NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


"The Israel lobby exists, is real and is coming to a Parliament near you"

Corruption, weapons industry, illegal wars, illegal settlements ... that's what the Israel lobby protects by funding our politicians. So, it's not just The United State of Israel, because we also have the United Kingdom of Israel.


mondoweiss , to palestine group avatar

Palestinian Christians suffer from a crisis of representation, as some church leaders and community members disassociate from the Palestinian struggle and perpetuate the perception that they are a "minority."

@palestine @israel

patricksudlow , avatar

@mondoweiss @palestine @israel The Pope, like one of his predecessors is totally complicit in As the destroy Christian churches and murder Christian !

nando161 , to random avatar

"I’m not anti-Semitic at all, but I am anti-Zionist. I don’t believe they have the right, after 3,000 years, to reclaim the land with western bombs and guns on biblical injunction."

— James Baldwin

image: former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley signs "finish them" on a bomb intended to be dropped on the Palestinians.

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  • ramzimo68 , to palestine group avatar

    Resistance to colonialism is rooted in the heroes arc.

    Take that

    plink , to palestine group avatar
    Karuna , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @plink @palestine @israel
    This war in didn't start on October 7th. You can't deny history to excuse the . Murderous, genocidal, attacks on have been going on for over 75 years. But you don't like it when they fight back - you just want the to lay down and die as their land is stolen by European colonists.

    18+ nus , to israel group avatar

    I've taken to not revealing to hyper-#Zionists that I condemn #Hamas too. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think people who support an ongoing genocide should be babied so they feel like admitting #Israel is doing one.

    "Well it's technically not genoc-"
    Neither was the Holocaust until 12 million people were dead.

    "Collectively blaming Israel is bigoted"
    And so is collectively blaming Palestinians, but you do it anyway.

    #Zionism #ZionismIsFascism @israel

    foufoutos , to random avatar

    The Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI) filed a claim on May 22, stating that “there are reasonable grounds to believe that the current president of the European Commission […] is complicit in several violations of international humanitarian law, amounting to crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC.”

    Justis4u , avatar

    @foufoutos @palestine @vonderleyen accused of violations of humanitarian law! Surprise, surprise! Most people know that are being enabled by most in the World!

    Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

    Israeli Knesset votes to approve bill that would designate UNRWA a terror organisation - YouTube

    Seriously? Holy crap!

    "Israel's parliament has voted to approve a bill that would designate the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees as a terrorist organisation.
    The bill also calls for a complete severing of ties from UNRWA. ...
    The bill still needs to clear several more steps before being implemented."


    KarunaX , avatar

    @kindness @LetsRoc @Miro_Collas @ogalachowski @palestine
    You seem to be repeating talking points, all of which are designed to maintain regional tensions as the continue stealing land, and murder women and children with impunity under the benevolent wing of the .

    faab64 , to palestine group

    Urgent: The Secretary-General of the United Nations: We condemn the practices of “Israel” that led to the martyrdom of dozens of innocent people who were searching for shelter, and there is no safe place in , and this horror must stop.

    @palestine @israel

    Justis4u , avatar

    @jeremy_pm @israel @palestine @mihira More proofs of how use to manipulate everything and everybody


    appassionato , to palestine group avatar

    "Palestinian children should wake up feeling excited to go to school and play with their friends.

    Instead, for those murdered in Rafah, their last moments on this earth were filled with unimaginable fear as bombs rained down on their tents.

    What a monstrous failure of humanity."

    — Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) May 27, 2024


    jeremy_pm , avatar

    @appassionato @palestine

    I'm old enough to remember getting Jeremy Corbyn removed as leader of UK Labour for daring to call out Israel's I guess won't have to worry about getting in the way of their if he becomes the next PM.

    NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


    "Hamas demands the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to issue arrest and detention orders against all war criminals, including occupation leaders, officers and soldiers who participated in crimes against the Palestinian people. It also demands the cancellation of all arrest warrants issued against Palestinian resistance leaders, as these warrants violate international conventions and resolutions [Article 51 of the UN Charter].

    KarunaX , avatar

    @DropBear @NotImpressed @jeremy_pm @oatmeal @palestine
    One of the better articles I have encountered for many years on the criminal formation of the state and the attack/takeover of by .

    joenepraat , to random avatar

    I already did this earlier, but again… I totally distance myself from the pro-Israeli fake 'left'! Important article for anti-fascists and indeed all anti-fascist groups in all countries should distance themselves from and break any collaborations with the pro-Israeli 'left'! Not only those from Germany and Austria, but also those from other countries.

    AFA Stockholm: Not our comrades – About the German pro-Israel “anti-fascists”

    "For a long time now we have closely followed, with disgust, the pro-Israel German anti-fascism, or the antideutsche movement as they are called in Germany, and we have never considered ourselves to share anything in common with the groups that represent this obscure current.

    However, with the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians, it is long past time for us to officially disassociate ourselves from all left-wing and anti-fascist groups, both inside and outside Germany, that support the state of Israel. …"

    appassionato , to palestine group avatar

    Demonstrators hold up cutouts of hostages during a protest demanding the immediate release of hostages, after the release of a video showing the capture of female Israeli soldiers before they were taken to Gaza during the deadly October 7 attack by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, near the Ministry of Defence in Tel Aviv, Israel. REUTERS/Marko Djurica


    heretical_i , avatar

    @appassionato They SHOULD BE demanding an immediate , but these are most likely supporters. Someone needs to tell them the bombings killed a number of them and claims they've lost contact with at least one unit guarding the prisoners in (via telegram, a day or two ago). They all can be presumed killed by Israeli forces too. @palestine

    nando161 , to random avatar
    Sherifazuhur , to israel group avatar
    gfkdsgn , avatar

    Obviously not. Only with low IQs want to dissinterpret reality like that

    If liberdon is full of terrorist organization supporters like you, why don't the description start with: against the civil population of @palestine

    gfkdsgn , avatar

    Puahaha @h4890
    It's you supporting the genocide of the convicted war criminal terrorist leader , not me.

    Stunning how you try to double down and involve religion, since you don't give a shit about religion or ethic values.

    Btw: NO, you haven't explained how your could be better than . So, you're not just lying, but in public comments where everybody can see it. In effect you're just a propaganda idiot with Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

    gfkdsgn , avatar

    So you @h4890 have a family of ultra-right-wing in support of terror organizations like , , , and fundamental militia like who perpetrate for the of @israel
    ...and you are proud of that, aren't you?

    You identify yourself as Ashkenazi, don't you?

    NotImpressed , to palestine group avatar


    "Biden's claim that Hamas’s Oct 7 attacks were “driven by ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people" is ahistorical and dangerous. In fact, Jewish history shows that antisemitism is a Western problem"
    "Biden’s historically ignorant, wildly antisemitic statements fly in the face of Jewish anti-Zionists, and this dangerous linkage between antisemitism and anti-Zionism ignores the fact that...most Zionists are fundamentalist Christians"

    Justis4u , avatar

    @NotImpressed @palestine @jacksonhinklle shows his and bytrying to shift the West's long standing desire to wipe out the on behalf of the onto which was only ust created by in the last few decades

    plink , to israel group avatar
    heretical_i , avatar

    That's right @plink. is still functioning and killing JudeoNazis. The Entity is desperate. Like a pouting spoiled child with a broken toy ... if it can't have it will destroy it. They demolished 's civilian airport today. like that mean nothing to these . They need to be destroyed, and they will be. @palestine @israel

    rbreich , to random avatar
    InfoMgmtExec ,
    gfkdsgn , to palestine group German avatar

    A debate about the differences of #antiZionism & #antiSemitism isn't possible @freieuniversitaet . Some might say that's corrupted by design, but I'd call it a classic conflict of interest.
    However, #FUBerlin president prof. Ziegler published today: “This kind of protest is not dialogue oriented. An occupation of university property is not acceptable. We welcome academic debate and dialogue – but not in this form,”

    The irony isn't just that he relied on #police to clear campus of #protests in #solidarity with @palestine instead of dialogue with #StudentIntifada , but that #genocideDeniers called #FreePalestine protesters dead (if they would be in #Gaza ) and #fascist in uniform protected lies and verbal hate crimes by #zionists. Instead pigs arrested #StopTheGenocide chanting protesters brutally.

    Take a look yourself...

    KarunaX , to random avatar

    This is one way insinuates its presence into the political life of other nations (well, esp white, Western, settler-colonial nations). Israel provides all expenses paid trips for politicians (& "influencers", esp from media) to be subjected to a carefully crafted, intense pro-Zionist propaganda course in Israel. This photo is of a few Australian politicians who stuck their snouts in this trough (and their brains in the deep freezer).

    KarunaX OP , avatar

    @DropBear The Handbook (aka the 2009 Global Dictionary) is a "dictionary" of euphemisms and evasions to assist trying to justify the non-stop murder of in (& the ) to conceal their atrocities in public statements. It can be found and downloaded easily, but here is a link that outlines it nature.

    gee8sh , to random avatar

    Given #Google's unwavering support for #Israel and its genocidal apparatus, I am thinking of starting to transition out of its ecosystem.

    It's gonna be challenging, primarily because I use an Android smartphone, and because I have been using a Gmail account for ages.

    I welcome your tips!


    Karuna , avatar

    @ThinkIsrael @Mary625 @tzafrir @hanscees @DropBear @sentient_water @PeterLG @gee8sh @palestine @israel
    The problem of Palestinian "refugees" was created by the vicious, loving who currently control . Their time will end, many will go back where they came from, and the refugees will return.

    faab64 , to israel group

    Some 52 years ago, when I was in 4th grade of primary school, I found a book "who put glasses on the kid's eyes" in a small book shop in open bazaar of my hometown Ahvaz in khuzestan province of Iran.

    A few days later, we had to bring a book to school and read it in front of the class. Happy as I was to have found a great book, I took it to school and read it in front of the class.

    I couldn't understand why my teacher was acting so scared and stopped me before I had finished the book and sent me to the principals office.
    I was nervous, didn't know what I had done wrong and our principal, who was a really nice man, and went to the same university as my oldest sister took the book and asked me where I had bought it. I knew something was wrong, so I said I bought it at the book store of our local mosque, to protect the guy who was my source of cheap and lovely books and would buy back my old ones to help me afford buying new ones.

    In the evening my father came home, agitated and clearly upset. Asked me what I have done and I explained the situation, including the fact that I lied about wher I had bought the book. Told him the highlight of the book about a happy child who was living in a town with happy people who were all wearing glasses.

    He was seeing flowers, colorful houses. Nice people and happy children all around him, birds flying in the sky and everyone were so friendly to him.

    Until one day he fell of and his glasses broke. He couldn't believe his eyes, the flowers, colorful houses and happy people were all gone. All he could see was a run down city, with piles of garbage everywhere, people wearing worn out clothes, looking hungry and sick.

    He was nece happy after that, he couldn't believe that everyone were walking around with glasses and we're happy all the time. But he was sad and miserable, because he had seen his town without those glasses.

    Anyway. My father took me to a building close to the main police station on the other side of the Karun river, he spent almost entire day in a room where I could people screaming at him and a few times someone his the table very hard. But couldn't hear what they were saying.
    My dad came out. Pulled my hand without saying a word, we walked for an hour to get home, didn't take taxi as we used to do.

    He didn't say a word during the whole day and told me to go over my books and bring all the books I had bought from that shop, he through them in a metal bucket and poured some fuel over it, set them on fire and waited until they were completely burned, mixed the ashes to turn them into dust, filled the bucket with water and through it in the toilet.

    He told me to never go back to that shop and be careful to take any books to school from now on.

    That' was my first interaction with the notorious Savak police of Shah of Iran. In the next days, all the 4 book stores in our town were raided. Books confiscated and doors locked. Never heard about any of them again.

    Reading the comments of pro Israeli accounts on mastodon reminded me of that book and that experience that changed my life when I was only 8 years old.

    This post specially triggered those memories. Unlike the kid in my book and the people living in the town, these people know very well tat what they are posting is not true, they have seen the horror of the past 76 years of occupation, they have seen the 66 times they were subject to UNSC charges, and 45 that were vetoed by the US..

    But they don't care, they see themselves as victims. They don't see the millions of starving palestinians, or the millions living in refuge camps around the world as worthy of their empathy or cause of why Palestinians and some of the world is fed up with their out of control criminal behavior

    They don't have glasses on their eyes, they have chosen to be selective and above the laws of the world.

    @palestine @israel

    FloydyStu , avatar

    @finche @Provinto @faab64 @palestine @israel in the late 30's and early 40's, Egyptians talked of holidays in Palestine.

    Palestine was a thing.

    The stole it. All of it.

    cam , to random avatar

    I'm fasting for every Thursday until

    Since last Thursday

    • Israelis have made Nasser hospital inoperable
    • Israeli/US bombs massacre hundreds of civilians in Rafah, the last refuge in Gaza
    • Biden vetos a security council resolution for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all
    • Smotrich (Israeli finance minister) says is not important
    • Israel does not allow aid to enter and the UN has given up on North Gaza aid

    cam OP , avatar

    I’m every Thursday until a in

    Since last week

    • in the US escalate attacks against peace protestors, masked supporters attack UCLA w/ explosives and pepper spray

    • Investigations start by UN & ICC into the 100s of dead found in mass graves at Shifa & Nasser hospitals

    • continues abductions and pogroms in

    • vows to invade Rafah despite negotiations. Rafah is bombed daily.


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