Nonilex , avatar
TheDarcBird , avatar


For those who do not live in the UK, there is a drink called Tango... The commercial follows:

rgk ,

@Nonilex context for the TANGO'd headline:

tiamat271 , avatar

@Nonilex “Queens man convicted”
🤣🤣🤣 I love it, this is my favorite

Pourroy , avatar

I just left the gym. Half of the tvs were tuned to fox and TFG was onscreen.

Nonilex OP , avatar

@Pourroy time to change gyms

Nonilex OP , avatar

Okay honestly trying to make sense of ’s “remarks” or attributing any sense to them is pointless. He is all over the place, rambling, throwing in the occasional recognizable rally line. It’s just nuts. He is lying nonstop & sounds crazy. And it’s still happening.

steveo1049 , avatar
ChrisHolladay , avatar

He is having a panic attack

GiddingsMJ , avatar

@Nonilex And aha! he doesn't take questions.

jmccabe , avatar


I can't watch this goomba - my wife texted from the other room:

"They just cut off the video before all our heads explode"

Finally, the media protecting people!

Victorsigmoid , avatar

@Nonilex need one more hashtage for someone who says this country is currently going to hell since they clearly have no experience, knowledge, or vision of anything like or approaching "hell". He has no idea what hell is.

tdwllms1 , avatar


pure delusion spew and verbal diarrhea.... and typical airing of his every grievance.

Nonilex OP , avatar

@tdwllms1 festivus for the rest of us!

sadele2 , avatar


Yeah, like José Díaz-Balart live on air:
"…the whole non sequitur issue of Trump saying that migrants are crossing the border with barbecue grills to be part of an army. I mean just this whole weirdness…"

Nonilex OP , avatar

@sadele2 so good. I heard him say “what’s he think there’s an army of grill masters invading?”

sadele2 , avatar


More carne asada for more taco trucks!

NurseStacey , avatar

@Nonilex I know that what ever garbage DT tosses out into cyber space isn’t intended for me. It’s for people he thinks are gullible suckers ripe for fleecing and exploitation AKA the MAGA-verse. A group of people who have a device in their hands that makes accessible the vast majority of human knowledge, but insist on using it to make themselves stupider.

GeralltGymro , avatar

@Nonilex 🍿

Nonilex OP , avatar

are summoning Manhattan DA to after ’s on all counts in his NY trial.
The Cmte’s select subcmte on the weaponization of the federal government on Fri invited & one of his prosecutors, Matthew , to testify on June 13. The cmte said the hearing “will examine the unprecedented political prosecution” of Trump.
The cmte is led by .

EarthOne24 , avatar

@Nonilex The pure evil of Jim Jordan raises it's horns.

rejinl , avatar

@Nonilex Same Gym Jordan who ignored a congressional subpoena? 🤔

WastelandWandrr , avatar

@Nonilex They're not going to summon the SCOTUS insurrectionnists? :angery:

Nonilex OP , avatar

are mostly standing by after he was found on all counts in his NY trial.

But a few are suggesting abandoning Trump as the nom.

Surprisingly, fmr congressman (R-AL), a once loyal Trump ally, posted after the Thurs that the GOP “faces [a] choice.”
“Keep Trump as nominee & gamble USA’s future,” Brooks said, or “replace Trump with a good character nominee & BEAT THE STEW OUT OF BIDEN!”

judah , avatar


it ain't much, but it ain't nothin

GeralltGymro , avatar


#Brooks must’ve received a dire diagnosis… or sumptin.

KatM , avatar

@Nonilex Love to see the GOP dike crack. May it bust wide open!

Animated gif of water pouring through a riveted steel wall.

Nonilex OP , avatar

#America just witnessed a confused, desperate, & defeated Donald #Trump ramble about his own personal #grievances & lie about the American #justice system, leaving anyone watching with one obvious conclusion: This man cannot be president of the United States,” #Biden communications director Michael Tyler said in a statement.

#law #USpol #BidenHarris2024
#TrumpIsUnfit #NationalSecurity #VoteBlue

harriettmb , avatar

@Nonilex I hope a lot more media start telling the truth about how he is presenting to the public, and about the issues of incoherence, rambling, disjointed slurring etc that is going on. It’s more than just corrupt business practices. The individual elected as POTUS has his hand on the nuclear button, as well as making decisions that affect everyone, not just those within his country. I’m old enough to remember Reagan, and his Alzheimer’s, plus some of his comments as he began to fail

alexproe , avatar

@Nonilex His minions are extremely riled today as are his lackies in the Republican party. Aside from the verbal attacks, not much else, so far. Thankfully. Still, the right wing pundits are doing their level best to stoke violence. It's a pity nothing can be done about them. People will get hurt.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Speaker on Fri urged to intervene in ’s appeal of his , by overturning the decision & granting him from prosecution.

“I do believe the Supreme Court should step in,” Johnson told . “Obviously, this is totally unprecedented.” neither the [ or not the are unprecedented, plenty of , it’s just the committing the crime that’s new].

tersenurse , avatar

@Nonilex the scary thing is, to my mind, it's not at all inconcievable that this Court might do just that.

YusufToropov , avatar

@Nonilex It's like Jack Webb was right after all. 50 years later, I'm having LSD relapses every time I pick up the goddamn phone.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Speaking on Fox, #MikeJohnson said he knew some of the justices on #SCOTUS personally [I bet he does] & believed that they shared his view that #Trump was a victim of unfair & politically motivated [fair & impartial] prosecutions. He also suggested that the #legal system was biased against Trump & other conservatives [I mean, c’mon, seriously?].

#MAGARepublicans #Republicans #law #VoteBlue

TCatInReality , avatar

It's time Dems let MTG bring down .

Nonilex OP , avatar

“So I think they’ll set this straight,” #MikeJohnson said, “but it’s going to take a while.”

He added later: “I think this court will do the right thing, because they see the abuse of the system right now.” [I think THIS court will do the wrong thing, they abuse the system constantly]

#SCOTUS #PartisanCourt #ActivistCourt #SCOTUSstench #MAGARepublicans #Trump #Republicans #law #VoteBlue

ChrisHolladay , avatar

Not SCOTUS but scrotums 🤷

Tonkey , avatar

@Nonilex Mike Johnson, the seditious, America-hating Russian traitor says what?

btrinen , avatar

@Nonilex This is horrendous. I can’t imagine any real issues from this State criminal trial that would make the outcome any business of the federal courts to weigh in on.

Nonilex OP , avatar


delivered a rambling post - monologue that was filled w/ false claims [lies] on subjects ranging from the Manhattan to to .

Here is a fact check of some of the inaccurate or unsubstantiated claims he made.

alexproe , avatar

@Nonilex Didn't know you were an interpreter too! Hard to make head nor tail of Trump's rancid rambling!

Busybelle , avatar

@Nonilex thank you so much for watching this and reporting it. I just couldn’t do it.

bls , avatar

@Nonilex What a totally pathetic person he is and thanks for the detailed update stream!

bls , avatar

@Nonilex diving into the state's judicial system and "saving" would be such a great way to improve how people view them, for sure. 😦

tiamat271 , avatar

@Nonilex thank you for calling them “lies”! So tired of the neverending watered-down euphemisms the press use.

Aviva_Gary , avatar

@Nonilex indeed 👀

JBShakerman , avatar

@Nonilex That so much time and effort is being spent by the intolerable to install that amoral wrecking ball in the White House is beyond terrifying.

mmalc ,


Do you happen to know what make of RV #MikeJohnson prefers?
(Asking for a friend.)

tdwllms1 , avatar


they've so lost their way do the rabbit hole, they don't believe in consequences for the people they support, regardless of their criminality....

GeralltGymro , avatar


Lest we forget, diapers absorb the moistures of sweat and tears too.

aardvark , avatar

@Nonilex any such justice should recuse if they’ve prejudged

PJ_Evans , avatar

He probably knows the conservative ones, especially the men.
He also apparently believes Donnie is a demigod.

Nonilex OP , avatar

@PJ_Evans yeah. I wasn’t being sarcastic about him knowing the conservative Christian nationalists.

PJ_Evans , avatar

Mikey is one.

ShredderFeeder , avatar

@Nonilex He's right in that the justice system IS biased against criminals...

karlauerbach , avatar

@Nonilex Clearly the speaker has neither understanding of the separation of State and Federal authority under our Constitution nor the laws regarding the jurisdiction of SCOTUS.

I have met good, smart R-party people - such as former Rep. Tom Campbell (from San Jose, California). But the present R-party seems to be filled with non-educated morons.

bitterdonald , avatar

@Nonilex how does he think the SCOTUS is going to intervene in a state case?

Nonilex OP , avatar

@bitterdonald either he’s just saying it for Trump’s ears, or Thomas & Alito will find some insane unfounded justification.

RVLara23 , avatar

@Nonilex it does feel like his hand picked SCOTUS will flip all of this eventually, doesn't it?

Talk about injustice ....

nedhamson1 , avatar

@Nonilex Speaker Johnson attacks judicial system and hundreds of thousands of Americans who serve on juries every year.

PattyHanson , avatar

Hey Mike Johnson - Donald committed these crimes BEFORE he was elected in 2016. There is NO presidential immunity even in question. He was a regular citizen.

Starbrother , avatar

@Nonilex SCOTUS are not lawmakers. MAGA Mike needs to step off.

TheNovemberMan ,

@Nonilex 👍💯👍

Osteopenia_Powers , avatar

Uh, former Congressman Mo Brooks, does the Republican Party HAVE a “good character nominee” waiting off to the side?

Nonilex OP , avatar

@Osteopenia_Powers certainly not Brooks

harmonygritz , avatar

@Nonilex Larry Hogan (GOP former gov of MD, now Senate candidate) put out a "Welp, that's the rule of law" message and the response from the Trump side is that he's dead in the water:

"You just ended your campaign" was the exact quote from a Trump aide.

MD was a Civil War border state and has always kinda played the middle politically, with GOP and Dem trading the governor slot, though Congress not as often. He could've won the Senate seat in normal times.

EarthOne24 , avatar

@Nonilex Who does "MoBrooks" imagine in his fascist mind is a member of the Trump Party that has "a good character"? Himself? What a dufus.

rbensch , avatar

@Nonilex .....they handcuffed themselves to that dead hooker and now they have to drag him across the finish line.

thejohnr , avatar

Where will they find a "good character nominee"? They kicked Kinzinger and Cheney out.

ariaflame , avatar

@Nonilex Are there any GOP members with good character?

tob , avatar

@Nonilex lol. Bragg's gonna roll those clowns.

A high profile case where a jury found the accused guilty on 34 counts is basically a prosecutors favorite thing to talk about.

They won't be able to get him to shut up about how guilty their guy is.

nonproductive , avatar

@Nonilex More Gang O Pricks drama. They know dang well they have zero jurisdiction over the indictment or trial and Bragg will decline… and then they’ll tell their base that the Dems are operating a “stealth judicial system that refuses to comply with the rule of law.”

Bragg should reply and say he’ll comply with a subpoena - as soon as Gym complies with his.

pg1958 , avatar

The same gym jordan who refused to answer a subpoena to testify to the J6 committee? 😂😂😂
Be right there gym...

GeralltGymro , avatar


He’ll drop an elbow a la Fani Willis on their heads.

neongreenfrg , avatar

But how is it weaponization of the “federal government” when it was a New York State case?

Nonilex OP , avatar

@neongreenfrg it’s not. Obviously Gym is working overtime for the orange buffoon.

TheDarcBird , avatar


I like!

cynblogger , avatar


Since when does a duly elected city District Attorney become answerable to the US Congress? The case was adjudicated and isn’t the proper order through the appellate system?

ALL the MAGA representatives know how to do is waste time & taxpayer money on BULLSHIT investigations.

sasyecat , avatar

Just a reminder:
The RNC emails were hacked by Russia and to this day were never made public, while the Trump family now runs the RNC.

Dodo_sipping , avatar

@Nonilex WTF?

Pourroy , avatar

@Nonilex I hooe Bragg knows he is not obligated to accept the invite

MaggyWells , avatar

@Nonilex he broke the law. Many times.

MagentaRocks , avatar


He is and always has been a crazy, racist, liar.

I fear he is going to say something that sends people after the jurors or some other kind of violence.

themamiyaman , avatar

@Nonilex And the MSM gobbles it up, even in Canada. He's the crack cocaine of every news cycle.

Barbramon1 , avatar

@Nonilex Networks keep playing it non stop. I've heard it all before, could quote much of it by heart, and am sick of it. Maybe it's a good thing to let all Americans, not just political junkies like me, to see his lunacy in its full glory?
Legal pundits are saying that his every word and action from now until 7/11 will be scrutinized and used in determining his sentence. He's digging himself a deeper hole.

Eetschrijver , avatar

@Nonilex And his moronic cult following gobbles it all up like Chicken McNuggets. That's pretty worrisome.

IveyJanette , avatar

@Nonilex The zillionth remix of his diss track from 2016. His greatest hits. And announcing his summer concert tour. Unfortunately he didn't announce who his opening act would be.

steveo1049 , avatar

@Nonilex - the only rational point is: HE’S TOTALLY UNFIT TO SERVE IN ANY OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC TRUST!

JasonTheBig , avatar

@Nonilex “Queens Man Convicted” is my fav

dannotdaniel , avatar
pcbeard , avatar

@Nonilex "Queens Man Convicted"

Burn_this_ , avatar

What is the National Enquirer's front page?

Nonilex OP , avatar

@Burn_this_ good question!

schmubba , avatar

What is the Onion doing?

ChrisHolladay , avatar

That sure is a lotta guilty in black and white

DanadasGrau , avatar

@Nonilex can I get that in a wall paper? Need to wallpaper the Oval Office.

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