GottaLaff , avatar

I'm done for today.

I get people panicking, I feel it too.

But I've blocked so many people today for wishing for violence, saying voting doesn't matter, etc.

I have no tolerance for that. None.

And then one coming in saying that I was "for the status quo" and blocking me... that was mature. From kolektiva server, so there's that.

Seriously, I'm so over today.

I hope those of you who are more rational have a more peaceful evening.

Today sucked, but let's stay rational. PLEASE.

Urbanhedgelady , avatar

@GottaLaff Votring matters, but you gotta start small. So MANY don't realize that.

palin , avatar

Too many are riding the rollercoaster of mania.

yappari , avatar

@GottaLaff hope you get a chance to rest and rejuvenate. You do amazing work

Vaniaji , avatar

@GottaLaff Everyone go home and listen to some soothing music, have a little red wine, and know that when a huge boulder crashes into your path, find another way. All is well…just breathe and take up the fight tomorrow… Om shanti…

DanaDee , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m #ridenwithbiden to save everything important to me.

CarlataOld , avatar

Agree agree agree. Voting has always been the answer to political problems.

If the lily-livered purists had voted for Hillary, this would look very different. Instead, Obama and Biden and Harris and our Dems in Congress have been doing their unceasing mightiest to curtail the damage. We HAVE to give them majorities in both houses and reelect Biden-Harris.

Evan_L , avatar

@GottaLaff we all need rest, self-care, and to practice self-love. Take some time for this. F the haters and the trolls and the unhinged. None of them really deserve your time or your energy, just unfortunately the weaker ones with low emotional IQ who can't react well to these tragedies who we need to try to help. But yeah, unforutnately some or even most are maybe trolls. Be proud of yourself for all that you do. I am.

Charles , avatar

@GottaLaff @lisamelton Anyone whose response to what’s happened today is “voting doesn’t matter” has singularly failed to learn the lessons of the past decade.

Langhamian , avatar

@GottaLaff I get it completely. Rest, its the only thing we can do right now.



JaneinNJ , avatar

@GottaLaff People can be such jerks. Glad you’re actively blocking because you certainly don’t need the extra agita. Hope you’re settling into your new home!

Aubyn , avatar

It was good to see a pissed off Biden.

scottytrees , avatar

@GottaLaff I think its hard for me to stay rational and sane, when the last +8 years have been very disheartening with what the Republicans/Fox News has done is all beyond unethical, immoral, corrupt, and criminal. I’m still going to vote, but I don’t think I’ve read enough positive news in years, it’s the nonstop hypocrisy and crimes the Right commits and slips right thru justice. I’m still gonna vote but man am I beyond depressed about the future of our country.

pattykimura , avatar

@GottaLaff Adulting is hard. It's easier to knock over the table, scream, and threaten.

Voting is our only way to save our union.

Voting is the last biggest test for each American alive in this moment - do we save our nation while it is most imperiled by millions of us casting our one vote? Or do end it by doing nothing.

Thank you for your strength and fortitude. And more importantly, for your unsinkable love and devotion to our country.

CindyS , avatar

@pattykimura @GottaLaff

And how do we react when SCOTUS overturns the election results? Because I guarandamntee you that's where this is headed.
Don't say you weren't warned.

pattykimura , avatar

@CindyS @GottaLaff Fear is a reasonable reaction to unreasonable times. But we cannot cede action to a paralysis caused by fear. Now is the test: we vote, in spite of our fears, in spite of the threats, we vote. Millions fought for you and me to be able to vote, to do this one simple act that strikes greater fear than the fear you feel in this moment in the fascist racist hearts of those who fought hard to keep us from voting - they have never wanted us to vote, because collective action by the small, the weak, the frightened, the powerless united is their kryptonite, and our strength.
Please don't forfeit our collective strength. Vote. It's not the end of collective action, it's the beginning. The fight is on.

CindyS , avatar


I certainly didn't intend to imply I wasn't going to vote. 🤨
I volunteer with local get out the vote initiatives, I write letters for VoteForward.
I'm not sure how what I said about SCOTUS overturning the election results when Biden wins as a call not to vote, or that I wasn't planning on voting.
And I'm not scared. I'm pissed off. There is a difference.


pattykimura , avatar

@CindyS @GottaLaff
I apologize for misunderstanding. Pissed is different from fear. And what we need now is action, and we need votes. Every single vote matters, because all of our lives and the continued existence of our nation depends on it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@pattykimura @CindyS You’re both wonderful. Patty, thank you for that reply upthread.

roblosricos , avatar


violence has no place in our country.

that's why we export it!

ha-ha! kill them all!

but - please - no violence here from anyone but the fascists.

pseudonym , avatar


Totally with you here.

As for staying rational, I try to remind myself "feelings are not facts."

There are plenty enough scary facts to worry about, I don't need to add worries/thoughts/expectations to the mix. Feelings are "just" mental events, potentially true, real, useful, but not facts in themselves.

That matters.

If those feelings lead you to act constructively, fantastic.

But name them and understand what they are. Transient mental states, that can and do change.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@pseudonym Well said.

lillyfinch , avatar

@GottaLaff 😿❤️standing with you and I am still voting Biden. Heather Cox Richardson just came out with a video that states what is going on and she what “we the people” must do. I will see if there is a link I can use to pass it on.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lillyfinch ❤️

PJ_Evans , avatar

I am so tired of the doom-and-gloomers, and the purity voters and the we-need-to-change-candidates-now people.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@PJ_Evans Ogodmetoo

andytiedye , avatar

@GottaLaff The only thing that is keeping me semi-rational at this point is the knowledge that we can also flee the country if we have to.

PeasLuvnJustice , avatar

@GottaLaff Tomorrow is a new day. We can't give up.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
DoomsdaysCW , avatar

@GottaLaff Ugh. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you have a more peaceful evening. I know I had to walk in the woods and get away from social media and the news for a while today. I hope you find some similar solace. <3

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@DoomsdaysCW I did that too, but it didn’t help much. Thank you!

DoomsdaysCW , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm sorry. I hope you're having a better day today. I know I'm planning on voting for Biden or whoever the Democrat nominee is -- and I'm a registered Green. I hope others who are like-minded do the same.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@DoomsdaysCW You rock.

MelissaBenyon , avatar

@GottaLaff Adding my support for you to what others have said.

Recent events across the globe have only firmed my resolve to fight even harder.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@MelissaBenyon ❤️

picard , avatar

@MelissaBenyon @GottaLaff me too, i don't read everything because of time differences, but it does help a lot to know and see that there are still people like you over there, thanks for all that you do!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@picard Many thanks! @MelissaBenyon

bzdev , avatar

@GottaLaff I just heard President Biden's statement on today's Supreme Court ruling. His voice was a lot clearer (consistent with him having a cold during the recent debate) and he said just the right thing. The broadcast was at 7:30 EDT - outside the 10 AM to 4 PM window some pundits have been citing although I couldn't tell if the president's remarks were prerecorded. It is understandable that people are concerned, but one bad day is not a deal breaker. Let's hope for the best.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bzdev No, not prerecorded.

AlgoCompSynth , avatar

@GottaLaff I won't be watching MSNBC tonight - I'll catch up with Maddow tomorrow on the audio feed.

sharky5740 ,

@GottaLaff The whole nonviolence thing is not going to work in the end. The GOP has reached their minimum viable preparations for a rematch of the civil war, they're just finishing their maneuvers for optimizing the starting point. If they get their way, it'll be a (decidedly non-bloodless) coup with concentration camps within weeks. If they don't, they'll start a civil war that they expect to win this time. Violence is coming either way.

Sevardin , avatar

@GottaLaff especially in recent days, your calm, measured voice has been a beacon of sanity amidst a shitstorm of terror. Thank you for helping us stay anchored and focused.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Sevardin So many thanks.

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