cam , avatar

I'm fasting for every Thursday until

Since last Thursday

  • Israelis have made Nasser hospital inoperable
  • Israeli/US bombs massacre hundreds of civilians in Rafah, the last refuge in Gaza
  • Biden vetos a security council resolution for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all
  • Smotrich (Israeli finance minister) says is not important
  • Israel does not allow aid to enter and the UN has given up on North Gaza aid

cam OP , avatar
cam OP , avatar

I'm fasting for #Gaza every Thursday until #ceasefire

Since last thursday

  • 100k Michigan Dems voted "uncommitted" to get Biden to see the danger of his genocide support
  • The UN and PHRI release reports on torture, abuse, and sexual violence by the Israeli regime against Palestinians
  • Active duty airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolated in protest of Israeli/US genocide
  • Israelis fire on civilians reaching for food aid. Gaza is under an Israel-imposed famine. #fastforgaza

cam OP , avatar

And a couple other thoughts. Mr Bushnell's sacrifice and martyrdom hasn't left my mind for a moment.

He died with freedom and justice in his heart, mind, and soul.

Aaron Bushnell LIVES in the hearts of every person who loves peace in this country.

Does he live in yours?

cam OP , avatar

I'm #FastForGaza every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last Thursday:

  • Israel blocking aid from entering Palestine has triggered the expected famine
  • 18 children (that we know of) have died of starvation
  • Palestinians trying to reach aid in North Gaza are being massacred daily by Israeli soldiers
  • WaPo reports Biden has shipped weapons w/o Congress to Israel ~100x since last October
  • 68% of Israelis support blocking aid from Palestine

cam OP , avatar

I say "that we know of" because these are the kids that were brought to children's hospitals, which don't have food to give kids, so they've been trying to keep them alive with fluids, things like that.

If you like, you could look up Yazan Al Kafarneh to see the lengths they're going to to try and keep kids alive without food but to no avail, he died last week, completely emaciated.

cam OP , avatar

I'm #FastForGaza every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last Thurs

  • >24 have been killed in Israeli prisons. Israel has imprisoned 1000s of Palestinians since Oct
  • As Ramadan begins, Israeli soldiers beat/arrest worshippers at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem
  • UN aid officials report #Israel blocking aid for cancer medications and medical equipment (such as scissors)
  • Israel bombs a UN aid warehouse in central #Gaza
  • Air-dropped aid kills 5

cam OP , avatar
cam OP , avatar

I'm #FastForGaza every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last Thurs

  • #Israel responds to 2 days of orderly aid distribution in Northern #Gaza by assassinating the top police officer in charge of aid coordination and massacring an aid committee, killing 22
  • #Netanyahu continues to reject #ceasefire
  • Australia, the EU, and Canada resume aid payments to UNRWA, citing lack of evidence for claims. #Biden agrees to block UNRWA aid

cam OP , avatar

To give a little #Florida update from the last week about #Palestine actions here

USF students have been on hunger strike for days demanding a ceasefire statement and more transparency from President Law

You can watch one of their videos below and follow them on instagram

#FastForGaza #Gaza #Palestine #Ceasefire #BDS #HigherEd


cam OP , avatar

Another #Florida #Palestine update

Peace protestors showed up to push against an event by the far right group Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) to honor Brian Mast, a far right evangelical #SouthFlorida congressman who said babies in Gaza aren't innocent.

They were confronted by violent extremists who pick fights, so of course the cops arrested...
a Palestinian man!

The media report was of violent Arabs. You can look at the video below and decide

#Miami #Gaza #acab #ceasefire


cam OP , avatar

I'm #FastForGaza once a week until a permanent ceasefire in #Palestine

Here are some of the people murdered by #Israel in the last week

Dr Mohammed Nounou was a pharmacist at Al Shifa hospital. He refused to abandon his patients when ordered to evacuate and was executed.

Journalist Mohammad Abu Sukheil was executed around Al Shifa hospital yesterday. He was a radio correspondent for a local Gaza station.

#ceasefire #gaza #medicine #journalism

portrait of Mohammad Abu Skheil

cam OP , avatar

I'm every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire in

Since last week:

  • approves $bns more in bombs, jets, and ammunition to , and starts planning for $bns more

  • Israeli forces leave , showing scenes of executions, mass graves, and the complete destruction of the hospital

  • Israelis murder 7 aid workers from World Central Kitchen; WCK, Anera, and Project HOPE suspend ops. This means a friend's family will starve @palestine

cam OP , avatar

For a #Florida #Gaza roundup

  • #Tampa USF hunger strikers suspend their strike after 2 weeks where USF refused to budge or even meet

  • Palm Beach County, where #Trump's #MarALago residence is, is also the largest holder of Israeli bonds in the world

  • #Miami SJP at FIU holds a vigil for the martyrs of Gaza during their Ramadan charity week

  • #Orlando the first #GenZ rep Maxwell Frost abandons his early supporters from Florida Palestine Network and turns against human rights


Article from the Palm Beach Post about how Palm Beach County is the largest investor in Israeli bonds
Screenshot from SJP at FIU for the vigil for Palestine
Part of the instagram statement from Florida Palestine Network condemning Maxwell Frost's abandonment of human rights.

cam OP , avatar

I'm #FastForGaza every Thursday until a permanent ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last week:

  • Authorities around Al Shifa hospital report finding mass graves, exhuming over 380 bodies, and evidence of scale executions

  • More aid trucks enter Gaza after #Biden finally threatens to condition military aid to #Israel after 6mos of genocide

  • UN asks that Israel allow journalists into Gaza. Israel has murdered 140 journalists since October.
@palestine #Gaza #ceasefire

cam OP , avatar

I’m #FastForGaza every Thursday until a #ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last week

  • #Biden reportedly is denying Palestinian statehood at the UN despite saying he supports 2 states

  • The US State Dept has recommended denying arms to specific #Israel units they found have committed rapes and war crimes, this has been ignored

  • Israeli military bombed a playground in the Maghazi refugee camp. A playground.

  • Israeli settlers and military running pogroms in the West Bank


cam OP , avatar

In Jewish voice for peace took Biscayne Blvd for the action on April 15 risking the pervasive culture of police brutality and corruption in Miami PD to demand that the US stop sending weapons to for their genocidal campaign in



cam OP , avatar

I’m every Thursday until a in

Since last week

  • in the US escalate attacks against peace protestors, masked supporters attack UCLA w/ explosives and pepper spray

  • Investigations start by UN & ICC into the 100s of dead found in mass graves at Shifa & Nasser hospitals

  • continues abductions and pogroms in

  • vows to invade Rafah despite negotiations. Rafah is bombed daily.


cam OP , avatar

In #Tampa, the University of South Florida #Divest Coalition was brutally beaten by the police, including those who were only documenting the police riot. The video attached is from USF.

At University of #Florida, the police also tore down tents and assaulted peaceful protestors



cam OP , avatar

I’m #FastForGaza every Thurs until a #ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last week

  • #Israel rejects a peace deal that included full bilateral hostage release

  • Israel destroys 50 Bedouin Palestinian homes in the Negev desert to build a highway

  • 7 mass graves found at 3 hospitals in Gaza, signs of torture, beheadings, and executions

  • Cindy McCain (WFP) labels #Gaza in a "full-blown famine"

  • After sending $bns in weapons, #Biden announces a pause


cam OP , avatar

On the #Florida #Palestine side

  • Florida Highway Patrol says DeSantis personally ordered the crackdown on university campuses

  • City of Doral becomes the first city in #SouthFlorida to ask for a "cessation of hostilities" and acknowledges the immense death toll of Palestinians

  • A Jewish and Black led protest at Rep Wilson's office in Miami. You can check out Dr Armen Henderson's speech below. A great human being, he runs free clinics for the poor.

#ceasefire #voteblue


cam OP , avatar

I’m #FastForGaza every Thurs until a #ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last week

  • #Israeli settlers destroy several aid trucks and drivers

  • #Biden admits US bombs were used to kill civilians, greenlights $1bn in weapons to Israel

  • #Israel chokes off all aid from Egypt at #Rafah crossing

  • More reports from Sde Teiman torture camp in Negeb desert, per CNN

  • CNN shows mob that attacked UCLA included IDF recruits, far right figures.


cam OP , avatar

In a #Florida #Palestine update

  • The Florida Palestine Network put on a massive march to recognize the #Nakba in #Orlando, video below! Orlando Police attacked the peaceful march and even pepper-sprayed children, but the march continued.

  • #DeSantis and Zionist groups are pressuring Doral to remove their resolution calling for an end to hostilities in #Gaza, if you're interested, you can send an email to city officials to show your support!



cam OP , avatar

I’m every Thurs until a in

Since last week

  • ICC prosecutor requests warrants for leaders Netanyahu, Gallant, and Hamas leaders

  • dictator Orban and condemn the ICC warrant

  • Rafah invasion halts most aid, esp fuel

  • Spain, Ireland, Norway recognize Palestine as a state, a crucial step to peace

  • Israeli raid in West Bank kills 11, including head of surgery at Jenin Hospital and a 9th grader

cam OP , avatar

#Florida #Palestine update

  • City of Doral, under pressure from the #Israel lobby and #DeSantis, rescinds their statement for a cessation of all hostilities

  • FIU completes its student encampment during commencement

  • FIU law student is censored as soon as he mentions Palestine during a speech, video below!

  • Break The Bonds, a new legal activist group, seeks to sue Palm Beach County for $700bn investment of public funds into Israeli bonds



MickG59 , avatar

@cam @palestine Land of the Free 🙄

cam OP , avatar

@MickG59 @palestine

In the Free State of Florida, no less, where political correctness goes to die 😂

admin , avatar

@cam @palestine That "thank you, you have been heard" is the most dystopian shit ever...

cam OP , avatar

I’m #FastForGaza every Thurs until a #ceasefire in #Palestine

Since last week

  • #Israel bombs a designated safe tent camp, murdering dozens of children and other civilians, the Tent Massacre

  • Israeli tanks take full #Gaza #Egypt border, #Biden admin says no invasion of #Rafah happening

  • #Ceasefire talks stall as Israel refuses offer #Blinken called "extraordinarily generous"

  • US pier from #Biden SOTU fails to deliver aid, and is sinking


cam OP , avatar

Not much of a update this week.

There was an emergency rally for Rafah in Fort Lauderdale. I was in attendance.

If you're interested in what happened at Doral, a local lawyer, Zohra Khorashi has all the receipts on their craven decision to rescind their "cessation of hostilities" resolution.

Despite being bullied by an assortment of anti-semites and zionists, she's still pushing for peace in our community and around the world.



cam OP , avatar

I’m every Thurs until a in

Since last week

  • bombs an UNRWA school sheltering children, murdering dozens

  • Israeli flag day mobs terrorize East , beating Palestinians, including 2 Haaretz reporters

  • presents Israeli peace plan. agrees in principle. Israel rejects own peace plan.

  • The baby beheaded by US/Israeli bomb identified as Ahmed Al Najjar. His family speaks in the video



cam OP , avatar

#Florida #Palestine update

FIU student Izzy Canizares has a write-up on the weeklong FIU #encampment As an FIU alum, I'm quite proud of the work these students are doing in one of the most hostile political climates to peace in the US. 💙💛


cam OP , avatar

I’m every Thurs until a in

Since last week

  • UNSC endorses 's proposed solution promoted by . agrees to plan, but says otherwise. has only rejected it.

  • Mass murderer from the 2014 Gaza attack Benny Gantz resigns from Israel's war cabinet.

  • Israeli military massacres/maims several hundred Palestinians in Nuseirat. Sec of Def Austin called it a success, Biden congratulated Israel @palestine

cam OP , avatar

I’m every Thurs until a in

Since last week

  • UN says 8k children diagnosed w malnutrition. PM Netanyahu and DM Gallant have been accused by the ICC of using starvation as a weapon.

  • After being used as a military launch point for Israeli regime, "humanitarian pier" is shut down due to damage

  • Israeli far right consolidates power as Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet

  • 81 Palestinians murdered since last Thursday


cam OP , avatar

Not much of a #Florida #Palestine update except this movie screening of Where Olive Trees Weep coming up. Filmed in 2022 in the occupied West Bank, this documentary dives into colonization and the ongoing genocide.

📍South Florida AFL-CIO Hall
⏰ June 21 7PM

Put on by Jewish Voice for Peace, Al Awda, Miami DSA, Broward County DSA, and Code Pink!

I'll try and swing through but let's be honest idk i have a kid lol


blepharon , avatar

@cam @palestine

One state, one vassal?

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