Suavevillain , avatar

I've never seen someone get so many free passes for the stuff he does.

NuXCOM_90Percent ,

This is less a "free pass" so much as all things going to plan.

Cannon is a trump appointed croney who has been delaying the trial and doing everything in her power to protect trump. And now the supreme court gave them an out and she instantly took it.

This is literally what republicans have been working toward for decades. Immunity by corrupting the government at every level.

jballs , avatar

Doesn't it kind of feel as if this has reached some sort of end game here? Previously, it has always felt like - yeah, they play dirty, but they keep their bullshit contained to reasonable levels. But recently, it's just been one absolute blatantly democracy-shattering decision one after another.

danekrae ,

America is fucked, because nobody rises up.

Riccosuave , avatar

Well, one guy did, and he was about an inch away from succeeding.

JustZ , avatar

Wind took it.

Too bad.

tryitout ,

There's been a concerted effort to infiltrate and influence politics by conservative Christians for years. I think events like the Brook Brothers riot emboldened dropping the thin veil of the Democratic process as they saw you can literally steal an election and no one will do anything about it. The real test of what the people will tolerate is only beginning, I fear.

dhork ,

Well, yeah, because they think they are confident in the outcome now.

Hellinabucket ,

Because we played right into their hand, the have been telegraphing this for years. All of their bullshit has been slowly ramping up for years, slowly getting more unreasonable but compared to everything else they've done it's really not that much worse. Now that they were able to completely set the field they can move on the they're end game. And I'm not sure we can stop them now.

Zombiepirate , avatar

If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked- if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in '43 had come immediately after the 'German Firm' stickers on the windows of non- Jewish shops in '33. But of course this isn't the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C?

  • They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 -by Milton Mayer

Yes, because they are a) at the tipping point where they control enough institutions so the pieces fall together now, and b) someone came along who's actually used all those pieces and everyone could see how absolutely unprepared and completely helpless the system and the political opponent was. They realized they don't need to tiptoe around anymore.

Chainweasel ,

Honestly for a long time I was really hopeful that the fact that he was doing it out in the open and everyone could see that he was abusing the hell out of every little loophole he could find, and creating some new ones, would mean that we'd start closing those loopholes when he was out of office and we might even see an era of reform.
He's been out of office for 4 years and all the courts have managed to do is LEGALIZE HIS MISCONDUCT!
I feel like I'm finally starting to except our collective fate and now there's nothing left to do but watch it burn down around us.

kamenlady , avatar

Yeah, thought the same.

And it's not only that, a few things occurred or are in the midst of happening ( at the worldwide level ), that i was sure wouldn't be possible, because no one would do that shit and/or people would not let it happen.

But, boy was i wrong...

NoLifeGaming ,

Most governments around the world and their politicians regularly get away with even war crimes. This isn't anything new.

BigMacHole ,

Trump Appointed Judge Aileen Cannon just made it LEGAL to share TOP SECRET SCIF DOCUMENTS with LITERALLY anybody in the World including our Enemies! But it's JUDGE MERCHAN'S DAUGHTER we need to worry about!

Dkarma ,

Nope. She just said it was ok for trump.
Rules for thee.

Honytawk ,

War Thunder players are going to be so stoked!

octopus_ink ,

The fascist in chief is having the best week he could for his 2024 run. I'm glad I won't be seeing any of my maga relatives any time soon, they must be insufferable right now.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

He's had several good weeks on the trot.

nondescripthandle ,

This man will never see another legal consequences in his life.

Captainvaqina ,


Etterra ,

So nice of his loyal toadie to let him off the hook like that.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

What convenient timing.

Evilcoleslaw ,

It's actually not. The more worrying proposition was that she waited for a jury to be seated -- attaching jeopardy -- and then dismissing the charges with prejudice.

This certainly pushes it way past the election, but that seemed a certainty anyway.

rustydrd , avatar

The convenient timing was probably a reference to the Republican National Convention, where Trump aims to become the official presidential candidate of the Republican party, and which is starting today.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Well, that, plus the broadcast news is drowning out everything with "OMG PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT"

Omega_Man ,

And you can't prosecute a presidential nominee, or something.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Well, if the legal justice system won't do it's job, maybe a vig- ...oh wait...

x4740N , avatar

I'm glad I don't live in america but if that idiot gets in there is potential threats to other countries

Riccosuave , (edited ) avatar

when if that idiot gets in there is potential threats to every other country

Kyrgizion ,

Does it count as violence if I hope (and only that) that "someone" "takes care" of her? Obviously rule of law means nothing to these people so it's just tit for tat.

kikutwo ,

That should be reversed in about a week.

dudinax ,


nondescripthandle ,

Should is such a funny word isn't it?

bstix ,

Only the naive expectation is different from "ought to"

Ranvier ,

Supreme Court will get around to this right away I'm sure. Like, next June. Super fast.

kikutwo ,

Nah the circuit court in FL going to slap it down. Then scotus can do their corruption afterwards.

Ranvier ,

I envision the higher courts slapping it down a few times, then an eventual appeal up to the supreme court, who then if four justices are willing to go along with it, put the whole case on ice until next Summer while they argue this. Just like they did with the January 6th trial and presidential immunity rulings.

TipRing ,

And then reversed again when the Extreme Court gets a hold of it. It must be nice to have your criminal cases decided by justices you've appointed.

kikutwo ,


jordanlund Mod , avatar

Supreme Court is on recess until October.

rustydrd , avatar

I don't want to say I'm surprised by this, but JFC...

BassTurd ,

This is why someone tried to assassinate Trump the other day.

Got_Bent ,

The autocratic dictatorship is imminent and I don't have a current passport. Not sure what the future holds.

timewarp , avatar

Run for local or state office.

Dkarma ,

And get killed by maga crazies

nondescripthandle , (edited )

Arm up, particularly a pistol, apply for CCW. The right will continue their stochastic violence and seemingly random mass shootings, targeting poc and lgbtq. Go vote for gun control absolutely, but your votes not gonna save you when someone storms a mall and starts spraying because they're part of a violent cult. I promise you the right already has their guns, they've been passing them down to their kids too. The most strict gun control even if enacted tomorrow won't dis-arm these would be shooters. You'll have to wait for those effects to happen over a longer period of time.

timewarp , avatar

A vast majority of Democrat representatives live out their lives without getting killed by MAGA crazies. I think most of them though are willing to take that risk for what they believe in. Do you believe in something greater than yourself that would prompt you to take that risk?

dhork ,

If push comes to shove your passport is only the first step. You would need to actually find a country to take you, and countries don't hand out citizenship like candy unless you're rich. Without a second citizenship, you would be very restricted in where you can work.

Your best bet is if your parents or grandparents came from abroad, some countries have blanket policies to have 1st or 2nd generations come back to their ancestral homeland. It very much varies by country, you would have to do your own research. It might be worth doing as a last resort.

Got_Bent ,

I may look into the other genealogical direction. My daughter has skills that are globally in demand and she's probably more upset about America than I ever could be. Maybe there's a bring your parent along program out there somewhere.

I'm fifteen years out from viable retirement. If I can hold on that long, there are several places I could go on my own accord.

Ranvier ,

Ironically this would also invalidate any of the cases against Hunter Biden if the supreme court agrees with her.

downpunxx , avatar

"IrONiCAllY". dude. if you haven't been paying even the slightest attention, the fix is in for Trump alone, it does not translate to anyone else, for anything else. jfc.

Ranvier , (edited )

Cannon's ruling is going to be appealed. If it gets appealed all the way to the supreme court, again (and Clarence Thomas has specifically asked for this in one of his prior rulings), and the supreme court holds with them, then any charges brought by a special counsel in any case are gone. Her ruling invalidates special counsels in general. The office that is pressing charges against Hunter Biden will no longer exist.

The scary part about this is it means that if Trump were to win he would have every excuse and cover from the judiciary to hand pick his own justice department attorney hires to go after people with no semblance of independence. After all, special counsels aren't even allowed to be used anymore. So you're of course right, it does fit into a larger fascist plant, and I certainly don't mean to imply that it doesn't or this isn't all for Trump's benefit.

I just wanted to point out that the current move would also be able to get Hunter Biden off the hook on the off chance that it gets anyone blindly supporting Trump immunity to stop and think for a second that maybe this isn't actually a good thing (since a lot of them seem to have some pretty extreme beliefs about Hunter Biden going to jail).

downpunxx , avatar

"be able to", no, it won't. nothing that applies to trump, applies to anyone else, in any circumstance, ever, no matter the legal grounds or precedent. haven't you learned anything yet? i mean, at all, about what's been going on.

Thann , avatar

Special councils usurp legislative authority???

All the legislature can do is pass laws! If those laws never get enforced there is no legislative authority!

Cannon has ursurped legislative authority...

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