows 3.1 era

Running anything on a 386 was NOT fun. I don't think I'd pay $200 for the privilege of hating it all over again.

aseriesoftubes ,

At the same time, it forced me to learn. Nowadays, every game and app you’d want is a few clicks away, and most likely it’ll just work without having to think about IRQ settings or COM ports or whether there’s enough space on your 50 MB hard disk.

shalafi ,

Yeah, but they should have gone with a 486DX, or SX at least. HUGE difference. The 386 was just too damned frustrating, but it was the first work PC I ever laid hands on. For a personal computer, I upgraded from a 286 to a Pentium 200.

Hawke ,

Yeah, 486 DX4/100 was the peak of DOS gaming.

9point6 , in 1990 - 2005 Gaming Build

ME is a bold choice regardless—those installs always seem to destroy themselves before long in my experience (admittedly from quite a while ago now)

As for games (in no particular order):

  • Command & Conquer (basically all of them up to including RA2)
  • Diablo 2
  • Warcraft 3
  • Dungeon Keeper
  • Theme Hospital
  • Rollercoaster Tycoon (and RCT2)
  • Unreal Tournament 99
  • Fury 3/Terminal Velocity
  • Z
  • Age of Empires 1 & 2
  • Pharaoh & Caesar 3
  • MechWarrior 3
  • Serious Sam
  • Sim City 3000
  • Quake 2 & 3
  • Half Life
  • Deus Ex

I'm definitely forgetting some

Donut ,

Great list, pretty much my childhood. I'll add some more:

  • Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1/2
  • Empire Earth 1/2
  • Civilization II
  • Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
  • Theme Park (World?)
  • Populous: The Beginning
9point6 ,

Yes to all of those, though I never actually played empire earth, so that goes on my modern day list

Know_not_Scotty_does ,

There is some weird difficulty scaling on EE with faster cpus iirc. I got it on gog last year and its significantly harder than I remembered it being.

9point6 ,

Ah that's good to know, might be one for 86box then

mechoman444 ,

My childhood! Though I was more of a MechWarrior 2 guy.

ThirdWorldOrder , avatar

Fantastic list and love that you put Z on there. Gotta add some classics like Wolfenstein, Doom, Descent, Quake 1, Mechwarrior Mercenaries, Kings Quest… damn guess you could go on and on..

nik282000 OP , avatar

When I had ME the first time around I do remember there being some stability issues but I never had it totally brick, even with the assload of sus softeware that came from Kazaa and Morpheus.

best_username_ever ,

I only used it for 1 week but I remember that it would randomly commit suicide every hour, even without doing anything.

Pacmanlives ,

From what I remember hardware support was weird with ME. If you had the right hardware you were golden. Also last release of MSDOS

DarthBueller ,

I had an entirely different experience with Windows ME than seemingly everyone else. In my experience windows Me fixed a ton of hardware issues. I preferred it over 98 SE back in the day.

Anticorp ,

Sim City games were so cool back then! I hate what they did with them as they progressed.

AVincentInSpace , in All play, no work.

i cannot express how much it pains me that a 2DS is now considered retro

MossyFeathers ,

I feel like in order for something to be retro, then it should have to be at least 10yrs after official support has ended.

LazaroFilm OP , avatar

I agree, however, Nintendo shutting down the servers made it retro.

MossyFeathers ,

It hasn't been that long since that happened though. It's literally been less than 6 months since they shut the servers down. It was part of the previous Nintendo console generation ffs. GTA V released the same year as the 2ds. C'mon man, the 2ds is not retro.

WhiskyTangoFoxtrot ,

When the PS1 was current anything 2D was considered retro.

the16bitgamer , avatar

If you want me to make you feel old the hardware was released in 2013, making it over 10 years old this year.

MossyFeathers ,

Yep, but it hasn't been more than 10yrs since it was last officially supported. It's only been a few months since they fully ended official support.

the16bitgamer , avatar

While I understand your argument. I have my own philosophy for what is retro in terms of games.

For me I don't look at the system but the games. And for games it about 10-15 years after they were first released.

Enough time that kids can be born and never see this game until now. While I wouldn't call Pokemon Sun/Moon retro just yet. The 3ds/2ds has games on it that I would consider it retro.

Its been over half a decade since Nintendo stopped making games for it, and even longer since people cared about it.

The only time I will argue something isn't retro is when its still on the store shelf and not in the discount bin.

LazaroFilm OP , avatar

The fact that Nintendo shut down the servers makes it retro IMO.

lakemalcom10 , in Whatever Happened to SimCity?

Thoroughly interested in this. But why can't I just read it? I wish this wasn't a video.

lakemalcom10 ,
ooli OP ,

Like every meeting should have been an email, every youtube video should have been a blog post

EsteemedRectangle ,

This. I’m usually listening to music and don’t want to stop the music so I can understand the video. I want to read damnit.

M500 ,

I feel the same way. There are so many interesting youtube videos posted here. But i do not want to sit down and watch them. If I could read them, then i'd be game. The problem is, is that you can legit earn money making youtube videos.

TheEntity ,

I guess this is one area that AI can actually improve in our lives:

lakemalcom10 ,

This worked ok. I read through the summary in under a minute.

I would say that the article I linked in another comment was definitely a better read, though.

samus12345 , in Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads avatar

I thought they were cringy even then.

BeardedGingerWonder ,

I was hitting puberty, this was prime material

Lost_My_Mind , in The 8-Bit Guy: How Cathode Ray Tubes Work [18:32]

I used to watch this guy. Then about 6 years or so ago. Then one video he gets on, and starts berating his viewers for sending him gifts, and fan art.

His explaination was something along the lines of him not having enough space for all the stuff. And that's fine. I understand not having space.

But then he just goes ON AND ON AND ON about it. In a pretty disrespectful manner.

He could have just said something like "As a side note, while I appriciate everybody thinking of me, I just don't have the space for it all.

So if you'd like to send me art, I would much prefer digital art over something physical. I love the enthusiasm, I just have nowhere to put it...."

That would have been understandable.

Instead, he said something more along the lines of "I'm getting way too much fan packages from you guys. LOOK AT MY LIVING ROOM!!! I can't take it all! This needs to stop! It's making me angry. You guys are tweeting me that I don't thank you for your hard work. I haven't even opened the box! How am I supposed to know what you sent me???"

And ever since then, I've seen him as an unappriciative dick. I understand the need to stop the incoming flow of packages coming in, but there's a nice way to do that.

Zachariah , avatar

To refuse awards is another way of accepting them with more noise than is normal.

— Mark Twain

KaRunChiy , avatar

I get the same vibe, i still watch him, but not as intently as before. He has a tendency to do exactly that, and he generally fails to respectfully address any concerns he has. He just sorta acts annoyed and goes on tangents. His content in good, but his personality isn't

firewallfail ,

I've been finding his content hasn't been as good for the last couple years, maybe just from the random rants he tosses in for no reason. Then he went on a little rant recently about how he isn't making as much money from YouTube anymore and I unsubscribed.

altima_neo , avatar

Though, in fairness, several YouTubers were making the same kinda video around the end of last year. All complaining they weren't making as much money because of YouTube's algorithm favoring shorts.

Odelay42 ,

I also used to watch this guy very regularly but stopped when I found out he's a political gun nut who open carries his AR-15 specifically to anger people and make them uncomfortable.

There's a video of him inside a store with a rifle ranting about some poor politician and their effort to prevent gun violence. Easy to find if you search for it.

JCreazy , (edited )

This is his most current views on the subject if you care to watch.

Odelay42 ,

That link doesn't work for me.

JCreazy ,

Fixed it

AlternateRoute ,

piped... for privacy... O wait you need to log in first.

JCreazy ,

I fixed the link

Odelay42 ,

Thanks for posting.

I'm glad he's thought through a lot of his more inflammatory positions and seems to have evolved a more nuanced take on things.

Lost_My_Mind ,

I just remembered the line that made me stop watching. It was him saying that any future packages would be thrown in the trash.

This after ranting for like 3 minutes that too many people love him, and gift him so much stuff.

I was brought up to appriciate every little thing people gave me. Even as a kid.....that knock off power ranger that has a hollow inside, made of cheap rubbery plastic? "Thank you for the gift!"

So to see him say "I will throw any future packages in the trash" just felt like a slap in the face to any fans he may have had.

So I stopped being a fan. It's easy to unsubscribe on youtube.

turbowafflz ,

I stopped watching when he got that one rare IBM workstation and sloppily dremeled in all the the screws to open it because he was too lazy to go to the store to buy a screwdriver. That was before I even heard about this and the stupid gun stuff. I know it's like a minor thing and he only damaged screws and sheet metal parts that could in theory be replaced with a medium amount of difficulty, but I just can't imagine intentionally damaging something very uncommon because you're too lazy to buy a screwdriver

Lost_My_Mind ,

...........who doesn't have a screwdriver??? HE DISASSEMBLES ELECTRONICS OFTEN FOR A LIVING!!! WTF???

This only raises MORE questions!

turbowafflz ,

I think it was a security torx screw if I remember correctly so it makes sense he wouldn't necessarily have an appropriate bit, but it would have been so little effort to just order one or go to a store

KaRunChiy , avatar

You could also jam a flathead into one at certain angles if it isn't too tight between the peg, I've done that before

xwolpertinger ,

Casually shorts the two IEC colour coded wires for AC live + neutral.

You won't believe what happened next.

turbowafflz ,

I forgot about that part, that whole "repair" was such a mess

directive0 , avatar

Videos like that I'm always amazed the creator even bothers uploading. I'd be so fucking embarassed it would never see the light of day.

But I guess its sunk cost fallacy. Gotta get that content out there I spent a week working on. I guess I can appreciate that. Theres also something to be said about being honest about your fuckups. I was so embarassed for him I noped out of that video so I dont really know how it ended, but I dont recall there being much humility about it?

turbowafflz ,

In the comments he kept responding to everyone being critical and being like "well it's my computer so I can do anything I want to it"

13esq , (edited )

Devils advocate:

If you're known as a guy that loves Pokémon cards and people keep gifting you Weedle's (one of the lowest powered and most common cards in the game), then after a while you're going to be like "thanks guys, I know you want to gift me and to not just throw the card away, but these are worth literally nothing to me because I already have much nicer examples and I don't need/want/have room for them, I'd just be throwing them away myself".

captain_aggravated , in I miss console ads being this weird avatar

Not much can top the 3DFX VooDoo graphics card boxes.

AllNewTypeFace , in Palmer Luckey's FPGA Game Boy clone lands just in time for the holidays | TechSpot avatar

For those who like a bit of fascism with their emulation.

LowtierComputer ,


Voyajer , avatar

Apparently he does fundraisers for Trump

ashok36 ,

He also has a company that does anti drone tech for the Department of Defense.

ultranaut ,

He also got caught secretly funding a racist trolling group to spread hate and harass people.

Rhynoplaz , in Beating the 50cc Flower Cup on Mario Kart 64 (1996)

Where I come from, that's called the warm up.

SidewaysHighways ,

But necessary if you want the gold screen

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